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Illustration Permissions
in order of appearance



Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804),
by John Trumbull (1756–1843)
Oil on canvas, 1832
Yale University Art Gallery, Trumbull Collection

Illustration Insert

Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804),
by John Trumbull (1756–1843)
Oil on canvas, 1792
Collection of Credit Suisse First Boston

Myles Cooper, D.D. (1737–1785),
by John Singleton Copley (1738–1815)
Oil on canvas, ca. 1768
Columbia University, gift of The New-York

Historical Society, 1820 (COO.735)
Courtesy of the Frick Art Reference Library

View of Columbia College in the City of New York,
by Cornelius Tiebout (ca. 1773–1832) after J. Anderson

Copper engraving from the
New-York Magazine,
May 1790
Collection of The New-York Historical Society (PR 020 Geographic File, negative #20415)
George Washington at Princeton,
by Charles Willson Peale (1741–1827)
Oil on canvas, 1779
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; gift of Maria McKean Allen and Phebe Warren Downes through the bequest of their mother, Elizabeth Wharton McKean
John Laurens (1754–1782),
by Charles Willson Peale (1741–1827)
Watercolor on ivory, set in gold with enamel and gemstones, ca. 1784
Independence National Historical Park

Marquis de Lafayette (1757–1834),
by Joseph Boze (1745–1826)
Oil on canvas, 1790
Massachusetts Historical Society

Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander Hamilton (1757–1854),
by Ralph Earl (1751– 1801)

Oil on canvas, 1787
Museum of the City of New York, gift of Mrs. Alexander Hamilton and General Pierpont Morgan Hamilton (1971.31.2)
Major General Philip John Schuyler (1733–1804),
by John Trumbull (1756–1843)
Oil on wood panel, 1792
Collection of The New-York Historical Society, bequest of Philip Schuyler (1915.13, negative #29012)
Mrs. John Barker Church (Angelica Schuyler Church), with Child and Servant,
by John Trumbull (1756–1843)
Oil on canvas, ca. 1785
Belvidere Trust Collection through Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bromeley
Philip Schuyler Mansion, Albany, New York,
by Philip Hooker (1766–1836)
Ink and watercolor on paper, 1818
Collection of The New-York Historical Society (1961.13, negative #38794)
James Madison (1751–1836),
by Charles Willson Peale (1741–1827)
Oil on canvas, 1792
Collection of the Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma
John Jay (1745–1829),
by Joseph Wright (1756– 1793)
Oil on canvas, 1786
Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of John Pintard (1817.5, negative #6066)

Illustration Permissions


The Federalist
number 1
From the
New-York Independent Journal,
October 27, 1787
Collection of The New-York Historical Society (negative #52128)

George Clinton (1739–1812),
by Ezra Ames (1768– 1836)
Oil on canvas, 1814
Collection of The New-York Historical Society,

gift of George Clinton Tallmadge (1858.84, negative #6108)

Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826),
by Mather Brown (1761–1831)
Oil on canvas, 1786
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution

(99.66)/Art Resource, New York
Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826),
by James Sharples,
Sr. (ca. 1751–1811), from life
Pastel on paper, 1796–1797
Independence National Historical Park
Philip Morin Freneau (1752–1832)
Reprinted from Philip Morin Freneau,
Relating to the American Revolution
(New York:
W. J. Widdleton, 1865)
James Monroe (1758–1831),
by Jean-Baptiste-Claude
Sené, (1748–1803)
Watercolor on ivory, 1794
Courtesy of James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library, Fredericksburg, Virginia
William Branch Giles (1762–1830),
after Gilbert
Stuart (1755–1828)
Photogravure, n.d.
Collection of The New-York Historical Society
(PR 052 Portrait File, negative #75966)
Edmond Charles Genêt (1763–1834),
by GillesLouis Chrétien (1754–1811) after Jean Fouquet
(active 1793–1798)
Engraving, restrike from the original copper plate
of 1793
Albany Institute of History and Art, bequest of
George Clinton Genet through the estate of
Augusta G. K. C. Genet (1912.2.4)
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–
by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon (1758–1823) Oil on canvas, 1817
Metropolitan Museum of Art, purchase, Mrs.
Charles Wrightsman, gift in memory of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (1994.190)
John Adams (1735–1826),
by Charles Willson Peale
(1741–1827), from life
Oil on canvas 1791–1794
Independence National Historical Park
Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the
Public Conduct and Character of John Adams,
Esq., President of the United States
New York: printed for John Lang by George F.
Hopkins, 1800
Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift
of Gulian E. Verplanck, 1809 (negative #51097)

