Alexander Hamilton (158 page)

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Authors: Ron Chernow

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Cabot, George, 611, 617, 621, 624
Cadwalader, John, 106
Caesar, Julius, 398, 407, 512, 571
Callender, James Thomson, 509, 529–38, 572, 612,

650, 667–68, 718
in Pamphlet Wars, 663–64
Camillus, 493
Campfield, Jabez, 128
Canada, 7, 66, 97, 495, 674
Capet, Louis,
Louis XVI, king of France capital, U.S., selection of location for, 182, 324–31, 592 Caribbean,
West Indies;
specific islands
Carlisle, Pa., 474–75
carriage tax, 491, 501–2
Carrington, Edward, 261, 401–2
Carroll, Charles, 623–24
(Addison), 107
central banks, 344–55

Adams’s views on, 346
AH’s views on, 4, 6, 124, 138, 156, 170, 344,

347–55, 466
functions of, 347
see also
Bank of England; Bank of the United

Ceracchi, Giuseppe, 2
Chamber of Commerce, New York City, 482, 587 Chambers, David, 475
Chappell, Alonzo, 163
Charleston, Battle of (1780), 123, 138
Charleston, S.C., 437, 440, 487, 491
Charlestown, 17
Chase, Samuel, 117–18, 248, 379

impeachment of, 718–19
Chastellux, marquis de, 119, 128, 130, 147
Chatterton’s Hill, 81
Cheetham, James, 199, 657, 662–63, 699

election of 1804 and, 673, 675–76
child labor, 376–77, 386
Christian Constitutional Society, 659
Christiansted, 11–12, 20–39
Church, Angelica Schuyler, 129, 133–34, 159–60,

335, 337, 347, 543, 653, 723
AH’s affectionate relationship with, 133–34, 159,

173, 204–5, 281, 282–83, 315, 466–67, 522, 527,
528–29, 536, 543–44, 583–84, 706
AH’s correspondence with, 133, 203–5, 281,
282–83, 301, 332, 453, 455, 457, 464, 476,
478–79, 483, 512, 527, 528, 583–84
AH’s death and, 706, 711
death of, 727
Eliza’s correspondence with, 282, 333, 336, 465,
466–67, 478, 479, 527–28, 543, 587, 641 Eliza’s relationship with, 134, 281, 282, 283, 315,
in Europe, 200, 203–5, 281–82, 292, 457, 464, 465,
485, 536
French aristocracy and, 464–67
Jefferson’s correspondence with, 318, 319, 453,
Jefferson’s relationship with, 315–16, 319, 407 marriage of, 134, 136
men enchanted by, 133–34, 204, 282, 315–16, 485 on Philip Hamilton’s funeral, 654
portrait of, 583–84
slavery and, 211, 581
U.S. visits of, 204, 205, 281–83, 292, 315–16 Church, Catherine, 543
Church, John Barker, 134, 136, 159, 200, 527–29,
539, 587–91, 653
AH’s correspondence with, 542–43
AH’s death and, 711, 712
AH’s loan from, 492
death of, 727
dueling of, 589–91, 652, 698, 701
in Europe, 200, 204, 281, 282, 457, 727
Hamilton-Burr duel and, 691, 695, 701–2, 704 Manhattan Company and, 587, 588, 590 slavery and, 211, 581
Church, Philip, 563–64, 583, 585, 595, 726–27 Church of England (Anglicanism), 44, 46, 47, 58 Cicero, 42, 110
Cincinnatus, 216
Citation Act (1782), 195, 199
Civil War, U.S., 574, 581, 678, 683, 726
Claypoole’s American Daily Advertiser,
507 Clement, Maria,
Reynolds, Maria
Clingman, Jacob, 409–10, 412–18, 428–29, 529, 538,
Clinton, Cornelia,
Genêt, Cornelia Clinton Clinton, De Witt, 650, 661–62, 673, 680
Clinton, George, 65, 272–76, 303, 325, 631 AH’s correspondence with, 108, 109, 158, 177,
210–11, 220
AH’s feud with, 91, 109, 176, 220–21, 236–37,
244–45, 253, 272–76, 309, 675
background of, 220
as brigadier general, 220, 274
Constitutional Convention and, 236–37 as deterrent to national unity, 108–9, 221, 224 in election of 1792, 420–23

Clinton, George (
in election of 1800, 607, 610
in election of 1801, 644–45, 650
on Hamilton-Burr duel, 688
King’s candidacy and, 285–86
as New York governor, 3, 26, 91, 108–9, 176, 177,

