Read Aegis: Catalyst Grove Online
Authors: Nathan Roten
“Yea, but we took that with us.
Kel had it folded up in her pocket.”
“We are re-stocking the facility.
We want to be sure this all looks as real as possible.
It was Chase’s idea to add the files.
He did not want anyone else to go through the trauma of believing they were being abducted by aliens.
This gives Catalyst Grove a more ‘down to earth’ perception.”
Graham and the others chuckled at Chase as he began to blush.
“Hey, I am a Star Trek fan, what can I say?
I have an overactive imagination.”
“These rooms were our training rooms when we first tried to develop people’s giftings as willing participants.
That is why you see our Sun Emblem on the floor of every room.
Like I said before, it took us years to realize that the power only surfaced as a result of stressed circumstances.
We did not want to send new members to the frontline to draw it out, so we purchased this entire estate and all of the surrounding acreage to be our development center.”
They continued down the hall to where they were first held captive.
There were two men in the room removing the broken chair, and bolting a new one to the floor.
Alex pointed to the dangling wires and the leaky pipes.
“Each stage along the way has the necessary elements in place to develop the different types of giftings.
We wanted every type of power to have the option to move the subject from point A to B and C.
Damien, you mentioned that you were all lab rats in a maze.
Well, you are not far from the truth, however, it is for the benefit of the rat, not the one conducting the experiment.”
“These mirrors; I noticed them in every place we went, even the cave,” said Graham.
“Yes, we have placed Transit Mirrors at each stage along the way.
It is how we keep tabs on you, as well as staying ahead of you.”
Alex looked at Chase.
“Not all of us have super sonic speeds.
While the others were out moving you through the various stages of the Grove, I was monitoring everything from the mirrors.
Not only can you move through them, but you can also look and listen.”
Alex turned around and walked back towards the office with the mirrors.
Once they had returned, he held his hand up to the side of the middle mirror.
His wrist began to glow as the reflective properties of the mirror faded away to reveal a small, dark living room made completely of wood.
“I try not to make a habit of eavesdropping, but I heard all about your plan.
It was I who let the others know about your intensions at the clearing,” said Alex.
He held his other hand to the side of the mirror to the left.
The reflection faded into a view of the underground cave.
“Let’s go here.”
They paired up as they did before and within seconds, they all appeared in the underground cave.
“I bet it seemed rather harsh to make you all tumble into the river.
On the surface it was careless, not to mention extremely dangerous.
What if you could not swim?”
Alex walked over to where the edge of the cavern wall met the edge of the pool.
A large basketball size rock sat in the corner.
He bent down, retrieved the stone and threw it in the water.
A few moments went by as the new recruits questioned what was happening, until the surface of the water began to bubble and the stone returned to the surface, floating in the pool.
“I mentioned earlier that there was one other Aquatic to come through here.
As she advanced in her power, she helped develop a reaction-based current below the surface.
Nothing can stay underwater for long.
Even in the stream where you originally fell, you were protected.”
Damien thought for a second about when they fell over the waterfall.
His previous excitement over the Transit Mirrors faded quickly in a new sense of disappointment.
“So you are saying I did not help my friends get out of here.”
Alex looked over at Damien.
“To the contrary, you tapped into the power of the current.
Did you notice how that rock only just broke the surface?
“And what happened to your friends?
They went airborne, didn’t they.
Because you are an Aquatic, you intensified the current, getting them to the surface quicker.
No doubt you were able to help in a time of need.”
Damien’s pride quickly returned.
Mirror by mirror, Alex took them around the entire facility, showing them the various stages and how each section had options for the development of each gifting as well as having built in safety protocols.
Wanting to show them one final location, they traveled through another mirror, and arrived in a dusty cellar.
Alex opened the wooden door to expose the edge of a cliff.
“Are we at Greenwood?” asked Graham.
He looked behind him to see three small mirrors hanging below bundles of dried leaves suspended from the ceiling joists.
“Yes, we sure are.
This is where you almost fell to your death, or so you thought,” replied Alex.
Alex took hold of the doorknob and opened the door.
They all took one step out of the doorway and then sidestepped to the left along the narrow path, starring out over the towns below the cliff.
Alex looked over and motioned to Chase, and immediately, Chase jumped over the edge.
The kids all reached out as if to stop him.
What are you doing?!” yelled Kel.
They all peered over the edge as a strong wind blew upwards from the edge of the cliff.
The seconds that ticked by seemed like an eternity while they contemplated why Chase would jump.
As the wind grew stronger, a voice carried in the wind.
It was faint at first, but the sound of Chase’s voice grew louder as the heavy winds lifted him upwards though the air and back onto the ledge.
Alex smiled at the kid’s perplexed expressions.
“You see, you were protected even before you arrived.
