annual polio vaccinations in the United States? The inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is injected and is twice as costly to make, does not cause polio. Could there be a financial motive behind the pharmaceutical companies' insistence that the oral polio vaccine is still worth the risk? Yes, according to Money magazine.
Here's another frightening example: Even though the IPV does not cause polio, both it and the OPV are commonly made from monkey tissue, which contains viruses that are potentially harmful to humans. Yet a safer IPV using human tissue is available in Canada. The Canadian vaccine is, of course, more costly to produce.
"The pharmaceutical companies do a lot of research and development, spend lots of money, and need a market for their products. Well, here's a great marketmandatory vaccinations without any long-term clinical studies to examine the risks," says Williams.
The dangers of monkey viruses from vaccines are getting a lot of attention in laboratories across the country. Michele Carbone, Ph.D., a molecular pathologist at Chicago's Loyola University Medical Center, has linked the monkey viruses found in polio vaccines to human cancer. Indeed, other researchers such as Harvard medical professor Ronald Desrosier, Ph.D., and John Martin, Ph.D., a professor of pathology at the University of Southern California, are warning the government that monkey viruses can be dangerous to humans and may cause everything from cancer to AIDS.
In his research, Carbone has found that SV-40, a monkey virus, is a cancer-causing agent, and that this virus contaminated OPVs given to Americans in the 1950s. To make matters worse, Italian researchers reporting in the medical journal Cancer Research suggest that SV-40, originally introduced to humans through the OPV, is now being spread from mother to child in the womb. Researchers suggest it may be responsible for the 30 percent increase in brain tumors in the United States over the past twenty years.
The sharp increase in childhood allergies is being examined as well. Harris Coulter, Ph.D., expert on the pertussis vaccine and coauthor of DPT: A Shot in the Dark, believes vaccines and allergies are clearly connected. The more you vaccinate your children, he says, the more you increase their allergic state. "Vaccines play the role of hypersensitizing the individual, generally speaking, so that he or she becomes more allergic to such common foods as