Shameless (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Shameless
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“Anyway,” I said quietly.  “As you know,
Jordan was waiting for me that night.  I broke up with him about five minutes
after you left and I haven’t spoken to him since.”

“Maddie?”  Riley said.


“Do you ever think about that night at the

“All the time,” I said.

“Me too,” he said quietly.

“Why did you help me?”  I asked.

“Because you were hot as fuck,” he said

I made myself smile at him.  “Tell the

“I am telling the truth,” Riley said.  “You
made my dick hard just looking at you.  I wanted you from the minute you
stumbled into that bar, Maddie.”

His hand was starting to stroke my side
through my nightshirt, soft strokes with the tips of his fingers, and I
trembled against him.

“I wanted to fuck you so badly,” he
whispered into my ear.  “I couldn’t believe my luck when I looked at you in the
bathroom and realized you wanted to fuck me too.”

I inhaled sharply as his hand slipped under
my nightshirt and cupped my bare breast.  My nipple was a tight bud and he made
a noise of approval before rubbing it slowly.

“Sliding into your tight pussy, watching
your face as I fucked you, made me want to come almost instantly.  You have no
idea how difficult it was to hold back, kitten.”  He traced my jaw with his
tongue and I moaned loudly.

“Your asshole fiancé was wrong, Mads.”  He
nipped my earlobe and pinched my nipple until my back arched.  “You’re fucking
amazing at sex.”

I shook my head, my desire dying.  “No, I’m
not, Riley.  Don’t start thinking that I am, okay?  You’ll just be

Fuck, this was a bad idea.  Riley had this
way of making me forget that I sucked in bed, made me so damn hot for him that
I wanted to forget my dismal lovemaking skills and let him do whatever he
wanted to me.

“I’ve fucked you, Maddie, remember?  I know
exactly how good you are.”  He squeezed my breast lightly.

“You fucked me once,” I argued.  “I was
with Jordan for four years and – “

“How often did you have sex?”  He

“I don’t know, once or twice a month

He swore under his breath.  “Fine.  Let’s
give the little pencil-dick the benefit of the doubt and say it was twice a
month.  Four years with him that’s what,” he paused and thought for a moment,
“ninety-six times you had sex?”

“Yeah, I guess.  So what?”

“So, that means I’ll need to fuck you
ninety-seven times in order to make an accurate assessment of the situation.”

I laughed.  “Riley, that’s ridiculous. 
It’s not a competi –“

He cut me off by slanting his mouth over
mine and sliding his tongue into my mouth.  I moaned loudly and clutched at his
broad back as he curled his tongue around mine and urged it into his mouth.  He
sucked on my tongue, his fingers pulling on my taut nipple, and I made a low
whimper of assent.

“I want to fuck you, kitten.  I need to
fuck you,” he whispered raggedly into my ear.  “Will you let me?”

“Yes,” I said.  “I want to – to fuck you

He immediately tugged my nightshirt over my
head, dropping it over the side of the bed before dipping his head and sucking
one nipple into his mouth.  I threaded my fingers through his dark hair and
held him tightly as he circled the tip of it with his tongue before sucking

“Riley,” I panted, “maybe – maybe we
shouldn’t do this tonight.  You’re tired and still not completely healed.”

He growled against my soft flesh before
biting lightly at my nipple.  “I can’t wait any longer, kitten.  Don’t ask me

“I don’t want you to get hurt,” I gasped as
he slid his warm hand into my panties.  He touched my pussy, a grin crossing
his face at the wetness.

“You can’t wait any longer either, Mads,”
he murmured.  “Let me give you what we both need.”

“Your side,” I moaned again.  “You were
shot and – “

“I’m fine.  I’ll go slow.”

“Do you promise?”

He stared down at me before suddenly
shaking his head.  “No, I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.  I can’t be slow –
not tonight.”

Wetness coated his fingers and he gave me a
slow grin.  “My kitten likes that idea.”

“Riley, I – “

He kissed me until I was panting and
moaning before nuzzling my ear.  “I’ll make it slower and better the next time,
Mads.  I promise.  I just need you too much tonight.”

As he spoke, his fingers were rubbing my
wet clit and I was shamefully close to an orgasm already.  “Riley, I – I’m
going to come if you don’t stop that.”

He grinned and I cried out when his fingers
strummed my clit harder and faster.  “Now why would I want to stop that from
happening, kitten?”

“Riley!”  I arched against his hand, my
hands clinging to his thick wrists helplessly as he sucked one throbbing
nipple.  “Oh fuck!”

My orgasm washed over me in a tidal wave of
hot, wet, pleasure and I moaned and twisted wildly as Riley pressed warm kisses
against my throat.

“Oh my God,” I moaned, “Oh my God, Riley.”

“Do you have any condoms, Mads?”  He
muttered into my ear.

