101 EROTICA STORIES (54 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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When she took out a pack of cigarettes and slipped one out, she could feel Damon’s gaze riveted at her.


“When did you start to smoke?” he asked with a bit of derision in his voice.


Leo butted in at that, “Since forever.”


“Really?” he said, turning to Leo. “She never smoked before.”


“Oh, yeah?” Leo asked in great disbelief. “Ever since I worked with her, she’s had two packs in her bag.”


“That’s because everyone else would ask me for one stick every now and then and it’s just too much of a hassle to buy another when we’re in the middle of something.” she answered back. And that was proven when Leo took a cigarette from her pack. “See?”


“That will kill you.” Damon interjected.


Victoria shrugged. “Life’s too short, anyway.” she answered, trying to sound indifferent when she was wholly pissed at him. But seeing Leo’s reaction, Victoria sensed that she did not sound very blasé at all.


Despite that, she didn’t care at all, she thought to herself. So she lighted her cigarette and took a long drag.


She can feel Damon’s gaze boring into her, but before he can say something, Leo started a conversation about politics. “Ronsard? Wasn’t there a senator before named Ronsard?”


He nodded. “That’s my father.”


That specific conversation went on for about thirty minutes in which Damon observed that Victoria finished her shot of whiskey, got up for a higher refill in the bar and smoked three and half cigarettes.


She really has changed, he thought. The rest of her was better but this habit of her was not at all good. He learned from Leo that Victoria is a theater stage manager and is now just on vacation because they just ended the 8-month run of their last stint which staged in London.


Although he did not know what a stage manager was, Damon was very proud of what she did. Traveling around the world, and from what Leo hinted at, earning a lot, was something that people in their small town did not think was possible for her to accomplish.


When she stumped her cigarette on the ashtray and was about to get another one out of the pack, his hand covered hers.


Victoria’s eyes narrowed at him, but the sudden jolt of electricity flowed from his hand to hers shocked her. “Aren’t you going too fast with that?” he asked. “That’s one stick every seven minutes.”


“I didn’t know someone was keeping count.” she said evenly, but the irritation thrummed through her. “Take your hand off mine, please.”


It took about a minute before he did. “Still staying in the second floor?”


She breathed deep. “We’re renovating now, so no.”  


“So where are you staying?”


Victoria would have hedged but they were staying in the former barn which is now a traditional-style inn owned by the Ronsard’s, and if he knew that was the case, she really didn’t know what was going to happen. The only reason they checked in there was because Leo saw it on the ads and loved it.


“At Mathilda’s Bed and Breakfast,” Leo answered for her. “But soon, you’ll have a competition since she’s planning to re-do all this into a nice restaurant and an inn, too.”




Victoria wasn’t sure what he was referring to but she turned her attention to Leo. “His mother owns the place,” she explained.


“Actually, it’s mine now.” he said, and at her confused, questioning gaze “Since she died.” he added.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear about it.” And she really was sorry about it, although she put some of the blame of the end of their relationship on his mother.


“That’s alright, thanks. It’s been a long time, anyway.” he said, smiling at her. The talk turned to family – where her brothers are, who is managing the place and what her plans for the ramshackle place was and all.


Damon was even prouder of her at that moment. When she talked about her plans, her green eyes were sparkling – and he remembered times when her eyes would glitter like that before – and his cock once more stirred alive.


“Here we go again,” Leo remarked, his eyes dancing with mischief. “She’s always like this when she talks about this place.”


Damon knew that very well. When they were sated in bed after hours of going at it with each other, they would talk about their dreams in life. This was definitely one of hers.


“So, what’s next for Mayor Ronsard?” Leo asked him.


He waved his hand at that, “No more plans. Politics isn’t for me.” he admitted. “I’m with the FBI now.”


“Maybe you’ll want your children to follow your footsteps in politics, like your parents wanted you to.” Victoria guessed since that was a pretty spot-on assumption. That’s what happened to him, after all. And that was the reason why they weren’t meant for each other from the start.


