Alien Slave (6 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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I thought you were about to
explode,” Gelan chuckled.

Wynhod’s voice was every bit as
relaxing as his manipulations. “I intend to enjoy our little
fighter, not lose control with the first thrust. This will calm us
both down.”

Dani had no problem with that. Wynhod
had magic hands, and she was sure no one had ever received a better
rubdown than the one he treated her to now.

The Kalquorian was thorough. He
massaged her from scalp to toes, untying knot after knot of stored
tension. Dani floated along, euphoric despite the intoxicant
wearing off. Her body became liquid beneath the knowledgeable
fingers of the Nobek until she thought she might flow right off the
table. She drowsed under the warm, strong hands, lulled by the
comfort he gave. The hardships she’d endured the last year seemed
far away.

When Wynhod finished, Dani was drifting
on a sea of quiet bliss. She could lie here forever, she

Are you still awake?” The
velvet voice seemed to drift as if on a lazy breeze. The big,
lovely hands settled on her buttocks, parting them.

Hmmf.” Dani didn’t want to
expend the effort required to talk.

Deep laughter rolled over her. Even the
hint of danger in the tone couldn’t rouse her. “You are ready, my
little lovely. Hopefully you will enjoy this as much as

Torpid, Dani thought, do whatever you
want. As long as I don’t have to move, you can dance the watusi for
all I care.

Something hard, slick, and hot touched
her anus. Pressed against it. Began to slide in.

Mr. Magic Fingers. It’s okay. I found
out I like that.

The intrusion expanded. A thrum of
pleasure at the invasion awoke. He was using two fingers. No, make
that three. Almost as wide as Gelan’s smaller cock. That was fine

A nudge at her womanhood. Wynhod’s fist
was there, adjusting himself to enter her. The length pierced her
petals as the pressure and girth in her tighter channel

Thick, thick fingers. Anymore, and it
might get uncomfortable. How long are his fingers,

Her rear sheath grudgingly expanded to
accept what Wynhod eased into it. It wasn’t his fingers.

Dani’s eyes opened wide. She didn’t see
the thin, dark carpet beneath the table. She saw how Wynhod had
looked when his pants had been stripped away, the long, thick front
organ she’d known would fill her pussy more than any man who’d had
her before.

He was putting that thing in her

Wait,” she whimpered, her
body tensing. The slight ache became painful.

The Nobek stopped immediately. “Relax,

It hurts. I can’t do this,”
she said, her voice getting higher with panic.

It only hurts because you
tensed up. Calm down and ease your muscles.”

Motion surrounded her, and two more
pairs of hands were stroking the back of her head and her
shoulders. “You’re all right, little Earther,” Gelan’s voice
soothed. “Just make yourself go limp again. If it’s still too much,
he’ll stop.”

I just want you to try,
Danielle.” Wynhod encouraged her. “Try for me, sweetling. You can
say sholt at any time and I won’t go any further.”

Dani shuddered. That word that would
make everything stop was on the tip of her tongue, but this was a
paying customer. She had to try. She tightened her hands into
fists, willing all her tension into them, away from her tormented
backside. For a wonder, the worst of the pain ebbed immediately,
leaving a slight ache and a heat that almost felt good.

Good girl. That’s much
better. Are you all right?”

Did she really hear concern in the
fierce Nobek’s voice? Was he actually interested in her

Better,” she said,
something inside her basking in that note of care in his tone. The
ache had diminished, and warm arousal, much like when she’d
accepted Gelan’s smaller member there, had replaced it for the most
part. Heaven help her, it actually felt good.

I’m okay now. I’m sorry I
interrupted you, Nobek Wynhod.”

His hands caressed her back and ass.
“Don’t apologize, Dani. Laxan for the first time can be
frightening. I would have warned you what I was going to do, but I
thought if you were relaxed and unaware at first, it would go

The usually silent Krijero spoke up.
“You’re sure you’re all right now?”

The sensation of being taken in this
most profane manner, of flaunting all the Church had said was right
and decent, enhanced Dani’s growing passion. With stunned
amusement, she realized she was more than all right. She was
enjoying this.

Hand me that forbidden fruit, you
poisonous serpent. I’ve never refused a bite before.

To the Kalquorians she said, “I’m good,
thanks. I’m ready to continue.”

She is.” Wynhod growled
with unconcealed pleasure. “She’s extremely wet right

Then let’s leave them to
it, Krijero.” Gelan sounded delighted with her, and Dani glowed in
his approval.

She heard them move away, and Wynhod
resumed pressing his rigid lengths into her warmth. As he went
deeper and deeper, the ache of her anus returned, but as long as
she stayed relaxed it wasn’t bad at all. The arousal Dani felt at
giving herself up to the Nobek, at allowing the taboo possession
and fulfilling his sinful urges increased, transmuting the slight
discomfort into heady pleasure. A pleasure that expanded by leaps
and bounds and left her gasping with eagerness.

Laxan felt pretty damned good, in fact.
Dani’s body spasmed.

Easy,” Wynhod sighed. “Not
yet, my little fighter. You’ll take me with you.”

Dani forced herself to breathe evenly.
She tried to ignore how wonderful the alien’s possession felt,
tried to concentrate on the nap of the floor covering beneath her.
That wasn’t easy when her eyes were practically rolling back in her
skull with sensation.

I never imagined anything like this was

Wynhod stopped, his groin pressed
against her. His fingertips skated over her back, caressing, giving
her that sweet illusion he cared for her more than as a temporary

I’m all the way inside you,
Dani,” he growled. “You are so tight around me. I have no words to
tell you how good you feel. Thank you for giving me the pleasure of
your body.”

Dani wanted to tell him the pleasure
was all hers, but she’d lost the ability to speak again. All she
could do was warble her agreement.