“Nightstand,” I gasped.

He reached across me and rummaged in the
nightstand.  He ripped open the foil package and rolled the condom on to his
cock before nudging my thighs.

“Open your legs, kitten.”

I spread them eagerly and he pulled off my
panties before propping his large body between my thighs. 

“Wider, kitten,” he rasped.

I spread my legs until I could feel the
burn in my thigh muscles as he repositioned and his cock nudged at my wet entrance. 
I tensed nervously, why I didn’t know, and he leaned down and pressed an
oddly-sweet kiss against my mouth.

“Relax, Mads.  I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I know,” I whispered.

He pushed into me, his thick length
stretching my tightness until I gasped.  There was a twinge of pain – fuck I
had forgotten how damn big he was – and he stopped when I tensed up again.

“Okay?”  He said hoarsely.

“Yeah, I – I forgot how big you were,” I

A small grin crossed his face and I smacked
him lightly on the back.  “No need to look so smug.”

I braced my feet on the bed as he pushed
lightly.  Slowly, inch by inch, my pussy took his cock until he was seated
completely inside of me, his heavy balls pressing against my ass.

“You are so fucking tight, kitten,” he suddenly
moaned.  “I’ll be lucky if I last more than a few goddamn strokes.”

Now it was my turn to smile and he grinned
down at me before kissing me lightly.  “No need to look so smug, Mads.”

I giggled, my inner muscles tightening
around his thick cock, and he groaned loudly before thrusting hard in
response.  I gasped and dug my hands into his back as he pumped his hips in and
out.  He moved harder and faster, his breath tearing in and out of his lungs in
harsh gasps, and I watched in utter fascination as his head fell back and his
entire body shuddered wildly against mine. 

“Jesus,” he muttered weakly before rolling
off of me.  “I’m sorry, kitten.”

“For what?”  I asked as he pulled off the
condom and threw it in the wastebasket next to the bed.

“I barely lasted two fucking minutes,” he

I stroked my hand across his chest as he
tugged on a piece of my hair and said, “I’m blaming you.  Your pussy was too
fucking hot and tight.”

I gave him a mock scowl and he grinned
before turning on his side.  I bit my lip and sat up when he winced and pressed
his hand against his ribs.

“Oh God, you hurt yourself, didn’t you?”

“No,” he replied.  “Lie down, Mads.”

“Maybe I should call Roman,” I said
worriedly.  “Have him come over and – “

“No,” he repeated before pulling me into
his arms.  “I’m fine.  Just really tired and ready to sleep for the next fifty

“Are you sure?”  I persisted.

“Yes,” he muttered.  He was already half
asleep and I curled up against him as he pressed his face into my throat and
draped his arm around my waist.

“Good night, Riley.”

“Night, Mads,” he murmured before lapsing
into soft snoring.


Chapter 10




Bright sunlight was streaming into the
bedroom when I opened my eyes.  I stretched, wincing a little at the dull pain
in my side before checking the clock.  It was two in the afternoon and I felt
better than I had in days.  There had been no nightmares and I rubbed the
stubble on my cheek.  I couldn’t deny it any longer – sleeping in Maddie’s bed,
lying in her warm embrace, kept the nightmares away.  I muttered a curse to
myself as I rolled over to face Maddie.  Relying on other people was a
completely foreign concept to me and –

My pulse sped up and adrenaline pumped
through my veins.  Maddie wasn’t lying beside me and I scrambled wildly out of
the bed.  Where was she?  Had she left?  I was at the bedroom door when I heard
the shower.  Relief swept through me and my heart slowed it’s panicked
thudding.  She hadn’t left me.

What the fuck, Riley?  You’re acting
like a scared little boy – get it together for fuck’s sake.  What’s happening
between you and Maddie isn’t going to last forever.  Sooner or later she’s
going to get tired of you.  You have nothing to offer her beyond a good fucking,
and your abilities in bed will only keep her interest for so long.  She’ll ask
you to leave and then she’ll find a good guy to marry and raise babies with. 
It’s what women like her do.

Yeah, it was.  And I needed to ignore the
surprisingly large wave of jealousy that flooded through me at the thought of
Maddie with another man.  Maddie and I weren’t going to last.  Besides, I
didn’t want a relationship.  The only two people I had ever loved were both
dead – one because of me and, while ma’s doctors listed cancer as the official
cause of death, ma had died from a broken heart.  The death of her child had
been too much for her.  I knew that as well as I knew my own fucking name. 
People I cared about died – it was as simple as that. 

Of course, knowing we weren’t going to last
didn’t stop my dick from hardening at the thought of Maddie naked and wet in
the shower.  I didn’t hesitate at all as I strode to the bathroom and slipped
into the room.  I might mean nothing more to Maddie than a good time in the
bedroom but I was going to take what she offered for as long as she let me.