Timothy Pickering (1745–1829),
by Hezekiah W. Smith after Gilbert Stuart (1755–1828) Engraving, ca. 1860
Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift

of Henry O. Havemeyer (PR 025, negative #75964)

Oliver Wolcott, Jr. (1760–1833),
by Joseph Andrews (1806–1837) and W. H. Tappan after John Trumbull (1756–1843)

Engraving, ca. 1850

Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of Henry O. Havemeyer (PR 025, negative #75965)
James McHenry (1753–1816),
by James Sharples, Sr. (ca. 1751–1811), from life

Pastel on paper, ca. 1796–1800
Independence National Historical Park

Aaron Burr (1756–1836),
attributed to Gilbert Stuart (1755–1828)
Oil on canvas, ca. 1792

Collection of The New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, New Jersey, gift of David A. Hayes for John Chetwood (1854.1)

Aaron Burr (1756–1836),
by John Vanderlyn (1775– 1852)
Oil on canvas, 1802
Collection of The New-York Historical Society,

gift of Dr. John E. Stillwell (1931.58, negative #6227)

Aaron Burr (1756–1836),
by James Van Dyck (active nineteenth century)
Oil on canvas, 1834
Collection of The New-York Historical Society,

gift of Dr. John E. Stillwell (1931.57, negative #6832)

Philip Hamilton (1782–1801)
Reprinted from Allan McLane Hamilton,
The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1911)

Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804),
by Ezra Ames (1768–1836)
Oil on canvas, 1810
Special Collections, Schaffer Library, Union

College, gift of General Alexander Hamilton, 1875

Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander Hamilton (1757–1854),
attributed to John D. Martin Charcoal and chalk on paper, 1851
Museum of the City of New York, gift of Mrs.

Alexander Hamilton and General Pierpont Morgan Hamilton (1971.31.6)

Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804),
by Giuseppe Ceracchi (1751–1802)
Marble, ca. 1793
Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift

of James Gore King (1928.18, negative #50044)

Hamilton Grange, New York,
by Randall Comfort Photograph, 1891
Collection of The New-York Historical Society

(PR 020 Geographic File, negative #75963)
abolitionism, 35, 94, 210–16, 285, 306–8, 391, 450,

485, 580–82, 614, 628
of AH, 5, 6, 23, 27, 33, 41, 94, 121–22, 210–12,
239, 307, 495, 514, 580–82, 629, 662, 730 American Revolution and, 121–23, 210, 212 British, 122, 123
Adams, Abigail, 305, 338, 517, 524, 550, 560, 571,
592, 614, 638
on AH, 383, 400, 419, 511, 535–36, 566, 598, 602,
election of 1800 and, 616–17
health problems of, 596
husband of,
Adams, John
Jefferson and, 515, 664
on Philadelphia sensuality, 362–63
on slavery, 122–23
on Washington, 88, 279
Adams, Charles, 188, 278, 597, 638
Adams, Henry, 3, 635, 648, 690, 703
Adams, John, 112, 172, 188, 192, 240, 241, 247, 324,
344, 514–25, 683
Abigail’s correspondence with, 88, 420, 454, 493,
497, 509, 511, 523, 535
Abigail’s views on, 271, 597
absenteeism of, 420, 525, 558, 578, 579, 594,
596–97, 638
on AH, 115, 163, 334, 363, 511, 520, 521–22, 524,
525, 536, 537, 553, 558, 559, 562, 568, 571, 579,
615–16, 620, 624–25, 626, 632, 713, 714 AH compared with, 17, 205, 517, 521, 547, 599, 640 AH’s correspondence with, 420, 455–56, 524,
560–61, 563–64, 621–22
AH’s feud with, 2, 5, 273, 419, 510–11, 515–16,
521, 524, 525, 556–61, 566, 573, 579, 596–600,
611–26, 713
AH’s pamphlet about, 619–26, 636, 638
Alien and Sedition Acts and, 570–71, 573, 663

anarchy feared by, 65, 518
in army organization battles, 554–62, 596, 602 background of, 517–18
on British constitution, 393, 398
cabinet of, 516, 523–25, 547, 554, 555–56, 565–66,

