Moment of Weakness - The Esquire Girls Series - Hailey (Book 1)

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Moment of Weakness

(The Esquire Girls Series)

Hailey  (book 1)


Cassie-Ann L.  Miller


Moment of Weakness (The Esquire Girls Series) – Hailey (Book 1)


Copyright © 2015 Cassie-Ann L. Miller


All rights reserved.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents appearing therein are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be interpreted as real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


The author acknowledges the trademarked status of the various products referenced in this work.

Stories in the

Esquire Girls Series

By Cassie-Ann L. Miller



Amber’s Story


Up All Night (Amber – Book 1)


In your Arms Tonight (Amber Book 2)


Live for the Night (Amber Book 3)


When the Night is Over (Amber Book 4) - (The conclusion to Amber’s story)


Or get Amber’s full story, all in one boxed set:
Amber Nights (Amber – Books 1, 2, 3 & 4)




Madison’s Story


Waiting, Always  (Madison – Book 1)


Yours Always (Madison – Book 2)


Loving You Always (Madison – Book 3)


Always & Forever (Madison – Book 4) – (The conclusion to Madison’s story)


Or get Madison’s full story, all in one boxed set:
For Madison, Always (Madison – Books 1, 2, 3 & 4)




Ruthie’s Story


Desire, Untamed (Ruthie – Book 1)


Blinded by Desire (Ruthie – Book 2)


Desire Ablaze (Ruthie – Book 3)


Beyond Desire (Ruthie – Book 4) – (The conclusion to Ruthie’s story)


Or get Ruthie’s full story, all in one boxed set:
Ruthie’s Desire (Ruthie – Books 1, 2, 3 & 4)



Hailey’s Story


Moment of Weakness (Hailey – Book 1)

Preorder it now – Click here


A Moment in Time (Hailey – Book 2) – Coming December 24
, 2015


Beyond this Moment – Coming December 24
, 2015




Esquire HEAT Series


A Very Eager Intern


A Very Frustrated Attorney

Table of contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Preview of “A Moment in Time – Hailey (book 2)”

Chapter 1


New York! New York!


Concrete jungle where starry-eyed girls and optimistic guys come to make their wildest dreams come true.


It’s been months since I moved here from a little town outside of Austin. I’ve seen spring turn to summer turn to fall. And, even now as winter threatens its approach with the first lazy snowflakes fluttering in the sky, I still find myself in awe of the city’s vibrancy and dynamism and intensity. Every morning as I make the short walk from Union Square station to the offices of Cartwright Moretti Stevenson where I intern, I fall in love with the city all over again.


Stepping out of the subway and onto the busy sidewalk, I’m greeted by the frenzied energy of Manhattan at the morning rush hour. Loud car horns, blaring sirens and herds of pedestrians who could bowl you over without even noticing it. Despite the chaos, I love New York and there’s no other place I’d rather be. This city makes me feel alive. Invincible. Like I can take on the world. And I have every intention of doing just that.


I love New York.


From the street performers beating their drums and playing music…To the hawkers who continue to hustle late into the night…To the men.


My god, the men


I have a particular weakness for the tall, lean business-man types with their carefully tussled hair and not a hint of stubble adorning their chiseled chins, exuding success, confidence and raw sex with their every movement.


I could say that I moved here to finish my law degree at NYU or to take advantage of the internship opportunity I was offered at one of the country’s top corporate/commercial law firms. But the truth is, I could have finished my degree at the University of Texas where I started it and I had more than a few top internships to choose from in various cities around the country. The truth is, I came to New York City to find a
big city love
with a
big city man


I came for the romance.


For the walks through Central Park hand in hand with the love of my life. To ring in the New Year at Time Square, locking lips with the man of my dreams. To hold his hand at the top of the Empire State Building. Just like you see in the movies.


But so far, Mr. Right hasn’t shown up yet. I’ve had men hit on me. I’ve gone on my fair share of low-profile dates. I even hooked a few guys who I thought were way out of my league. But Mr. Right is nowhere to be found. I have to admit that I’m growing impatient waiting for him to waltz into my life.


But for now, I still have my love affair with New York to keep me dizzy.


I glance down at my wristwatch and notice that I have enough time to take a leisurely stroll to the office.


As I make my way through the sea of fast-moving New Yorkers all professionally dressed and talking on their smartphones, my eyes lock with those of a broad-shouldered, dark-haired Adonis. Polished, suave, clean-shaven. Business suit perfectly-tailored to his lean physique. Not one hair out of place. Just the way I like ‘em.


He takes me in from head to toe and back again. His gorgeous honey-brown eyes twinkle at me and he smiles.


I feel the breath leave my lungs and nervous energy tickles at my stomach. I coyly push a lock of blonde hair behind my ear as I feel heat rush to my cheeks.


Our gazes lock as we glide by each other, bodies mere inches apart. And it’s like time stands still. The fast-moving world around me has melted away as he flashes his blindingly-white smile.


