Read A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) Online

Authors: Stephanie Sterling

A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (23 page)

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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s my girl,

Lachlan growled his approval. 

Hell, you


he rasped, plunging his fingers into her cunt, and grinding his thumb against her clit to reward her body

s enthusiastic response to his suggestions.



Muira puffed. 


She was still faintly sore between her legs, but she couldn

t find the will to care.  In fact, she started to rock her hips into his hand.  She didn

t think about her wanton display, Muira simply knew that she had to have another taste of the euphoria that her husband had dealt out the evening before.


I want to see you,

Lachlan panted.  His eyes were dark and hot as he watched his wife

s face as he pleasured her.


Muira blinked at him, uncertain as to what he meant exactly, but there was no mistaking the heat in his gaze.  She gulped nervously, and reached for the hem of her nightgown, slowly hitching it up over her thighs.   Her heart was pounding, first from the ministrations of Lachlan

s fingers, and then from the embarrassment of undressing for him, but finally from the surge of power that she suddenly realised she possessed.


Lachlan might be able to make her knees weak, and her body burn, and her soul shatter, but
had a power of her own.  She had never read desire in a man

s eyes so blatantly before.  He wanted her- needed her- he hardly seemed able to breathe for his desire.


Smiling, a soft sultry smile that she hadn

t even know that she was capable of a day beforehand, Muira began tugging the white cotton further up her thighs.  She was still working painstakingly slowly, only now it had nothing do with embarrassment.  She watched Lachlan

s eyes watching her, glued to the hem of her gown.  He groaned, low and deep, in the back of his throat when Muira revealed the thatch of dark curls just above where his fingers were playing.  Illogically, Muira felt herself glow and twitch around his hand.


Not yet, lass,

he grunted. 


He didn

t stop his stretching strokes, but he did lessen the attention that he was lavishing upon the swollen, sensitive bundle of nerves at the head of her slit.  Muira whimpered her displeasure, and trying to twist her hips into his head to grant her body better satisfaction.  Lachlan chuckled roughly, and threatened to stop completely unless she stilled. 


I want it all the way off before I let you come,

he panted, looking lustfully at her nightgown.


Muira had barely realised that she

d stopped, but her nightdress was now lifted to just above her flat stomach, hinting at the heavy swell of her bosom that Lachlan seemed most keen to see.  She blushed a little as she revealed her breasts.  She

d always thought them a little too big, earning her a little too many lecherous male stares, but Lachlan could make them tingle and ache with just a glance, and his approval spiked right through Muira

s body to very her core. 


She whipped her gown all the way off over her head, tossing it onto the floor by the bed, and then Muira licked her lips and lowered herself over Lachlan

s body, hissing as she finally touched him skin to skin.


You like what you see?

she purred, in a voice she hardly recognised.


would be a shameful understatement,

Lachlan growled, before capturing her lips and kissing her again.  His tongue plunged, deep and insistent, stoking the fire he

d already kindled in his wife

s body. 


he groaned against her mouth, withdrawing his fingers from her heat so that he could gently squeeze and tug at her impressive bosom. 

Oh God, I need you

he panted, bucking his hips beneath her.


I- I don

t know what to do,

she confessed quietly, suddenly unsure of herself again.


Only too eager to assist her in finding her confidence, Lachlan let off the sweet torture of her breasts.  One of his large, rough hands closed around one of Muira

s much smaller, softer hands, and dragged it down across his hot skin until he left it resting on his hip.


Touch it,

he begged, looking utterly agonised.  Muira couldn

t help but remember the pain she

d suffered the night before, and found that she was wondering if Lachlan was similarly afflicted now.  She would do anything to try and ease his discomfort, so she twisted around, trying to see what he could mean.


Oh my!

she choked under her breath. 
No wonder it had hurt before! 
She hadn

t seen it- him the night before, covered as Lachlan had been by his kilt, but now that she
see him

in all his glory, an awed uncertainty swept over her.  If they hadn

t made love already she would have doubted that it were even possible.



Lachlan panted raggedly, shifting beneath her again.


Taking a deep breath, suddenly aware of the lust now writhing in her womb, Muira wriggled down her husband

s body so that she was sat, looking at the jutting, throbbing length of his sex.  Her hand tentatively grazed his thigh, causing Lachlan to shudder, as she slowly reached to touch him. 


When her fingers finally fluttered against the twitching rod of his cock the low moan that fled from her husband

s lips send a spasm clenching through her body.  He felt like steel wrapped in silk, so thick that Muira could barely close her fingers around him.  She stroked him lightly, experimenting with her touches, tracing the pulsing veins and circling the damp head of his cock, smearing the moisture she found there between her fingers.  Lachlan

s eyes were hardly open, no more than two gleaming slitting that were watching her as he struggled to cling to some shred of composure.


I need-

Muira began, shifting uncomfortably as her body screamed for her to take him.


What lass?

Lachlan grunted, his mouth managing to curve into a wicked grin as he tempted her to


I need- I need you inside me,

she gasped, blushing furiously as she voiced this new understanding.


Thank God

Lachlan moaned, lifting his hips in desperate encouragement.  He moved his hands to grip her legs, coaxing her to crawl back up his body.  Muira shot him a hesitant glance when she finally realised what he wanted her to do.



she gasped, her eyes widening, but her body submitted to his instructions, letting him position her above his sex.  She couldn


could she?  And then she suddenly realised that yes, she could, and yes, she definitely wanted to


Muira gasped against when she felt him nudge against her opening, surprising herself, she tried to force herself down on him, but Lachlan was still guiding her movements.



he puffed,

let me-

he groaned, and then Muira stopped listening, because she was gradually being allowed to sink down his shaft. 


She bit her lip, expecting the raw, searing burst of pain from the night before

only it never came.  She started to pant, eyes wide, marvelling at how deliciously good it felt.  She was still a little sore, and felt rather overfull as she took him deep inside her body, but it was pleasure more than anything else that sizzled through Muira

s veins.


Oh- Lachlan,

she whimpered, letting her eyes fall shut, and then crying out in a little exclamation of bliss when Lachlan thrust up, filling her completely.  She starting to rock he hips, to grind her body into her husband

s, instinct taking over where experience was lacking.



  Her name was barely recognisable as it was hissed from Lachlan

s lips, but she at last understood what he wanted. 


Muira rode him, loved him, with a raw desperation that wound the spring in her womb tighter and tighter each time there bodies clashed together.  She gripped Lachlan

s shoulders to keep her balance as he began to thrust up, unable to lie still any longer, knocked the breath from Muira

s body as he moved fiercely.

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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