If your child has trouble with constipation, or if you just want to add more fiber to his diet, flaxseed meal is a great way to do so, since it also will provide essential fatty acids. Freshly ground organic flaxseed meal has a sweet, nutty taste. Sprinkle it over salads, mix it into dips, or add a spoonful to a bowl of soup, cold cereal, or cooked oatmeal. Encourage your teenager to make flaxseed a daily habit. Flaxseed meal is the best internal cosmetic for beautiful skin. It can help turn blotchy, pimply skin into a clear, radiant complexion. Purchase organic flaxseed and grind as needed in a coffee grinder or blender, or buy already-ground organic flaxseed mealit should be in the refrigerator case near the flaxseed oil at your health food store or whole foods grocery. Check the expiration date. Stored in the refrigerator, flaxseed meal should remain fresh for four to six weeks; stored in the freezer, it should last eight to ten weeks.
If your child's skin problems do not resolve using flaxseed oil, try fish-oil extract capsules. Marketed under brand names such as Max EPA, these essential fatty acids from cold-water fatty fish (preferably salmon) have a slightly different mix of EFAs and are often effective in treating diseases associated with EFA deficiency. One caveat: your child must be able to swallow this oil in capsules; it has a very unpalatable taste.
Calcium and Magnesium Combination Formula
Calcium and magnesium relax muscles, improve blood flow, soothe a keyed-up or stressed nervous system, and often decrease a child's craving for sugar. Calcium is essential for your child's growing bones and truly becomes critical should he suffer a bone fracture. In addition, a combination calcium and magnesium supplement will help your child relax and heal in any condition in which tense or aching muscles, stress, or nervousness is a factor. All the following conditions signal a need for additional calcium and magnesium: bedwetting, headache, hyperactivity, influenza, insomnia, mononucleosis, muscle or menstrual cramps, or seizures. One dose of liquid combination formula contains 250 milligrams of calcium and 125 milligrams of magnesium.
Vitamin E is a very important antioxidant for the heart, blood lipids, and cell membranes. Pollution, sun exposure, heavy exercise, the polyunsaturated fats