Read A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) Online

Authors: Stephanie Sterling

A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (20 page)

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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Lachlan waited, to see what Muira would do, to see if she would shy away, to see if she would welcome him.  Her eyes, so glazed with passion that her husband only had to look into them to start to burn, widened, but she didn

t push his hand away. 


Working slowly, as he whispered soft nonsensical words of reassurance, Lachlan hiked the skirt of her nightdress up around her waist so that the white fabric formed a belt around her middle.  Muira began to shift nervously, but Lachlan wasn

t prepared to lose her now.  He crawled over her body, still fully clothed himself, but pain sliced through his heart when he saw her face become overcast with a shadow of fear.


What is it, lass?

he whispered, pressing his lips to her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, strumming his fingers over her sides, working desperately to lull her back into her passion hazed daze. 


He didn

t know if was going to be able to stop.  He had only meant to soothe
, pleasure
, but his body was aroused to the point of pain.  He wanted to fulfil his fantasies of the night before.  He wanted-
to bury himself between her legs; he needed to make her belong to him in the most primal way known to man.



re too big,

Muira puffed, but her voice no longer held the flash of fear that Lachlan had recognised earlier on her face.  He couldn

t help but grin. 


ll crush me,

she clarified, to her husband

s amused disappointment.



ll let you ride me,

he panted thickly into her ear.  Her confused little frown sending bolts of desire pulsing through his hugely erect cock.  He wanted to show her everything, teach her everything. 

But that can wait,

he grunted, pressing his lips once again against hers, distracting her slightly as he let his hand dip beneath her undergarments.


Muira gasped in shock when she felt him there, between her legs, but Lachlan also groaned in surprise when he felt how incredibly hot and wet and ready she was for him. She was so impossibly slick that his body gave a shudder of appreciation.



she whimpered, her brows knotting in a frown that was a combination of confusion and disbelief.  She tried to close her legs, but her husband gently prevented her.


Let me do this for you,

he purred, stroking her slit, searching for the swollen bundle of nerves at the head of Muira

s opening.  When he grazed it with his fingertip his wife

s reaction was instant, she gasped sharply and bucked of the bed.  Lachlan grinned. 

Wait, it gets better,

he chuckled, slightly smugly, working the raised nub harder with his fingers. 



d already brought her to such a point that it was only going to take the smallest push to send her toppling into ecstasy, and Lachlan wanted to watch her face when she came.  Muira was already flushed, her skin damp, her mouth slightly opened as she gasped and whimpered mindlessly.


I can


she puffed, eyes rolling back in her head. 

Lachlan, I don


she cried, and then she was screaming, jerking of the bed as her whole body convulsed with her release. 


Lachlan didn

t think that he had ever seen anything so beautiful, and he didn

t think he was going to be able to restrain his own rampant needs for another second.


I need you, Muira,

he rasped. 

I can

t wait.  I

m so sorry.



But his wife was still trying to recover from her first taste of ecstasy and seemed not hear him, or indeed to notice when he slipped a finger inside her still pulsing sheath. 


Lachlan frowned when he felt how incredibly tight she was, marvelling that she could still be so unbelievably small after being raped by MacEantach

He pushed that puzzling thought aside and worked as quickly as he could to prepare her, his kilt making a mockery of his condition, as he trembled with desperation to slake his lust.


L-lachlan, what-?

Muira stammered.  Her voice was breathy, but tinged with a fearful note of doubt.  She had finally regained enough of her senses to realise he was not just between her legs, but also inside her.



ll be gentle,

he panted, appalled by the plea in his voice.  He couldn

t remember
needing a woman this badly before. 


ll be gentle,

he repeated, willing her to accept him. 


Lachlan wasn

t certain if it was fear or consent on Muira

s part when she allowed him to push her legs further apart.  He hated himself for not being in control enough to check.  He simply settled in the cradle that he

d created for himself, folds of tartan concealing his erection from Muira

s wide anxious eyes, as he nudged his cock against her wet slit.


He heard her gasp, and his own breath escaped his body in a hiss as he sank into her sheath, but only by a fraction. 
He was going to be gentle if it damn well killed him! 
He owed Muira that much at least.



Lachlan begged, pushing a little deeper.  He instantly felt her tighten, and had to bite the inside of his lip to stop himself from coming immediately.  He stopped where he was, physically shaking from the toll this self-imposed restraint was placing on his body. 

It hurts?

he groaned.  He didn

t know what he

d do if she said yes.  He couldn

t believe that she

d got him into such a state!



Muira gasped hesitantly. 

It just- it feels so odd,

she confessed breathlessly. 


  He most definitely had to do something about that!  But Muira wriggled unexpectedly beneath him, shifting her hips and Lachlan sank further into her body.  His eyes, which had been closed to slits that he could barely see out of, sprang open.  He nudged forward again to be certain, eyes now narrowing when he encountered the unmistakable barrier of her maidenhead.



re a virgin?

he spat.



s face had slowly been relaxing, softening in pleasure, as she got used to the feel of holding Lachlan

s sex inside her body, but at his vicious question she tensed in terror all over again.


I am?

she whimpered, but Lachlan was in no state to attend her confusing query.


In which case,

he growled. 

This is going to hurt, Cameron,

Lachlan hissed nastily, making her feel his betrayal, and then he thrust, driving forward as hard as his hips could propel him.



s shriek of pain sliced through his heart, and Lachlan instantly regretted his cruelty with an enormity that could not be exaggerated.  His body was in heaven, but his soul was in hell.  He stilled inside her.  She could have been made for him, so hot and tight and wet, clenching around his cock like a sodden fist, but her eyes- her eyes were bright with tears.  He moved to capture her lips, silently begging her forgiveness, but Muira turned her head away from him, and Lachlan had never felt so completely in the wrong.


He couldn

t possibly stay still a moment longer however, so he slowly began to thrust, desperately trying to soothe the hurt he

d caused Muira.  It must have been guilt that was holding his body in check, stopping him from coming, as he loved her.  He was aching to hear a gasp of pleasure and not pain trickle from her lips.



m sorry,

Lachlan panted into her ear. 

God, Muira, I

m so sorry,

he groaned, hips still rolling into hers. 


This had to start feeling good for her, didn

t it?  Pleasure was fairly crackling though Lachlan

s veins.  It seemed nonsensical that his body could be racing towards such a towering peak of bliss, while Muira suffered beneath him in pain

and then Lachlan heard a sound that nearly sent him spilling himself inside her right there and then.  Muira moaned him name.  The single word so infused with passion and need that it was hardly recognisable.

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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