184, 201, 219–21, 224, 236–37, 244–45, 253,
262, 265, 267, 268, 273, 274, 337, 420, 421, 483 New York Ratifying Convention and, 262, 263,
265, 267, 268
Philip Schuyler’s feud with, 91, 149, 220, 273–75 as presidential candidate, 272, 273
retirement of, 672
as vice presidential candidate, 672, 675, 719 Clinton, Sir Henry, 102, 112, 123, 164
AH’s alleged secret letter to, 143–44
Clossy, Samuel, 52, 57
Coast Guard, U.S., 4, 32, 292, 340
Cobb, David, 536–37
Cobbett, William, 499
Cochran, Gertrude Schuyler, 128
Cochran, John, 128
Coercive (Intolerable) Acts (1774), 54–55, 57 coffee, taxes on, 300
Coke, Sir Edward, 72
Colbert, Louis, 170
Colden, Cadwallader, 576
Coleman, William, 604–6, 649–50, 654, 662, 663,
College of New Jersey, 35, 42
see also
College of Physicians, 450
Columbia College, 206, 337, 651, 692
Columbia University Press, 5
Committee of Public Safety, French, 446–47 committees of correspondence, 55, 90
Common Council, New York City, 206, 276, 586,
587, 711
Common Sense
(Paine), 70, 95
Concord, Mass., 61, 62, 68, 94
Confiscation Act (1779), 195, 199
Congress, U.S., 238, 245, 256, 294, 339–40, 423, 453,
478, 507, 725
Adams’s speeches to, 548, 549, 550, 593 Alien and Sedition Acts and, 570–73
in Germantown, 452
Jefferson’s relationship with, 647, 671
military approved by, 553, 554, 555, 596, 602 in New York City, 274, 276, 277, 280–81, 295–307,
319–31, 338
petitions to, 364
in Philadelphia, 341–44, 347–49, 355–56, 364,
374–79, 430
Republican majority in, 455
“scrippomania” and, 358
slavery and, 306–8
tax-levying powers of, 183, 297, 501–2
“camp ladies” of, 126
disorder and morale problems in, 80–83, 97, 100, 107–9, 114, 116, 127, 151
duels in, 106, 116–17
fear of Newburgh mutiny in, 176–80
Gates-Washington rivalry in, 104–6, 272 Lafayette’s rise in, 95, 96
in New Jersey, 83–86, 91–94, 113–16, 127–33, 135, 136
Northern Department of, 97, 102, 134
passwords in, 129, 164
Pennsylvania mutineers in, 180–83
pensions in, 165, 176, 725
refurbishment of, 99–100
reorganization of, 109
retreats of, 79–80, 83–84, 114, 116
social life of, 93–94, 126, 128–33
Southern Army, 138, 284
state militias vs., 108, 138, 157, 180–82, 284, 553 Steuben’s stewardship of, 109–10, 113, 206, 564 supply problems in, 107–8, 374–75, 566, 595 Washington made head of, 65, 66, 518
Washington’s farewell to, 185, 616
Continental Association, 57–58
Continental Congress, 44, 45, 47, 81, 293, 518, 555 First, 55, 57–59, 87
Second (Confederation),
Second Continental Congress
“Continentalist, The” (Hamilton), 157–58, 170, 171, 257
Conway, Thomas, 105–6
Conway Cabal, 106, 107, 113, 272
Cooper, Charles D., 680–83, 686–88
Cooper, Myles, 49–53, 56–58, 61, 72, 293
mob action against, 63–64, 68, 69
Copley, John Singleton, 56
Cornwallis, Lord, 82, 138, 284, 313
Yorktown siege and, 160–62, 164
corporations, creation of, 354
Cosway, Maria, 315, 317
Cosway, Richard, 315
cotton, 10, 14, 211
court-martials, 74–75, 115–16
Coxe, Tench, 371–72, 375
credit, 124, 127, 138, 393, 481, 636
British, 156, 313, 393
central bank and, 347, 348
private, 155–56
public, AH’s report on, 288, 295–306
crime, 266, 355, 603–6
Croswell, Harry, 667–71, 673, 685
Croucher, Richard, 605
Cruger, John, 30
Cruger, Nicholas, 23, 30, 31, 32, 38, 48, 269, 483 Cruger, Tileman, 31
dollar as, 201, 355, 356
minting of coins and, 355–57
paper money
uniform, 32, 201, 347
Custis, Martha Dandridge,
Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis
Customs Service, U.S., 4, 32, 221, 244, 292, 339–41, 354, 438, 448, 459, 646
De Peyster’s Point, N.Y., 154
d’Estaing, Jean Baptiste, 119, 120, 434
Dewhurst, John, 384, 385
Dexter, Samuel, 189–90
Dickinson, John, 58, 60, 181, 234, 627
Dipnall, Thomas, 24
Directory, French, 546, 548–51, 597, 598, 602
Discourses on Davila
(Adams), 519
Duane, James, 57, 155, 168, 184, 216, 263, 276, 283,
AH’s correspondence with, 138–39, 232, 347
Rutgers v. Waddington
and, 198–99
in Senate race, 285–86
Duane, William, 622
duels, 134, 238, 308–9, 423, 491–93, 539–41, 621,
664, 683–85
AH’s opposition to, 189, 652–53, 685, 689, 707,
Burr-Church, 589–91
in Continental Army, 106, 116–17
in, 653, 689–90, 715
Hamilton-Burr duel in Nevis, 18–19
outlawing of, 654–55, 700
of Philip Hamilton, 650–55, 685, 689, 701 political quarrels settled by, 662–63
Duer, Catharine Alexander (Lady Kitty), 45, 93, 293,
Duer, William, 45, 216, 304, 334, 368, 429 downfall of, 381–84
Federalist Papers
and, 247, 248
in prison, 382–83, 385, 387–88, 410
SEUM and, 373, 379–80, 384–86, 387, 388, 411 speculation of, 358, 360, 361, 379–84, 410, 428 in Treasury Department, 293–94, 360, 371 Dunlap, John, 77
Dunmore, Lord, 122
du Pont, Victor, 268
du Pont de Nemours, Samuel, 268
Dutch Reformed Church, 132, 147, 148, 169 Dutch West India Company, 50
Dutch West Indies, 35
duties, import, 180, 292, 299–300, 339, 341, 394 AH’s advocacy of, 170, 176, 221, 226
254, 255, 256
in New York, 221, 244

