Alexander Hamilton (162 page)

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St. Croix, 9–12, 20–39, 207–10, 697
AH in, 2, 4, 7, 11, 17, 21–39, 48, 85
hurricane in, 36–37, 39
slavery in, 12, 20, 23, 32–33
trade in, 23, 27, 29–32

St. Kitts (St. Christopher), 9–10, 12, 14–17, 19, 36 St. Leger, Barrimore, 100
St. Méry, Moreau de, 338, 464
St. Simons Island, 717–18
St. Thomas, 147, 208
St. Vincent, 40, 492, 526, 527, 580
Sands, Gulielma, 603–6
Saratoga, Battle of (1777), 100–102, 104–5, 112,

135–36, 140, 556, 607
Scammell, Alexander, 150
Schieffelin, Jacob, 641
Schuyler, Angelica,
Church, Angelica Schuyler Schuyler, Catherine, 129, 147, 159–60
Schuyler, Catherine Van Rensselaer, 129, 135, 136,

147, 159, 183, 204, 210
death of, 667, 693, 723
Schuyler, Cornelia,
Morton, Cornelia Schuyler Schuyler, Elizabeth (wife),
Hamilton, Elizabeth

Schuyler, Gertrude,
Cochran, Gertrude Schuyler Schuyler, John Bradstreet, 129, 135, 582
Schuyler, Margarita,
Van Rensselaer, Margarita

Schuyler, Philip, 97, 102–3, 128–31, 134–37, 165,
166, 198, 204, 217, 246, 281, 282, 288, 294, 336,
363, 399, 461, 483, 601, 667
AH’s correspondence with, 136, 151, 152, 363,
AH’s relationship with, 134–37, 149, 171, 640, 723 capital site selection and, 327, 330
Continental Congress and, 65, 135, 149 death of, 723–25
Eliza’s correspondence with, 136–37, 654, 668 finances of, 136, 146, 693, 695, 724–25
as general, 66, 97, 102, 128, 129, 131, 135–36, 149 George Clinton’s feud with, 91, 149, 220, 273–75 Senate, U.S. (
Burr’s presiding over, 638, 660, 718–19
in Connecticut Compromise, 236
and, 248, 257–58
impeachment powers of, 257–58, 718–19 Jefferson’s presiding over, 572, 593, 601
New York’s selection for, 285–86, 288
in Philadelphia, 343, 349
Republican control of, 657
Smith appointment rejected by, 560, 561 titles considered by, 278
treaty powers of, 257, 259, 486, 497
September Massacres, 432–34, 465
Serle, Ambrose, 78, 80
Seton, William, 201, 360, 380, 382, 383, 385 Sewall, Jonathan, 518
Seward, William H., 730
Sharples, James, 187, 482–83
Shaw, William, 622
Shays, Daniel, 225
Shays’s Rebellion, 224–25, 253, 255
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 282, 291, 465
Sherman, Roger, 236
Shippen, Margaret,
Arnold, Margaret Shippen Shippen, William, 191
Short, William, 432, 693
Six Nations, 131, 337
Six Per Cent Club, 380
Slater, Samuel, 371
slavery, slaves, 6, 22, 27, 175, 210–16, 244, 285, 341,
376, 558, 581, 628–29, 726
AH’s alleged ownership of, 210–11, 215, 581 British compensation for, 394–95, 485, 486, 495 Burr and, 214–15, 581, 675, 698–99, 716, 717 Congress and, 306–8
Constitutional Convention and, 213, 216, 238–39,
election of 1796 and, 512–14
former, resettlement schemes for, 212, 213, 513,
insurrections of, 12, 32, 33, 122, 448, 515 Jefferson and, 175, 210–13, 307, 312–16, 407,
512–14, 581, 628, 663–64
Louisiana Purchase and, 671–72, 678
punishment of, 11, 19, 33
renting out of, 12, 17, 23
runaway, 32, 33, 40, 123, 212, 213–14, 295 sugar production and, 8, 10, 19, 23, 41, 211, 581 trade in, 8, 32, 33, 212, 216, 239, 306
of Washington, 87, 212, 279
in Washington, D.C., 635–36, 730
smallpox, 128, 164, 191, 450
Smith, Abigail (Nabby) Adams, 560, 561
Smith, Adam, 347, 376, 377
Smith, Melancton, 263, 268, 303, 380
slavery and, 214–16
Smith, Samuel, 634, 638
Stevens, Ann, 27
Stevens, Edward, 27–28, 30, 38, 41, 51–53, 478 Stevens, Eleanora, 449
Stevens, Hester Amory, 449
Stevens, Thomas, 27–28, 38
Stirling, Lord (William Alexander), 45, 48, 72, 74, 79,
84, 85, 105, 115
stock exchanges, 202, 344
Stoddert, Benjamin, 597
Story, Joseph, 189–90
Strong, George W., 691–92
Strong, John, 691–92
Stuart, Gilbert, 2, 88, 335, 642
sugar, 7–11, 22, 23, 39, 119, 580
slavery and, 8, 10, 19, 23, 41, 211, 581
trade in, 7, 14–15, 17, 32, 41
Sullivan, John, 120, 150, 155
Sullivan, William, 92, 188, 250, 333, 334
Supreme Court, New York, 168–69, 670–71, 689, 710 Supreme Court, U.S., 280, 288, 491, 647, 718–19 AH’s views on, 233, 259, 260
carriage tax and, 501–2
Jay as justice of, 288, 446, 461, 486
Swartwout, John, 662
Swartwout, Samuel, 717
Syrett, Harold C., 5, 683

