A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (41 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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thank you.”

let me get you some clothes.”

not necessary, I'll just wash my face.”I murmured as I stood

insist, it's really hot. I'll get you some gym wear.”

Saying this, he disappeared
in his bedroom and returned a moment later holding the clothes in his

If you need anything else tell me. I'll be in the kitchen.”


He smiled and returned back
in the kitchen. I went in the bathroom and although I had refused, I
was glad he had insisted. My clothes were soaked in sweat. I needed
to refresh. I took off my clothes and stepped in the shower. The cold
water on my skin felt wonderful. I closed the tap and stepped out of
the shower. I dried up my hair and wiped my body and then I put on
his clothes. They were very baggy, but I could fix the shorts  by
pulling the drawstring. I put on the t-shirt and tucked it in the
shorts. I looked at the mirror and laughed. Claire had said I lacked
elegance, I wondered what she would say if she had to see me now.
Well, if I were lucky enough today I didn't have to see her again
since Blake had his apartment. I went out and was welcomed by a very
good smell...

I said while I entered the kitchen.

Blake met my gaze and

you look good in my clothes.”

joking right? I look horrible.”

laughed. “ Well, I like what I see.”

I blushed a little. 

pasta is ready, please take a sit, you shall be served immediately.”
The corners of his mouth tipped into a sexy smile as he pulled out
the chair for me. I sat down and he served the food. Then he sat
opposite to me and we started to eat. It was delicious and I was
hungrier than I thought. When I finished, I saw Blake looking at me
with a grin on his face.


either I am an excellent cook which I doubt or else you were

guess both. It was very good. Thank you.”

welcome. So Cassidy, today I went to pick up the scripts. And you
know I'm a little worried.”

I frowned.“Worried?

there's a lot to learn. There are many scenes to try out and not much
time to do it.” He said running a hand through his silky hair.

Unfortunately I'm very tied up right now. I have a lot of homework
and it's going to be difficult to catch up with the girls of my class
and I also work part time. Perhaps I shouldn't have gotten involved
into this .”

help you as much as I can. I'm sorry  I didn't think the script
would be so long.”

don't worry. Where is it? Can I take a look?”

it's in my bag. Right behind you.”

I rose up and went to fetch
his bag and pulled out the two books. He was right the script was
quite long. When I turned around I almost bumped into Blake, he was
standing just behind me.

I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were just behind me.”

He didn't speak and for a
moment his eyes feasted on my body. He was looking at me with desire.
I looked down avoiding his gaze. I hated when a man looked at me that
way. I hated that lustful look. Tyler looked at me in the same

Shall we start? I can't stay for long. I still have to finish my
English essay for tomorrow.” I murmured as I walked away from

then let's begin.”

He sat down on the sofa. I
did the same and then I looked down at the script and began to read
silently the first scene. I could feel his gaze on me while I tried
hard to concentrate on what I was reading and ignore his continual

we act the first part?” I asked nervously.

You start.”

I did and suddenly all the
tension and uneasiness that I had felt a few moments before vanished.
I had entered in the part and I was finding it really natural to
portray Juliet. I was enjoying it a lot and Blake seemed to enjoying
it too. Although it was very difficult to remain serious with him. He
kept joking and pull faces and I couldn't stop laughing. The next two
hours passed really quickly. I had never laughed so much and all of a
sudden the bad day I had had seemed to disappear. For a moment I had
forgotten about Claire.

like seeing you laughing. So were so tensed when we arrived.”

So he had noticed. I gave
him a faintly wavering smile.

just had a bad day but now I'm all right thanks to you.” I

glad. We have one last scene to try then you can go if you want. I
know how hard the first year is. The teachers expect so much. What
essay do you have?Maybe I can help you after we finish.” He

but I don't want to disturb you  any further and I want to
arrive home before my mum does. She doesn't know I'm here. She's at
work.” I dismissed quickly. I didn't want to stay there and
risk to meet Claire again.

not disturbing you know that. It's a pleasure having you here, but I
won't insist. So let's do the last scene. Then I drive you home OK?”

thank you.”

I clasped the script and
found the last scene. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was the
kissing scene. I felt my face getting warm and when I looked up I saw
him smiling wickedly.

wrong Cassidy? ”

I..” My body stiffened as I saw him getting near.

not obliged to kiss, although I think we should,” he said with
a smirk.