Wynhod reversed course, pulling free
until only the bullet tips of his cocks remained inside. He set up
a gentle, unhurried rhythm, moving in and out of her body with
excruciating thoroughness.

Dani groaned at the myriad of
sensations Wynhod’s lovemaking engendered. First and foremost was
the enthralling friction of his backdoor invasion. Secondly, the
fullness in both orifices was glorious, the pressure against every
interior surface pure delight. That pressure bore down on the
cluster of nerves in her intimate sleeve, making excitement balloon
hugely within. When he circled her clit with wet fingertips, it
galvanized her entire body, making her stiffen and strain against
her bonds.

Not being able to move, feeling how
helpless she was against the Nobek’s sweet assault, made everything
in Dani’s core spiral tight. Her voice thin in a breathless scream,
she managed to beg, “Please, please, I need to come.”

Not yet,” the implacable
Wynhod commanded. “I want you to hold off, Danielle.”

She wailed a small protest. Her hands
clutched the table legs they were strapped to as she fought the
climax that built higher and higher. Her body shuddered with the
effort of struggling against ecstatic oblivion.

Wynhod moved a little faster, his
thrusts growing stronger in small increments. The increased
friction coiled her need ever more taut, the stress fraying her
control until Dani hung on by only the thinnest thread. She wasn’t
going to make it.

She sobbed unselfconsciously, tears
dripping from her eyes to the floor below. Her entire world was a
pinpoint now; concentrated on the burgeoning elation in her lower
body and the herculean effort of keeping it contained. Her tenuous
grasp on control slipped, and a tiny spasm licked through her
belly. The rapture swelled, fighting to break loose.

Dani’s wail burst from her throat. “Oh,

Wynhod thumped hard against her and his
fingers seized her throbbing pearl. “Now Dani!” he grated, the
velvet-softness of his voice lost in effort.

Her lower regions ignited in an
inferno, the explosion carrying all the way to her fingertips and
toes. Had she been capable of coherent thought, Dani might have
expected her hair to smoke from the conflagration. Every cell was
alight. Her body pulsed with continued eruptions, fed by the now
erratic thrusts of the roaring Wynhod.

Dani only regained a sense of reality
once the Kalquorian drooped heavily over her, his gasps a windstorm
in her ear. Her sex continued to convulse, as if determined to draw
every last drop of seed the alien possessed, and Wynhod moaned with
every squeeze.

At last she was able to stir a little
under the warm blanket of male. The Nobek pushed himself off her
with a grunt of effort. She felt him sway unsteadily behind

Are you all right?” Krijero
said, his voice choked with amusement.

I can barely feel my legs.”
If a voice could sound pale, that voice would be Wynhod’s. “How are
you, my little fighter?”

Wonderful,” Dani

He laughed and patted a buttock
affectionately before gingerly disengaging from her still clinging
body. Dani restrained a disappointed whimper to feel him go. She
felt empty without Wynhod.

Is there anything left for
me?” Krijero was coming close.

Dani was strapped down tightly enough
that she couldn’t raise her head to look at him, but the eagerness
in his tone betrayed his arousal. She was tired after her exuberant
responses to both Wynhod and Gelan, but the anticipation of being
treated to more surprises and more astounding sex beat back the
majority of the weariness.

I will be happy to serve
you as well, Imdiko Krijero,” she said.

I’m glad to hear that,
Dani,” he murmured. The loosening of her bonds let her know he was
unstrapping her.

Once he’d freed her, Krijero helped
Dani sit up on the table. His blue-purple eyes stared into hers.
“How do you feel?” he asked.

Okay.” She giggled. Okay
was such an understatement. In the wake of the best sex of her
life, okay was a flat out lie.

He smiled back at her. “Having

Dani couldn’t help but titter again.
She was almost giddy from satisfaction. “A lot of fun.”

I think my clanmates feel
the same way. It was certainly enjoyable to watch.”

Dani realized her hands were loose, and
she could finally touch one of the magnificent bodies. She ran her
fingers over the alien’s throat, down to the expanse of his chest.
“You’re all so beautiful. I wasn’t expecting you to look like

Krijero cocked his head to one side.
“No? I’m glad our appearance pleases you.”

Very much.” Dani traced the
tight circle of his nipples, delighted when they hardened under her
fingertips. She leaned forward to capture one in her mouth,
flicking her tongue over the tip. The alien caught his breath. His
hands dove into her wavy hair to stroke her thick

Dani kissed her way across his chest to
suckle gently on the other nipple. Krijero made a sound somewhere
between a moan and a growl. His fists clenched in her

The Kalquorian torso was proportionally
longer in the waist than an Earther’s. Dani’s hands traveled down
the two rows of abdominal muscles, fascinated by the blatant
musculature. The aliens resembled her race in so many ways, enough
to make her believe the rumors that the populations of Earth and
Kalquor had descended from the same long-ago ancestors. Yet the
differences were stark enough to render Krijero and his clanmates
exotic. Dani’s love for novelty was being well fed

She slipped from her perch on the table
so she could kiss her way down the splendid body before her. She’d
had enough of not being able to run her hands and mouth all over
the magnificent specimens who’d bought her time. Krijero stepped
back, making room between himself and the table so that Dani could
kneel before him.

She chose to ignore his turgid lengths
for the moment, opting to concentrate on his thickly-muscled thighs
instead. Good heavens, he could pull a full-size transport several
miles cross country without flagging. Okay, that was probably an
exaggeration, but he did have amazing legs.

Dani traced the granite inner thighs
with fingertips and tongue, starting from one knee and working her
way up until she was close enough to Krijero’s cocks to feel their
heat. Then she switched to the other leg, repeating the delightful
path up once more.

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