Read Aegis: Catalyst Grove Online
Authors: Nathan Roten
“There is a big difference between close combat weapons and long range weapons.”
Cavaness extended his hand, firing a blast of light from his palm.
The light hit the knife, sending it spiraling into the air.
“Now you know the difference.”
Graham recoiled from the attack.
The knife had taken the bulk of the hit, but his hand was stinging from the aftershock.
As he pulled his hand to his chest, his heart sank into his gut.
There was no way he could win.
“Fight back,” said Cavaness.
Graham remained motionless.
“I said fight back!”
Cavaness fired a blast into the ground, just in front of Graham, sending dirt and rock into the air.
Graham wanted to fight, but he was so fatigued that it took all his strength to remain upright on his knees and not succumb to the dizziness.
Have it your way.”
Cavaness reached out and shot a blast just in front of Kel and Damien, making the ground erupt in front of their feet.
They shuffled back in reaction to the explosion, but were held in place by Murphy and Branson.
Why are you doing this?!” yelled Graham.
Cavaness did not respond.
He just stared back into Graham’s eyes as his hand illuminated again.
“Hit me!
Leave them out of this!”
Graham’s chest was wracked with pain as he pleaded.
“You need to fight.
The catalysts have taken effect.
You should be able to use your full strength, but you are still holding back.”
Cavaness let the ball of light loose, hitting Damien in the gut.
Damien shrieked in pain, doubling over to his knees.
“Does everyone have to get hurt before you let go?”
Graham tried to react, but it was no use.
His mind was numb with the pain surging through his body.
He could not focus.
He could hardly even breathe.
Trying to stand back up, he braced on one foot, but it gave way, sending him back onto his side.
All Graham could do was lie there in pain, wrapping his arms around his stomach.
“I see.
This is your play then?
Giving in to pain and fatigue?”
Cavaness paused, letting his words seep into Graham’s very soul.
Looking over at the others, Cavaness nodded his head, giving the authority to them to act.
Damien was the first to fall.
A bolt of energy surged through his body from Branson’s hands until he fell flat to the ground, unconscious.
Kel was not far behind.
A wave of energy flowed from Murphy’s hands, through Kel’s shoulders, to the rest of her body.
Her knees gave way as she fell beside Damien.
A tear ran down his cheek as he watched Ailey’s eyes roll in the back of her head, as she fell on top of Kel.
They were all unconscious and he had failed.
Everyone had done their part but him.
No, it can’t end this way.
I will not let it end this way.
Closing his eyes, Graham pressed his face against the wet grass.
In his mind, he saw a wave of black smoke.
He heard his parents screaming to keep away, and then his own screams fill the air as the light surrounded him.
Taking a deep breath, Graham let the memory empower him.
His nightmare that once infused him with fear had now given him an odd sense of confidence.
With his eyes now open, he pushed himself upright with his hand.
His head was swimming, but he forced himself to focus.
In slow movements, he swung his legs around so that he was on his hands and knees.
Graham’s wrists began to glow as he painfully stood to his feet.
He clenched his jaw as he made eye contact through the fog.
His fingers curled up into fists, making the light around his wrists intensify.
“Yes, now you are beginning to understand.”
Cavaness took a step back into a fighting stance.
“Now we are getting somewhere.”
The chill in the air caused his breath to form white puffs of vapor as he spoke.
The pain that wracked his body was subsiding.
He could feel his energy levels rising with his anger as the light around him grew brighter.
“This ends now.”
The once faint light that encircled Graham had now intensified so that the surrounding fog was illuminated.
With one final surge of energy, Graham yelled as loud as he could as the wind around him picked up speed; his wrists glowing as brightly as the light he emitted.
For the first time, he was able to will this power to happen.
He was learning to control it.
He felt like he had just been plugged into a power plant.
Pure energy was coursing through his veins.
It was exhilarating.
Finally, Graham thought that he just might have the upper hand.
The same raw power from his dream was finally manifesting at his will.
His whole body was tingling.
Now was the time to strike.
Graham pulled back his hand to fire, but just as he thought the power within was going to overtake him, however, a wave of fatigue started to take hold.
The light around him quickly began to fade along with the bands.
His body began to tremble.