My stomach churned as he
extended his hand and then wrapped his arm around my midriff.

I can't.” I said panicking.

come on Cassidy we're only acting. Nothing bad in that.”


have to practice Cassidy, since we're not involved and we're not a
couple in real life, it won't come naturally.”

Was he serious? He was. He
gathered me to him as he descended his face towards mine. A crazy
fluttering started deep in my stomach as his lips brushed my face. No
I couldn't do this, even though I was acting it felt real and I
didn't want to kiss someone who wasn't David. I  had to stop
him. I looked up to tell him to stop but it was too late. His lips
claimed mine as his arms curved on my shoulder and enfolded me. My
breast was squeezed against his wide chest and my mouth even though
involuntary had opened up to him letting his tongue penetrate the
inner recesses of my mouth. I had quivered, I was too dazed to reason
and think especially since the supposedly “acting” kiss
had turned into a passionate one. STOP!! No. I had to gain control of
myself again. What the hell was I doing letting him kissing me like
this?  I was in love with David. I put my hands against his
chest and tried to push him away and at that moment I heard a click
sound. Blake pulled back and turned  around, I did the same. My
heart stopped as a feeling of nausea washed over me.

My God. I can't believe this.” The sound of her voice made my
stomach curl with anxiety. “But, I must admit you are both very
photogenic. I'm sure Mr Bayne would love this photo.”


the hell are you doing here? No one ever taught you to knock before
you enter?” Blake snapped looking at his step sister. She
smiled wickedly and there was a feverish triumph in her eyes

it didn't occur to me that I would have found you in an indecent
position and with her.”

She turned her gaze on me
and scanned me from top to bottom before curving her lips into an
odious smile.

really love your clothes Cassidy, you know Blake has got some
identical. What a strange coincidence, don't you think?” She
said rubbing salt on my open wounds.

I felt my face burning with
mortification. I knew what she was thinking. I was so shocked that I
didn't even have the strength to retort. Blake sensed my discomfort
and my momentary confusion. I felt lost. So he replied for me.

it's not what it seems OK? We were just acting, trying the parts for
the school play. We're doing Romeo and Juliet. That was the kiss

I see.” She said sarcastically. “I didn't know that the
teachers were allowing a French kiss on the stage. And does the
school play includes her stripping her clothes and put on yours by
any chance? I wonder what Mr Bayne will say when he will see her
dressed like that?”She said chuckling. “I bet he wouldn't
be too happy.”

couldn't stand her anymore, but I remained quiet. What could I say?
She was in power now. I was too afraid of what she could do. So
instead of attacking her I begged like a stupid looser.

Claire, please... I told you that I will do anything you want but
don't show him that photo. If you really feel anything for him don't
do it.”

Blake looked at me surprised
before returning his gaze on Claire.

is she talking about? Why would she do anything you want? What did
you do to her?” His tone was harsh, he was angry.

She shrugged her shoulders
and looked at him innocently.

really don't know.” She replied feigning ignorance. Then she
turned around to leave........

Cassidy.” She said on her shoulder.

said in a whisper.

not going to tell him anything.”

I sighed with relief. I
didn't want him to suffer thinking that I had feelings for
Blake.“Really? Oh, thank you.”

Maybe she wasn't that bad
after all I thought.

will see you with his own eyes. Blake, I had come to invite you for
the cocktail party that mum organised. Mr Bayne is here, your Dad
invited him,” she said with pleasure. Yes, she was having fun
seeing my facial expression changing and my face getting paler than
it already was. I had stopped breathing altogether. I looked
horrified at Blake and gripped at his arm. He gave me a sympathetic
look before returning his gaze to Claire again.

on earth would Dad invite Mr Bayne?”

your daddy didn't tell you? He is the main sponsor for the literature
and poetry contest. Well, since Mr Bayne is the responsible teacher
for our school he wanted to meet him, so he invited him over. They're
having a chat right now. Oh, I'm hearing voices, I think they're
coming,” she exclaimed smugly.

where? Claire..” Blake asked nervously.

didn't I mention that the party is going to be held near the pool.
Just out here.”

How? When I returned after school there was nothing organised, no
chairs or tables.” Blake said stunned.

yes, there are.. take a look.”

We peeped out and saw three
waiters setting up a long table while the chef was already putting
the meat on the grill. How was it possible? Three hours before there
was nothing. Blake glanced at me..

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