I pulled back the shower curtain and
grinned at Maddie when she gasped loudly.  She crossed her arms over her chest
as I stepped into the shower and crowded her against the tile wall.

I let my gaze drift over her naked body
before announcing crudely, “You are sexy as fuck.”

She blushed and stared at my chest.  “Good
morning to you too, Riley.”

I ducked under the hot spray of water,
soaking my hair and body before tugging her arms down and pressing my chest
against her breasts.  Fuck did I love the feel of her tight, hard nipples
rubbing against my skin.

“More like good afternoon,” I said before
nuzzling her neck.

“Good point.”  Her voice was already
breathless and her soft little moan when I rubbed my dick against her belly,
made my pulse jump.  “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.”  I licked some drops of water from
the top of her shoulder before nipping at her soft skin.  She jerked in my arms
and I pressed her more tightly against the wall before kissing my way to her
neck.  I sucked on her flesh where her neck became her shoulder and she moaned
again before tilting her head to give me better access.  I studied the soft
pink mark my mouth had left on her pale skin before dipping my head and sucking
hard.  Her body twitched against mine and she gasped my name.

“Riley?  Wh-what are you doing?”

“Nothing,” I growled before licking her
skin.  The pink mark had darkened to a deep red and a wave of satisfaction
crept over me.  This one would leave a mark – my mark.  I had the sudden urge
to mark her again but some common sense trickled past my caveman-like attitude.

A hickey?  Really?  Are you fucking
thirteen years old?

“Riley?”  Maddie’s voice was hesitant.  “We
can’t have sex in the shower.”

I grinned.  “That’s pretty presumptuous of
you, kitten.  Maybe I was just worried you were going to use up all the hot

Her face fell immediately and I cursed to
myself.  Teasing Maddie about sex was a bad fucking idea and I knew it.  Her
asshole fiancé had convinced her she wasn’t good at it and that her body was
something to be ashamed of, and I stiffened as Roman’s words echoed in my
head.  What Maddie needed - what her fiancé had never given her – was to be
shown just how fucking desirable she was.  And I was absolutely the man to do

She wiggled her wet body away from mine and
grabbed the shower curtain.  “I’m finished.  You can have the shower to – “

I wrapped my arm around her curvy waist and
pulled her back into my embrace.  “Where are you going, kitten?”

She frowned.  “Well, I - you said you wanted
to have a shower.”

“That’s true,” I said before kissing her
firmly.  “But I’m going to need your help.”

Her eyes widened and she stared at my
side.  “Oh shit, is your side okay?  I knew we shouldn’t have had sex last
night.  I’m such an idiot!  I need to call Roman and – “

I stopped her nervous babbling by slanting
my mouth across hers and shoving my tongue deep into her mouth.  By the time I
was finished kissing her, she was circling her hips against mine and her
fingers were digging into my naked ass.

“My side is fine, Mads,” I rubbed my
erection against her wet stomach, “but I want to keep it that way so you’ll
have to help me shower.”

I handed her the soap and grinned at her. 
“Get to it, woman.”

She rolled her eyes but soaped her hands
before running them over my chest.  “Fine, but we really aren’t having sex in
the shower, Riley.”

“Is that something you’ve thought about?” 
I asked as I lifted one heavy breast and kneaded it roughly.  “Me fucking you
in the shower?”

Her cheeks turned pink and she shook her
head.  “No, of course not.”

“Liar,” I said before sucking on her bottom
lip.  “You want me to fuck you in the shower.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said before
turning me around and briskly washing my back.  “Our height difference makes it
completely impossible and you can’t lift my fat ass to – “

I turned around and threw an arm around her
hips before glaring at her.  “Call yourself fat once more, kitten, and I’ll
spank that delectable ass of yours.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she said.

“Wouldn’t I?”

I slapped her ass and she made a little
squeal of surprise.  “Riley!”

“I mean it, kitten,” I said harshly.  “Your
body is fucking amazing.  It makes me so damn hot I can barely think straight,
and if you put yourself down again I’ll spank you and then fuck you senseless. 
Right here in the goddamn shower.”

She stared silently at me and I squeezed
her ass.  “Say your body is amazing, kitten.”

She bit at her bottom lip and I gave her a
softer tap on the ass. “Say it.”

“My – my body is amazing,” she whispered.

“That’s right, it is,” I replied.  “Fucking
amazing.  Now,” I pushed the soap back into her hands, “keep going.”

I kept my arm around her hips, kneading and
squeezing her ass as she washed my arms and stomach.  She swept her hands
carefully over the healing scar in my side before, biting her lip again,
sliding one hand around my dick.

I released my breath in a sharp hiss as she
stroked me lightly.  I widened my stance and she slipped her hand between my
legs and carefully washed my balls.  I was panting now, my hips thrusting
against her as she touched and caressed my cock again.  I was stupidly close to
coming all over the soft skin of her stomach and I took an unsteady step back,
ducking under the spray of water and rinsing the soap from my body.