The pain that once dissipated moments ago came back with full force.
The power was too much for his body to handle.
Instead of an eruption of pure energy, his body was handling the shock by shutting down.
Graham immediately collapsed to his knees as the momentum carried him over onto his hands.
It was over, and all he could do now was wait for his turn.
His body continued to tremble as he watched Cavaness walk over, kneeling down beside him.
He put his mouth to Graham’s ear.
“You gave it your best shot, kid.
You really did.
I’m proud of you.”
Wait, what?
Graham thought, but before he could verbalize his question, a warm wave of shock flowed from Cavaness’ hand.
It was not a painful shock, but rather a soothing one.
The whole clearing spun in circles as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
Graham’s head hit to the ground.
Guilt, failure and confusion were the final thoughts to fill his mind before blacking out.
Coming Full Circle
The bright light of dawn penetrated the window panes, making Graham flinch and pull the covers over his head.
He held them there for a moment not wanting to leave the warm embrace of the mattress, trying to shake off terrifying dreams of monsters and glowing wrists.
Graham blinked his eyes a few times.
Wait a minute.
Glowing wrists?
Graham’s head shot off the pillow excited at the possibility that he had just woken up from a horrific nightmare.
He sat upright expecting to see the other kids of Greenwood asleep.
He expected to catch a glimpse of his belongings hovering it midair before it all crashed to the ground.
He saw neither.
He looked to his right, flinching again at the bright morning sun.
He held his hand up to block the light as he looked to his left.
There were other beds there, but he was definitely not in Greenwood.
Damien was in the next bed rolled over on his side with his back to Graham.
He watched Damien intently, making sure that the blanket rose and fell slightly with each breath.
Good, he was alive.
Graham then turned around facing the foot of his bed.
There was a small aisle between his bed and the next row of beds lining the opposite wall.
There were four total beds in that row.
The two nearest the door were vacant, but Kel and Ailey were lying in the other two.
Graham sat there watching their breaths like he did Damien, just to be sure they were still alive.
They were sound asleep, and looking as peaceful and content as a dog curled beside a warm fireplace.
Graham flung the sheets off, and twisted his legs around to the side of the bed.
He held his breath expecting to be wracked with pain, but there was none.
He moved his hips side to side, then started to pound his chest, stomach and arms with his fist.
He felt like a million bucks.
Not a single ache or pain.
He looked down to see that he had a fresh pair of logo’d sweats on, except these had golden fabric sewn into the sleeves to mimic the bands around their wrists.
He pulled up his sweatshirt to inspect for bruising, but there was not a single scratch on him.
What in the world was going on?
Alex sat at a table with his forearms rested on top with one hand resting on top of the other.
Cavaness sat to his right and Murphy beside him.
To his left were Chase and Branson.
Alex turned towards Chase.
“How’s the nose?”
Chase turned to face Alex.
There was no sign of trauma on his face.
“Good as new, Sir.
Never felt better in my life.”
“I am glad to hear that, Chase.
How are the children?
“They were pretty frazzled when it was all said and done, but they are resting now, and well deserved.
I have never seen a group like this one before.
They really gelled as a team.”
“Then I suppose that is the way they will stay, should they accept.”
Alex stood to his feet.
He brought his fist to his mouth, clearing his throat to speak.
He took a few steps back after tucking his chair under the table in order to address all four men.
“Gentlemen, before we begin, I would like to take a moment and congratulate you on another successful venture.
The stage of the catalysts is a difficult one.
A lot of time and effort goes into the planning and execution of Catalyst Grove, and you all have done a marvelous job, as usual.
You are men of integrity and impeccable character, and to you I raise my glass to say, ‘Well done.’”
Alex took the wooden goblet from the table and held it high in the air, moving it in from side to side, giving acknowledgement to the efforts of each man.
Graham put his feet to the cold, wooden floor.
He crept over to where Damien was sleeping.
Placing his hand gently on Damien’s shoulder, he shook him.
Wake up, amigo.”
Damien did not move, except to shrug Graham’s hand off his shoulder.
He smacked his lips as he snuggled down further into the covers.
Graham opened his hand and gave a few small pats to Damien’s cheek.
Damien did not move a muscle.