Shameless (20 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Shameless
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“I do care about you, Riley.  Whether you
want to believe that or not, is up to you.  But it isn’t just about your dick
for me.”

“I know it isn’t,” he said solemnly.  He
kissed me a third time before smiling.  “But you do still really like my dick
right, Mads?  Because it really likes you.”

I smiled a little.  “Yes, I still like it.”

“Will you let me show you how much it likes
you?”  He whispered persuasively before trailing a path of kisses down my

He pushed his thigh between mine, slipped
his hand under my nightshirt and cupped my bare pussy.  I moaned lightly.  “You
make it very hard to resist you, Riley Walker.”

“Good,” he said before rubbing my clit.  “I
like knowing you want me as much as I want you.”

He helped me out of my nightshirt before
moving between my thighs.  I pressed my legs against his hips, pressing my
pelvis against his in a gentle rhythm as he rubbed his cock over my pussy and
bent his head to my breasts.  He sucked and licked at my nipples until I moaned
his name and dug my nails into his back.  His cock probed at my opening and we
both gasped when he pushed just the head in.

“Riley,” I moaned.

We stared at each other in silence for a
moment.  He knew I was on the pill - hell, he watched me take it every night -
but we had always used condoms.

“Maddie,” he whispered, “I’ve never once
gone bareback before.”

“Never?”  I said.

He shook his head before kissing me
lightly.  “No.  And I get tested regularly.”

“You do?”

He smiled at my surprise.  “Yes.  Personal
health is very important.”

A small grin crossed my face and he kissed
the tip of my nose.  “I’m clean, Maddie, and I’ll show you my records to prove

“I was tested after I found out Jordan was
cheating on me,” I whispered.  “They were negative.”

“I want to be in you without a damn
rubber,” he confessed hoarsely, “but I’ll stop right now and get one if that’s
what you want.”

I lifted my pelvis in response, sliding his
cock in deeper, and he groaned loudly before thrusting hard and seating himself
entirely within me.


“Fuck, I’m sorry.  Did I hurt you?”  He
said anxiously.

I shook my head.  “No, just a bit

The sudden invasion had my muscles
clenching around him and I forced myself to relax as he waited patiently. 

“Holy shit,” he muttered.  “You have no
fucking idea how fucking good this feels, kitten.  So fucking warm and wet.”

He thrust hard back and forth and I wrapped
my legs around his waist before cupping his face.  “No, go slowly.”

“I can’t,” he groaned.

“You can,” I whispered.  “Slowly, Riley. 
Nice and slow.”

He muttered a curse under his breath but
propped himself on his hands above me and moved with slow easy glides that sent
shivers of pleasure through my body. 

“That’s right,” I whispered.  “Just like

I eased my hand between our bodies and
traced the hard muscles of his abdomen before rubbing lightly at my clit. 
Warmth bloomed in my belly and I made small moans of pleasure as I pressed on
my clit before cupping my breast.  Riley watched, lust flickering across his
face, as I tugged and pinched my swollen nipple.

“You have no fucking idea how hot you are,
kitten,” he said hoarsely.

“Suck,” I whispered.

He bent his head, still moving in that
slow, gentle rhythm and sucked hard on my nipple.  I continued to rub at my
clit, my breath coming in harsh gasps as my climax approached.  I forced my
hand still as Riley lifted his head.

“Don’t stop, kitten.  I want to feel you
coming all over my cock,” he pleaded.

I bit my lip and rubbed at my clit again. 
Riley was moving faster now, deeper and harder strokes that made me tremble and
shudder.  I closed my eyes as we moved together in an easy rhythm.

“No,” Riley whispered.  “Look at me, Mads.”

I stared unblinkingly at him as my fingers
stroked and caressed and Riley’s cock pushed and retreated. 

“Riley, I’m going to – I can’t wait,” I

“Yes,” he groaned.  “Yes, honey.”