treasury secretary reports to, 281, 288, 295–306, 341–44, 347–49, 355–56, 374–79, 480
war powers of, 436, 442
Washington’s annual address to, 419, 504
see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S. Connecticut, 211, 221, 261, 272
American Revolution in, 68
Connecticut Compromise, 236
Constitution, New York, 90–91, 247, 293
Constitution, U.S., 90, 237–74, 280, 285, 288, 345, 348, 391, 397, 401, 446, 473, 484, 538, 637–38, 649, 651, 678, 679, 712
AH’s concessions and, 242
amendments to, 280, 572
broad interpretation of, 352–54, 378–79, 671
central bank and, 350–54
change of government seat and, 452
“common defence and general welfare” clause of, 378–79
explication of,
see Federalist Papers, The
“God” omitted from, 235
Jay Treaty and, 494, 496–97
Jefferson’s vacillations about, 310–11, 407, 408, 610, 633
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and, 573–74
“necessary and proper” clause of, 350, 352, 354
New York battle over, 215, 216, 235, 237, 239, 243–69, 284, 287, 398
preamble to, 240–41, 574
presidential electors in, 271–72, 606
ratification process for, 241, 249, 261–62, 574
strict construction of, 252, 350, 352, 354, 379, 443, 628, 671
Constitutional Convention, 44, 47, 222–43, 259, 304, 321, 324, 351, 353–54, 423, 552, 573–74
AH at, 4, 5, 222, 227–43, 245, 265, 266–67, 321, 353–54, 406, 657
AH’s calls for, 139, 157, 171, 183, 223–24
AH’s June 18 speech at, 231–35, 245, 265
AH’s June 29 speech at, 235
breakup of New York delegation to, 235–36
Committee of Style and Arrangement at, 239–41, 285
Connecticut Compromise at, 236
description of delegates to, 229
end of, 241
and, 247, 248
lawyers at, 167, 229
New Jersey Plan at, 231, 234
road to, 222–27
secrecy of, 228, 236, 244, 245, 248, 354, 499
slavery and, 213, 216, 238–39, 306
Virginia Plan at, 230–32, 234, 238, 248
Continental Army, 65–66, 74–76, 78–86, 149–55, 158–66, 176–85, 225, 293
AH as Washington’s adjutant in, 5, 66, 85–129, 137–47, 149–54, 207
Dallas, Alexander J., 286, 441
Dana, Francis, 124
Danish West India and Guinea Company, 10
Danish West Indies, 226
see also
St. Croix
Danton, Georges Jacques, 434
Davie, William, 594, 597
Davis, Matthew, 717
Dawson, Henry, 653, 654
Day, Thomas, 307
Dayton, Jonathan, 572, 599–600
Deas, William, 700
debt, 4, 219, 226, 229, 282, 403, 461, 646
AH’s alleged buying back of, 423
English public, 295–96
of farmers, 224–25
foreign loans in repayment of, 425–27
national, 156, 225, 280, 286, 290, 297, 298–99, 400, 407, 408, 639, 646
public, retirement of, 480–81
of states, 225, 297, 298–99, 301, 303, 308, 321–31, 342, 423
war, 170, 175–76, 177, 224, 225, 297, 323, 394–95, 425
see also specific people
Dechman, James, 14
Declaration of Independence, 47, 77, 181, 312–13, 319, 518, 552, 651
slavery and, 211, 212, 214
Declaration of the Rights of Man, French, 446
“Defence, The” (Livingston, Livingston, and Hamilton), 493–97, 499
Defoe, Daniel, 13
de Haert, Balthazar, 188
deism, 205, 659
de la Tour du Pin, Madame, 464
Delaware, 261, 637–38
Delaware River, 84, 99, 114, 441
democracy, 3, 6, 181, 251, 376, 390, 477, 481, 521, 599, 627
AH’s fears about, 219, 220–21, 231–32, 253–54 American Revolution and, 99, 171, 197
Montesquieu’s theory of, 254
“Democratic” (“Republican”) societies, 438, 445, 478, 489
Denmark, colonialism of,
St. Croix
de Nully, Bertram Pieter, 12

