response. Dewey notes that breast-feeding during the first year of life also reduces the incidence of diarrhea by 50 percent regardless of socioeconomic and educational levels of the parents.
Sandra Apgar Steffes, program coordinator for the UCLA Extension Lactation Training Program, which has been recognized by the U.S. Surgeon General as a model training program for the country, agrees with Dewey about the importance of breast-feeding. "I believe that all babies should be breast-fed. Human milk is superior to any other, and breastfeeding is easy," says Steffes. Her award-winning program has trained more than 4,000 health care professionals, including hospital-working R.N.s, M.D.s, registered dietitians, and La Leche League leaders to assist and educate breast-feeding mothers.
Steffes likes to remind women that the worldwide average age for children to be weaned from breast-feeding is 4.2 years old, and yet in our culture, nursing a four-year-old is considered abnormal. "I'm afraid that in this country the breast is most admired for its beauty, not its functionality," she notes. "It's such a great privilege to be a woman and be so close to the life force, to be able to sustain life with breast milk. Our bodies should be admired for their great functionality, more than their appearance."
For the first few days after delivery, your breasts secrete a clear fluid called colostrum, an ideal first food for your baby, easily digested and abundant in antibodies, special proteins that defend the newborn against disease. These antibodies, known as immunoglobulins, are manufactured by the mother's immune system in response to infections and germs in her environment. One such protective factor is secretory IgA, which protects the baby at points most vulnerable to germ attacks, such as the throat, lungs, and intestines. The IgA in breast milk also stimulates the development of the infant's own immune system.
Colostrum contains more protein, electrolytes, minerals, salt, vitamin A, and nitrogen than mature mother's milk, but less fat and carbohydrate. It has nearly three times the amount of protein as mature milk because it has several amino acids and antibody-containing proteins not found in mature milk. It has higher levels of IgA and higher numbers of white blood cells.