Read All I Want Is That Hood Love 2 Online
Authors: Mercedes G
“Okay boo, just call me later! Love you.”
“Love you too,” Kira said and we ended our call.
Chapter 38
Today marked Taysia’s 9th month of being pregnant. I was always more than excited when I accompanied Taysia to her doctor’s appointment, but today I wanted to tell her that I wasn’t going. That’s only because she asked if I could swing by and pick up her mother so that she could go to her appointment as well. I remember plenty of times talking to Taysia about giving Debra another chance at being a mom. I had even told Taysia that she needed to start helping her out, but right now I wished the old Taysia was here; the one that hated when you mentioned her Debra’s name.
I was taking JaMelia to the doctor with us so that she could see her baby brother on the ultrasound. I knew she was too young to understand but it was still something that I wanted to do because it meant something to me. I was going to pick her up from MeMe’s house when I made it to Albany. First, I had to pick up this devious bitch, Debra.
“Hey son-in-law!” Mrs. Debra hopped in the car like everything was all good between us when she know damn well it wasn’t. I didn’t even speak back. Not even giving her time enough to close my door I pulled off. On the way to Albany we rode in complete silence. Y’all just don’t know how bad I wanted to turn down a dirt road and kill this woman. Every time I looked at her I thought about me releasing my seeds in her. Disgusted wasn’t strong enough for how I felt about her. I wanted to do some evil things to her. The fact that Taysia was now lending her a helping hand pissed me off. Taysia just didn’t know who she was dealing with. Then again she knows, but she’s at a point in her life where she is trying to right her wrongs. I couldn’t fault her for that. I turned down my radio.
“Who baby you carrying?” I asked her breaking the silence.
“Quit asking me that dumb ass question JaMel! What did I tell you when you saw me walking that day?”
A few months back I saw Mrs. Debra walking to her house from the store and I picked her up because we needed to talk. When I asked her the same question then, she said that I was the father of her baby. I told her that I didn’t believe that I was, but to be on the safe side I would take her to get an abortion just in case. She agreed. I took her to the Columbus Women’s Health Clinic in Columbus, GA. The price for the abortion was $600. I actually talked to one of the representatives myself to make sure that Mrs. Debra wasn’t trying to cheat me out of my money. When we pulled up I handed her the money and waited outside while she took care of our problem. There were protestors outside but Mrs. Debra ignored them as she went in. She came back out about four hours later complaining that her stomach was hurting. She even had a bag that contained sanitary pads in them. I didn’t even ask her was she okay. It should’ve lasted longer than that. Fast forward to now, here she was looking like she was about to pop. I don’t know what she was doing in that abortion clinic the entire time, but it was obvious that she didn’t go through with it.
“You a sick ass woman you know that?” I told her. She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. I was going to lose hella cool points behind this shit. Here I was the owner of two of the hottest club in the 7 and I was about to have a baby with a damn crackhead. I really felt like God was punishing me real good for this one right here. He was punishing me for everything I had ever done wrong in my life, and especially for what I had done to my wife.
I stopped by Meme’s house first to pick up my daughter. I always went inside of Meme’s house when I came to pick up JaMelia. This time, MeMe met me at the door with her. I could tell that she didn’t want me to come in by the way she was acting towards me. I didn’t care if she was seeing someone else, but I was feeling some type of way about her having whoever it was around my daughter. I didn’t say anything about it then, but I made a mental note to talk to her about it because I needed to know who she was bringing around my daughter at all times. We went to pick up Taysia then headed to the doctor’s office.
Chapter 39
I know y’all probably thinking I’m so full of shit huh? Well I really don’t give a fuck! My eyes had been planted on JaMel since the first day Taysia introduced us. She always thought just because she went to college and I didn't, that she was better than me. Everybody in Cuthbert knew I was on drugs, but Taysia was the only one who constantly threw it up in my face every time that we ran into each other. I hated that shit. Even though I was an addict I was still beautiful. Hell, where the hell did Taysia think she get all that ass and hips from? I just had issues that needed to be resolved.
Poor Jamel. I had him eating out the palm of my hand ever since that day I saw him and that pregnant girl in Atlanta. He was giving me money to keep my mouth shut but I wanted more from him than money. I wanted some dick, and I eventually got it, my way.