593–94, 596, 597, 623
cabinet purge of, 610–16, 619–20
Continental Congress and, 57, 99, 518, 555 death of, 631
diary of, 99, 104–5, 518, 519
Dutch loan arranged by, 175, 518
in election of 1789, 271–73
in election of 1792, 419–21, 423–24
in election of 1796, 509, 510–11, 514–16, 609 in election of 1800, 562, 579, 594–95, 606, 610–12,

614–18, 628, 631, 632, 634, 638
as Federalist, 392, 420, 509, 510–11, 514–16, 523,
525, 550, 562, 579, 594–95, 625–26, 627, 635 French Revolution and, 434, 439, 521, 546–53,
592–95, 630
on Jefferson, 320, 453–54, 519
Jefferson’s correspondence with, 390, 519 Jefferson’s relationship with, 515, 518, 519, 547 judiciary and, 647–48
on Madison, 305–6
military experience lacking in, 555, 557
military promoted by, 547, 548, 550, 553
monarchist leanings of, 234, 278, 514, 517, 519, 578 on New York City, 50–51, 77
peace initiative of, 592–99, 611, 620, 623, 630–31,
as president, 5, 398, 451, 511, 514–17, 520,
523–25, 530, 536, 546–63, 565–73, 575, 577–79,
592–602, 610–26, 630–31, 635, 638, 647–48,
657, 663
Reynolds affair and, 535–36, 537
slavery and, 212

Adams, John (
Society of the Cincinnati and, 217
vanity of, 272–73, 334, 519, 520, 547, 593, 599, 625 as vice president, 271–73, 277, 278, 283, 289,

