Alien Slave (37 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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Were you able to hold off?”
Wynhod asked.

Barely,” Krijero gasped.
“She really lost control.”

Are you back with us,
Dani?” The Nobek could barely talk around his laughter.

She warbled a wordless cry in response,
and then forced herself to speak coherently. “Yeah … okay … I

Give me a moment yet,”
Krijero begged.

Wynhod kissed Dani, nipping her lower
lip gently as he did. He leaned back to look her over, dark
promises in his eyes. “I think I can keep our little fighter
occupied while you recover.”

Wynhod stood on the bed, bringing his
most eager flesh at face level. As the last little shudders of the
amazing climax tickled their way through her, fresh warmth lit in
her belly. Kalquorians tasted good, and the thrill of having a man
at each end was its own reward.

While the heavily breathing Krijero lay
still beneath her, Dani’s tongue darted out to lick each of
Wynhod’s cock tips. His cinnamon-y spicy lubricant danced on her
tongue, and she moaned with pleasure. Better still, a pearlescent
drop formed at the end of his larger cock. She took it into her
mouth with reverence, letting its spicy-sweet-saltiness dissolve on
her tongue. Delicious.

Wynhod sighed and stroked her hair as
she took her time licking his lengths, laving him for every lovely
molecule of moisture she could get. With her good hand, she gripped
his larger penis at the base and began stroking him hard but slow.
She sucked his

smaller cock into her mouth, taking all
of it in by relaxing her throat against the gag reflex. His
answering groans were a symphony to her ears.

As she worked both cocks, Krijero began
stirring again. She adjusted her work on Wynhod as the Imdiko moved
her up and down, his grip firm around her hips. Dani found it a
little complicated to service her Nobek while she rose and fell
over Krijero, but she happily managed.

Sated by orgasm and only just starting
to experience the eager darts of arousal again, Dani took the
opportunity to appreciate the rightness of her companions’ flesh
piercing hers. She took quieter pleasure in feeling them inside
her, making her a part of themselves. The fullness inside her anus,
the perfect interlocking of Krijero’s larger cock filling her
pussy, his fingertips digging into her fleshy buttocks as he
controlled his penetration deep within her – it gave her the
fantasy that whatever controlled the universe had constructed him
just for her.

And Wynhod was no less ideal. From his
rough hands caressing and squeezing her breasts to the gentle
rocking of his hips filling her mouth with pulsing heat, he was the
ideal partner as well.

Had she really once believed the clan
to be enemies? She’d been mad.

Dani’s mouth left Wynhod’s smaller cock
to envelop its larger twin. She couldn’t take all of the longer
organ into her mouth, but she made up for her shortcoming with
enthusiastic sucking, her tongue rubbing hard on the underside. The
Nobek groan-growled his pleasure as she worked.

The mat beneath her shins sank down,
warning her of Gelan’s presence a moment before he knelt behind
her. His chest and stomach, as hot as lava and hard as stone,
pressed up against her back.

Do you mind if I make
adjustments, Krijero?” his voice rumbled.

If my Dramok wishes to join
us, I have no objections,” came the response. “Do you have
something to clean with?”

I’m always

Just like a boy scout, Dani wanted to
say, but her mouth was much too busy on Wynhod.

Krijero lifted Dani high enough that
his smaller cock slipped free of her tight confines. She felt Gelan
doing something beneath her and it took a moment for her to realize
he was wiping a cloth over Krijero’s smaller cock.

I bet I know where that’s going next,
she thought.

She was right. Freshly washed, it
joined the larger appendage in her pussy, stretching her
delightfully. A flash of pure, brute lust joined his

Oh. My. God.

And now Gelan was pushing his bigger
member into her anus, making her full enough to burst. She warbled
a welcome around Wynhod’s cock as desire surged, making her shudder
all over.

The men paused in their use of her to
adjust their positions for everyone’s comfort. Krijero remained
lying on his back, his hands wrapped around her hips, holding her
aloft as Gelan seated himself fully in her. The Dramok knelt over
Krijero’s thighs, lowering himself as far down as he could so Dani
could take as much of them both as possible. He clasped her about
her waist, though Krijero showed no signs of needing help bearing
her weight. Meanwhile, Wynhod held her head between his hands,
stroking in and out of her mouth as their gyrations would

Dani let them adjust her to their wont,
every movement they made bringing cascades of sensation through her
body. Gone was the quiet enjoyment of being filled. Electricity
zinged, and she was well on her way towards another

At last they seemed done with shifting
her. Gelan’s voice was hot in her ear. “Your clan is inside you, my
Matara. We possess you in every way possible.”

His voice, so growly and deep, made her
shiver all over. And his words made her inner parts melt. The clan
had renounced their ownership of her, had made her a person and not
property. Nevertheless, she was theirs in every way that

And they belong to me.

With this amazing realization the last
subtle bits of reserve, the final pieces of the walls Dani had
erected around her heart to keep herself safe, crumbled. Had the
clan not elected at that moment to resume eager lovemaking, she
would have descended into tears and laughter at her great

But before rapturous joy could claim
her, the clan did. Krijero and Gelan lifted her up and pressed her
down, making her willing body ride them. Wynhod matched their
pounding rhythm as he fucked her mouth, his smaller cock rubbing
wetly down her chin and throat. And just like that, she was
sweeping towards climax, climbing higher and higher towards that
waiting cliff from which she would be flung down.

Dani closed her eyes to let other
senses take hold. Mouth, tight against the velvet smoothness of
skin over steel, the tang of cinnamon burrowing into her tongue,
the aroma wafting into her nostrils. Animal growls filling her
ears. Uncompromising iron thickness thrusting into her tightest
passage, setting off a storm of thunderous pressure. An even
greater bulk crowding her pussy, finding that most sensitive spot
inside the sheath that throbbed with indescribable longing. And the
touch of fingers on her clitoris, first lightly teasing, then
seizing onto the swollen nub firmly, rubbing to make sparks

Dani glutted on the myriad of pleasures
they gave her as they took their delight with her. She served as
they served her, and she took gratification in being their slave
and mistress.

The first twinge of orgasm came gently,
a polite questing tremor, as if to make sure it was welcome. Dani
opened herself to it, greeting it with an open heart. Taking
courage from her glad reception, it rolled in, announcing itself
with strong spasms that made the men moan in

Dani arched against Gelan, and Krijero
arched beneath her with a roar. His cock pulsed hard, sending his
seed deep within her. Another, harder orgasm echoed throughout her
chamber, and she wailed with sweet torment. Wynhod flooded her
mouth with his juices, groaning when she swallowed all he gave

With a long, drawn-out moan, Gelan at
last joined them, making the four people one great heaving beast
that undulated in the throes of its combined bliss. At the center
of it all was Dani, the heart of their completeness.

Only after the last luscious drop had
been offered and accepted did the beast quiet. After a moment, it
broke into its four distinct parts. But despite its division, every
component knew it remained whole. And no piece would ever be alone

It was Gelan who spoke first.
Reluctantly rousing himself from the snake’s nest of bodies, he
smiled at the rest of his group. Dani thought he looked like the
happiest man alive. And his words made her the happiest woman
alive, she was sure.

My clanmates, let’s take
our Matara home.”

The End

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Other books by Tracy St. John available
at New Concepts Publishing

Unholy Union


Alien Embrace

Alien Rule

Alien Conquest

Alien Salvation


Drop Dead Sexy

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