All I Want Is That Hood Love 2 (5 page)

BOOK: All I Want Is That Hood Love 2
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              “Damn Kira, I’ll go! Let me throw some clothes on real quick.” I got up from the couch and went to put on some clothes. Kira was gonna hate she brought me with her because I was going to give Simone a piece of my mind when we got over there. I wasn’t fucking with her like that no more. She had been acting funny as hell lately. I hadn’t heard from or seen her since that day we all met at the mall. Bitch didn’t even stop by the hospital when I had my miscarriage, nor did she call or check up on me. I always knew that deep down inside she had something against me, but she knew better than to get wrong. As many of ass whoopings Kira and I had saved her from when we were younger, she should’ve been thanking me. That’s life though.




              Rock and I had been going hard ever since we left Miami. I had been spending most of my time with him that I really wasn’t thinking about Simone’s ass, or anyone else for that matter. I hadn’t heard from Simone in a while and it didn’t dawn on me until her mom called and asked if I could go by her house and check on her. I knew Taysia wouldn’t want to go but I didn’t want to go by myself for many reasons. I didn’t know if her shiesty ways had caught up to her and somebody had left her ass stanking or what. She must really have some shit going on because her ass had been MIA for a while now.

              Simone lived in Howell Mill Apartments by herself. She didn’t have any kids or a job. She practically made her money from the niggas that she fucked with.  When we made it to her apartment, she had the music on blast as usual. We could hear it before we even made it to the door. It’s a wonder her nosey ass neighbors never reported her ass. I knocked on the door for about five minutes straight. I turned the knob and her door was unlocked.

              When I opened the door, I just shook my head. I couldn’t believe how Simone was over here living. Her apartment was in a damn mess. It was nasty as hell and she was the only one living there. Her living room table had cocaine residue and ecstasy pills on it. I knew she popped pills from time to time but I never knew she was a coke head. I didn’t know what the hell was up with her lately, but she needed to get her shit together. I turned the radio off and went straight to her bedroom to let her know that she was one step away from being on the news. Her bedroom door was slightly opened and I could hear her and some nigga snoring.
Go figures!

              “Simone! Wake yo…” I stopped dead in mid-sentence. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Jay’Ceon was laid across the bed on his back, butt ass naked, dick just hanging everywhere; and here this bitch was knocked the fuck out with her arms and legs wrapped around him as if they were a couple. I went from zero to one hundred real quick! I dived on the bed like a wild animal and started beating the shit out of Simone! One hand was holding her by her nappy ass weave and the other one was punching her in her face.

              “WAKE YO ASS UP BITCH!” I hit her in her mouth so hard she instantly started bleeding. I couldn’t stop punching her if I wanted to. My fist kept connecting to her face. I was fucking her shit up!  “YOU TRIFLIN’ ASS BITCH! YOU AIN’T SHIT SIMONE!”

              Simone was screaming uncontrollably as I was tagging that ass! She didn’t even put up a fight. That hoe knew she was wrong. Of course Jay’Ceon wasn’t shit, but got damn; somebody should’ve been the better person.

              “I’M SORRY KIRA!!! PLEASE STOP!!! I’M SO SORRY!!! TAY PLEASE MAKE HER STOP!!!!” she begged as I drug her off the bed by her hair.

              “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SHIESTY BITCH!!” Tay kicked her in her mouth soon as she hit the floor. A few teeth went flying in the air. Jay was in shock as he jumped up from the bed like he didn’t know what the fuck was going on!!! Hell, he probably didn’t, he was so doped up. I could still see the powder stains on his nose. He was probably on that shit that night he came and beat my ass. Just when I thought I was over his ass, my feelings came rushing back and I wanted to kill him! I picked up Simone’s cheap ass lamp vase that sat on the table next to the bed, and threw it at him but he was too quick. He moved out the way and it shattered to pieces soon as it hit the wall. Tay took over and was beating Simone’s ass while I took care of Jay.

              “YO KIRA CHILL!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!? LET ME EXPLAIN!!! PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN KIRA DAMN!!! THIS SHIT AIN’T WHAT IT LOOK LIKE!!! Jay yelled. I was throwing blows left and right at him. He couldn’t do shit with me.