305–6, 419–21, 423–24, 439, 482, 487, 522–23,
525, 660
on Washington, 89, 104–5, 290, 520, 524, 593, 601,
Washington’s correspondence with, 557, 559–60 Adams, John Quincy, 233, 278, 321, 420, 557, 722,
on AH, 334, 481, 677
on Jefferson, 321, 627, 637
Adams, Samuel, 62, 104, 174, 217, 714
Addison, Joseph, 107, 206
Additional Army, 553
see also
Army, U.S.
Africa, 213, 538
African Free School, 214
agriculture, 342, 391
AH’s views on, 32, 257, 294, 370, 375–76 bank bill and, 349, 352
Bank of New York and, 201
Jeffersonian democracy and, 3, 6, 352, 375 trade embargo and, 57–58
see also
Ajax (Hamilton’s house slave), 23
Albany, N.Y., 101–3, 134, 146, 204, 641, 678 AH’s legal work in, 501, 502, 669–70
City Tavern in, 673, 681
Dutch character of, 147
riot in, 268
Schuyler mansion in (the Pastures), 102–3, 129,
135, 136, 148, 154, 159–60, 167, 169, 183–84,
210, 246, 261, 292, 363, 449, 451–52, 470, 472,
482, 484–85, 543, 544, 554, 583–84, 723 as state capital, 607
Tayler dinner in, 680, 681, 688
Albany Common Council, 451, 452
Albany Plan, 70
Albany Register,
681, 686
consumption of, 92–93
taxes on, 300, 342–44, 403, 423, 460, 468–78, 480 Alexander, William,
Stirling, Lord
Alien Act (1798), 570, 571, 572
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), 570–77, 599–600,
608, 614, 626, 646, 667–69
Alien Enemies Act (1798), 570
Alien Landowners Act, 589
Allan, Richard, 14
Alston, Aaron Burr, 721
Alston, Joseph, 721
Alston, Theodosia Burr, 170, 637, 682, 721 father’s correspondence with, 674, 677, 698–99,
Hamilton-Burr duel and, 689, 691, 698–99 André, John (“John Anderson”), 140–45, 158, 259 Anglicanism,
Church of England
Annapolis conference (1786), 222–24
anthrax, 283
antifederalists, 243–45, 261–69, 273–75, 279, 310–11
despotic militarism feared by, 253–54
New York Ratifying Convention and, 261–68 speculation and, 303
use of term, 243
Antill, Fanny,
Tappan, Fanny Antill
antislavery societies, 210, 212, 306
in New York, 214–16, 239, 581
491, 493
AH’s libel suit against, 575–77
aristocracy, 150, 257, 396, 446
AH linked with, 3, 23–24, 211, 216–18, 232–34, 314, 350, 397, 400, 402, 405, 460, 616, 662 of bank paper, 346
Burr’s links to, 191
Constitutional Convention and, 232–34 of Federalists, 391, 405, 651
French, 96, 119–20, 316–18, 463–67
in New York, 91, 195
Scottish, 12–15
Society of the Cincinnati and, 216–18
southern, 211, 312, 531
Arkwright, Sir Richard, 370–72, 374
Army, British, 62, 76, 79–82, 100, 109, 127, 140, 197–99
retreat of, 112–15
see also specific battles
Army, French, 119, 139, 148, 566
Army, U.S., 550–68, 608, 651
AH as inspector general in, 555–68, 573, 576–79, 592–603, 614, 619, 633
AH’s imperialist escapade in, 566–68, 595, 671 bureaucratic problems of, 565–66, 595, 596 command vacancy in, 601, 623