Now here I am eight months pregnant with his child, and Taysia has the slightest idea what’s going on. That day he took me to Columbus to have an abortion, I went through the entire progress up until it was time for me to get up on that table and lay back. I politely told them I changed my mind and went and got a refund. I kept the money and told JaMel that I had gone through with it. I felt like I had hit the mega millions. Taysia and Jamel was riding around this bitch living lavish! I wanted some of that action too! I admit I was jealous of my own daughter.
I was going to take out child support on Jamel as soon as the baby got here. I would keep it a secret for as long as he wanted to, but he would have to start bringing me some of that good dick on the regular. Taysia was sitting up in the front like her shit don’t stink! She didn’t know that I had heard her conversation with Mega. I knew Mega because hell, he was the biggest drug dealer around. We never talked personally, but I was some of his workers’ number one customer. I ain’t gone lie, I felt uncomfortable as hell riding in the car with them to my doctor’s appointment. I guess we were all just going to have to get use to this shit.
Chapter 40
After my doctor’s appointment, JaMelia and I rode back to Cuthbert with JaMel to drop my mom off at home. She was a sweet little baby and she was very pretty. However, looking at her was a constant reminder of what my husband had done to me. She was eight months now, and she didn’t look the same as she did when she was first born. She looked more like MeMe than she did JaMel. I was becoming a bit skeptical. For all I know, JaMel could’ve just been feeding the hell out the baby while MeMe was pregnant, which is why she came out looking like him. I don’t know, but I damn sure was going to find out. I had purchased a DNA paternity test kit from Walgreens for about $90. I’m sorry y’all, but I just had to do it. Shit, if it was your husband, wouldn’t you do it?
We were about to head back to Albany when JaMel stopped to get some gas. My only time to do what I needed to do was when he went inside of the store to pay. Once he finished pumping the gas he went inside of the store. I pulled out two collection swabs and swabbed the inside of both of her cheeks real good. She was laughing as I swabbed her. It must have been tickling. I had planned on getting a sample from JaMel tonight when he went to sleep. I had already asked him to stay the night with me. I really needed to get this done and JaMel was a deep sleeper, so I would be able to swab him without a problem. Once I sent it in, I would be able to view the results online within two days after it has been received. Time wasn’t going by fast enough.
We dropped JaMelia off at home with MeMe, and then stopped by my favorite restaurant Red Lobster and grabbed some to go plates to take home. JaMel was so happy that I was finally letting him stay over, not knowing that the only reason I let him stay was to swab his mouth. I hoped Mega wouldn’t pop up over here like he did last time because it ain’t no telling what may pop off.
We made our selves comfortable on my couch and put in
Furious 7
DVD that we had purchased from the bootleg man in Cuthbert. When we put the DVD in I was surprised because it was playing like the real thing. Most bootleg DVDs you can hear and see everything that’s going on inside of the movie theater, but this one right here was showing clear as day. The movie was just getting good when I looked over at Jamel and he was out like a light. We were both sitting up on the couch but he had fallen asleep. He had made it real easy for me. He was laid back with his head back and his mouth was wide open, giving me easy access. I went to the back and grabbed the collection swabs. I took one collection swab and swabbed one of his cheeks. Then I took another one and swabbed the other cheek. I put it in the container next to the one I had with JaMelia’s DNA in it. I was going to send it off first thing tomorrow morning.
Chapter 41
A few days had passed since I sent off the specimen for the paternity test. I wanted to know the results so bad that as soon as I woke up this morning, I brushed my teeth and went straight to my computer to check my email. I didn’t even fix myself any breakfast, because I was so eager to find out the results. I had been checking my email for the results every day since I had mailed it off. I was so anxious that my fingers were shaking on the keyboard as I logged into my email account. I had over a 100 unread messages but there was only one that I was focusing on. The subject read DNA Paternity Test Results. If I wasn’t pregnant I would’ve poured myself a shot before reading this email. My heart was pounding as if JaMelia was my daughter. I clicked on the message and when it opened up I began to read it thoroughly. My face was so damn close to the computer screen. I wanted to make sure that I read each and every word accurately. Once I made it down to the statement results, it felt like my heart begin to skip beats.
