The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance

BOOK: The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance
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Next Level
Every relationship needs to reach the next
By Stacey Pond

their work at an attorney firm, Chelsea and Matt have known each
other for a while, and have been dating for the last 6 months.

Chelsea is ready to take things to the next level.

and kids are things they both want, and she's ready to make that
commitment to her man.

But by
Matt showing his commitment to her, is Chelsea letting herself in for
more than she bargained for?

discovering there's more to Matt than meets the eye, it seems
committing herself to him will bring up complications that could
actually threaten their future together.

Can they
overcome obstetrical and surprises, both good and bad, to create the
family they both so badly want?

Find out
in this Saucy new romance story by Stacey Pond of BWWM Club (search
us) and Saucy Romance Books.

for over 18s only due to smoking hot sex scenes between a billionaire
male and sexy, sassy female.

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Books By Stacey Pond

Chapter 1

pulled up to the restaurant just as the time flashed 7:00 on her
dash. She pulled down the mirror. Her hair was pinned up for the
night, an elegant necklace draped around her neck and a gold and
diamond bracelet on her wrist. They were gifts from Matthew, along
with the dress. She was in love with it. It was short, pearl colored
pink and looked soft and delicate against her skin. The shoes were a
gift too, a matching pair of pearl pink heels. Matthew had planned
every single detail. On her bed there had been a note: Get dressed,
look amazing (as always) meet me at La Blue.

reapplied a layer of lipstick, smacked her lips together then took a
deep breath. There was no way she could be totally sure, but she had
that nervous feeling she sometimes got in her gut. She and Matthew
had been dating for six months now. What had started as an office
rivalry had quickly turned into a passionate romance. Sangi swore
this was the night he was going to propose. Excitement tore through
her, quickly followed by the nervous knot in her stomach. She forced
herself to step out of the car and onto the pavement.

Her tall
heels clicked against the concrete loudly. She gripped her small,
white clutch a little harder and took her time walking into the
restaurant. La Blue was one of Chelsea’s favorites. It was a
small french restaurant with excellent cuisine and a relaxed
atmosphere. It was a Saturday night however and the place was packed.
She walked up to the small brown podium and spoke to a man wearing a
white shirt under a dark blue vest.

Matthew?” She asked as if she’d suddenly forgotten who he

yes, follow me.”

made her way through a group of standing people waiting on a table
and through the restaurant. Matthew was sitting at a small table in
the middle of the restaurant. His black suit and red tie all the more
appealing as he stood when she approached. She knew what was under
that suit. A hard body, all muscle and tanned skin she loved to lay
against. She smiled wider at the thought.

pulled out her chair and she sat down. There was a bottle of
champagne in an ice bucket. Three little candles floated in a wide,
glass bowl giving the table a little more illumination. The dark blue
tablecloth brushed against her legs. Matthew looked stunning, his
deep blue eyes captivating hers. He flashed a smile at her and she
felt her knees go weak. Thank God she was already sitting.

look beautiful, babe,” he said with his eyes still glued on

couldn’t help but to feel heat rising up through her body.
“Thank you. You look really good too.”

When the
food arrived, Chelsea barely tasted it. She knew the food was good,
but she was too nervous to enjoy it. The nervous energy must have
been coming off of her in waves, because halfway through dinner
Matthew gripped her hand and didn’t let go. Just as they were
finishing dinner, she began to think she’d been wrong. He
wasn’t going to propose. That made her both disappointed and
slightly relieved. There was some small part of her that was so
nervous about the possibility of getting married. That’s when
it happened.

stood up and she thought he was leaving the restaurant. When she
stood up however, he dropped down to one knee. It was swift,
effortless. His hand reached into his pocket and came back out with a
baby blue box. He popped the lid open and Chelsea covered her mouth
in shock.

knew you’d been waiting for it all night. So, I kind of had to
make you wait a little longer. I wanted it to be a surprise,”
he said with a grin.

felt tears forming in her eyes, her vision was getting a little
blurry. “You jerk.”