The unexpected endearment sent me over the
edge and, still holding Riley’s dark gaze, my orgasm swept through me.  My
pussy clenched and unclenched around his thick cock and Riley made a hoarse
shout of pleasure as he thrust a final time.  Warmth flooded through me as he
came deep inside of me and I clung tightly to him as we rode out the pleasure
of our orgasms together.

“Holy shit, Mads.”  Riley rolled off of me
with a soft groan and gathered me against his chest.  “Please don’t ever ask me
to wear a rubber again.  I can’t go back after that.”

I laughed softly.  “I think that can be

He snuggled into me and pulled up the
covers.  “Do you want to go back to your bed?”

I shook my head no.  “This is good.”

“Good night, Mads.”  He kissed me lightly
and I rubbed his back.

“Night, Riley.”


* * *




“Shit,” Roman groaned as he slid on to the
barstool next to me.  “I can barely take a piss without everything hurting.”

I snorted laughter and sipped at my beer. 
“It’s only been three weeks, Roman.  Your body needs time to adjust to the new
exercise routine.”

“Or maybe,” Roman groaned again before
taking his own drink of beer, “you could take it a little easier on me.”

“I didn’t expect you to be such a pussy,” I
said before grinning at him.

He rolled his eyes.  “I’d tell you to go
fuck yourself but since I’m already seeing results I’ll keep my insults to

I shrugged and patted my abdomen.  “Hey,
you want to look like this – you need to work for it, buddy.”

“I could work out four hours a day and I
still wouldn’t look like you,” he said.  “But I’ll settle for a somewhat
visible six pack and an ass you can bounce quarters off of.”

He held his beer bottle up and I clinked
mine against it before we both drank again.

“How’s the new job going?”  Roman asked.

“Fine,” I said.  “Busy right now.  The
company picked up another contract so I’ll have work for at least another six

“That’s good,” Roman said.  “How are things
going with Maddie?”

“Fine,” I repeated.  “Why?”

“Just wondered.  You two have been living
together for nearly two months now.  You officially a couple or what?”

“None of your damn business, Roman,” I

He laughed.  “Fair enough.”

I stared moodily at my beer bottle.  Things
had been going great with Maddie but I had started looking for apartments. 
Although part of me believed that Maddie really did care about me, a bigger
part was waiting for her to ask me when I was going to move on.  We had no
future together and just because neither of us brought it up, didn’t make it
true.  I needed to leave before it got to the point where I didn’t want to

You’re already there, asshole.

I ignored my inner voice grimly.  I wasn’t
getting attached to Maddie and I certainly wasn’t falling in love with her. 
Men like me didn’t fall in love with women like Maddie.  And even if I did –
she would never love me.  I had nothing to offer her other than great sex and
sooner or later that wouldn’t be enough.

“Maddie wants to know if you’re still
coming over tomorrow,” I said gruffly.  “She said she was making lasagna.”

“I’ll be there.  I have a shift at the
hospital until three but I’ll come by after.  If I can fucking walk, that is,”
Roman said cheerfully.  “Jesus, never thought I’d spend my Saturday night
lifting weights until I was begging for mercy.”

“We’re drinking beer, not lifting weights,”
I said.

“Good point,” Roman replied.  “Truthfully,
I was a little surprised you agreed to have a beer with me after the work-out. 
You and Mads are attached at the hip, it seems.”

I rolled my eyes.  “Whatever, Roman.”

We sat in silence for a moment before I
eyed him thoughtfully.  “I need a favour.”

“What’s that?”  Roman was perusing the bar
menu.  “I wonder how many calories are in this spinach dip.”

“Too many,” I said.  “I need you to help me
buy a suit.”

“Sweet baby Jesus,” Roman said before
grabbing his chest.  “Are you – are you asking me to go clothes shopping with
you?  Fuck, I think I might have just gotten a stiffy.”

