101 EROTICA STORIES (56 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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That’s it. She was his.


He had that same sentiment a long time ago but his responsibilities were much too important to him at that time. Well, actually, it wasn’t. But his stupid head was just too focused on that.


The dark curls framed her face well. Her lush lips were slightly parted. He can stay here, looking at her, waiting for her to stir awake so he can drown in the green depths of her eyes. He can do that forever.


Shit. This is bad for him. But he knew that he would not make the stupid mistake he made the last time.


She was lying on her side. Damon lay down, curled beside her and his mouth went straight to the exposed shoulder. Because his cock was still hard, he gently raised her leg and inserted his penis into her swollen folds. He tucked his left arm under her head while his right hand played with her nipples.


That was enough to wake her up. He remembers now.


“Damon,” she moaned softly.


“No, honey,” he hushed, “Go back to sleep. I just want you to-”


She grinned, although her eyes were still half closed and drowsy. And that made him really, painfully hard. But when he felt her juices on his cock, he raised himself on one shoulder and gazed at her questioningly, desire lighting his eyes.


“Yes,” she confirmed, moving her hand to grip his penis and lead it inside her once again. “I want more.”




Victoria woke up the next morning feeling a bit cold and saw that one of the windows was slightly ajar.


Since she was alone in bed and in the room; the thought that everything was just a dream passed her mind. Half of her breathed a sigh in relief while the other half was mourning the fact. Dreaming of having sex four times that night was a dream?


She was naked, there was some stickiness in between her legs – God, if that was a dream, what a great one it was.


But when she turned her head on one side and saw the slight dent on the pillow beside her, she knew that it was no dream at all. Then the whole night flashed back in her head – from Damon fucking her in the truck then in bed, and then one more, then her fucking Damon’s dick while he ate her pussy until they both came because she was too sore to get fucked again.


She was getting wet now just thinking about it. But she allowed herself to groan, her forearm covering her eyes. And then she looked up at the ceiling, feeling bleak all of a sudden.


It didn’t bode well. Damon just upped and left, after all, slinking away in the cover of night while she was tired and taking much needed Zs after last night’s romping.


Worse, they didn’t use any protection. Fuck. When she was married to Anthony, she was on injectable Depo. They weren’t planning on having children yet. She was still young, after all, and he was too busy with the company. Besides, he already had kids. He didn’t need more yet.


Shit. He spilled his semen inside her several times. What date is it anyway?


Shower. That’s what she needed to do. She decided not to think about Damon Ronsard too much although it was pretty hard when her heart was thumping loud in her chest and her subconscious was sort of telling her “I told you so.”


Naked, she jumped up from the bed and slowly sauntered into the bath. Wow, was she truly sore! But she lingered under the shower for quite some time until she remembered that Leo was probably still in the bar. Shit, she’d have to make the shower really quick, then.


Victoria was quickly wrapping the towel around her when she heard the knock. She scrambled out the bath and went to the door immediately, opening it wide.


“Well, hello there, lovely!” Leo commented, his eyes still half-drunk and drowsy, as he appraised her from head to foot. “I need a shower as well.” he said, sniffing his shirt and finding it offensive. “Where do we order breakfast, by the way?”


“Shower first then breakfast.” she agreed, letting him in despite her obvious undress and his stink. She was used to having Leo around like this all the time since one: they are pretty close and two: he is pretty gay.


Oh, he’ll say that he’s a bisexual. He actually made a pass at her early on when she wasn’t married yet to Anthony Chandler. But it was obvious that he really liked men more than women. So they have become close friends instead.  


At least, Damon wasn’t here anymore or there’d be loads of questions from him.


As soon as Leo finished getting dressed and Victoria finished some touch-ups on her make-up, they walked hand in hand to the first floor. That elicited another raised eyebrow from Amy Edwards.


“Hi,” Leo greeted, leaning over the desk casually. “I was wondering where breakfast can be had?”


Leo was a sweet-talker when he felt like it. That made the older woman blush to her roots. “Oh, well, Millie’s whipping something up in the kitchen right now. You can get coffee there, if you want.”