Ayers, I have fallen in love with you in a way I didn’t even
think was possible. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Will you marry me?”

voice wouldn’t work. The words caught in her throat as tears
ran down her face. She nodded, hard. He stood up quickly. Holding her
hand he slipped the ring onto her finger. The restaurant burst out
into applause and sounds of congratulations as he hugged and then
kissed her.

was that a yes?”

definitely yes.”


months later.

rolled over in the sheets and groaned. Her fingers reached out for
Matthew, but came up short. She raised herself up on one elbow and
peered around the room through narrowed eyes. He was gone. She sighed
and buried herself back into the sheets. She procrastinated for
another five minutes before she slipped out of bed and headed for the
bathroom. Sunlight streamed through the curtains, the floor was warm
against her feet. She turned on the shower watching the clouds of hot
steam rise. Turning slightly, she saw a note halfway tucked beneath
the yellow soap dish. She pulled it out gently.

morning, babe. I had to leave early to work on the Donovan case. You
take care of yourself and have fun planning the wedding. I love you.

It was
signed with a little smiley face and Matt scribbled hurriedly on the
bottom. Chelsea grinned. As much as she loved the fact that she was
getting married, she also couldn’t be more stressed out. The
cake, caterers, wedding hall, dresses, everything was on her now. On
top of that there was still the fact that she still hadn’t met
Matthew’s mother. The woman was on a safari in Africa and
wouldn’t be back until the next month or two. It was
concerning, but also a relief for Chelsea that she didn’t have
to meet the woman just yet.

She shed
the white button up she was wearing, reached out a hand to test the
water and slipped inside. The water hit her smooth, brown skin making
her moan slightly. It was going to be a long day. Just for that
moment, she wanted to enjoy the feel of the water sliding against her
skin. She took her time washing her body, thinking about the wedding,
relaxing. When the water decided it’d had more than enough and
turned chilly, she stepped out and wrapped herself in a thick, green

It was
hard to believe just the year before, Chelsea had hated Matthew. He’d
come in with his blond hair, blue eyes, gray suit and list of
demands. She couldn’t stand him. The surprising part was he
couldn’t stand her either. They’d fought every time they
were in the same room together, until the night they were working
late into the evening on the same case. The tension had hit a
bursting point. Before Chelsea knew what was happening, he was
bending her over the conference room table and they were taking their
frustrations out on each other. The thought brought a little grin to
her face. She still couldn’t sit at that conference table
without shooting Matthew a little knowing grin and him doing the

dripped off of her body as she walked into the kitchen. The lingering
smell of burnt toast and a burnt pan were the only evidence that
Matthew had attempted to cook breakfast for himself. She laughed
softly, lifted the pan then let it slide back into the murky water.
Matthew was a horrible cook. He was a great boyfriend, now fiance,
great attorney, wonderful person, but he was awful in the kitchen.

She left
the mess for the maid, Maritza, to deal with. There was no time for
her to be cleaning this morning. Chelsea picked up the big, black
binder that had become her best friend. Ever since Matthew had
proposed six months ago, it had been her constant companion. She
flipped through the pages, attached a pink sticky note then shut the
book again. Glancing over at the microwave the red numbers flashed at
her. 8:30. She sighed.

into her room she reached into the closet and pulled out her outfit
for the day. She and Matthew worked at the same firm. He was mostly
interested in attaining property for his father’s company,
while she just wanted to make partner. She was so close, she could
feel it, but she wasn’t there yet. She slipped into a black
pencil skirt, a white blouse that buttoned up the front and black
stockings. As she slipped into her heels her phone lit up and buzzed
three times before it went dark again.

swiped her finger across the screen and saw a text from her boss.
Short, sweet to the point.
I need you here,
Of course he did, she was his best
attorney. Her fingers ran through wavy black hair before she stood up
and grabbed her briefcase. Her heels tapped along the wood floor as
she entered the kitchen and slipped the binder into the briefcase.

weather was just turning warm, she was happy for that. She walked up
to her little black jeep and tossed her bag in before she slid in
after it. Her routine of the day was about to start. That might have
bothered some people, falling into routine, but Chelsea loved it. It
was always simple, straight forward; Get up, get coffee and maybe
breakfast, go to the office, punch out at 5 or 6, go home.

When she
arrived at the office, the familiar sounds made her smile. Jeff was
off flirting with one of the women in the office, she could hear his
chuckle. The sound of fingers hitting keys on keyboards. Phones being
answered in polite voices. It was like music to Chelsea’s ears.
She made her way to her office. As her fingers gripped the metal
handle a voice came up behind her.

BOOK: The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance
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