“All done,” Maddie said a bit
breathlessly.  Her nipples were rock hard, and I knew if I put my hand between
her thighs I would find her wet and ready for me.  

I shook my head.  “Not quite, kitten.  My

“Oh, right,” she said before giggling
nervously.  “Um, okay.  I’ll, uh…”

She drifted to a stop and I grinned at her
as she rubbed more soap into her hands.

“Something wrong, Mads?”

“Uh, no, I…”

A stubborn look crossed her face before she
kneeled in front of me.  She rubbed the soap over my thighs and calves, her face
flushed pink, and when she was finished and tried to stand, I pressed my hands
against her shoulders.  She looked up at me and I smoothed her wet hair back
before grasping the base of my dick. 

“Open, Mads,” I whispered as I cupped the
back of her head and drew her toward the head of my dick.

She moaned and immediately opened her
mouth.  I slid my cock past her full lips and groaned loudly at the feel of her
tongue.  She sucked tentatively at my aching dick and I pushed lightly until I
touched the back of her throat.

A look of panic flickered across her face
and I pulled out of her mouth before stroking her hair soothingly.  “I won’t
give you more than you can take.”

She licked her already-swollen lips and
nodded, and I pressed the head of my cock against her mouth again.  She opened
and I closed my eyes and let my head fall back as she sucked me. 

“Suck harder, kitten,” I demanded as I
threaded my fingers through her hair and held her head tightly. 

“Fuck, that feels so good,” I moaned as she
sucked enthusiastically at my cock.  “Fuck, kitten, you are so fucking good at

I wasn’t lying to her.  She was good at it,
not tentative or unsure like so many women seemed to be.  She sucked my dick
like she was starving for it and I couldn’t get enough of the feel of her hot,
wet mouth.

My hips were thrusting back and forth and I
barely felt the sting of her nails digging into my thighs.  Jesus, I could watch
her suck my dick all day.  My balls were tightening and I realized that I was
very close to coming in Maddie’s mouth.  My entire body shuddered with pleasure
at the thought and I stepped back.  She immediately leaned forward, trying to
suck my cock back into her mouth, and just the sight of her eagerness nearly
made me come all over her soft skin.

“Mads, wait,” I said hoarsely, my hands
tightening in her hair.

“What’s wrong?”  She asked timidly.  “Did I
– did I do something wrong?”

“No,” I said as I tugged her to her feet, “but
I want to fuck you and if you keep sucking my dick like that, I’m going to come
in your mouth.”

A shiver went through her, her nipples
tightening visibly, and I grinned at her.  “You like that idea.”

“Yes,” she said, “I do.”

Her straight-forward answer almost made me
push her back to her knees and shove my dick into her mouth.  I controlled
myself with effort and rinsed the soap from my legs before shutting off the
rapidly-cooling water.

“Back to the bedroom, kitten,” I said as I
drew back the shower curtain.  “I need to fuck you.”

“How is your side?”  She asked worriedly as
we dried each other’s bodies with towels.

“Fine,” I replied.  I deliberately avoided
drying between her legs.  If I touched her there, I wouldn’t make it back to
the bedroom.  I’d bend her over right here and fuck her until she was screaming
my name.

“Are you sure?”  She persisted.  “Maybe we
should – “

“I’m sure,” I said before taking her arm
and pulling her a bit roughly into the bedroom.  “Get on the bed, Mads, before
I lose my fucking mind.”

She sat on the side of the bed and I pushed
her on to her back before raking my hot gaze over her.  I wanted to fuck her –
hell, needed to fuck her - but as my eyes lingered on the small patch of dark
hair between her thighs, I decided fucking her could wait a little longer.

I dropped carefully to my knees beside the
bed as Maddie stared nervously at me.  “Riley?  What are you doing?”

“I need to taste you, kitten.”

She shook her head and tried to scramble
away from me.  “Wait!  Riley, I - I don’t think I want that.  Okay?  Please,
not right now.”

If I had been a good man, I would have
stopped immediately and said something comforting, would have taken her in my
arms and kissed away her protests and worries before I buried my tongue in her
sweet pussy. 

I wasn’t a good man.

Quickly, before she could squirm away, I
slid my arms under her legs and draped them over my shoulders before clamping
my hands around her soft thighs and dragging her toward me.  Her cries of
protest and her struggle to get away stopped the moment I licked from her wet
opening to her swollen bud of a clit.

“Riley!”  She stiffened, her hands
clutching at my head as I licked just her clit again.

“Yes, kitten?”  I said before licking her
perfect clit with a wide stroke of my tongue.

“OH!  Oh my God!”  She cried out as her
hips thrust into my face and her heels dug into my back.

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