health problems of, 584, 667, 723
marriage of, 135, 147
as senator, 285, 304, 389, 421
slaves of, 210, 211
Tory-Indian raid on, 159–60
Washington’s friendship with, 128, 277
in yellow-fever epidemic, 451

Schuyler, Philip, II, 582–83
Schuyler, Philip Jeremiah, 129, 676–77, 706 Schuyler, Rensselaer, 129
Schuylerville, N.Y., 135–36
Scotland, 12–15, 386, 641

Arkwright’s mills in, 370–72, 374
Scott, Winfield, 730
Scottish Enlightenment, 51
“scrippomania,” 357–61, 373, 379
Seabury, Samuel, 57–60, 68
Sears, Isaac, 68, 185, 201
secession movement, 672, 678–79, 683, 697, 718 Second Bank of the United States, 355, 647, 717,

Second Continental Congress, 66–67, 77, 88, 94, 99,
104–9, 134, 137–40, 172–83, 195, 274, 538 AH as delegate to, 172–83
AH’s criticism of, 108, 124, 125, 135, 138–39, 140,
149, 157, 158, 165, 171, 566
AH’s financial reforms proposed to, 137–38 dollar adopted by, 201, 355
French relations with, 120, 150
Gates-Washington rivalry and, 104–6
Laurens proposal and, 121–22
money printed by, 108, 124, 137
payment issues and, 176–82, 206
peace treaty ratified by, 198–99
Pennsylvania mutineers and, 180–83
Philip Schuyler and, 65, 135, 149
slavery and, 212
taxes and, 124, 127, 158, 171, 221
threat of Newburgh mutiny and, 176–80 Washington’s correspondence with, 83, 84, 89, 90,
securities, 305, 319–20, 321, 342, 387
crash in, 359
trading of, 298, 300–301, 303, 384
see also
bonds; stock exchanges
Sedgwick, Theodore, 599, 661
Adams’s outbursts to, 593, 594, 611
AH’s correspondence with, 574, 611, 615, 633, 697 sedition, 57, 306, 529
Sedition Act (1798), 570, 572–76, 663, 667–69, 718 Senate, New York, 91, 389, 421, 669
Senate, U.S., 238, 251, 265, 280, 294, 327, 329, 403,
455, 522, 539
AH’s views on, 232–33
appointments confirmed by, 288, 310, 461, 556,
bank bill and, 349, 355
Smith, William, 225, 560–61, 562, 567
Smith, William Loughton, 306, 308, 458–59, 533, 535, 547
Smith, William S., 489, 723–24
smuggling, 292, 340, 468
Society for Establishing Useful Manufacturing (SEUM), 372–74, 379–80, 384–88, 411 Society for the Relief of Widows with Small Children, 582, 585
Society of the Cincinnati, 216–18, 283–84, 304, 601, 692, 709, 711, 723
sodomy, 95, 664
Sons of Liberty, 55–56, 58, 62, 64, 68, 185, 197, 201, 438
South America, 566–68, 595
South Carolina, 21, 25, 207, 262, 322, 438, 558 in American Revolution, 121–23, 138, 172, 284–85, 308–9
election of 1800 and, 590, 612, 621, 626
slavery in, 211, 238
Southern Army, 138, 284
Spain, 32, 433, 437, 442
American Revolution and, 61, 118–19, 566 colonial revolutions against, 566–68, 720
Spectator, The
(Addison and Steele), 206
Spencer, Ambrose, 189, 668, 670
Stamp Act (1765), 44, 54, 55, 77, 468, 517
“Stand, The” (Hamilton), 551–52
Stark, John, 66
