All I Want Is That Hood Love 2 (10 page)

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Chapter 22



              It was pretty late when Mega and I made it back to his crib. All I wanted to do is shower and fuck! Mega had to take this pain away that I was feeling inside. Not even five minutes after Mega and I made it inside the house, his phone started ringing.

              “What up homie?” Mega answered and walked off. I wondered if it was that Erica bitch he claimed to have cut off. A few minutes later, he came back in a different outfit. He was wearing all black from head to toe. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought Mega was about to go rob somebody. I wanted to ask him where he was going but I didn’t want to seem like that type of female.

              “Aye, Mrs. Lady that was Rock. We got some business to handle real quick. I’ll be back in a few, a’ight?” I wanted to beg him to stay with me, but I would just use this time alone to get my thoughts together.

              “Okay,” I said softly.

              “Don’t sound like that.” He picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter.              “Daddy’s coming home.” I smiled.

              “You betta.” I gave him a kiss.

              “Oh, I am. Don’t worry.” He grabbed the keys to his Audi and walked out.
This nigga change cars like he change draws!”
I called Kira just to keep a clear head with Mega. I hoped he wasn’t lying to me.

              “What up, my hitta?” she answered.

              “Hey bitch, is Rock with you?”

              “Nah, he just left. He said he and Mega had some business to handle,” she said.

              “Oh okay. I thought that nigga was lying. Soon as we came in he got a call and walked out the room. When he came back he had on a whole new wardrobe.” Kira laughed.

              “Girl, quit underestimating Mega. You know that nigga love yo’ ass! What’s up with you and Jamel though? I bet that nigga hurt like a muthafucka!”

              “Fuck JaMel. I’m about to make his ass suffer. He’s been blowing me up all day, and I’ve been hitting ignore on that ass. The crazy thing is I’m not even in love with JaMel anymore. I just don’t want anyone else to have him. It’s kind of an ego thing. Like, I just don’t want this bitch to win! I refuse to. Then she’s Mega’s sister. ” I was just as upset with MeMe as I was with JaMel, and I still was planning on beating her ass.

              “Girl, somebody slashed all four of my damn tires. I swear I believe it was Rock’s baby mama. He think it was Jay though. He said he was going to check him, so I’m just going to try and stay out of it. Anyway, did they find out who ran into you earlier?”

              “No, they said they would keep in touch with me on it. I’m not even sweating it anymore really. If they hadn’t fucked up my car, I wouldn’t be riding in a brand new, pink Bentley Continental!!”

              “Bitch stop lyin'! A Bentley? Now how in the hell is JaMel’s ass supposed to compete with that? He gonna have to buy you a private jet!” We fell out laughing. Even though Kira and I were having our own problems, we always found a way to keep each other smiling. That’s why our bond was so tight. Always have been, and always will be.

              “Well girl, I’m about to take and bath and go to bed. I wanted some dick but looks like I want be getting none no time soon,” I sighed.

              “You gone fuck around and get pregnant, keep playin!” she laughed. Her ass didn’t know that I was already knocked up. Hell, I had forgotten I was, too, to be honest. We ended our conversation and I went to take me a shower. When I got out of the shower, I turned the camera on, on my phone and sat it on the dresser. I set the self-timer to twenty seconds so that I had enough time to get in position. I climbed on the bed and got on all fours. My knees were spread apart and the arch in my back was something serious. The flash went off and the picture snapped. I grabbed the phone and sent the picture to Mega.
He’ll be home in no time.
I dried myself off and got in bed. Before closing my eyes, I got on Facebook. Usually my timeline would be popping but tonight it was dead as fuck. I turned off my phone and went to sleep.              

Chapter 23



              When I received that call from Rock, I already knew what time it was. Rock and I were meeting Chino and Dub at the trap house. I decided to let my dog Ace roll with me on this mission right here. Ace was sitting up in there sitting quiet as hell. He was a natural born killer.

              We pulled up to the trap house and went inside. Everybody was down in the basement waiting for me. Inside the basement on the floor was a woman with a chain on her ankle. It put me in the mind of that movie
. She was blindfolded with her hands tied together. She was lying on her side crying uncontrollably.

              “What’s up fellas?” I said as Ace and I walked further down the stairs of the basement.

              “What’s good boss?” Chino and Dub said and we dapped each other up.

              Rock and I slapped hands then I walked over to the female. I touched her thigh to get her attention and she jumped. She was so scared and I loved it. Maybe she wouldn’t give us a hard time releasing the information we needed.

