Alien Slave (5 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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A low hum joined her sounds of bliss.
It took a moment for her to recognize the sound as one of the
vibrating toys the room was equipped with. The next instant, the
buzzing surface pressed against her clit.

Ecstasy rocketed through her body for
an instant, and then the vibrator fell away. Dani fought to thrust
her hips after the retreating toy, but there was no give to the
field that held her helpless. She wailed.

A second finger entered her backside,
amping up the intense pleasure she felt there. Again orgasm
threatened. The fingers simply stayed there, imbedded without
moving anymore. The climax slid away, its promise

Teeth nipped the peak of one breast.
Dani shrieked with need.

The hum moved between her legs again,
and fingers plunged in and out of both her entrances as the mouth
at her breast sucked the mound in deep. The dark abyss behind the
blindfold brightened, her body clenched, reached…

The fingers inside her stilled, and the
mouth and vibrator disappeared. Her womb managed one tiny spasm
that relieved none of the tension singing through her.

Damn you!” she screamed.
“Stop teasing me!”

Wrong answer.” Wynhod’s
silken tone, coming from in front of her, had an undercurrent of
displeasure. A stinging slap cracked against one throbbing breast,
and Dani’s insides clenched. Every single sensation invited the
cataclysm they wouldn’t give her, even the punishing

Gelan’s voice came from behind. “You
are in no position to make demands. You may ask us very nicely,
little Earther. We might consider giving you release if you behave
like a good girl.”

The parental tone grated on her nerves
despite the intoxicated arousal that screamed for her to give them
what they wanted. Who the hell did that Dramok think he was anyway?
“Good girl? I’m a prostitute, you big, stupid ape. If you want a
good girl, go to a convent.”

As the words left her mouth, Dani
regretted her impulsiveness. The silence that hung in the air told
her she was in trouble.

She needs discipline,”
Wynhod growled.

Gelan: “Indeed. Let’s show her how
gentle we’ve been up to now.”

They went at her hard then, and the
next few minutes were an eternity of exquisite torture. Dani had
never imagined sensual desire could be as terrible a weapon as
pain, but the Kalquorians wielded it with precision. A beating
might have been easier to bear.

She screamed into a hard mouth that
sealed over hers, the tongue plunging in as if to rape her throat.
Hands alternated between spanking her breasts and pleasuring them
until the line between delight and agony disappeared, becoming
intense sensation that barreled straight to her clit. Fingers slid
in and out of her anus, evoking terrible bliss of the forbidden.
Three fingers thrust in and out of her vagina, discovering the
sensitive nest of nerves at the front of the channel and setting
fire to her clutching sheath. The vibrator hummed against her
nubbin, driving her mad with primitive want.

Every time Dani neared elation, just as
it was within her grasp, the men withdrew, leaving her crying and
helpless. After three rounds of torment, all her defenses fled,
leaving her broken with need. Pride was only a memory, an unwanted
virtue in the wake of such persecution.

Please,” she sobbed.

What do you think?”
Krijero’s voice was soft with contemplation.

Wynhod: “I don’t think she’s quite
there yet.”

Gelan: “I agree. Let’s

They went at her again, ignoring her
cries. Mouths, hands, and vibrator consumed her world, sending her
effortlessly into the stratosphere, letting her feel the glorious
dissolution that was hers. If. They’d. Only. Go. Just. One. Second.

They pulled away again.

Harsh, ugly noises ratcheted from
Dani’s throat as she cried. Her body thrummed with painful need. It
hurt. It actually hurt.

Look at this.” Krijero’s
voice drifted through her sobs.

Wynhod’s cruel chuckle rang in her
ears. “Her losom is redder than her hair.”

Swollen too.” Gelan’s tone
was appreciative. “I think it’s time. Dani?”

She was crying too hard to answer him.
Her mouth, tender from the bruising kisses, wouldn’t

But the Dramok wasn’t going to let her
off the hook. “Dani. Answer me.”

The command he spoke with helped her
remember how to talk. Her voice tiny and broken, she hiccupped,
“Yes, Dramok Gelan?”

Do you want us?”

Yes, yes, Dramok Gelan.

Say it.”

I want you. Please,
anything. It hurts. Please.”

The blindfold was pulled off. Dani
blinked in the harsh light spotlighting her suspended body. The
three Kalquorians stood before her, massive creatures, beautiful
and terrible all at once.

Gelan smiled at her. “Then you shall
have us.”

They stripped their shirts off, their
muscular torsos a feast for Dani’s hungry eyes. She thought about
asking them to free her arms so she might touch them, worship their
wide shoulders, chests, and abdomens. But her mouth had already
gotten her in so much trouble. If they decided to torture her
again, she’d go insane.

Shoes and boots went next, flung
uncaringly across the floor. Then the close-fitting black pants,
revealing them in all their glory. Dani’s heart nearly

The rumors had been true.

Each man had two penises, one behind
the other. The ones in front were large, the biggest she’d ever
seen. About an inch or two behind were smaller, more regular-sized
cocks of Earther males. The tapered, bullet-shaped organs gleamed
in the light, as if wet.

Dani shuddered in fearful anticipation.
Her mouth was definitely working again, chattering with a mind of
its own. “Oh God, oh God, oh Jesus, Mohammed and Moses!”

Gelan stepped close, wrapping his big
arms around her comfortingly. He gently kissed her and stroked her
hair. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Have you never been
possessed front and back before?”

Dani shook her head, feeling his twin
lengths pressing against her. They were definitely wet, as if he’d
already taken a dip inside her. “I’ve never had anything that big.
And never, never back there.”

