Alexander Hamilton (156 page)

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Selected Articles
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The William and Mary Quarterly
no. 3, July 1967.
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July 1970.
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no. 3, September 1934.
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6, no. IV, 1853.
Charles, Joseph. “Hamilton and Washington: The
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12, no. 2, April
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Cunningham, Noble. “John Beckley: An Early
American Party Manager.”
The William and Mary
13, no. 1, January 1956.

Dawson, Henry B. “The Duels Between Price and Philip Hamilton, and George I. Eacker.”
The Historical Magazine,
2d series, 2, October 1867.

Earl, John L., III. “Talleyrand in Philadelphia, 1794–1796.”
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
91, no. 3, July 1967.

Elkins, Stanley, and Eric McKitrick. “The Founding Fathers: Young Men of the Revolution.”
Political Science Quarterly
76, no. 2, June 1961.

Estabrook, Henry D. “The Lawyer Hamilton.” Speech delivered to the American Bar Association, Denver, August 22, 1901.

Freeman, Joanne B. “Dueling as Politics: Reinterpreting the Burr-Hamilton Duel.”
The William and Mary Quarterly
53, no. 2, April 1996.

Gerlach, Don R. “After Saratoga: The General, His Lady and ‘Gentleman Johnny’ Burgoyne.”
New York History
52, 1971.

Govan, Thomas P. “The Rich, the Well-born, and Alexander Hamilton.”
The Mississippi Valley Historical Review
36, no. 4, March 1950.

Harper, John L. “Mentor for a Hegemon: The Rising Fortune of Alexander Hamilton.”
The National Interest,
fall 2000.

Hawley, George M. B. “The Hamilton-Burr Duel Pistols.” Pamphlet in J. P. Morgan Chase Archives, record group 11, “Art & Artifacts,” New York, N.Y.

Jennings, Robert M., Donald F. Swanson, and Andrew P. Trout. “Alexander Hamilton’s Tontine Proposal.”
The William and Mary Quarterly
45, no. 1, January 1988.

Jones, A. Leroy. “Myles Cooper, LL.D.”
Columbia University Quarterly,
September 1899.
Jones, Robert F. “William Duer and the Business of Government in the Era of the American Revolution.”
The William and Mary Quarterly
32, no. 3, July 1975.
Kenyon, Cecilia M. “Men of Little Faith: The AntiFederalists on the Nature of Representative Government.”
The William and Mary Quarterly
12, no. 1, January 1955.
“Kerelaw House.”
Kilmarnock Standard,
April 5, 1924. Article signed H.W.C.
Kohn, Richard H. “The Washington Administration’s Decision to Crush the Whiskey Rebellion.”
The Journal of American History
59, no. 3, December 1972.
Larson, Harold. “Alexander Hamilton: The Fact and Fiction of His Early Years.”
The William and Mary Quarterly
9, no. 2, April 1952.
———. “The Birth and Parentage of Alexander Hamilton.”
The American Genealogist
21, no. 3, January 1945.
“The Last Hours of Alexander Hamilton.”
Columbia University Quarterly
29, no. 1, March 1937.
“Letters of Toussaint L’Ouverture and of Edward

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