101 EROTICA STORIES (59 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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One On One

Emily sat hunched over her desk in her room, her eyes travelling down the pages of the notes she had taken in class. She had to write a paper for her biology class that was due tomorrow, as well as study for a huge test in anatomy. When her mind failed to get a grasp of what she was reading from the sheet of paper in front of her, her head dropped to her hands, fingers pressing against her temples to help alleviate the headache that was building. She knew beforehand that college life was stressful, but it becomes increasingly so when requirements kept piling up as the semester rolled on.


Her features brightened up when she heard her apartment door open and close, smiling widely when she heard her boyfriend’s voice float up the stairs and into her ears, announcing his arrival. She made no move to greet him however, knowing that if she left the room, she’d think of every possible excuse to not come back to her studying.


“Babe, I’m home,” he said, setting his bag down and toeing off his shoes. He shook his head when he didn’t hear a response, knowing that she was probably holed up in their room, head buried amongst her books and notes. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a six pack of beer to go with the pizza he was cradling with his other hand, before climbing up the stairs and making his way into their room. “What? No ‘Hey, how was your day’ or ‘I missed you’?” he teased, putting the food and drinks he was carrying on top of the dresser.


“Sorry,” she replied, her mouth formed into a pout. “I’ve just been swamped with so much work lately. I barely have my essay done and it’s for my 8AM class. There’s that anatomy test and a whole bunch of other crap that’s on my to-do list. I’d be lucky if I can finish all of this by Christmas. I feel like my brain is being repeatedly smashed with Thor’s hammer and –”


Before she could finish her thought, Mark grabbed the pen from her hand, set it down on the desk and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.


“I think you need to relax,” he whispered against her throat, smirking when he received a groan in response. He knew that it was one of her sweet spots, his hot breath dancing across the tender flesh. “You just need to take a step back to get your thoughts in order and then you can go back to work.”


“And what do you suggest would be the best way for me to relax?”


“A little one on one time with me, of course,” he said grinning smugly. He started trailing a path of kisses up her neck, his hot breath sending shivers up her spine. He slid his large hand up her shirt and brushed the pads of his fingers along the strap of her bra.


Emily kicked her foot against the floor, sending her chair into a spin, forcing him to pull away for a split second. But once she had turned to face him, Mark immediately captured her lips in a kiss, his tongue delving into her mouth, exploring every crevice. Without breaking apart, he pulled her up from her seat and made their way towards the bed, sitting down on the soft mattress when the edge met the back of his knees. She eased herself down onto his lap, her arms wrapping around his shoulders. His hands found their way to the hem of her shirt, pushing the fabric up, revealing more of her creamy skin. She pulled away to allow him to get the garment completely off of her, discarding it to the floor. One hand went to her back, deftly unfastening her bra, dragging the straps down her arms and soon joined her shirt on the floor.


As he reached up to fondle her breasts, she started unbuttoning his shirt, trailing kisses from his chest, down to his abs and all the way to the top of his pants. Slipping off his lap, she got on her knees on the floor in front of him, popping the button on his jeans and dragging the zipper down. Hooking her fingers under the waistband, she tugged them down his muscled thighs, his boxers soon following. No matter how long they have been together, she was always pleasantly surprised by his size and amazed that she managed to spur that kind of reaction out of him.


Raising her eyes up to meet his intense gaze, she slowly lowered her mouth onto his turgid cock, taking him deep into her mouth and all the way back to her throat in one go, eliciting a deep moan.


“You know just what I like, don’t you?” he asked huskily. He buried his hands in her curly blonde locks as she bobbed her head up and down his shaft, gasping when she sucked in her cheeks for more suction. He gently pushed against the back of her head, guiding her to the rhythm that he liked, pulling him closer to the edge. But before she could finish him off, her pulled her head back up, planting his lips on hers in a forceful kiss.”Not yet, babe,” he said, pulling her off the floor and onto the bed.


Emily reached her hands up to wrap around his neck as he hovered over her prone form, letting out breathy sighs as his hands smoothed against her naked torso. She spread her legs further apart as he settled between her thighs, his hard cock pressing against her cloth-covered center. His bit down into her neck, eliciting a soft shriek that quickly dissolved into a moan as his tongue darted out to lick at the sensitive flesh. He trailed a path of kisses down her chest, his warm mouth closing over her nipple while he rolled the other between his fingers. Another moan escaped her lips as he continued his assault on her breasts.