Eacker, George I., 651–55, 701
Earl, Ralph, 206–7, 337
East India Company, 54
East River, 78, 79, 194, 641

of American Indians, 337–38
of blacks, 214, 581, 698
of child laborers, 386
military, 564–65, 599, 602
in New York, 206, 214, 337–38, 581, 582, 729 Fair Hill, 449
Fairlie, James, 678
“Farmer Refuted, The” (Hamilton), 59–61 farmers, 108, 263, 273, 283, 303

Edwards, Esther,
Burr, Esther Edwards Edwards, Evan, 117
Edwards, Jonathan, 191, 682
Edwards, Rhoda, 721
Edwards, Rev. Timothy, 191
elections, 257

of 1789, 270–76
of 1792, 419–24
of 1796, 508–16, 609, 632
of 1800, 562, 579, 590, 594–95, 601, 606–12,

616–18, 621–28, 631–35, 646
of 1801, 644–45, 650
of 1804, 662, 672–82, 719
AH’s role in, 5, 221–22, 270–73, 419–24, 509–16,

606–10, 612, 616–18, 621–26, 631–38, 644–45,
George Clinton in, 91, 149, 272, 273–76, 420–23,
607, 610, 644–45, 650
real estate requirements and, 607
Elizabethtown, N.J., 42–46, 276
Elizabethtown Academy, 42–43, 45
Elkins, Stanley, 390, 391, 395, 487
Ellis, John, 596
Ellis, Joseph, 486, 498, 520, 623, 639, 690
Ellsworth, Oliver, 181, 280, 594, 597
against British, 55, 57, 59, 459
against French, 553
(French frigate), 437, 438
England, 170, 293
central bank of, 138, 156, 295, 347, 370 French refugees in, 464, 465
public debt in, 295–96
Scotland’s union with, 14
see also
Great Britain; London
Enlightenment, 51, 161, 314, 659
Episcopalians, Episcopal Church, 205, 391, 695,
706–7, 708
in American Revolution, 42, 70, 81, 140–43, 185 industrial, 14, 370–74
Essex Junto, 678
Eustace, John Skey, 116
“Examination, The” (Hamilton), 648–49, 650, 658 excise tax:
carriage, 491, 501–2
on whiskey, 342–44, 403, 423, 460, 468–78, 480 executive branch, 351, 436, 498
AH’s views on, 3, 6, 139, 183, 232–34, 310, 320,
429, 442, 459, 466, 498
and, 248, 257–59
Franklin’s views on, 230
Genêt’s views on, 440–41
Jefferson’s views on, 310, 320, 634–35, 647 in Virginia Plan, 230
see also
president, U.S.;
specific presidents and vice presidents

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