Alien Slave (7 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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Dani leaned back to look over the
Imdiko’s double endowment. Shaded slightly darker than the rest of
his coffee-with-cream skin, they jutted straight out from his body.
The cocks glistened wetly. In the spotlight that illuminated the
table area, she easily saw a thick vein running the underside of
each smooth organ, throbbing with Krijero’s pulse.

Her fingertips stroked the bottom of
the smaller penis, enjoying the silky, slick feeling of the
lubricated skin sheathing Krijero’s iron length. She caught the
minute tremble her touch set off in the alien before her. Dani
looked up to see him watching her, his lips parted and eyes

You’re amazing,” she said.
The compliment wasn’t part of her service to him. She meant

Dani returned her attention to his
sexes. Her hand closed over the smaller one. Its heat astounded
her. All of his body seemed to run hotter than hers, and his cock
was hottest of all. She pumped the organ in her fist, and Krijero
shuddered from head to toe. His pulse thumped harder than

Tilting her head to the side so the
larger penis wouldn’t slide up her nose, Dani closed her mouth over
the tip of the rear one. He had a spicy cinnamon-like flavor, which
was a delightful surprise. Unlike its bigger twin, it had no
opening. The Imdiko’s

breath caught, and his hands clutched
her hair once more. His obvious excitement aroused Dani. Honey slid
from her core to slicken her inner thighs.

Keeping the one hand wrapped around the
base of the smaller cock, Dani grasped his front one with the
other. Pressing it carefully upward and out of the way, she slid
her mouth further down the alien’s second shaft, taking as much of
him as she could. His groan rolled through the room. She whipped
her tongue over the firm flesh before slipping most of it back

Dani worked her lips back and forth
over Krijero for a few moments, listening to him moan a few words
in his own language. He might have been speaking obscenities or
calling to whatever pagan god his kind worshipped. Either way, she
knew it was praise for her work. Her pussy warmed at the

She released him from the prison of her
mouth and leaned back again to consider the larger twin. A drop of
whitish-pearlescent fluid depended from the opening at the tip.
Dani wondered if Kalquorian seed tasted as good as the honey that
exuded from their pores. Only one way to find out.

She extended her tongue to delicately
accept Krijero’s offering. Catching the precious fluid, Dani rolled
it around in her mouth. Cinnamon-spicy, sugar-sweet, and
salty-savory all at once, it was a treat for the tastebuds. She
wanted more.

Without any further preamble, Dani
sucked the thick cock into her mouth, taking as much of Krijero as
she could. He shouted and his whole body went rigid at the sudden
assault, but she ignored him, greedily pumping him with hand and

The Imdiko seized either side of her
head, forcing her to stop and withdrawing until only the tip of his
penis remained in her grasping mouth. Dani whined a protest,
working both lengths with her hands.

Bind her wrists behind her
back,” Krijero yelled. “I can’t hold off if she keeps this

Masculine laughter answered him, but an
instant later Dani’s hands were pulled free of the Imdiko. Soft
cuffs wrapped around her wrists, then clipped together behind her
back. She whined a protest.

A heavy hand smacked her rear, and she
jumped at the sharp report and sting that suffused her buttocks
with heat. “Behave yourself, little fighter,” Wynhod chuckled.
“Don’t make us punish you.”

Instead of killing her arousal, the
warmth from his chastisement only made desire grow. Dani wasn’t
just wet with need now. She was soaked. Why would she react like
that to punishment, she wondered? That was just weird.

She flicked her tongue over the tip of
Krijero’s cock and rolled her eyes upward in supplication, hoping
the gentle Imdiko would have mercy on her. What she saw on his face
stopped her cold.

Krijero stared down at her, all traces
of his sweet disposition gone. He looked every bit as dangerous as
Wynhod. The cat pupils of his eyes had widened until the irises had
all but disappeared in the blackness. His lips pulled back
slightly, revealing his sharp fangs. The intensity of his gaze was
that of an apex predator eyeing its next meal.