creation of, 290, 459–60, 475, 546, 550–53, 626 disbanding of, 602, 615
domestic disturbances and, 577–79
dueling curbed in, 652–53
Washington’s command of, 555–64, 566, 567, 593, 595
Arnold, Benedict, 140–44, 158, 198, 313
Arnold, Jacob, tavern of, 85, 91
Arnold, Margaret Shippen (Peggy), 140–42, 169, 198 Articles of Confederation, 138–39, 149, 169, 241, 247, 269, 299, 345, 610
critique of, 253–54, 255, 257
money problems and, 124, 171, 224–26
revision of, 139, 157, 179, 183, 223–24, 230, 231, 243, 310
Astor, John Jacob, 718
atheism, 463, 507, 546, 609, 633, 659
Auldjo, John, 238
476, 507, 529, 531, 548, 551, 575–77, 609, 616, 620
anti-Adams letter leaked to, 621–22
Reynolds affair and, 535, 542–43, 558, 576–77, 583 Bequia, 40, 148, 580
Bethune, Joanna Graham, 582, 729
Biddle, Charles, 673, 677, 682, 691, 692, 699, 710,
716, 717
Biddle, Nicholas, 717
Bill of Rights, U.S., 244, 260, 280, 304, 307, 552 bimetallism, 356
Bingham, Anne Willing, 362–63
Bingham, William, 362–63
AH’s early exposure to, 17, 19, 23, 32–33, 210 in American Revolution, 78, 121–23, 125, 164,
172, 210, 212, 285
education of, 214, 581, 698
free, 23, 213–14, 581, 635, 675
Jefferson’s views on, 210, 513–14
see also
slavery, slaves
Blackstone, Sir William, 52, 71–72, 168
Bland, Martha, 93
Bloomfield, Joseph, 719
Board of Regents, New York, 206
Board of Treasury, 293, 381
Board of War, 106
Bonaparte, Napoleon,
Napoleon I, emperor of France
bonds, 296, 298, 300
in American Revolution, 297–98
U.S., 280, 297, 307, 379, 380, 428
Boston, Mass., 489, 726
colonists’ struggle against British in, 54–57, 59, 62,
port of, 54, 55
“scrippomania” in, 357, 358
size of, 50, 185
Boston Massacre (1770), 42, 517
Boston Tea Party, 54–55, 59
Boudinot, Anna Maria, 45–46
Boudinot, Annie, 45
Boudinot, Elias, 43, 45–46, 47, 72, 113, 114, 181, 334 AH’s warning from, 387
in Congress, 280–81, 350
Rush’s correspondence with, 450–51
Boudinot, Elisha, 472
Boxwood Hall, 45
boycott of British goods, 55, 57–58
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 477, 635
Braddock, Edward, 87
Bradford, William, 458, 471, 501
Bradhurst, Samuel, 641
Brandywine Creek, Battle of (1777), 98, 104 Brissot de Warville, J. P., 119, 130–31, 251, 279 Brooklyn, Battle of (1776), 45, 78–80
Brooks, John, 124
Brown, Andrew, 680
Brown, Moses, 371
Browne, Joseph, 586, 588–89
Bunker (Breed’s) Hill, Battle of (1775), 65–66, 103 as vice president, 644, 660–62, 672, 677, 682, 714–19
Washington’s relationship with, 74, 562
womanizing and sexual escapades of, 74, 192, 637, 661–62, 675–76, 677, 682, 698, 699, 716, 717, 720, 722
Burr, Aaron, Sr., 35, 46, 191, 722
Burr, Esther Edwards, 191
Burr, Theodosia,
Alston, Theodosia Burr Burr, Theodosia Prevost, 142, 169–70, 186, 191, 193, 637
Burwell, William A., 532
Butler, Pierce, 233, 717