              “Young lady, I’ma give you two options. You can choose to do this the easy way or the hard way. Where is that nigga Bo?” I asked her.

              “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she cried.

              “Don’t do this to yourself.” I told her.

              “I SAID I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!!” She screamed louder.             

              “So what you’re telling me is that you don’t know anything about a guy named Bo?” I asked her.

              “NO I DO NOT!” This bitch wanted to play games. Bo was a guy that had just come home from doing a bid and the word is, he was helping some nigga try and take over the streets of Cuthbert. He was the one responsible for my trap house being robbed. He had taken almost thirty stacks plus some of my product. The nigga Bo is so stupid that he tried selling my product at a lower price to one of my lil hittas.
Dumb ass nigga trying to sale me my own shit!
The chick that we had was his girlfriend, and I was about to see who she loved more; herself or that nigga.

              “Okay cool! Chino, come here. Take this bitch’s pants off!” Chino was trying to take her pants off but she was putting up a fight. She was kicking and screaming.

              “Hold up! I think she got some’ she want to say. You ready to talk?” I asked her.             

              “Fuck you!” She coughed up some spit and tried to spit on me but she missed.

              “CONTINUE!” I told Chino. Dub assisted him this time. Once they got her pants off they had to literally rip her panties off of her.

              “Open her legs! My boy Ace want some pussy. Rock, take off the blindfold. I want her to watch this shit. She got a nice lil pussy down there too. Look at that pussy! You wanna taste it boy? Huh? You wanna taste it?” I asked Ace and he was getting excited. Rock took the blindfold off and that bitch’s veins starting showing on every part of her body, as she struggled to break free. I took the chain from around Ace’s neck and he ran full speed towards her. Ace was licking that bitch’s pussy like he was a fucking human. We were laughing like hell.

              “Pleeeeeasssse stop!!! Get him away from me, pleeeassee!! I’ll tell you what you want to know! I promise I will!!!” she cried. I grabbed Ace and yanked him back. Her pussy must’ve tasted good cause Ace was trying his best to get some more.

              “Bitch, you better not be playing because next time he won’t be using his mouth! Now talk!” I told her. She was breathing heavy as she cried.

              “Okay! He’s at the Grove Motel! He’s been hiding out there because he knew you had a price on his head. He doesn’t leave at all. Whatever he needs, I go get it for him. That’s everything. I don’t know anything else!” she cried.

              “What room is he in?” I asked.

              “Room 111.”

              “See, now how hard was that?” I asked her.

              “Can I go now?” Snot was running down her nose.

              “Not yet. Call him.”

              “I don’t have my phone. They took it!” She nodded at Chino and Dub. Dub handed me her phone.

              “What’s the number?” I asked her.

              “It’s 2293100151,” she said.

              “I’ma let you talk to him. Tell him you own your way over,” I said. She nodded. I dialed his number and put him on speaker phone.

              ‘Hey baby,” she said.

              “What’s up ma? Where you at?”

              “I’m at home but I wanted to come see you. I miss you daddy.” This bitch was playing her role.

              “I miss you too, but you know I got niggas at my head right now. I don’t want you out here with me like that. It’s not safe.”

              “I know baby. Just let me come for a second. I promise you won’t regret it. I won’t wear any panties!” She smiled like she was about to go give this nigga some pussy for real. 

              “Aight, come on. You got a nigga dick hard and shit! Hurry up!” he said.

              “Okay!” I ended the call. This nigga just didn’t know what was coming for him.

              “Rock, you rolling with me: Chino and Dub stay here and make sure everything’s good. We taking your truck Dub.” I snatched her up from the floor. Her hands were still tied together. Chino unlocked the chain from her ankle.

              “Rock, you drive; she’s sitting in the back with us!” I said referring to Ace and I. We hopped in the back of the truck and were on our way to the Grove Motel. The entire way there I had to control Ace. He wanted some more of that pussy. He was all over her and she was about to shit bricks.

              My phone lit up and it was a picture message from Taysia. When it opened up, I was smiling like hell at my baby. She was at home waiting for daddy in the right position. She was on all fours and her body was dripping wet as if she had just stepped out of the shower. The picture was so fucking clear that I could see the wrinkles in her tight ass hole. Her pussy was pretty, bald, and pink. I couldn’t wait to get back home to her. I needed that in my life ASAP. I was ready to kill this nigga, Bo and get it over with so I could get back home to Ms. Lady. My dick was harder than a muthafucka.

              We pulled up to Grove Motel and parked a few rooms down to the one that Bo was in. Rock pulled out his gun then put his silencer on. I did the same. The bitch started crying, and her lips were trembling.