She led them inside a wide dining area with six small wooden tables with four chairs each. The sun was illuminating the beautiful view outside the wide doors, unhampered by curtains or other frills, which led to the porch.


There was coffee brewing on the bar and the aroma of it wafted in the air, waking her up almost immediately.


“I want outside, Leo.” she told him absent-mindedly as she walked to the carafe and poured herself a cup of the fresh brew.


Leo nodded. “Get me one too.” he told her, then turned to Amy. “Where’d you think can I get an ashtray?”


She beamed at him. “Oh, there are ashtrays outside.”


“Great,” he murmured, as he waited for Victoria to finish, got the tray from her, and walked out.


Victoria glanced at Amy Edwards to thank her and saw her brows puckered. Her eyes had that tinge of suspicion, trying to put two and two – or whatever it is in her head – together.  Oh my, she’ll be spreading shit all over town in a few minutes, she was sure.


As soon as she was seated, Leo positioning himself adjacent to her, she spoke up. “We have to leave soon, Leo. Maybe this afternoon,”


He almost coughed the coffee out his mouth. “But we just got here!” he protested.


Victoria sighed out loud, lighting a cigarette. She can make up reasons like needing to go back to work or meeting someone important – but Leo knew very well she set the whole month for vacation – the first week, here in her hometown.


Instead, she shrugged. “Well something happened. And you will hear about it soon.” she said the last part under her breath.


“My, my, Victoria.” he said, taking the cup and sipping slowly from it. “What did you do?”


She took a long drag from her cigarette, making Leo’s eyes widen even more. “Or who did you do?” Then, if it was even possible, his eyes were practically out of its sockets. He mouthed Ronsard’s name.


She turned away from him, looking at the garden beyond, not wanting to confirm the truth. If Leo can easily surmise something from what she said, then Amy already knows. It is possible everyone in town already knows at this very minute. Fuck.


Victoria wanted to close her eyes but she knew that she will be seeing flashbacks of what happened last night and very early this morning. Damn it. The warmth crept from her neck up to her cheeks. Worse, she can feel the desire knotting in her belly then pooling to her center. Wet again, with just the thought of him passing her head?


Leo leaned forward, taking Victoria’s hand in his. It trembled ever so slightly so he pulled it to his mouth and gave it a warm kiss. “Alright, alright.” he said, giving in. “But you have to tell me all, OK? You know you can trust me, honey.”


She gazed at him, a small smile forming in her lips, but it never quite reached her eyes.

Oh, Leo. If he was just certain about what he wanted, she’d have settled with him years ago. She told him that, drawing a chuckle from him.


“Let’s have a deal then. If we don’t find our soul mates or whatever’s that called in five years-”


“Seven,” she inserted in, just so she’d have her say.


“OK, seven.” he said, grinning. “Then we’ll get married. OK? And I’ll want sex and all that jazz, because I like your ass, you know.” That made her almost hoot with laughter but, one glance at Amy and Millie, the cook, peeking at them from inside, made her re-think that.


Victoria settled on grinning back at him, letting him pull her to him while he gave her a chaste kiss on her forehead. “We’ll get married in seven years if that’s the case. Deal?”


She was going to nod already – seven years is too long after all and Leo, once they get back to New York, will find someone and completely forget about what he said – until she felt the familiar prickle at the back of her neck. Damn. Ignorance really is bliss, she thought to herself turning her head to the door and finding Damon standing there.


“I doubt she won’t find someone.” he said pretty clearly, his voice low but quite forceful. “I’m here, after all.”




Leo was going to stand up and try to protect her. But Victoria knew that he didn’t know brawling of any kind. She pulled him down to his seat, hushing him in one look then slowly walked to Damon. She saw in her peripheral vision that the two old women were whispering madly to each other. Oh shit.


“Not here, please.” she said in a low voice, intent on pulling him out – somewhere more private – for their talk.


“Getting married without me knowing?” he asked in a low voice.


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