American Citizen,
662–63, 673–76
American colonies, 36
development of unity in, 55, 61, 65
independence declared by, 77–78, 112, 243, 312–13
opposition to British in, 42, 44, 46, 53–77 opposition to independence of, 35, 46, 57 taxes in, 44, 54–55, 59, 60, 281, 319, 468–69
see also specific places
American Daily Advertiser,
408, 444, 472–73
American Indians, 442, 468, 502
in American Revolution, 159–60, 337
education of, 337–38
Philip Schuyler’s negotiations with, 131, 337
American Philosophical Society, 337
American Revolution, 45, 54–185, 243–44, 281, 296, 312–13, 344, 364, 393, 434, 450, 507, 521, 646, 691, 712
AH accused of betrayal of, 196–97, 662
blacks in, 78, 121–23, 125, 164, 172, 210, 212, 285 bonds in, 297–98
corruption of, 318–19
debt from, 170, 175–76, 177, 224, 225, 297, 323, 394–95, 425
development of unity in, 157, 158, 194
espionage in, 42, 70, 81, 140–43, 185
foreign loans in, 138, 175, 518
France in, 61, 96, 100, 112, 118, 119–20, 126, 139, 148, 150, 151, 154, 160–65, 392, 433–34, 436, 446, 506
international influence of, 316, 317, 431, 432 military strategy in, 61, 66, 83, 97
pamphlet warfare in, 58–60, 70–72
peace treaty in (1783), 174, 176, 180, 195, 198–99, 213–14, 247, 295, 394–95, 462, 493, 495 personal opportunities in, 166
political alignments of 1789 forged in, 86 prisoner exchanges in, 109, 129, 136, 143–44, 158 prison ships in, 194, 396
profiteering in, 108, 118
Spain in, 61, 118–19, 566
trade issues in, 55, 57–58, 59, 371
as transatlantic conflict, 118–20
see also
Articles of Confederation; Constitutional Convention; Continental Army; Continental Congress; Declaration of Independence; Second Continental Congress;
specific battles and places
Ames, Ezra, 656
Ames, Fisher, 306, 346, 358, 431, 459, 599, 620 on Adams, 521, 611, 617
on AH, 51, 187, 190, 308, 400, 460, 496, 534, 555, 627
on Jefferson, 633
Amory, Hester,
Stevens, Hester Amory
“Anas” scrapbook (Jefferson), 397–98, 399, 423, 429, 434, 445
Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 230, 476, 507, 529 death of, 570–71, 575, 585
Bache, Margaret, 575, 576
Bacon, Sir Francis, 110, 398
Bailyn, Bernard, 252, 518–19
Baldwin, Luther, 575
Baltimore, Md., 185, 341, 491
bancomania, 380–81
Bank of Amsterdam, 347
Bank of England, 138, 156, 295, 347, 370
Bank of Massachusetts, 358
Bank of New York, 219, 276, 288, 292, 358, 360, 380, 385, 586, 587, 710
founding of, 5, 199–202
House investigation of AH and, 456–57 Manhattan Company compared with, 588
Bank of North America, 157, 200, 288, 292
Bank of the United States, 344–55, 380, 389, 446, 453, 502, 586
board of, 348–49
congressional approval of, 349–51
constitutionality of, 350–54
Gallatin’s views on, 639, 646, 647
House investigation of AH and, 456–57 loans of, 425
location of, 350
Second, 355, 647, 717, 726
stock of, 349, 357–61, 379, 404, 425
banks, 307, 344, 499
land, 200, 201
money, 200, 201
prejudice against, 201, 220, 346–48, 351–52, 521, 588
private, 346, 347, 349
Republican, 586–88
see also
central banks;
specific banks
baptism, 26, 35, 205, 542
Barbados, Washington’s visit to, 86, 87
Barber, Francis, 42, 161
Barbot, John, 18–19
Bard, Samuel, 203
Bayard, James A., 611–12, 634–35, 637–38, 659
Bayard, William, 334, 705
Beaumetz, chevalier de, 465
Beckley, John, 341, 408, 422, 427–29, 496, 511, 622 Reynolds affair and, 417, 428–29, 531–32, 536, 537, 538, 622
Beckwith, George, 294–95, 333, 394, 437
Beekman, David, 23, 31, 38
Beekman and Cruger, 23, 27, 29–31
Benson, Egbert, 198, 222, 334, 666
Bentham, Jeremy, 720
Burgoyne, John (Gentleman Johnny), 97, 98, 100, 135–36
Burke, Aedanus, 284–85, 306, 308–9, 590
Burke, Edmund, 30
Burr, Aaron, Jr., 44, 143, 190–94, 278, 488, 603–10, 631–39, 672–78, 714–22
AH compared with, 169, 186, 191–92, 418, 562
AH’s duel with,
Hamilton-Burr duel
AH’s feud with, 1, 5, 35, 418, 421–22, 461, 632, 645, 672–78, 680–83
AH’s first contact with, 43
AH’s rivalry with, 190–91, 193–94, 634, 661, 701
ambition of, 276, 562, 590, 607, 610
in American Revolution, 74, 115, 192, 691
army appointment considered for, 561–62
background of, 191–92
bribery charges against, 589–91, 633
Church’s duel with, 589–91, 698
debts of, 586, 633, 697–98, 716, 718
divorce of, 722, 726
education of, 43, 48, 168, 191–92
in election of 1789, 273, 276
in election of 1792, 420–22
in election of 1796, 511, 632
in election of 1800, 607–10, 621, 625, 631–35
in election of 1801, 635–38, 644–45
in election of 1804, 672–78, 680–82
electoral tie of 1801 and, 635–38, 644, 677–78, 681
French Revolution and, 561
inauguration of, 638–39
intrigue and secrecy of, 74, 192, 389–90, 421, 632, 637
Jay Treaty and, 486
Jefferson’s relationship with, 610, 632, 644, 660, 672, 677, 718
as lawyer, 168, 169, 186, 188, 190–91, 193–94, 418, 603–6, 649, 720
libel suit of, 673, 675–76
Manhattan Company and, 585–90, 603, 604, 633
marriages of, 142, 169–70, 722
Monroe’s correspondence with, 531, 541
Monroe’s relationship with, 541–42, 561
in New York Assembly, 581, 586, 588, 590
as New York attorney general, 276
opportunism of, 192–93, 276, 286
Philip Schuyler defeated by, 389, 421
political affiliation of, 191, 561–62, 581, 586, 590, 645, 661, 662, 672
political comeback attempt of, 672–78
as political outcast, 717, 719
public debt bill and, 480, 481
reading of, 193, 721–22
Reynolds affair and, 414, 418, 529, 531, 541–42
slavery and, 214–15, 581, 675, 698–99, 716, 717
on Stirling, 45
Troup’s friendship with, 53, 720

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