Nothing you have encountered to this point has been without our complete protection.”
“Unbelievable,” whispered Graham.
This was stuff you only read about in books.
He could not believe what he was seeing.
He half expected to wake up at any moment back in his bed, snapping out of a dream.
His eyes were telling him one reality, but his mind was reasoning with another.
Two different worlds were before him.
One was the world he had always known.
A world of predicable daily routines protected behind the walls of Greenwood.
Nothing exciting and nothing abnormal.
The other was filled with superhuman abilities that should not be possible or exist, yet here it was; right in front of him.
Walking back into the cellar, Alex moved his right hand back and forth as if creating ripples in a pond.
As he did this, the view of the cave faded and the reflective properties of the mirror were restored.
He then hovered his hand over the third mirror and Portfield Manor appeared.
Alex grabbed Ailey by the hand and took a loving, but firm grip.
“I do not think you need any further evidence.
I hope this makes up for the temporary pain you endured last night.
Come, let’s head home.”
Still holding Ailey’s hand, Alex placed his hand in the center of the mirror.
Two by two, they all emerged from the mirror in a different room of Portfield Manor.
Graham and the others again emerged tensed and rigid from the roller-coaster feeling of traveling through the Transit Mirrors.
Graham looked at Damien with a grin.
“That was awesome!” he whispered.
“I know, right?!
I want to do it again!”
Kel was still doubled over a little, her body numb and tense.
“Not me.
I hate that feeling.
Who in the world would want to keep doing that?”
Ailey silently laughed as Kel was trying to shake off the nerves.
She would have done it a thousand times.
She smiled at the goosebumps covering the entire length of her arms.
Alex watched them mingle, enjoying their energy and the joy of the moment.
It wouldn’t always be like this, though.
He knew that eventually the time would come to use their powers for the purposes of which they were given.
The other side was building their forces and so was he.
The times were growing increasingly evil, like a looming storm visible in the distance.
He was burdened by it, but for now, that knowledge would remain his own.
True joy and contentment is hard to come by these days.
He wanted them all to enjoy it for as long as possible.
It is joyful times like these that give people perseverance in the hard times.
Alex pulled a pocket watch from his vest pocket.
He put his other hand to his mouth and cleared his throat.
The sound carried throughout the room, causing everyone to turn around.
“Your Directors will arrive in about an hour’s time.
As much as I would like to stay and hear all about the past 24 hours, I must be on my way to New York for some urgent business matters.
As I said before, you will each need to return to your Orphanages until the papers have been filed and processed.
This is not my first time in the system, and I have very good friends who are among the leadership of the adoption agency, so the wait will not be long.”
Alex clasped his hands together as a wide smile extended across his face.
“I am thrilled that we will be together.
I truly am.
I look forward to spending time with each and every one of you.
You have handled yourselves with impressive integrity through this time of refining and discovery of your giftings.
I will send Chase and Cavaness to you once the paperwork has been processed.
Until then, be safe, and guard your power.
We are not keen on broadcasting who we really are, plus, you will discover that everyone else will be unable to see your catalysts.
For something like this, prudence is our best ally.”
Alex turned to leave, but Graham spoke out before he had a chance to open the door.
“Are you an Alexander?
It has been bugging me this whole time.
You look just like the picture of Mr. Alexander, both from the warehouse and the painting that is in my Orphanage.”
Alex grinned as he turned around.
“You have a keen eye for details, Graham.
How much do you know about the Alexanders?”
Graham looked up and to the right, tapping his finger on his chin as he tried to remember.
“Not much, really.
I know that they pretty much own this whole town.
Mr. Alexander built our Orphanage, and was one of the founders of Wellington.
He was pretty rich, and evidently had a lot of power.
That’s about all I know.”
“You are mostly right, all but the ownership.
He did purchase the land that is now all of Portfield, but as he delegated responsibilities of the growth of this town to others, he gave the land away to those families.
He set well rounded men as the pillars of this town.
It was never his intention to have all the power.
It was never in his nature.
Now, that is enough history lessons.
To answer your other question, yes, I am of the Alexander family…in a manner of speaking.
Now if you will excuse me.”
Looking up he said his goodbyes to Kel, Ailey and Damien, then to the others as he walked out the door.
Damien turned to Graham in unrestrained excitement.
“This is crazy!
Can you believe it?
We have a home.
We have super-powers!
I have a trident on my arm!
I am glad you kept going to Wellington, amigo!
We would not be here and have this if it weren’t for you.”
Graham smiled half-heartedly back at Damien.
He turned his arm back over and traced a small circle with his finger on his forearm, knowing that it was vacant.
Damien’s excitement carried him all over the room talking up the new powers they all had.
Chase took notice of Graham’s disappointment and walked over to him.