All I Want Is That Hood Love 2 (16 page)

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Chapter 42



              I walked in the hospital perfectly fine. I signed myself in at the emergency department and they transferred me to a room on the labor and delivery floor. I had to take off all my clothes and put on the hospital gown. They were in the process of changing shifts, so the nurse that was assisting me now was about to get off. Before she left she made sure that I was settled in my room. She strapped the Doppler on my stomach so that we could monitor my baby’s heartbeat. He had a nice strong heartbeat too. She checked my checked my cervix and I had dilated some, but I wasn’t in active labor just yet. They had decided on keeping me anyway because I was high risk and my blood pressure was high, also. I had too much pressure in the bottom of my stomach. I was experiencing some cramps but they were bearable. I had a feeling I was going to have my first born today. Thirty minutes later Jamel came walking in with the Mickey Mouse baby bag that he had bought our baby, and it was filled with clothes. He must have known this baby was coming tonight.             

              “Hey sweetheart, you good?” he asked me as he sat everything down inside of the closet that I had in my room. I was just about to tell him that I was doing fine, until an unbearable pain ripped through my back and made its’ way all the way to my abdomen. The pain was really unexplainable but it was very excruciating.

              “Aarrrrrgggh!! Jamel!!!!” I screamed. This pain was worse than when I got shot, I swear. I knew my contractions were soon to come because I lost my mucus plug when I went to use the restroom when I first got here. So I knew they were on their way. I now understood why MeMe was cutting the damn fool that day she went into labor.

              “What Tay? What’s wrong?” Jamel was scared as hell; beads of sweat started forming on his face. I don’t know what the hell he was sweating for. Hell, I was the one in pain. I was lying on my side and I knew my ass was showing through my gown because I felt the cool breeze on it. I didn’t give a damn though. My focus was on that damn pain and what I needed to do or take to get rid of it.

              “Go get my nurse!!” I told him. He ran out of the room and when he came back it was the nurse from when I had my miscarriage, Monica; the chick Mega was fucking.

              “Mrs. Taylor, you okay?” she asked then looked at the monitor. I knew she remembered me but she kept it real professional. No shade at all.

              “I just had a real bad contraction,” I told her.

              “Yeah I see it. That was a pretty big one too,” she stated. “Let me check and see if you’ve dilated some more.” She let my bed back and propped my feet on the foot rests as if she was about to perform a pap smear. She grabbed a pair of latex gloves and put them on. She inserted her fingers deep inside of me for about five seconds.

              “Yep! Mrs. Taylor, you are in active labor. You’re at four and a half centimeters. That was pretty fast. He’s trying to make his way up out of there huh?” she said. I was ready for him to come, too, if I was going to keep having those contractions.

              “Aaaaahhhh, Lord Jesus!!! Can I get the epidural now?” Another contraction hit me and I refuse to go through all this pain like this. I was already asking for an epidural, and that was only my 2
contraction. There was no way in hell I was going to do this natural.

              “Let me inform Dr. Smurda that you are requesting an epidural. I’ll be right back.” When she left it seemed as if the contractions began to come back to back. It felt like they were striking every part of my body, showing no mercy on me. We women have to go through too much shit! Jamel was right there holding on to my hand the entire time.

              “It’s okay baby, just breathe.” Jamel kissed my lips as I cried. That pain was just ridiculous. I salute the women who had more than one child because I refuse to go through this shit again. Ain’t no way in the hell. Jamel pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of me.

              “Stop playing Jamel!!” I wanted to laugh but now was not the time.

              “Nope! These right here are memories baby!” He started snapping pictures of me back to back. I know I looked a mess. I had my real hair pulled up in a ponytail. Carmen was supposed to be doing me some micro twists next week, but it looks like my appointment had been cancelled.

              “Hey Mrs. Taylor. Looks like you dilated pretty fast,” Dr. Smurda said as he walked in. He put his hand under that automatic hand sanitizer machine and rubbed and lathered it on its hands.

              “Hey Dr. Smurda.”

              “So you’re asking for the epidural?”

              “Yes I am.”

              “Okay, well your blood pressure has come down a lot. Its looks like you’re making great, speedy progress. Are you sure you want to get the epidural?”

              “I’m positive,” I told him.

              “Okay. The anesthesiologist will be in here shortly to administer the medicine.” I was so glad when he told me that. Even though those contractions were beating my ass, I was excited that I was in active labor. I couldn’t wait to meet my little prince. JaMel and I were finally about to have our first child together. Nothing else mattered at this point. Elated was an understatement.

              After receiving the epidural, I felt a whole lot better. JaMel was laid back in the recliner watching TV, and I was laid back in bed chewing on some ice. Kira was on her way, and I told her to bring my mom with her. My nurse, Monica was in and out checking my cervix. It had been almost two hours and I was at about seven centimeters. I felt my phone vibrating, and it was Mega. I didn’t answer. He called back again and I didn’t answer. Things were going wonderful right now. I would soon meet my little man. I was not about to go back and forth on the phone with Mega about whose baby this is. He definitely didn’t need to know that I was in labor. I was making progress but it seemed like it was taking forever. The epidural worked miracles as far as me feeling any pain, but a few more hours and I knew it would eventually wear off. A text message came through. It was Mega again.

Mega: Where the fuck you at?

Should I text him back or not? Maybe I should tell him that I’m out of town somewhere. Nah, I ain’t texting him back. I’ll get in touch with him in a few days.

I knew that I was going to have to turn my phone off. I wanted to check Facebook first to update my status. “
My prince is on his way!”
Facebook was an addiction. I was in labor updating my Facebook status? What kind of shit is that? I laughed to myself and turned off my phone.

              The nurse came in to check my cervix and this time I was fully dilated.
Thank you Jesus!
She went back out to get my doctor.
My prince was about to make his grand entrance. Dr. Smurda came in the room followed by my nurse and another nurse. They begin prepping for delivery. I was about to start pushing. It felt kind of funny with the doctor in between my legs looking at my pussy with my husband standing right there. One of the nurses told Jamel to hold my leg up, while she held the other. Monica was assisting the doctor with his materials.

              “Okay Mrs. Taylor, are you ready to start pushing?” I nodded my head. I was glad I hadn’t eaten anything because I had heard of some females shitting on the table while giving birth. That shit right there would have been too damn embarrassing.

              “On the count of three I want you to start pushing for ten seconds, okay?” I nodded my head again. I was sweating already and I hadn’t even started yet. Everyone began to count together.
One, two, three, push!
The door to my hospital room flew open and it was the man himself; De’Carlos Banks known to the streets as Mega.

              “So you can’t answer the phone Ms. Lady?” he said with a look on his face like he was ready to kill.
If it wasn’t for bad luck a bitch wouldn’t have none…damn!!!!


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