Shameless (17 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Shameless
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I closed my eyes as Riley’s hot breath
tickled my ear and his fingers traced small circles on the back of my neck. 

“Fast-forward, Maddie.”

Roman’s voice was distant as I clenched my
thighs together and tried to stop the maddening ache between them.

“Maddie?  Earth to Maddie!”

A couch pillow smacked me in the face and
Riley glared at Roman.  “Watch it or I’ll kick your ass.”

“Relax, it was just a pillow,” Roman said
airily before throwing popcorn at me.  “Fast-forward, Mads.  I hate the

“Sorry,” I said.  I hugged the pillow to my
chest, hiding my hard nipples, and quickly fast-forwarded. 

Riley shifted slightly and placed his hand
on my thigh.  I stared at his long fingers as they pressed lightly against my
leg for a moment.  If I spread my legs, if I moved just a little, Riley could
slide his hand between my legs and give me some relief from the ache.

Uh, Maddie?  In case you’ve forgotten,
you’re not alone.

Right.  Not alone.  I loved Roman but in
that moment I could have easily kicked him out of my house.  I took a deep
breath.  I needed to rein it in.  I’d had sex with Riley a total of three times
and I was suddenly a sex addict. 

“Getting antsy to have my cock, kitten?” 
Riley muttered into my ear.

I shook my head no vehemently as Riley gave
a low chuckle.  “Are you sure?  It’s been nearly six hours since you’ve had my
dick.  My kitten feels empty, doesn’t she?  Misses having my cock filling her,
stretching her, making her come.”

“Stop talking,” I hissed under my breath.

“Admit that you can’t wait for Roman to
leave so you can be fucked and I will,” Riley murmured.

I glared at him before glancing quickly at
Roman.  He was absorbed in the show and I quickly turned back to Riley and
pressed my mouth against his ear. “Yes, I want you to fuck me again and yes I
can’t wait for Roman to leave.”

He grinned at me and returned his hand to
the back of my neck and squeezed it in a friendly manner before settling back
and watching the TV.  I sat stiffly beside him, my entire body still throbbing
with lust, and waited for my best friend to get the hell out of my house.


* * *


“Thanks for having me over, Mads,” Roman
kissed me on the cheek before shrugging into his jacket.

“You’re welcome, honey.  Any time,” I said.

Roman laughed.  “Normally I’d believe you
but I think I’ll stay away this week.”

“What do you mean?”  I said innocently.

“Oh please,” Roman said before glancing
over my shoulder.  “When did you and your biker babe start having sex?”

“Roman!”  I hissed before looking behind
me.  Riley had disappeared after saying goodbye to Roman but I didn’t know if
he was in the kitchen or the bedroom.  “Keep your voice down!”

He ruffled my hair affectionately.  “Don’t
hurt his side, you sexy little slut.  He’s not completely healed even if he
pretends he is.”

“I’m not – I mean, we’re not…”  I stopped
before sighing.  “How did you know we’re having sex?”

“You’re walking funny,” Roman said.

“I am not!”  I snapped.

“I don’t blame you for walking bowlegged,
the guy’s got a monster dick and I’m still impressed that you don’t run
screaming from it.”

“Okay, out – that’s it!” 

I pushed him toward the front door and he
laughed and grabbed me around the waist before kissing me on the mouth.

“Playing ‘hide the bishop’ with a
hot-as-hell biker isn’t something to be ashamed of, Mads,” he said cheerfully. 
“I’m proud of you.  You deserve to find out just how fucking fantastic fucking
can be.”

“Go, Roman!”  I opened the front door and
gave him a pointed look.  “I love you.  Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Mads.  Have fun dipping the
wick!”  He said with a wicked grin.

I flipped him the bird and he blew me a
kiss before sauntering down the porch to his car.  Muttering under my breath, I
shut the door and locked it before straightening my t-shirt.  There was still
no sign of Riley and I headed into the kitchen.  It was empty and I piled the
empty popcorn bowls into the dishwasher.  Riley must have gone to the bedroom.

I jumped about a foot when I turned and saw
Riley leaning against the doorframe, his large body filling up most of the
doorway.  He had taken off his shirt and my mouth went dry as I stared at his
naked chest.

“You scared me,” I said before clearing my

“Sorry,” he said without looking sorry at
all.  He stepped into the kitchen and I took a nervous step back.  Why did I
suddenly feel like a rabbit being stalked by a very large, very dangerous wolf?