And then, I feel my beloved Philip Lim leather handbag slide off of my shoulder.


I fall to the ground as the strap breaks and the bag is jerked off of my body. The gorgeous man clutches my bag tightly under his arm as he dashes through the crowd.


“Nnnnooo! Nnnnooo!” I yelp from the sidewalk where I lay in shock, trying to process what just happened.


I few passersby stop to help me up. They surround me trying to understand what is going on.


“That man – he mugged me – I was walking – and he mugged me – he grabbed my purse,” I scream frantically, pointing in the direction he ran off in. I feel hot tears coursing down my face.


The people around me try to calm me down to get a better grasp of the situation. Someone is trying to flag down a nearby police officer. Through my tears, I try to explain that I was mugged – not by a panhandler in tattered clothing, but by a gorgeous man in a thousand-dollar suit who looks like he just stepped off of one of the fifty-foot billboards overlooking Union Square.


It’s utter chaos. My mind is spinning. I feel faint. Frozen with shock. Suspended in time.


Suddenly, a tall, rugged-looking man pushes his way through the crowd. He’s out of breath and his sandy brown hair clings to his damp forehead as he raises my damaged handbag in the air, waving it around. “Ma’am, this is it right? This is your handbag?” His Texan accent is unmistakable.


I stare up at him in disbelief. “It is.”


He hands it to me before wiping the torrents of sweat running down his face and straightening his tie.


“Thank you,” I mumble barely able to get the words out of my tight throat.


“You’re welcome, ma’am,” he says with a boyish grin. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’ve got a job interview I’ve gotta get to.” The crowd erupts into applause as it parts and makes way for him to pass through. He hurries away, lifting his ill-fitted jacket to slide the tail of his rumpled shirt back into the waist of his pants.


“Wait –” I call weakly after him.


But he’s already gone. He’s disappeared into the thick of Manhattan’s early morning foot traffic.

Chapter 2


“What’s this?” I ask attempting to suppress a smile as Amber sets an aluminum tray in front of me.


“Lentil-walnut burritos…I think,” she says, her forehead crinkling as she rubs her baby bump and sinks into her chair.


?” I feel myself frowning.


She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly. “I don’t know. Spencer made it.”


My roommate, Ruthie, looks concerned. “Honey, are you sure it’s vegan?” she asks. She knows how important it is to me that I only eat foods free of animal products.


I became vegan shortly after moving to New York. It was yet another desperate attempt to control my weight. Staying away from meat has been tough for me. I mean, I’m the daughter of a rancher. I grew up on a cattle farm. And I am intimately familiar with the joys of a medium-rare rib-eye steak with gravy and mashed potatoes. But I care more about getting rid of these extra curves than I do about any type of comfort food. So, I’ve adopted a vegan lifestyle and I plan to stick to it.


“I’ll go call him to double-check,” Amber says rolling her eyes dramatically as she rises to her feet and waddles slowly into the other room to call her fiancé, Spencer.


“See – that’s why I just stuck to salad,” Nadia says nodding towards the bowl of vegetables that she’s contributed to tonight’s potluck. “Lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes. Simple. And


“Ugh – you’re just lazy, Nadia. No effort whatsoever.” I’m only teasing her. I appreciate her contribution. I’m determined to put on a happy face tonight. Even if it kills me.


My friends are hosting a small potluck dinner for me in an attempt to cheer me up and I love them for it. It’s not everyday that I get mugged in broad daylight right on the steps in front of my workplace. Especially not by a guy that I was hoping would turn out to be my long-awaited Prince Charming.


Still, I have lots to be grateful for, starting with the five beautiful, intelligent women I’m sharing dinner with tonight. We all met as interns at Cartwright Moretti Stevenson and we’ve nicknamed ourselves the Esquire Girls.


Nadia Chester is sitting to my left. She has gorgeous wild, curly hair that she usually wears in an afro. Her skin is deep brown and flawless.


Next to Nadia is Ruthie Salvador, my leggy, blond, Brazilian roommate. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. She’s five foot ten, with not an ounce of fat on her body. I’m so jealous of her perky, cellulite-free butt that sometimes I don’t know what to do.


Directly across from me sits Jasmine Santiago. She’s new at our office. She has long, wavy dark hair and a curvy figure that showcases her Latin heritage.


Amber Roberts is average height with her jet-black bangs and icy blue eyes. I’ve never seen such an insanely sexy pregnant woman.


Just then, there’s a knock at the door. It must be Madison Moretti. She’s our boss’ daughter. She’s hopelessly elegant with thick dark hair and pretty brown eyes. Her hair and makeup are always perfect and her every movement is the epitome of grace and sophistication.


Madison comes into the kitchen right on Amber and Ruthie’s heels. “Maddie – you’re here!” I say, barely able to contain my excitement as Amber helps Madison set her brown paper bag down on the table.