              “LET YOU EXPLAIN!! EXPLAIN WHAT NIGGA!? HOW YOU UP IN THIS BITCH FUCKING MY SUPPOSED TO BE FRIEND!! HUH? NIGGA YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP!! I SHOULD BODY YO’ ASS RIGHT HERE NIGGA!! AND YOU ON THAT SHIT?” I caught Jay in the eye and it immediately started to swell. I reached on the floor, grabbed my Michael Kors bag and started searching through it. I had so much shit in my purse I couldn’t find what I was looking for. By the time I finally found my pink and black Smith and Wesson, Jay charged at me. We were tussling over the gun. He was trying his best to take it from me but I wasn’t letting go.

“CALM THE FUCK DOWN KIRA! YOU TRYNA KILL A NIGGA’N SHIT!!” He picked me up and threw me down on the bed. The gun hit the floor. To my surprise it didn’t go off. I wish it would’ve gone off and hit his ass dead in the head. Jay was breathing hard as hell while holding my hands over my chest.

              “LET ME GO JAY’CEON!!! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!! YOU AIN’T SHIT!” I was crying, screaming, and yelling all at the same damn time. Tay had drug Simone in the bathroom and I could hear the shower running.

              “THAT BITCH DRUGGED ME!!!! I DON’T REMEMBER SHIT!!!! I SWEAR!” This nigga must have really thought I was a dummy.

              “KIRA, IF I LET YOU GO YOU BET NOT PUT YO FUCKING HANDS ON ME!! I’MA HIT YO ASS BACK THIS TIME!! DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT GRABBING THAT FUCKING GUN EITHER! I TOLD YOU WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!!!YOU AIN’T GOTTA BELIEVE ME!!! YOU NEED TO WATCH WHO THE FUCK YOU CALL YO’ FRIENDS!” I knew Jay wasn’t going to put his hands on me due to the fact that Tay was there as a witness. He let go of my arm and got off of me. He started searching for his clothes, all the while mumbling shit to himself. I was so weak, tired, and hurt from everything that I couldn’t do shit but lay there and cry. It felt like I was about to have a heart attack. My damn chest was caving in.
Get it together Kira. Take a deep breath and get it together!

              I already knew my Simone wasn’t shit, but never in a million years would I have thought she would pull some shit like this on me. I had saved that bitch from so many ass whoopings back in the day. Tay kept telling me to cut her off but I was trying to give this hoe the benefit of doubt. It was a wrap for her ass. That bitch better not even speak if she see me in the streets, or I’m going off in her shit! AGAIN! I know Simone’s past was the reason for her future fuck ups but this shit right here was inexcusable. We all grown around this bitch! Her shiesty ass know right from wrong. I was all fucked up right now! It seemed as if every time I take two steps forwards I get knocked back seven. My biggest problem was being loyal to the wrong muthafuckas. Loyalty was everything to me. The only people that have given me that were Rock and Tay. I watched as Jay gathered his belongings.


              “KIRA, I TOLD YOU THAT BITCH DRUGGED ME!!! WHAT THE FUCK I GOTTA LIE TO YOU FOR? WE AINT TOGETHER!! AIGHT, DON’T FUCKING BELIEVE ME THEN, I’M OUT!!!” Jay walked out of the house and slammed the door. Hearing him say those words, “We ain’t together!” hurt my feelings but he was right. We weren’t together but that doesn’t give you the greenlight to go and fuck somebody that’s close to me.

              I hated Jay with a passion right now. I just don’t get it. Why would Simone do some shit like this to me? I was so fucked up behind this shit that I didn’t realize that I was still laying in Simone’s bed. I could smell the scent of sex on the sheets and almost threw up.  Simone’s pussy smelled like a damn seafood platter. I quickly got up to go see what Tay was doing in the bathroom. She had beat Simone unconscious and was letting the water run over her naked body to bring her back. There was no sympathy in my heart for her. That bitch deserved that ass whooping.

              “What the fuck we gone do with her?” Tay asked while slapping her in the face trying to get her attention. Simone was coming and going as her eyes rolled to and from the back of her head. She looked a mess.

              “Shit, leave her ass here! Our job is done! This dirty bitch got what she deserved!”

              “Kira, you better not fuck with this hoe no more after this shit or I’ma beat yo ass myself!!!!” Tay was just as distraught as I was.