“Where you going, kitten?”  He grinned at
me and I tugged at my shirt. 

“Nowhere,” I said and was dismayed at how
needy I sounded.  Jesus, why didn’t I just strut around naked with a sandwich
board that said ‘Please fuck me, Riley’?

“Are you, um, ready for bed?”  I asked. 
“Or did you want to watch some more TV.”

Bed, please say bed

I couldn’t stop thinking about his promise
to suck on my nipples.  They were already hard and tingling with anticipation
and I made myself stand perfectly still when Riley’s gaze dropped to my

“Take off your shirt, Mads,” he said.

My hands trembling, I pulled my shirt over
my head and placed it on the counter.  Riley took a step closer.  “And your

I reached behind me.  My hands were still
trembling and it took me longer than usual to unclip it but Riley stayed where
he was, waiting patiently until I had placed my bra on the counter with my

I automatically covered my breasts with my
arms and Riley arched his eyebrow at me.  “You know that’s not allowed, Mads. 
Show me your gorgeous tits.”

I dropped my arms, trying not to blush as
Riley studied my breasts. 

“So beautiful,” he muttered under his

“Riley, are you – you said you would…”

I trailed off and he smiled at me.

“Suck your nipples?”

I nodded, feeling an odd combination of
bold and shy, as he smiled and leaned against the table.  “Come here, kitten.”

I walked a bit unsteadily toward him,
Riley’s eyes darkening with lust as he watched the sway of my large breasts. 
When I was standing next to him, he reached out and pulled the elastic from my
hair.  He threaded his fingers through the strands before raising a lock to his
face and pressing it against his cheek.  He traced one finger between my
breasts and I uttered a soft little moan of need.

“Sit on the table and lie back, Mads,” he

I did what he asked, my hands clenching and
unclenching with anticipation as he bent over me.  I arched my back when he
licked a circle around my left nipple.  It beaded into a hard little point and
he sucked it into his mouth before blowing lightly on it. 

I cried out and he pushed my breasts
together and alternated between sucking on each nipple.  His teeth pulled
lightly on them and I gripped the sides of the table as my pelvis pressed
rhythmically against his erection.

“You have the prettiest tits I’ve ever
seen, Mads.  Did you know that?”  He breathed against my wet nipple.

I shook my head as he sucked again, rubbing
the tip of my nipple against the top of his mouth.  When both my nipples were
throbbing and I was moaning loudly, he straightened and sat me up.  He stroked
my back as I wrapped my legs around his hips and rubbed against him like a cat.

“Stand up, Mads,” he urged and I slid off
the table.

He turned me around and I ground my ass
against his erection as he unbuttoned my jeans and slid his hand inside my
panties.  He rubbed my clit briefly before sinking two fingers into my aching

“Oh, please, Riley,” I begged shamelessly. 

He jerked my jeans and panties down until
they pooled at my ankles and pushed me down against the table.  He stroked my
ass, running his hands over my skin as I rested my heated cheek against the

He unzipped his own jeans and I looked over
my shoulder.  “Condom, we need a condom.”

He pulled one from his pocket before
unwrapping it and rolling it over his dick.

“Spread your legs,” he said.

I spread them and moaned happily when he
sank his cock into my pussy.  He pulled out and pushed in again as we both

“Christ, you’re so fucking tight,” he
muttered before planting his hand in the small of my back and thrusting
forward.  When he was completely sheathed, he placed one hand on my hip and
wrapped his other in my hair.  He pulled on my hair until I was staring at the
ceiling and drove in and out.  My pussy clung wetly to him and I met each of
his thrusts, pushing my ass against him as he fucked me hard and rough.

“Oh God,” I moaned as heat built in my
belly.  He shifted slightly, the head of his cock brushed against the front
inside wall of my pussy and the resulting burst of pleasure took my breath

“Holy fuck,” I panted.  “What the fuck was

He chuckled.  “That, kitten, is your

“Do it again,” I begged and his hand
tightened in my hair before he thrust rapidly back and forth.

I squealed loudly as every nerve ending in
my body lit up and I writhed against the table.  I was moaning and panting
uncontrollably and my fingers scraped uselessly at the wood as he quickened his
pace.  I clenched around his cock, the muscles of my inner walls clinging to and
gripping his cock in a desperate need for relief, and he muttered a curse under
his breath before fucking me so hard the table scraped across the floor.