Terror and a swirl of unexpected
craving mixed down low in Dani’s guts. She forgot to

One side of Krijero’s mouth lifted in a
feral grin. “Now that’s the look of a scared but excited little
girl. I like it.” His voice was a growl. “You will take what I
offer, at the pace I dictate. You are mine to play with, not the
other way around. Is that clear?”

Dani’s mouth formed the words, “Yes,
Imdiko Krijero,” but under that black stare she had no voice. She
trembled before him, helpless on her knees with her hands bound
behind her back, her head caught in the clasp of his firm

The suddenly fierce Kalquorian must
have read her lips, because he acknowledged the answer with a jerk
of a nod. “Open your mouth.”

Dani’s jaw dropped open for him without
thought. No argument occurred to her, no protest. It was as if her
ability to determine her own fate had been turned off with the
flick of a switch.

* * * *

Krijero stared at the pretty face of
the Earther so close to his groin, at the amazing site of her
lovely mouth waiting his pleasure. He couldn’t remember seeing
anything so beautiful.

He’d almost given into the urge to give
her what she’d obviously wanted moments before. The need to climax,
to pump her mouth full of his juices, had been overwhelming. The
heat and pressure of her sucking, the wicked joy of her silky
tongue, the eager clutch of her hands on him had conspired to bring
him close to submitting to her hunger. He ached fiercely from his

But even the easygoing Imdiko breed
didn’t hand over control to anyone who hadn’t proven dominance.
Dani wasn’t alpha to him in any way, and Krijero’s natural
Kalquorian instincts had forced him to call a halt to her

His clan had bought and paid for her
time. She belonged to him, not the other way around. His nature
insisted he put her in her place.

The task promised to be very enjoyable,
as long as he could hold out.

Krijero slowly inserted his turgid cock
in the submissively waiting mouth, sliding it delicately over the
velvet texture of Dani’s tongue. The sight and feel forced him to
pause before he got very far. The sensation of warmth, the vision
of the obedient female serving his needs threatened to undo him
after all. His guts were a clenched fist, coiling tight at
pleasure’s insistence on being achieved. He couldn’t do that. As
much as his very being insisted he prove mastery over Dani, it also
demanded he satisfy her as well. To suggest Krijero take pleasure
without providing it in kind was akin to proposing he cut both his
cocks off. Such a thing was simply unthinkable.

After a moment, he slid further in. His
breath came harshly. Did this Earther have any idea of how
beautiful she was? She must; no one could possibly miss it. With
her expressive brown eyes rolled back to gaze at his face, her high
cheekbones that made her facial structure so striking, and her
plump berry-shaded lips clutched around his slowly disappearing
length, she was a goddess to be worshipped.

Krijero vowed that even if it killed
him, he would prove himself a worthy supplicant. It wouldn’t be
easy given how well his clanmates had already served her, but he
would somehow make it happen.

He’d filled her mouth with half of
himself before drawing back. Her tongue pressed the underside of
his cock. Somehow she knew it felt best there against that fiercely
pounding vein that ran its length. He couldn’t suppress the groan
her talent incited.

He pushed into Dani’s mouth again,
pressing more in before pulling all but the tip back out. With each
insertion he went a little farther, seeing how much she could take.
He knew his species tended to be more endowed than Earther males,
not that that was always an advantage with the tiny Earther women.
Dani was the tallest of her race’s gender that he’d seen, but she
was still delicate in comparison to the Kalquorians. He proceeded
with every caution.

She managed all but three inches of
him, taking him down into the upper part of her throat before
gagging harshly. Krijero immediately pulled out, allowing her to
recover. “Are you all right, little one?”

Dani nodded, her expression shamefaced.
“I’m sorry. I’ve never had anyone so big this way.”