              “Then she used to act like she couldn’t stand the nigga! All along she was fucking him!!! You can’t trust nobody these days!!” Tay shook her head in disgust. “From here on out, you focus on yourself and Rock!” Tay advised.

              “Yeah you right! Come on Tay, let’s go!! Fuck her!” Tay and I jumped in my car and I headed to drop Tay off back at home.

              After dropping Tay off I decided to stop by Rock’s house to let him know what just went down. He and I hadn’t made it official yet, but I figured I should tell him about it just in case Simone ran her mouth to the streets and changed the story around, and I have to go and beat her ass again.

              Rock’s baby mama’s car was parked in the driveway when I pulled up. I blocked her in with my car just in case I needed to hand out another ass whooping. I knocked on the door and the bitch answered the door like she lived there.

              “Can I help you?” she asked with an attitude.

              “Look Alicia, today ain’t the day for that bullshit. Where’s Rock?” She rolled her eyes and turned around. Rock came to the door with his little girl in his arms.

              “Sup bae. Come in.” He gave me a kiss on the lips as I walked through the door. If looks could kill I would be a dead bitch. Rock and I sat down in the living room. His little girl was sitting in his lap playing with her iPad.

              “Hey Ms. Kira!” Rahley acknowledged me without taking her eyes from her iPad. She was so adorable. Before I could speak back Alicia got mad.

              “Give me my baby Rock!” Alicia walked towards Rock to grab Rahley.

              “What you mean give her to you? Rahley staying with me tonight as planned.”

              “Nah, that’s okay! I changed my mind! Ni give her to me!” she yelled.

              “Girl you don’ lost yo’ rabid ass mind. What? You don’t want her to stay cause Kira herr? Shit, you may as we’ll get used to that. Kira’s my girl now so you ain’t got no choice but to respect that. Besides, it ain’t like this ain’t the first time Rahley don’ stayed with me and Kira.” I was itching to go off on this bitch but hearing Rock claiming me as his girl and putting her in her place, said more than enough for me. So I just sat back and enjoyed the show. Her delusional ass didn’t know that Rahley had been spending time with me. Every time Rock kept her they stayed the night at my house.

              “Oh, so that’s how we’re doing it now? It’s cool for Rahley to be around her but she can’t be around any nigga I fuck with?” Alicia was mad as hell.

              “You damn right, and if you even think about bringing another nigga round her I’m fuckin you and dat nigga up!” Rock was so serious and I didn’t blame him. After Mr. Joe took my innocence at such a young age, that changed my entire outlook on situations like this. 

              “Whatever nigga! Don’t have my baby late for daycare in the morning.” She grabbed her purse and kneeled down in front of Rahley.

              “Rahley, be good for daddy, okay? Mommy will pick you up from daycare tomorrow. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do besides your dad, okay?” This bitch was throwing hell of shade. I had enough respect for Rahley than to beat her mom’s ass in front of her, so I let her lil remark slide.

              “Cut that shit out Alicia. You can leave now,” Rock said as he opened the door for her to leave. Alicia walked out with a cloud of smoke behind her. That bitch was that mad. I don’t even know what for because I hadn’t done shit to her. Hell, I didn’t even know her. My first time ever seeing her was when she showed up at our hotel room in Miami.

              “Come on Rahley, let daddy take you in the play room,” Rock told her as he walked her to the back. I guess he could sense that something was wrong with me, because when he came back he didn’t give me a chance to tell him what was going on.

              “So wherr that blood come from on your shirt?” I looked down at my shirt because I didn’t even realize that I had blood on it.

              “Um, that’s what I came to talk to you about.” I sat up to the edge of the chair. Rock leaned back and placed both of his elbows on the island bar. His dreads were hanging down past his shoulders. I couldn’t wait to pull on them later on.

              “Taysia went with me to check on our friend, Simone to make sure that she was okay since we hadn’t heard from her in a while. When we got over there, the bitch was laid up in bed butt ass naked with my ex Jay, so I went ham on both of they ass!” Lord knows I wasn’t trying to cry over this shit in front of Rock, but they had hurt me down to the core. Rock just stood there watching me cry. That wasn’t like him at all. He didn’t even try to console me. At that moment, I felt like I was in the wrong.

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