I closed my eyes as colours burst across my
vision and my entire body shook with the force of my orgasm.  I had never had
an orgasm without touching my clit and before I could come down from the first
one, Riley was reaching under me and rubbing and pulling on my clit as he
pumped in and out.

“Riley, wait!” I shouted.  “I can’t – wait
I need – “

I screamed again as my second orgasm, hard
and intense and utterly perfect, rolled through me.  Riley stiffened behind me,
his hand clamping almost painfully around my pussy as he thrust a final time,
and made a hoarse shout of pleasure as he climaxed.

He collapsed against me and pressed kisses
against my sweaty back as I panted and shuddered beneath him.

“Holy shit,” I said weakly.  “Holy fucking

Riley kissed my back again before
straightening.  He pulled out and tugged my panties and jeans up before
stepping away and disposing of the condom.  I leaned weakly against the table
and stared wide-eyed at him.

“Come to bed, Mads,” Riley said, holding
his hand out. 

I took it and numbly followed him out of
the kitchen and to the bedroom.  He shoved off his jeans and briefs and folded
back the quilt and the sheet.

“Mads?”  A look of worry crossed his face. 
“You okay?”

“Am I okay?”  I mumbled.  “I just had the
best fucking orgasm –
– of my life and you want to know if I’m

He grinned and helped me out of my jeans
and panties before taking my hand and leading me to the bed.  He climbed in
behind me, and pressed his warm body against mine before cupping my breast. 

“You’re welcome.  Now go to sleep.”

I craned my head to stare at him. 
“Seriously, Riley.  The best orgasm of my life.”

He brushed my hair back before pressing a
kiss against my forehead.  “We’ll see about that, kitten.  Good night.”

“Good night, Riley.”  I pressed against him
and closed my eyes as he squeezed my breast and kissed the back of my shoulder.


Chapter 11




I dropped my laptop case on the hallway
floor and kicked off my shoes before trudging into the living room.  The
delicious smell of spaghetti wafted down the hallway and I sank down on the
couch with a soft sigh before rubbing at my temples.  Today had been an
absolute nightmare at work and it was only Monday.  I was tired, I had the
beginnings of a headache, and my entire body ached.  Sex with Riley was
unbelievably good but after the marathon amount we’d had this weekend, it felt
like every muscle in my body was screaming at me.  I rubbed gingerly at my
thighs.  Riley had incredible stamina, even with an injury, and I wondered if I
should join the yoga class that Casey at work was always raving about.  It
would help me be more flexible, give me a better chance at keeping Riley’s
interest once the initial obsession wore off and he realized how bad I was at
sex.  In fact, I really should go back to the gym and –

Why are you so worried?  Riley’s just
using you.  As soon as he’s healed, as soon as he finds a new place to live,
you’ll never see him again.  Playing house with him doesn’t mean a damn thing. 
You two are oil and water, remember?  There’s no future beyond what’s happening
right now and –

“Mads?”  Riley stuck his head into the
living room.  He was wearing my ‘kiss the chef’ apron and a dishtowel was slung
over his shoulder.  I smiled briefly.  For a drug-dealing biker, he was

“I didn’t hear you come in,” Riley said.

“Just got home,” I replied.  “How was your

“Fine,” he said before giving me a
considering look.  “How was yours?”

I hesitated.  For a second, I considered
telling him just how shitty my day was, how badly I had fucked up and that for
the first time since starting my career I was questioning if I had made the
right choice, but my common sense kicked in.  Riley wasn’t interested.

“Fine,” I said.  “Busy.”

I stood, suppressing the urge to wince at
the ache in my thighs, and Riley walked toward me and pushed me gently back on
to the couch.  He knelt between my legs and slipped his hands under my skirt
before rubbing my aching thighs.

“What are you doing?”  I asked.

“Every day, kitten.  Have you forgotten?” 
He said quietly.

A trickle of need slid down my spine and I
stared at him uncertainly as he grasped the waistband of my nylons.

“Lift your hips,” he said.

I shook my head.  “Riley, no.  I need to
shower first and – “

“Lift your hips or I’ll rip off your damn
nylons,” he said.

“You will not,” I said.

He grinned.  “You know I will.”

I sighed but lifted my ass off the couch. 
He tugged down my nylons and panties and I cleared my throat nervously as he
inched up my skirt.