He shook his head. “Me? No. Elise would have wanted that. But we never had kids, thank God. We would have ruined them with the divorce and all.”


Surprise was etched in Victoria’s face, although she tried to hide it. Her heart was also thudding in her chest. So their marriage didn’t work. All this time, she thought that people in their position – in politics and all – wouldn’t have done that.


“And you, Mrs. Chandler?” he asked, purposely using her new surname. “What would you like for your children?”


Leo, damn his big mouth, butted in once more. “Mr. Chandler didn’t bother giving her any before he died. But with his drinking problem and all, it really would have been impossible.” he said with a laugh.


Damon’s hard gaze zoomed in on her with such intensity that made her a bit uncomfortable. Now, he was sure that Leo wasn’t the Mr. Chandler – that there was no Mr. Chandler anymore – and that he wasn’t any sort of boyfriend. Well, he wasn’t too certain about that, but men had instincts too, and his own told him that Victoria and Leo never had romantic relations.


She fidgeted in her seat because her panty was literally getting moistened. That was how he looked at her when he wanted to have sex. And with just that look, she knew that she was ready for him.


He knew it too. Victoria couldn’t look straight at him. She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling and consciously raised her palm to her flushed cheeks. Damon glanced at Leo and found him drooping in his chair.


The man was pretty wasted, but he knew that the bartender would take care of him if he was left alone, dozing, in his chair. At least now, he was sure that Leo wasn’t Victoria’s Mr. Chandler. He was also ecstatic finding out that there was no Mr. Chandler in her life anymore.


“Did you drive coming here?” Damon asked her.


“N-no, we used Leo’s car.” she stuttered.


He nodded curtly. “Good.” Then he grabbed her left arm, pulled her up, and dragged her to the door.


“What the hell are you doing?” she protested, trying to pull away from him. Although his grip was gentle, it was tight so it was pretty difficult. She didn’t want to make a fuss because Chris the bartender would jump him to protect her.


 “I’m taking you home.” he answered, successful in getting her outside in the balmy air, passing the sedan which was probably owned by Leo.


 His truck was parked under a huge tree on the left side of the bar. He fished his keys from his pocket and opened the door to the passenger side, waiting for her to get in.


She pushed him away. “No. I can’t leave Leo there.”


“Yes, you can,” he argued, “The bartender will take care of him.”


“No!” she almost screamed at him. “I don’t know what you’re planning but Leo and I are sharing a room and-”


“What the fuck are you doing sharing a room with him when…?” And his eyes narrowed with suspicion, “Are you fucking him?”


She ignored that. At least now, his intentions are pretty much known. “You can’t just pick off from where you left, damn you! Who do you think you are?!”


Despite her sudden bluster, Damon knew that she was as aroused as he was. Her pupils were dilated, although the green of her eyes were on fire. Her chest was heaving in anger but her nipples were tight buds under her white shirt. He voiced out his observation. “Your nipples are hard, baby.”


Her eyes widened; half in exasperation and half in helpless surrender. With Damon Ronsard, her emotional, protective walls seem to crumble to pieces. “Please,” she whispered. “Please, Damon…”


Damon wasn’t sure what she was pleading for. But even Victoria herself wasn’t quite sure.


So when his head then swooped down to capture her mouth in a torrid kiss while his hand immediately cupped her crotch immediately, she wound her arms around his neck.


He found her short’s crotch damp already and that put a smile in his lips. “God, I can’t wait to taste you once more.”


He pushed her gently inside the truck, letting her sit on the passenger side. He pulled the lever to move the seat go all the way to the back and then he went in to crouch before her. He also pulled the lever to recline the back of the seat to allow her to settle back comfortably.


“I’ve missed you Vic.” he admitted in a low voice. “You don’t have an idea how much I have wanted to do this. Years, Vic. Years.”


All she could do was stare at him, ready to disbelieve everything he’s trying to say. But it was quite impossible to do that when he sounded so sincere. And he was already pulling her shorts down.

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