“Keep it in your pants,” I said dryly. 
“Mads has some client dinner thing on Thursday night and she wants me to go
with her.  I need a suit for it.”

“Well, we don’t have time to get one custom
made,” Roman said.  “That’s a shame.”

“I don’t need no custom-made suit,” I said
grouchily. “Can’t you just take me to a damn department store or something?”

He gave me a look of horror.  “No
department store suit.  But I know a guy downtown who sells great suits at a
pretty reasonable price.  We should be able to find you a decent one.  I’m not
working Tuesday.  I’ll text you the address and we can meet there Tuesday night
when you’re finished work.  Sound good?”

“Yeah.  Thanks, Roman.”

“Don’t mention it.  I’m doing it for purely
selfish reasons.  I can’t wait to see you in a suit.  You’ll light up the room,
pussy cat.”

“Jesus,” I muttered.  “You really need to –


Roman grinned and slid off his barstool
before shaking the dark-haired man’s hand.  “Mark!  Good to see you, man.”

“You too.”

“How was work?”

“Good.  I had a keyhole craniotomy.  It
went well,” Mark replied.

Roman clapped Riley on the back.  “Riley,
this is Mark.  He’s a neurosurgeon at the hospital.  Mark, this is Riley.”

“So you’re Roman’s new trainer?”  Mark
said.  He shook my hand and sat down on the barstool beside me.  “I have to say
I’m pretty impressed.  Roman’s looking damn good after only three weeks.”

“Stop it, you’re making me blush,” Roman
said.  “Seriously though, Riley’s a beast.  I’m lifting weights I never thought
I could do.”

“Are you taking on more clients?”  Mark
asked.  “I could really use some help.”

I stared blankly at him.  “Oh, uh, I’m not
really – “

“He is,” Roman broke in smoothly.  “He’s
working during the day but he’s available evenings and weekends, isn’t that
right, Riley?”

“Uh, I guess so,” I said.

“Great.  What’s your rate?”  Mark asked.


“Eighty an hour,” Roman said.  “It’s a
steal of a deal considering how fucking good he is.  He’ll be getting his NASM
certificate in the next few months and his rate’s going to go higher.  You
should get in now with him while he’s offering lower prices.”

“Sounds good to me,” Mark said.  “How about
Saturday morning around eight?  I’ve got a personal gym or we can meet at your
gym, whichever is more convenient.”

“Your gym is fine,” I said.  “It’s, uh,
better to work out on equipment you’re used to.”

“Make sense,” Mark replied.  “Give me your
number and I’ll text you my address.  I’m going out of town for a couple of
weeks so could we start the Saturday after next?”

“Sure,” I said.  I gave him my cell number
and he typed it into his phone before smiling at Roman.  “Thanks, Roman.”

“Anytime, man.  Have fun in Hawaii.”

“I will.  Talk to you later.  Riley, it was
nice to meet you.  I look forward to training with you.”

He left and Roman leaned back and studied
Mark’s retreating ass.  “God, that man has the best fucking ass I’ve ever
seen.  When he’s back from Hawaii, I’m biting the bullet and asking him out.”

“Roman, what the fuck did you just do?” I
hissed at him when Mark was out of earshot.

“What?”  He asked blankly.

“I’m not a goddamn personal trainer!”  I
said.  “I don’t have actual experience and that guy is going to pay me fucking
eighty bucks an hour.  I’m not worth eighty bucks an hour.”

“Sure you are,” Roman said.  “Besides, Mark
is a neurosurgeon and a highly successful one at that.  He’s got plenty of
money to burn, trust me.”

“That’s not the point,” I said.  “You can’t
be pimping me out as a personal trainer – I don’t have the qualifications for

“So you get your NASM certificate,” he said

“I don’t even know what the fuck that is,”
I replied.

He laughed.  “It’s the National Academy of
Sports Medicine personal trainer certification program.  I did some research,
Riley, and all you need is your high school diploma and CPR and AED

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