Aegis: Catalyst Grove (31 page)

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Authors: Nathan Roten

BOOK: Aegis: Catalyst Grove
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“Damien, for the love!” Graham’s voice was louder, but not at the normal level.
Damien still did not stir.

“Alright, fine.
You want this the hard way?” Graham said with a huff.

Placing both of his hands on Damien’s back, he sent Damien rolling over the edge of the bed.

Damien was fast asleep, dreaming of playing soccer with his childhood hero, Alejandro Rodriguez, who was the Peruvian equivalent of Michael Jordan for the true ‘fútbol.’
Damien was running towards the goal about to score the winning point.
He bobbed and weaved, kicking the soccer ball between Rodriguez’s legs.
Damien side stepped the legend, and continued towards the goal.
Damien reared back his right leg to kick the ball into the net, when all of a sudden the ground opened up in front of him.
He teetered over the edge as he looked down to see Cavaness’ face at the bottom of the hole.
As Damien tumbled over the edge, he fell head first.
Cavaness laughed with a sinister grin.
He reared his head back, opened his mouth wide, and lunged for Damien.
Instead of human teeth, Cavaness had long, sharp lion teeth and his nose elongated into a snout.
He retained his facial features, but the rest of his face morphed into that of a lion.
Just as Damien was about to enter his mouth, he woke up as his back hit the wooden floor.

“Ahhhh! Fang face!”
Damien yelled.

Kel and Ailey bolted out of bed and ran over to Damien.

Graham could not help himself.
He doubled over, holding his stomach in laughter.
He would pay for this later, but he didn’t care.
After last night’s events, he needed that.
“What in the world were you dreaming about?”

Damien jumped to his feet.
Both fists were balled up.
He was standing there like a boxer in the ring, ready to strike.
What just happened?
Where are we?
Where is the lion?!”

What are you talking about?” asked Kel, looking around the room, the adrenaline was still coursing through her veils.
She too was trying to wrap her head around the fact that they were all in a large bedroom.
Ailey’s head was on a swivel, combing the room for clues or anything familiar.

“You, ummm…fell out of bed,” said Graham, still trying to control his laughter.

“Where the heck are we?” asked Damien.
His eyes were still adjusting to the light.
He saw Graham, but part of him was still hoping that Rodriguez was still around.
As Kel and Ailey came into focus, he let down his fists.
“Was I just in bed?”

“Yea, we all were,” said Graham.

Thoroughly confused, Damien looked over to Kel and then to Ailey.
His mind flashed back to the field, where they were held captive.
He remembered seeing Graham being tortured by Cavaness.
He remembered remembered seeing Kel and Ailey with the glowing bonds around their hands, then he shuttered as he felt the waves of electricity flow through his body and the darkness that followed.
Damien looked back to Graham.

“Did we win?”

Graham’s smile melted at once like wax under a flame of guilt.
He could not even look at them.
His countenance grew dark as he hung his head.

The others looked at each other, then down at their clothes.
They looked at their new apparel.
Their hearts sank at the sight of the golden bands woven into the sleeves.

“If we are not rescued, then where are we?” asked Kel.

“I’m..I’m not sure,” said Graham.
“I just woke up myself.”

Not wanting to face the others, Graham stepped back and sat back on top of his bed.

Kel’s heart sank, and her eyes began to water.
She could see the guilt on Graham’s face, but why?
He gave it his all last night.
She walked over to Graham and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You did all you could.
You can’t blame yourself for that.
We certainly don’t.”

Graham sat silent, trying to suppress his emotions.
He really did not even know what to do next, so he just awkwardly placed his hands on Kel’s back.
He expected to feel another wave of shame overtake him, but something else came in it’s place.
He felt her compassion.
She was beginning to tear up.
The jolts of her sporadic sobs seem to pound a foreign emotion into his chest.
It was something he had ever experienced before.

Damien walked over to Graham and put his hand on his shoulder.
“You were tortured for us, amigo.
There is not much more you could have given.”

Ailey also had tears in her big green eyes.
She ran over behind Graham and put one arm around his waist, and the other around Kel.

This is what having a family must feel like
, Graham thought.
He wanted to convey his gratitude, but he lacked the proper words.
Actually, no words came to mind.
All he could muster was a nearly silent “thank you.”

The group hug lasted a few more moments, until Damien removed his hand from Graham’s shoulder.
Ailey let go, then finally Kel.