“Sorry I’m late,” Madison says as she bends to give me a hug in my seat. “Ohmygod – are you okay? I would be so spooked if I’d been mugged.”


I try to downplay the gravity of the situation with a shrug. “It is what it is. I’ll be fine. My purse is in critical condition but expected to make a full recovery.” I’m lucky to have escaped the mugging with nothing more than a bruised knee and a broken purse strap. The knee is bandaged up and the purse is at the shoemaker’s for repairs. So,
restitutio in integrum
wins out in the end – everything will be restored to its original condition.


Madison opens her brown paper bag and pulls out a plastic container. “I got vegan falafels from the restaurant we went to the last time,” she announces.


I can practically see Jasmine’s mouth salivating. “Oooh – I love falafels.”


Madison just smiles as she sinks into an empty chair. “Okay. Okay. Let me tell you why I’m late.” She rummages around in her purse and pulls out a bunch of small pink dispensers.


“What is that?” I ask leaning forward to get a better look.


Nadia grabs one of the dispensers from Madison’s hand. “Oh, that’s so smart. Look – it says ‘Esquire Girls’ on the side.” Nadia offers the dispenser to Amber.


“So cute,” Amber says just before passing the dispenser to Jasmine.


“Yeah – this is pretty badass, Madison,” Jasmine says as Madison makes sure that each of us has a dispenser.


“What is it? Is it perfume?” I ask, still waiting for an answer as I aim the dispenser at my neck.


Ruthie jumps on me quickly and yanks it out of my grip.


“It’s pepper spray, silly girl,” Amber says laughing at me.


“Spray that thing in here and you won’t be able to sleep in your apartment for a week,” Nadia warns, her eyebrow scrunched up with concern.


I feel myself blushing.  “Oh, I didn’t know it was pepper spray.” Where I come from, we don’t need pepper spray. People are friendly and you can trust that your neighbor would never hurt you. I guess I’m a bit more sheltered than these city girls sitting around me.


Jasmine clips the dispenser to her keychain. “This really is a good idea, Madison. Thanks. I live on the shady side of town. This might actually come in handy.”


“Yeah – I mean – this will make me feel much safer when the baby comes and I take him or her to the park or for a walk,” Amber says.


Madison throws a glance in my direction. “Well, after what happened to Hailey right in the middle of Manhattan in broad daylight, we can’t be too careful.”


“Very thoughtful of you, Madison,” Ruthie says with a small smile.


I don’t want to be reminded of what happened to me today. I just want to move on. I don’t want this incident to taint my image of New York. So, I change the subject. “Okay, okay. Enough talk about mugging and pepper spray. I’m starving! Let’s eat!”


We spend nearly forty-five minutes talking and laughing and enjoying our meal. Then, my phone rings suddenly.


My stomach coils into a tight knot when I read the name on my caller ID.


It’s Matt.


Matteo Moretti.


My boss’ son.


I quickly excuse myself from the table. “Hailey Lundeen?” I say into the receiver, trying to sound professional although my stomach is doing somersaults.


“I passed by your cubicle. You weren’t there,” he says matter-of-factly.


I glance up at the clock on living room wall. It’s 8:47 in the evening. “I went home.” I try to sound casual just as loud laughter erupts in my kitchen.


“What’s going on over there?” I can hear the possessive jealousy creep into his voice.


“Some of the girls from the office are here. We’re having dinner.”


“Well, you’re gonna have to come back in to work…I need you tonight.”


My breasts tingle at his words. Every time I hear his voice or see his handsome face, I think back to that first night in late summer when we let ourselves get carried away. Every part of me wants to experience that again and again, but Matt has made it clear that it was a one-time thing and that I should forget it ever happened. Our relationship is strictly professional. He’s a senior associate who needs my assistance tonight and if I want this internship to firm up into a permanent job once I pass the New York state bar exam, I need to be at his beck and call.


I suppress a sigh. “I’ll be right there,” I say in a small voice just before disconnecting the call.


“Who was that?” Nadia asks as I stick my head into the kitchen to tell the girls that I have to leave.


“Uh, it was Matt. I’ve gotta head back to the office.”


“Aww. That sucks,” Amber whines.


“Dammit – my brother’s such a buzzkill,” Madison groans.


I sweep my hand through the air dismissively. “No worries. He’s always working on some exciting deal. I don’t mind going back in. I really don’t.”


“Well, we’ll catch up tomorrow,” Jasmine says.


“Yeah – good night, ladies.” I waste no time grabbing my purse and hurrying down the stairs. Once I’m on the sidewalk, I hail a yellow cab and hop in. The cabbie swerves into the bumper-to-bumper traffic so fast that he almost knocks over a cyclist on his bike. I clutch my chest as the cyclist bangs against the roof of the car and hurls obscenities at the driver. The cabbie honks his horn loudly as he merges into the relentless midtown Manhattan traffic.


It’s pure chaos.


It’s New York.


And I love every bit of it.

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