His lips started to travel lower, nipping at her toned stomach. His fingers hooked into her shorts and pushed them down her slender thighs, her underwear going with it. His eyes travelled up her body, finding her looking down at him with heavy-lidded eyes. He smirked, knowing that she was anticipating his next move. Without missing a beat, his tongue darted out to give the first hot lick against her slit. She fell back into the bed as his mouth closed over her clit, suckling on the sensitive nub. She gasped when she felt him insert two of his thick long fingers into her warm center, pumping in and out in a slow rhythm.


His name fell from her lips in a breathy sigh as she squirmed on the bed. He began to pump his fingers faster, his tongue continuing to lick over her folds, his teeth slightly grazing her clit. Emily couldn’t hold on any longer, crying out as she came. Mark licked up every drop of essence she gave before moving back up her body, forcing his tongue into her mouth to give her a taste of her own sex.


She gasped into his mouth when he started to push into her, inch by agonizing inch. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he reveled in the feeling of her warmth surrounding him. No matter how many times they’ve had sex, she remained incredibly tight, her walls molding perfectly around his huge cock. He groaned when she started moving her hips from under him, wanting to feel more.


“Fuck me, baby,” she begged. “I want you to fuck me hard and fast.”


She wrapped her legs around his waist, causing him to go deeper into her honeyed depths. Never one to leave her unsatisfied, he gave in to her demands, ramming into her relentlessly. Her nails raked along his shoulders, leaving angry red marks as she thrashed her head from side to side.


“Fuck, Em,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’m so close baby.”


One of her hands moved between their bodies and down to her mound, finding her clit. She rubbed the tight bundle of nerves in time with his thrusts, sending her closer to the edge. He soon felt her walls start to clamp down on him. After several hard thrusts, she soon screamed out his name as she reached her climax, the contraction of her walls pulling him into his own orgasm. He continued to thrust into her as they rode the waves of their orgasms, his body falling on top of hers out of exhaustion. They laid in each other’s arms, limbs still intertwined as they struggled to catch their breaths.


She whimpered when he finally pulled out of her and moved to lie down beside her. She turned in his arms and lay her head on his chest, throwing an arm over his waist, just enjoying each other’s presence.


“I really should get back to studying,” she said, heaving a sigh of defeat.


“Didn’t you say that your test was for anatomy?”




“Well, why don’t you just study my anatomy again?”

Under The Pale Light

Adam leaned on the doorway of their bedroom, taking in the sight before him. The curtains were pulled back, letting in a stream of moonlight into the room. Shifting his gaze to the prone form on the bed, his stoic expression was broken by the smallest of smiles. Karen was wearing one of his shirts, the blanket and sheet bunched at her waist. He was fairly certain that there was not much else beneath them.


Padding his way to the chair on one corner of the room, he took. He sat back, draping his shirt on the armrest and letting his eyes settle on her once again. The moonlight had cast shadows upon her pale face, making her appear even more ethereal in his eyes. Another smile broke through his features as the light caught the ring on her hand, making it shine like a beacon. His mind drifted to fond memories of their years together, looking forward to making more with the promise that the ring symbolized.


“What are you smiling on about, idiot?” Karen asked in her sleep-laden voice, now sitting up in the middle of the bed.


“Hey, love,” he greeted softly.


“How long have you been home?” she asked, her eyes following his every movement as he took off his clothes. “Did you enjoy your bachelor party?”


“Not long,” Stu replied as he neatly folded his discarded clothing into a pile. “Just a few minutes really. And yes, I did.”


Now clad in nothing but black boxers, Adam made his way over to the bed staring intently at her. Their gazes never left each other as his large frame crawled towards hers. She was in a trance, lost in his jade green eyes and left unable to move or make a sound.


The moment his lips touched hers, she came alive. She sighed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his thick neck. He slowly guided her to lie back down on the bed, leaning on his knees as to not crush her. One of his hands rested on her hip as the other cupped her cheek, tilting her head to give him better access to her mouth, deepening the kiss. Adam pried her mouth open with his, delving his tongue into its warm recesses. His hold on her hips tightened as she squirmed underneath him. Karen let out a groan from deep in her throat as his grip prevented her from rocking her hips into his.


She raked her nails up his back to settle around his neck. Hearing his groan in a mixture of pleasure and pain brought a smirk to her lips but it was quickly wiped off as he took a hold of her wrists and pinned them above her head with just his left hand. His other hand made a trail on her face, his fingertips ghosting across her cheeks, followed by feather-light kisses. The lazy yet sultry movements continued down to her neck, his lips firmly attaching themselves to the pulse point just right below her ear.