State Department, U.S., 294–95, 394–95, 406, 504 Freneau and, 396, 397, 400, 403, 445, 453 mint controlled by, 356–57
size of, 291
see also specific secretaries of state
Staten Island, 76, 79, 149, 582–83, 640, 722 states, 182, 221–24, 290, 352
AH’s views on, 3, 103, 108–9, 124, 170, 176, 183, 195, 198–99, 221, 226, 254–56, 266, 290, 297, 299, 320, 342, 600
Connecticut Compromise and, 236
debt of, 225, 297, 298–99, 301, 303, 308, 321–31, 342, 423
militias of, 108, 138, 157, 180–82, 284, 308–9, 553, 564, 577, 599, 635, 636
New Jersey Plan and, 231
Society of the Cincinnati and, 216, 217
taxing of, 124, 127, 170–72
treatment of former Tories and, 195, 198–99 Virginia Plan and, 230–31, 234
states’ rights, 174, 215, 226, 231, 308, 320, 425, 628 Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and, 573–74 Steele, Richard, 206
Sterne, Laurence, 721–22
Steuart, James, 355
Steuben, Frederick William August von, 109–10, 113, 128, 205, 206, 282, 335, 338, 382, 564
Society of the Cincinnati and, 216, 217

Taft, William Howard, 4
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de

(Talleyrand), 465–67, 548–51, 630
Tappan, Fanny Antill, 203–4, 363, 582
tariffs, 377, 468

see also
duties, import
taxes, tax system, 4, 254, 354, 608, 626, 646, 658
AH as advocate of, 170, 176, 225, 226, 296, 299–300, 330–31, 341–44, 480, 491, 501–2, 556, 599
AH as New York receiver of, 170–72
in American colonies, 44, 54–55, 59, 60, 281, 319, 468–69
Continental Congress and, 124, 127, 138, 158, 221
excise, 342–44, 403, 423, 460, 468–78, 480, 491, 501–2
property, 578, 592
see also
duties, import
Tayler, John, 680, 681
tea, 54–55
taxes on, 54, 59, 170, 300
Ten Broeck, Dirck, 188, 696, 705, 715
textiles, 14, 108, 277, 370–72, 374, 376, 386, 387 Tilghman, Tench, 92, 127, 129, 151, 152, 159
on Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, 130, 132 Tillary, James, 335, 380
tobacco, 14, 19, 211, 313, 348, 393
Todd, Dolley Payne,
Madison, Dolley Payne Todd Todd, John, Jr., 453
Trenton, Battle of (1777), 84, 85, 104, 538
Trenton, N.J., 181, 182, 276, 325, 327, 336, 597–99 Trespass Act (1783), 195, 198–99
Troup, Robert, 102, 269, 334, 381, 382, 430, 508, 528,
550, 585, 590, 649, 657, 693, 720
on AH, 72, 73, 190, 554, 555, 584, 636, 637, 644,
645, 651, 655, 656, 667, 691
AH offered land deal by, 484
AH’s correspondence with, 221–22, 285, 381, 382,
389–90, 633
as AH’s executor, 491–92
on AH’s writings, 61, 70, 89–90, 249–50, 535, 624 American Revolution and, 72, 73, 85, 105, 120 on Burr, 421, 561, 636, 637, 644, 662
and, 248, 249–50
health problems of, 696
at King’s College, 51–54, 63, 64, 70
King’s correspondence with, 554, 555, 561, 584,
606, 637, 644
as lawyer, 169, 188, 198, 287
on Philip Hamilton, 651, 654, 655
slavery and, 214–16
Trumbull, John, 282, 315, 583–84, 679, 692, 693,
Tryon, William, 56, 75