              “Shut the fuck up! If you fuck this shit up, Bo won’t be the only dead muthafucka tonight!” I told her. With that being said, she sucked them tears and snot up quick. We all hopped out the truck. Her hands were still tied together. I pulled out my pocket knife and cut the tape, freeing her hands.

              “Don’t try nothing stupid!” I warned her.

              We left Ace in the truck on this one. When we walked up to the door, I made her stand in front of the door and knock. Bo pulled the curtain back to make sure it was her. Rock and I were standing on the opposite side so that he wasn’t able to see us. When he opened the door we drew our guns. He tried to close the door but Rock kicked the door with so much force it went back, hitting him hard in the head. He had a big ass gash in his head that he definitely needed stiches for, but he wasn’t going to make it to a hospital tonight.

              “Sit the fuck down nigga!” I told him.

              “Bitch, you set me up!!!” he yelled at the girl and all she could do was cry.

              “Nah nigga, she didn’t set you up! She ain’t have no choice!” I admitted.

              “Nigga, put yo clothes on! You rolling with us!” Rock said.

              “Man, I ain’t going no muthafuckin where! Y’all may as well kill me now!” I cocked my gun and that nigga started having second thoughts.

              ”Aight, aight!” he said and started grabbing his clothes and shoes. Rock and I both had our guns on him. The girl must’ve felt like this was her chance because she tried to run for the door. Rock let off one shot and it hit her in the arm. He ran over there to her, covering her mouth from the piercing scream she let out.

              “Next time I’m aiming for yo’ head!” he told her with his hand covering her mouth.

              “Let’s go!” I demanded. We all left the room and jumped in the truck. All of us were in the backseat with the exception of Rock, because he was driving. Bo and his bitch were sitting in the middle of Ace and I. We headed to our spot in Benevolence, about six miles outside of Cuthbert. It took us about five minutes to get there. When we got out of the car, we walked them inside of the warehouse. We took them both inside of this room that I liked to call “The Interrogation Room”. They were sitting on one side of the table and Rock and I were on the other side. We were looking like them officers on “The "First 48” up in that bitch. I pulled out my carton of cigarettes and offered them one. The girl was crying so hard, she declined, but Bo accepted it. I even lit the muthafucka for him. On “The First 48” when you offered them niggas a cigarette and they accepted it, that let you know they were about to start snitchin'!!! I was laughing like hell to myself.

              “Now I know that you didn’t do this shit alone! You had three other niggas with you. I want to know who they are, and who sent you.”

              “Wesley sent me. He’s mad because you running the streets that used to be his back in the day and he wants it back. I owed him some bread before I got locked up so he told me if I helped him with this we would call it even.”

              “How much you owed him?”

              “Shit, about fifteen g’s,” he said as he toked on the cigarette.

              “So you’re willing to sign your own death certificate for over fifteen g’s?” I asked him.

              “Shit, I was dead either way.” Bo was right. If he didn’t pay Wesley he would kill him, and I was definitely about to send him to hell for trying me like that.

              “And the other three niggas?” I asked.

              “Oh, the other three niggas work for you. You think I would have just come up in yo shit without some help from the inside. Nah, hell nah. I wouldn’t have ever made it out alive, and you know that!”

              “They work for me huh? Give me the names!” I already knew two of who he was referring to, but I wanted his confirmation. I wasn’t too sure about who that third person was though.

              “Chino, Dub, and Jay,” he said and blew out a cloud of smoke. He continued. “They’re all working for Wesley. They helping him start an empire that they claim to be bigger than yours.” I started laughing.

              “Can I please just go now?” the girl said in between sniffles.              

              “Yeah you can leave now. Rock, walk her to the door for me.” Rock and the girl stood up and they walked out of the room.

              “I appreciate the info. Oh, one more thing; the forty stacks that I had put on y’all head, where is it?”

              “Wesley got it,” he said. I pulled my gun from my waist and fired two shots to his head. He fell backwards in the chair and hit the floor. I grabbed his phone out his pocket and put it in mine. I checked his pulse and it had faded away just that fast. When I walked out the room I met Rock in the hall carrying the girl’s lifeless body down the hall. I walked up to her to get a good look and saw that Rock had sliced her throat all the way from one side to the other. Rock called Armad and Dre to come take out the dirty laundry. I was going to fuck with Chino and Dub just enough to lead me to that nigga Wesley. I’ll let Rock handle Jay, but we couldn’t move too fast. We was going to just let everything unfold itself.

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