“Do you guys hurt anywhere?” asked Graham.

It was an odd question, but after looking themselves over and twisting their bodies in all sorts of odd angles, they shook their heads.

“Me either.
I took a pretty good beating last night.
I shouldn’t even be able to move right now,” said Graham.

Ailey held her leg up by putting her hand behind the crook of her knee.
She extended her leg up and let it back down a few times, as the smile on her face grew wider.
The pain from Cavaness’ blow was gone.

Damien and Kel both patted the areas of their body that were hit by the blasts.
They too were pain free.

“Graham, what is going on?” asked Kel.

“I dunno.
I wish I could tell you.”

“None of this makes any sense.
No drug in the world could heal us like this, not to mention that we are in a bedroom.
Last time, we woke up tied to chairs.
I don’t understand.”

While he listened to Kel, Damien’s gut was telling him to get the heck out of dodge.
He was grateful that they were repaired, but none of this was normal.

“Let’s figure this out later, ok guys.
I think we need to figure out how to get out of here first.”

The five of them guzzled down the contents of the goblets.
After letting them finish their drink, Alex finally broke the silence.

“If we have indeed found the one we have been searching for, this is truly a cause for celebration.”

Alex placed his goblet back onto the table and excused himself from the table.
Chase looked over to Cavaness.

“Do you think they will be convinced?”

Cavaness thought for a moment.
“Time will tell, though it is hard to believe anything else once Alex has spoken.
I don’t remember it taking very long for you to believe.”

The right side of Chase’s mouth curled upwards.
“Yea, I guess not, even after the beating you gave me.”

Cavaness grinned at Chase with a warmth not usually found on his face.
“You were the first person to knock me to the ground.
I didn’t expect the speed.”

As Chase and Cavaness continued to reminisce‎, Alex emerged from the side door carrying the same silver platter that once held the catalyst bands.
In their place were four golden envelopes equally spaced on top of the platter.
Alex walked across the room and set the tray in the table in front of his chair.
All four men smiled in anticipation.

Alex looked at them with pride.
“The time has come.”

“We’ve got to get out of here,” said Damien.

“I know, but we don’t even know where ‘here’ is,” said Kel.
“We might as well be back in that warehouse.”

Ailey looked out the window, but all she could see was a small courtyard between two sections of the building.

Placing his hand on the doorknob, Graham looked above the door for another siren.
With a half measure of confidence, he said, “Here goes nothing.”
The knob twisted and the hinges groaned as the door creaked open.

On the other side of the door, Alex stood to his feet followed by Cavaness, Chase, Branson and Murphy.
By this time, seven or eight others had joined the room, standing against the wall behind Alex.
They all began to clap their hands in applause as Graham and the others walked through the door.



Graham was thrown off by the applause.
He continued into the room, but once he made it all the way in, however, he wanted nothing more than to be anywhere but here.
The scene seemed frozen in time.
The room was decorated with high-class elegance.
The table adjacent to the people was filled with all sorts of meats, bread, cheeses and fruits.
Cavaness, Chase, Branson and Murphy; the men who were pursuing and injuring them, were all at the other end of the room welcoming them in with a standing ovation.
Graham looked over the the left side of the room, where he saw the same ornate wooden table with the three mirrors hanging above.
They were back at Portfield Manor.

Once the room had its fill of applause, the men at the table took their seats, all but Alex.
A hush fell over the Aegis members in anticipation of Alex’s next words, and the reaction of their newest recruits.
In a joyful, booming voice, Alex spoke.

“Welcome back.
I trust you all had a good night’s rest.
You have more than earned it.
No doubt your desire is be anywhere but here, but if you would do us the honor of extending your attention for a few moments, I believe you will be satisfied with the answers that follow.”

Alex extended his hand.
“Please, take a seat.
Help yourself to some food if you like.”
His words hung in the air like the warmth of a fire on a cold winter’s night.
The joyful expression on his face was contagious.

His words were true.
They all wanted to run, to see anyone standing in front of them but Cavaness, Chase, Branson and Murphy.
By this time, they would all have fired blasts at them in retaliation, especially Graham, who wanted to be livid with rage over the torture he endured from Cavaness, but he couldn’t.
None of them could.
There was a very odd atmosphere of peace and warmth in the room that they could not explain.
It was as if there was a force around these four walls that held back the feelings of fear and anger.

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