Tories (Loyalists), 44, 46, 56–68, 121, 134, 141 AH’s defense of, 186, 194–99
in New York, 42, 49, 53, 56–58, 62–65, 67–70, 75,

81, 159–60, 169, 183–86, 188, 194–99, 318 postwar flight of, 183–84, 185, 188
trade, 6, 13, 14, 15, 60, 344, 354, 371

AH’s writings on, 170, 183
colonists’ embargo of, 55, 57–58, 59
free, 183, 377
interstate conflicts over, 221–24
Jay Treaty and, 485, 487, 495, 496
Jefferson’s recommendations for, 458
in St. Croix, 23, 27, 29–32
slave, 8, 32, 33, 212, 216, 239, 306
sugar, 7, 14–15, 17, 32, 41
U.S.-British, 341, 393, 459, 462
U.S.-French, 547, 553
U.S.–West Indies, 295, 341, 458, 485, 486, 487

Treasury Department, U.S., 281, 288, 293, 360 AH as secretary of, 2, 4, 5, 112, 170, 286–310, 319–33, 338–62, 370–462, 485, 488–89, 491, 530, 620, 724

AH’s alleged abuses in, 281, 425–28, 440, 453, 455, 488–89, 492, 529, 530, 538–41, 646–47, 724
AH’s resignation from, 479–80, 483
AH’s staff in, 292–94, 339, 360, 371–72
Bank of the United States and, 344–55, 357–61
debt assumption–capital site deal and, 326–31
excise taxes and, 342–44
Fraunces’s relations with, 428–30
Gallatin as secretary of, 639, 646–47, 658, 718
Giles investigations and, 425–28, 440, 455, 530
House investigations of, 426–28, 455, 456–57, 468, 480
James Reynolds and, 368, 413–15
manufacturing and, 370–79, 384–87
and minting of coins, 355–57
petitions to, 455, 456
Philadelphia offices of, 338–39
public debt bill and, 480–81
reports to Congress by,
see Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public Credit
Report on Manufactures
Report on Public Credit
Report on the Mint
size of, 291
splitting of, 446
Wolcott as secretary of, 479, 495, 503–4, 523, 524, 531, 547, 556, 558–59, 565, 572, 578, 595, 599, 611, 620, 621
Wolcott as temporary head of, 452
see also
Coast Guard, U.S.; Customs Service, U.S. treaties, 112
commercial, 294, 547
Senate powers and, 257, 259, 486, 497
American Revolution, peace treaty in; Jay Treaty
U.S.-French, 436, 440, 442, 547, 630

Uppington, Mary,
Faucette, Mary Uppington

Valesco, Don Alvarez de, 26
Valley Forge, Pa., 104, 107–13, 127–28
Van Buren, Martin, 726
Van Cortlandt, Pierre, Jr., 674–75
Van Ness, William P., 683, 685–90, 695–96, 699–704,