As Adam sucked, licked and nipped at her throat, his hand continued its downward path, leaving a burning trail from her neck to the valley between her breasts to her stomach, finally settling back on her hip. He clutched the hem of the shirt she wore and slowly pushed it upwards, revealing more of her creamy skin. Just as he had suspected earlier on, Karen wasn’t wearing much else underneath the shirt, save for a tiny scrap of material covering the apex of her thighs. He growled inwardly as she pushed up her chest against his before finally tearing the shirt off of her.


Before she could get her hands on any part of him, he took hold of her wrists again and placed them against the wrought iron bars of the head rest.


“You take your hands off those, I’ll stop.”


“You wouldn’t be able to.”


“Try me.”


Even before Karen could completely take her hands off of the headrest, Adam had pushed his weight off the bed and leaned back on his haunches. With an eyebrow slightly raised and a devious smirk proudly displayed, he dared her to let go. Instead of succumbing to her body’s urge to feel his hard muscle beneath her palms, she tightened her hold and prepared for the ride.


“Good girl.”


His gaze took all of her in, from the top of her blonde head to her red-painted toes. He took hold of her ankles and dragged her legs to wrap around his waist as he settled his weight back down on the bed, leaning on his arms to not crush her. His lips found their way back to her neck, eliciting a moan of satisfaction from her.


He lifted his head and sent another smirk her way, testing her patience. She opened her mouth to say something but let out a gasp instead when Adam lowered his head to her breasts. His hands kneaded the soft flesh as his warm mouth suckled on a dusky pink nipple. He paid equal attention to both her breasts as his hands made their way down to her hips, tracing over her legs and settling at the back of her knees. Gently prying them away from his waist and pushing them upwards, he continued his way down her body, placing butterfly kisses down her stomach and catching his teeth on pink lace.


Karen thrust her hips upward, an impatient request for him to give her what she wanted.


“Eager one tonight, aren’t you?” he mused, raising his eyes to meet hers.


“Just hurry up, fuck,” she growled. “I need you to fuck me already.”


At her confession, he tore off the last shred of her clothing, haphazardly throwing it behind him, not caring where the pieces of cloth landed.


“I’ll buy you a new one,” he mumbled before taking the first hot lick at her damp folds.


Her body arched off of the bed almost completely had it not been for his arms pressing down on her torso. Karen thrashed her head from side to side, writhing under his ministrations, his tongue expertly licking and sucking at all the right places in all the right ways. She let out a guttural moan as she felt one long finger stroke into her honeyed depths, his thumb rubbing circles against her clit.


Adam had almost seemed methodical with foreplay – licking, suckling and rubbing to have her driven nearly mad. Adding a second finger to pump into her had her getting close to her undoing.


“Adam please,” she begged.


“Please what, love?” he pried.


“Fuck me,” Karen said through gritted teeth. “Fuck me now.”


With one last teasing kiss to her mound, he rose up from the bed and took off his boxers. She raised her head, almost salivating at the sight of his hard cock proudly standing at attention. She watched as he kneeled on the bed stroking himself, wiping the drop of pre-cum over the bulbous head of his cock.


“Your hands,” he said. “Remember our deal.”


“Oh for crying out loud!” she groaned.


Adam stifled whatever complaints were to fly out of her mouth with a hard kiss to her mouth. He leaned back up as his hands once again took hold of her legs, one thrown around his waist, the other over his shoulder, the blunt tip of his cock teasing at her entrance.


Karen’s hands may have otherwise been rendered useless but her hips were another matter. She rolled them against his waist, eliciting a moan from him. It was enough to get him to finally stop teasing, as he completely sheathed himself in her walls with one purposeful thrust. He pulled back out almost all the way before filling her to the hilt once again.


It didn’t take him long to build a steady rhythm. His strokes were slow but hard, making her feel every hot inch as he repeatedly plunged into her depths. She whimpered at each filling stroke, before he finally decided to pick up speed, needing release just as much as she did. She raised her hips to meet his every thrust, drawing moans from both of them at the heightened sensation of contact.


“I’m close Adam,” she gasped. “Fuck!”


His grip on her leg tightened as his other hand found its way back to her clit, pressing hard and rubbing circles onto it. “Cum with me, love.”


As if on command, Karen was thrown over the edge of her orgasm, screaming out his name. Her walls clamped down on him, pulling him headlong into his own undoing and spilling his hot seed into her. With a few final thrusts, he collapsed on top of her, completely sated.


Adam raised his hands to meet hers, prying her grip on the iron bars and wrapping them around his neck. He rolled to the side, his back hitting the soft mattress, taking Karen to lie on top of him as they both came down from their highs.


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