He gently rubbed her temples with his
thumbs. “You’re doing fine. I’m enjoying this very

She smiled up at him, like a child
basking in a parent’s praise. By the ancestors, she made his heart
ache when her face lit up like that. His voice husky, Krijero
asked, “Are you ready to continue?”

Yes, Imdiko.”

Krijero went back to fucking the
luscious creature’s mouth, taking care to not push beyond her
limits. His second cock rubbed up and down the outside of her
throat, leaving a damp trail as his larger one dove in and out of
the wet warmth. He’d never known such perfection as this Earther.
More than ever he wanted to send his seed into her mouth and watch
her throat work to swallow it. The urge to do so whispered
seductively to him. But that would be ignoring her needs in favor
of his own. Not acceptable.

They had her all night, however. At
some point, perhaps while one of his clanmates satisfied her, he
would revisit her mouth and experience that joy.

For now Krijero had made his point that
he possessed control over Dani. She would think twice before
exerting her own selfish demands on him again. It was time to
reward her for acquiescing so well and to relieve the sweet agony
of his desire.

Krijero reluctantly stepped back,
pulling himself free of Dani’s gently clinging lips.

* * * *

When the Imdiko abandoned his lovely
assault on her mouth and throat, Dani keened with loss. She’d
enjoyed the intimacy of the contact, adored watching the way his
face worked with passion as she served him. She may have been
rendered physically helpless, but Krijero had demonstrated the
control she wielded over him. He gave her a sense of being both
powerless and yet powerful all at once. It should have confused
her, but instead it felt right somehow.

She knew it was a lie, but Dani basked
in the sense of belonging with someone. There was no real harm in
pretending for a few precious moments.

Krijero bent low to seize her around
the waist. He lifted her up so they were face to face, and Dani
instinctively wrapped her legs around him. His sexes nudged her
bottom parts and she wiggled with delight. Having him make love to
her would definitely make up for being denied the oral

I like the enthusiasm,” he
chuckled. He supported her with one arm as he reached beneath to
adjust himself for entrance.

Service with a smile,” Dani
grinned. Krijero was back to being sweet and agreeable, his
previous aura of danger no longer in evidence. She wondered which
aspect got her hotter. Both sides of the Imdiko had their

His sexes prodded hers. He put both
arms around her, holding her tight to his chest. The Kalquorian
looked into her eyes, his smile fading as he regarded her with more
seriousness. Dani wondered at the sadness she thought she saw in
that pretty blue-purple gaze that held her as strongly as his

Krijero didn’t give her much time to
contemplate the poignant expression. His mouth seized hers, kissing
her with a thoroughness that managed to be tender as well. She lost
herself in the sweetness of his mouth, thinking this must be how a
man who loved a woman would kiss. The quiet passion of it curled
her toes.

The alien’s thrust was sudden and
unexpected, and Dani cried out into his mouth with surprise, then
again as her body abruptly took flight, coming close to
instantaneous orgasm. Her body opened to Krijero as if it had been
made for his body’s specifications, and Dani galloped headlong
towards climax.

His mouth clung to hers as if sealed
permanently, his grunts swirling with her cries. His arms drove her
up and down over his thick staves while his hips jackhammered
against her. Dani clutched his buttocks with her legs, driving him
even harder into her clutching passages.

She had a breath and a half before she
detonated, shrieking and jerking in the grip of the powerful
Imdiko. They drove mightily, as if determined to shatter themselves
against each other. Dani’s elation rose, crested, fell, and rose
again. She fought the cuffs

holding her arms bound behind her,
desperate to clutch Krijero, to have the leverage to ride him
harder still. She screamed her frustration and glee with her
plight, maddened and ecstatic all at once.

Krijero finally tore his mouth from
hers. Throwing his head back, he roared at the ceiling, climax
ripping through his straining body. His cock jerked and throbbed
inside Dani’s sheath, pouring liquid exhilaration into her womb. He
thudded even more desperately into her and roared again.

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