Van Rensselaer, Margarita Schuyler (Peggy), 129,
133, 160, 282, 641
AH’s correspondence with, 130, 148
death of, 644–45, 723
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 133, 285, 327, 421, 486, 542,
644–45, 674
Varick, Richard, 141, 198, 334, 482, 587
Vattel, Emmerich de, 52
Venable, Abraham B., 414–17, 424, 427, 530, 532–33,
Venezuela, 560, 566
Venton, Ann Lytton (daughter), 39, 209
Venton, Ann Lytton (mother),
Mitchell, Ann Lytton Venton
Venton, John Kirwan, 39
Vermont, 211, 580
election of 1800 and, 632, 636, 638
Verplanck, Gulian, 587
Viomenil, baron de, 585
Virginia, 152, 174–75, 223–24, 239, 305, 310–14, 327,
330, 393, 498, 632, 678, 718
in American Revolution, 160–65, 175, 313 armed insurrection expected in, 577–78, 599, 600 colonial, 65, 122
debt of, 321, 322, 328
election of 1800 and, 607, 610
James Reynolds in, 365, 368
militia of, 636
ratification of Constitution in, 244, 257, 261, 262, 266, 267, 268, 538
slavery in, 211, 212–13, 267, 312, 513
Whiskey Rebellion and, 473
Virginia Assembly, 213, 223, 313
Virginia Plan, 230–32, 234, 238, 248
Virginia Resolutions, 573–74, 576, 577
Voltaire, 193, 314, 722
Bank of the United States and, 349–54, 358 biography of, 351, 479
birthday of, 661
Burr’s relationship with, 74, 562
cabinet appointments of, 286–87, 310, 458, 479, 504 capital site selection and, 326, 329
Constitutional Convention and, 224, 228, 235, 236, 240, 241, 246, 499
critics of, 82, 104–5, 113, 115, 116, 424, 425, 497–98, 530–31, 539
death of, 600–601, 623, 710, 712, 713
in election of 1789, 270–73
in election of 1792, 419, 421, 423–24
farewell address of, 505–8, 531, 544
Federalist alliance of, 504, 601
Federalist Papers
and, 248, 249, 270–71
Fraunces’s correspondence with, 428, 430 French Revolution and, 431, 434, 435–47, 465, 503
Gates’s rivalry with, 104–6
health problems of, 283, 323–24, 443
inauguration of, 276–78, 281, 325, 431, 489 Jay Treaty and, 485–88, 494, 496–500, 502–3, 506, 539
Jefferson-Madison-Hamilton feud and, 399, 400, 402–8, 424, 426, 611
Jefferson’s correspondence with, 310, 314, 316, 320, 358, 380–81, 399, 454
made head of Continental Army, 65, 66, 518 Madison’s break with, 498, 499
military strategy of, 61, 83
as military vs. political leader, 89, 90, 153 murder plots against, 75
Neutrality Proclamation of, 435–43, 445 in New York, 66, 74–80, 140–42, 150–55, 184, 185, 276–83, 292, 295, 338, 489
popularity of, 106, 114–15, 152
portraits of, 2, 88, 335, 505, 642
as president, first term, 276–83, 286–92, 294, 295, 302, 304, 310, 320, 323, 326, 329, 338, 340, 342, 345–46, 349–56, 358, 374, 389, 392, 395, 396, 399, 400, 402–8, 413, 431, 523
as president, second term, 419, 421, 423–26, 428, 430, 431, 435–49, 452, 454, 455, 456, 458–61, 465, 468–83, 485–88, 494, 496–500, 502–10, 523, 539
reserve of, 88, 89, 153, 173, 178, 240, 277–78, 279
Shays’s Rebellion and, 225
slavery and, 87, 212, 279
Society of the Cincinnati and, 216, 217, 601 superb judgment of, 289–90
surrogate sons of, 87, 88–89, 96
temper of, 87, 88, 107, 149, 151–52, 424, 445 third term rejected by, 505
threat of Newburgh mutiny and, 177–80 Virginia Resolutions and, 574
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. (
Reynolds affair and, 423–26, 532
as treasury secretary, 479, 495, 503–4, 523, 524,
531, 547, 556, 558–59, 565, 572, 578, 595, 599,
611, 620, 621
Wood, Gordon, 184, 345, 552
Wyche, William, 168–69
Wythe, George, 228

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