| Arsenicum album for burning tears and nasal discharge; give if child is thirsty but takes only small sips at a time, and feels better with warmth.
| Euphrasiafor constant burning tears and bland nasal discharge; give if child feels worse at night, when lying down, and in open air.
| Nux vomica for constant nasal discharge during the day, congestion at night; administer if child is irritable, chilly, sneezing.
| Pulsatillafor bland yellow nasal discharge during the day, congestion at night; use if child is not thirsty but is moody and craves sympathy.
| Astragalus membranaceous Chinese herb that helps strengthen the immune system.
| Goldenseala natural antibiotic that also soothes mucus membranes.
| Garlicantibacterial, antiseptic herb.
| Omega-3 oils (such as evening primrose, flaxseed, cod liver, salmon oil)promotes the expression of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, thus decreasing inflammation; essential for proper immune function.
| Zinc picolinate (10 to 15 milligrams)trace mineral necessary for proper immune function.
| Brewer's yeastexcellent source of B vitamins and trace minerals.
| Vitamin Cantioxidant critical for proper immune function.
| Quercetinbioflavonoid with antihistamine activity that teams up with vitamin C.
| Beta-caroteneprecursor to vitamin A, necessary for healthy skin and mucosa.