Are you willing to try? You
can say sholt at any time.” Gelan’s hands drifted over her body
with a light touch, bringing her still overwrought senses tingling

Dani needed release. They’d riled her
body up to the point where she couldn’t think of anything but
possession and climax. Even the sight of their double endowments
and knowing what they would do to her with them hadn’t shut the
need down. Perhaps it was the intoxicant still in her system that
made her senses greedy with want, but she craved climax. The ache
of emptiness knew no compromise.

Drawing a shaky breath, Dani said, “You
promise you’ll stop if I say to? Really?”

Look in my eyes, Dani.”
Gelan’s face was serious, and she saw no hint of lie in his
demeanor. She’d known a lot of liars, nothing but liars in fact,
but if he was putting her on she couldn’t find any hint of

All right.”

Gelan smiled, and Dani’s heart thumped
painfully at the sight. Alien or not, enemy of her race or not, he
was stunning to look at. The sight of that handsome face and the
feel of his hands on her body brought her to full arousal once

He growled something in his guttural
language, and the field around her lessened a little, became not so
solid while still keeping her suspended in the air. Gelan was able
to move her legs, and he did so, wrapping them around his waist and
tilting her pelvis up. Now she was in position for his first
thrust. He kept one arm wrapped around her while the other adjusted
his sexes to home in on their intended orifices.

Dani tensed to feel him so big and
eager, ready to plunge in. Gelan shook his head at her.

Easy, little fighter. We
will go gently this time.”

Dani closed her eyes against his
intense stare and forced herself to relax. It was just sex. This
was her job, no matter how unpleasant it might be. She could get
through this.

Gelan pressed into her. The tips of his
cocks slipped in easily, eased by her wetness and his. He took her
slowly, letting her feel how he grew thicker and thicker, filling
her swollen, sensitive tissues. The ache of her passion, ignited by
the play they’d subjected her to only minutes before, returned with
a vengeance. Feeling the massive Kalquorian’s penetration, the
sensation of being taken front and back, the heady pleasure of his
bigger cock in her womanhood and the unaccustomed but incredible
delight of pressure in her anus took Dani back to that trembling
edge of orgasm.

She tipped over.

A thunderclap of ecstasy seized her
body, detonated her in a lightning flash of elation. Dani was
suddenly caught in an epic storm of climax, her insides heaving
mightily, threatening to burst out of the confines of her body. Any
pleasure of intimate contact she’d ever known before was dwarfed,
made miniscule by this gargantuan rapture. She shrieked in the
maelstrom’s frenzy, tossed to and fro in its grip. And it went on
and on, fed by the man opening her wide, working himself in and
out. The friction fed the cataclysm, repeating it time and again
until Dani dissolved into the tempest, torn apart by the

At some point she heard an animal’s
roar break through the raging storm, and another pulse joined with
her convulsing insides. At last the tumult receded, and Dani
discovered herself in Gelan’s arms once more. The alien gasped, as
if he’d fought his way through the fury to rescue her from its
beautiful clutches. She shuddered, lessening spasms licking through
her as she returned to stable ground.

What did you do to me?”
Dani whispered, her voice ragged from screaming.

Gelan choked out breathless laughter.
“I could ask you the same thing. I can die a happy man

Wynhod’s voice came from behind him,
sounding awed. “Perhaps you’ll untangle yourself from her before
you expire? I don’t know about Krijero, but I’m in a great deal of

Gelan snorted, but he managed to pull
Dani’s legs apart, freeing himself from her desperate grip. He drew
his deeply imbedded sexes from her body. Dani groaned as the
friction of his leaving sent a flare of desire through her belly.
Good heavens, there was no way she was going to climax again, not
after that insane ride.

Gelan staggered back and sat heavily on
the floor, and Wynhod stepped forward. His dark gaze and the sight
of his readiness for her made Dani’s heart skip a beat and her
insides flex with renewed eagerness.

No way. She could not possibly be ready
for another round.

Ready or not, Wynhod was coming for
her, and under that heated stare, Dani’s sex responded with a rush
of wetness. She gasped in mingled arousal and surprise.

The Nobek wrapped her in his arms, and
his prods were hot enough to burn her belly where they touched. She
whimpered. He growled.

Field, release subject,”
Wynhod said.

Dani’s body went heavy as the
suspension field disappeared. She sagged bonelessly in the
Kalquorian’s arms, her head lolling back. Wynhod settled her cheek
against his shoulder and carried her away from the

Dani hoped the fierce alien would be
gentle whatever his plans for her might be. Reacquainted with the
weight of gravity and still trembling from the most intense orgasm
of her life, she had no strength to resist him.

Wynhod brought her to the table and
turned her so that she lay on her stomach. Much like the massage
table she’d enjoyed at the secret spa back on Earth, it featured a
padded headrest circling a hole for her face. Due to the intimate
nature of massages, Earth’s Church-ruled government had outlawed
them except when needed for medical rehabilitation.

Prestige allowed for pleasures not
afforded the middle and lower classes, pleasures Dani had taken
full advantage of with no sense of guilt.

The massage tables on Earth hadn’t been
outfitted with restraining straps like this one. Once Wynhod had
settled her face comfortably into the padded hole, he busied
himself rendering her helpless once more. Silken bonds fixed her
wrists and ankles to the table legs. The Kalquorian also strapped
her to the table at the middle of her back. The table top ended at
her waist, leaving her rear end suspended in midair, her legs
spread open for his pleasure.

Laxan?” Krijero

I think she’s stretched
enough for it to not be too uncomfortable,” Wynhod said. “She could
do with a little more relaxation, though.”

His big warm hands seized her shoulders
and tightened. Then he loosened his grip, and tightened again,
gently rubbing the muscles. Dani sighed and closed her eyes at the
unexpected treat. It had been a long time since her last massage,
and the Nobek was a master at it.

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