Would I be wrong if I said that hoped that JaMelia was not Jamel’s baby?
There was nothing personal with the baby, but MeMe had given him his first child and I was still trying to deal with that. I focused my attention back to the email in front of me. I read it to myself silently.
Statement of Results: Alleged Relationship is excluded.
“OH MY GOD!!!” I continued reading.
Based on the DNA analysis, the alleged Father, Jamel Taylor, is excluded as the biological father of the child, JaMelia Kelis Banks, because they do not share sufficient genetic markers.”
My mouth had damn near hit the floor. I was shocked, but at the same time an involuntary smile spread so wide across my face. I was really expecting JaMelia to be JaMel’s baby, but I had to double-check to make sure.
Thank you Lord!
I felt a sense of relief, like I had just KO’d Floyd Mayweather.
Y’all just don’t know how stressful this road has been for me, watching my husband play father to another woman’s child. I had to find a way to tell Jamel. I was too embarrassed to tell him that I had swabbed his mouth while he was asleep. Hell, he may just be glad I did it, because now he would know the truth. I was happy as hell.
I dialed his number. His phone rung and I hung up before he could answer it. I was so busy being selfish that I didn’t realize how it would affect him emotionally. He loved JaMelia with all his heart, and she loved him just as much. He had her spoiled rotten, and she was always happy to see him. She called him Da Da and everything.
Poor Baby.
I wonder who the other person could be. Meme had everybody fooled, her lil young ass. There ain’t no telling who she had been fucking around with. All this shit Jamel and I had been going through because of this shit and it wasn’t even his baby. I ain’t gone lie; when JaMelia was first born she looked like Jamel’s twin. He must’ve been feeding the hell out of her because she was the spitting image of him. I can only imagine what Jamel has to say about this when he finds out. We were still having a hard time trying to cross that bridge; maybe now we could get ourselves together and finally move the fuck on, and possibly get back to the way we were before all of this. Who knows? Before I told Jamel, I needed to have another opinion about what I had done. I couldn’t wait to tell Kira about this shit. I went to the refrigerator to pour me a cup of Tropicana orange juice and came back to my computer desk and sat down. I called Kira. I didn’t give her time to answer the phone.
”Wake yo ass up! I got some news for that ass!” I told her.
“I’m up,” she yawned.
“JaMelia’s not Mel’s baby.” I smiled when I said that.
“What? What you mean she’s not his?”
“I did an at-home DNA test. I swabbed his mouth while he was asleep and I swabbed JaMelia’s the other day when she was with us. She’s not his!”
“Oh my fucking God! Bitch you better stop lyin’’!” Kira was in disbelief.
“I swear to God!” I had put my right hand up as if she could see me, and then I read her the results as they were on the email.
“Woooooow, that’s fucked up! JaMel been taking care of her since she was born. He loves that little girl,” Kira said.
“I know right. You think I was wrong for doing this?” I asked her.
“Fuck no! That’s your damn husband! Hell, he should’ve been did this shit himself! MeMe was his side chick. She was probably slanging that pussy all over the city.”
“You think I should tell him?” I asked. I wanted to tell Jamel bad, don’t get me wrong. I just didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
“I would tell him if I was you. Whether he gets made about it or not, the man should know. This is some serious shit here,” she proclaimed.
“Yeah you right,” I told her.
I was contemplating heavily about calling Jamel to give him this troubling news. I know he would be devastated. I felt bad for him already. I needed to tell him though. Then I felt something.
Lord not right now, please!
I looked in between my legs and it looked as if I had pissed on myself. I knew right then that my water had broke. Gladly I wasn’t experiencing any kind of pain, so I had time enough to clean myself up and drive myself to the hospital. I was supposed to be calling Jamel to tell him that JaMelia wasn’t his, but this baby had changed the whole routine. I called and told him that my water had broke and I was on my way to the hospital. That other shit could wait for now. Jamel was panicking on the phone. I guess he felt like since I had lost all of our other babies then I was on the verge of losing this one as well. I didn’t feel that way though, because I was nine months. I knew this baby had a chance of surviving. The doctor had weighed my baby at my last doctor’s visit and confirmed that my baby was already 6 pounds.