A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (21 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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Oh God,

he grunted, plunging harder. 


Lachlan heard his wife whimper, and then at the change of pace, Muira began to writhe against him, bucking and grinding mindless as she thrashed her head back into the pillows.  Her nails clawed at his back, gripping him cruelly through the fabric of his shirt.  Lord, he wished he were naked so he could feel the slick heat of their skin moving together.


Lachlan wasn

t sure if it was due to him, or simply an eighteen-year wait, but he could feel the walls of Muira

s cunt tightening as she approached her second orgasm.  The sensation dragged him to the very edge of his limits.  One more thrust would be all his body could take.  He pulled back, as far as he was able without slipping out of her heat, as caught Muira

s eye.  She looked drugged with pleasure.



she begged breathlessly, catching Lachlan completely by surprise.  He slammed home, stealing both their breaths, and they both broke in ecstasy. 


It had never felt so good

was the one thought flashing through Lachlan

s brain, as he was nearly rendered unconscious by the force of his release.  He jetted his seed deep into Muira

s womb, loving the feel of her jerking beneath and around him.


Oh God,

he panted, collapsing on top of his wife

s body, bearing down upon the ample pillow of her breasts. 

Oh God,

he swore mindlessly.  He couldn

t think, he couldn

t move, he could barely breath.


Lachlan let himself lie like that, in a sated exhaustion, until he felt Muira begin to shift uncomfortably beneath him.  Using what little strength he retained, he managed to roll off her body, but clasped her very firmly against his side.  He waited until enough of his breath had returned to let him speak, and then he turned his head to look at her.


She looked utterly dazed, and Lachlan couldn

t contain a satisfied smile when he read the expression of blatant fulfilment on her face, but neither could he forget the discovering he

d made, or his cruel reaction to it.



he sighed, sitting up and stripping off his damp shirt. 


m- sorry that I did that to you-
do you want to tell me why you lied this time?

he asked wearily.


I didn


she cried, the blissfully little smile instantly vanishing from her lips.  She blinked tearfully and then tugged at her nightgown, covering herself from his sight.


You told me MacEantach raped you,

Lachlan growled, some of his anger returning.



Muira blinked still anxious, but clearly confused.


Lachlan glanced down at her with some confusion and sighed. 

You know-
himself on you?


He did!

Muria argued adamantly.


He did not!

Lachlan growled. 

He could not
have forced you to do what we

ve just done!


Muira opened and closed her mouth a couple of times. 

Tavish hadn

t forced her to do
exactly, but that must have been what he

d intended to do to her.  She shuddered in disgust at the thought her despised ex-fianc
doing anything so intimate to her body, of having him joined with her, of feeling him moving inside of her

Muira took a gulping breath and willed the heat that was rushing to her cheeks, at the memory of
doing those things to her, to go away.  She hadn

t known that it was possible to do such things, to feel such things


Muira glanced down at her hands to try and hide her blush.  Her body was still tingling slightly, and she felt incredibly sore inside, but she wouldn

t take any of it back.  Well

maybe Lachlan

s anger, his disgust



he pressed firmly. 

The truth.


I- I didn

t know,

she mumbled.


You didn

t know what?


I didn

t know that- that

she flailed her arms helplessly in the direction of the bed

-was what happened between a man and a woman,

she blurted, humiliated. 


Lachlan didn

t laugh at her, as she

d feared he would though.  He
smile, but it was in the same kind manner that she remembered first seeing light his handsome face.


Oh Muira,

he whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead. 


he added, and he sounded quite possessive, Muira found that she liked it.  It warmed her poor, battered heart. 

What did he do to you?



she whispered, curling into Lachlan

s side and laying a hesitant hand on his now bare chest.  He nodded his head, gently stroking a hand through her curls. 

He- well the morning before I ran away and met you, he came to my room,

Muira explained in a small voice. 

He said he- he

d come to advantage of his rights as a husband.



She watched as Lachlan frown darkly. 

Go on?

he pressed.


I didn

t want him to, but he didn

t give me any choice,

she whispered, shivering.  Lachlan pulled her closer. 

He t-touched me with his hands like you did,

she whimpered,

only- but I didn

t- it felt-

she cried softly.


Where did he touch you?

Lachlan growled.  Muira could clearly hear the anger in his voice again now.  She hoped desperately that it was directed towards Tavish and not herself.



she sniffed reluctantly, waving a hand across her breasts as if she couldn

t bear to linger over the memory. 

And l-lower down-

she dropped her hand towards the core of her femininity, where Lachlan had been just minutes before, loving her fiercely and obliterating the taint that Tavish had left behind, but then she broke in into a full flood of tears.


Oh, darling,

Lachlan breathed, sitting up and bundling her into his arms.  He kissed her temple, and then he cheek, before finally finding her mouth.  Muira melted in his arms.  It wasn

t passion, but comfort, that he was imparting. 


m so sorry,

he growled.  He paused for a moment, but then asked:

How did you get away?


He said he was going to tell my father,

she croaked wretchedly. 

He said that he

d go to him the morning after our wedding and tell my father that I was whore,

she wailed,

that I

d already been with a man.  I couldn

t let him do that!

she sobbed. 

I fought back, I- I think I must have surprised him, and then I ran.

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