A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (111 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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No, it

s yours and only yours, I had it made just for you,

he told her softly, peppering a kiss against her parted lips, which earned a loud


from the direction of their escort.



Muira gasped. 


s too much,

she choked. 


Nothing could ever be too much for you,

he smiled. 

I love you so much it scares me,

he confessed, speaking in a low, rough growl.


Oh- I love you too,

Muria croaked, her eyes filling with tears all over again.


Ride with me?

Lachlan asked, his eyes flashing wickedly.


But- Maisie, I need-



ll be all right for a hour or two without her mother,

Lachlan insisted.  He still hadn

t released Muira

s hand, and used this fact to his advantage, tightening his grip and leading her in the direction of his horse.



Muria squealed. 


s watching!

she gasped, but her husband didn

t seem to care about that in the slightest.


Let them,

he whispered wicked
ly, catching her hold by the waist before lifting her effortlessly onto the back of his great brute of a gelding.  Muira opened her mouth to scold her husband again, but Lachlan had just swung himself up behind her, gripping her tight as he urged his horse on, and all notion of objecting failed her.


This seems awfully familiar,

Muira murmured breathlessly.  She snuggled back against his hard body. 

You know, it almost reminds me of something
she teased, but her voice was slightly unsteady, slightly dizzy with her husband

s grand romantic gesture.


Lachlan nodded and pressed a heavy kiss against her neck. 

Of the first day of the rest of our life


he purred.  Muira twisted and shot him a puzzled little glance. 

My life didn

t start until I met you,

he swore, and then he claimed her lips, in a full searing kiss that held the promise of so many more years to come.


The End


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