“I really need to shower first.”

“No, you really need your pussy eaten,” he
said firmly.

I made an undignified squeal when he
suddenly yanked my skirt up around my waist and pushed my thighs apart.  Cool
air washed over me and he lightly slapped the inside of one thigh when I tried
to close them.

“Riley,” I protested, “I’m not comfortable
with – “

My protest died in a whispery little moan
when Riley buried his head between my thighs and licked the lips of my pussy. 
My hips arched and Riley growled his approval as my hands clutched at his dark

“Riley,” I moaned.  “Oh God, Riley.”

He didn’t reply.  His tongue, his lovely
and oh-so-fucking-talented tongue, was already licking at my clit and I closed
my eyes and concentrated on nothing but the feel of his rough stubble against
my thighs and his warm tongue.  I forgot about my shitty day and my aching
muscles as Riley reached under me, cupped my ass and dragged me further down
the couch.  I thrust my hips against his face, silently begging for more as he
sucked lightly at my clit. 

I opened my eyes and stared at our
reflections in the living room window.  I looked almost obscene, I thought
wildly.  My skirt was bunched around my waist, my legs were spread wide and my
hips were pumping madly against Riley’s mouth.  Instead of being embarrassed, a
fresh wave of lust swept through me and I made a harsh cry of need as Riley
slid one thick finger into my aching core.

“Oh fuck!”  I cried.  I was shamefully
close to coming and I barely heard Riley’s loud groan when my thighs clamped
around his head and my entire body arched off the couch.  I rode his face
through my entire orgasm, his tongue licking away the flood of fresh liquid,
before collapsing in a boneless heap against the couch.  He raised his head and
grinned as I stared weakly at him.

“Better, kitten?”

I nodded.  The hell of it was, I wasn’t
lying.  I did feel better.  My slight headache was gone and my entire body was
tingling pleasantly.  Even my dismay at fucking up so badly at work had

He kissed one bare thigh then stood and
leaned over me.  He cupped my breast through my suit jacket and squeezed
lightly before giving me a quick kiss.  “Go and get changed.  Dinner will be
ready in five.”


* * *




“Dinner was really good.  Thanks,” Maddie

“Was it?” I stared pointedly at her plate
of uneaten food.

She sipped at her glass of wine.  “It was. 
I’m just not super hungry tonight.”

I started to clear the table, waving her
away when she stood to help.  “Just relax and drink your wine.”

She sank back into her chair and I smiled
briefly to myself as I loaded the dishwasher and put the leftovers into a
container.  If the guys from the gang could see me now they’d be busting my
balls over cooking a woman dinner and cleaning her kitchen.  Of course, ma
would have been proud as hell.  If she were here, watching me treat a woman
with respect rather than just as a warm place to stick my dick, she would have
been tickled pink.  I had done a lot of shit over the years that had broken her
heart and I knew she had been disappointed in me.  A sudden bout of grief
washed over me and I squeezed my eyes shut as my hands clamped around the edge
of the sink.  Fuck, I missed ma.  She’d been the only person who gave one shit
about me and in some ways I mourned her loss more than I mourned Andrea’s.  I
supposed a lot of it had to do with the fact that there was no guilt over ma’s
death.  There was no way I could have prevented it.  Andrea, on the other hand,
was one hundred percent my fault and I wondered if there would ever be a day
when I wouldn’t feel that gut-wrenching stab of guilt. 

You deserve to feel guilty,
my mind whispered
.  Andrea would still be alive if you hadn’t
been so selfish.  If you hadn’t decided that drinking and whoring and partying
with your friends was more important than your own goddam family.  It’s your
fault she’s dead.  Your fault and I’m never going to let you forget that. 
You’re not a good guy and sooner or later Maddie’s going to realize that and
you’ll be alone again.

“Riley?  Are you okay?”

I twitched wildly at the touch of Maddie’s
hand on my back before putting my arms around her and burying my face in her
neck like a little kid looking for comfort. 

“Tell me what’s wrong,” she said quietly as
she hugged me tightly

I was tempted, fuck was I tempted.  The
urge to just tell her everything, to tell her how I had fucked up so badly and the
guilt of my sister’s death was eating me alive, was nearly overpowering.  I
straightened and stared down at her.  She smiled and touched my jaw briefly.

“Tell me,” she urged.  “You’ll feel better,
I promise.”

Yeah, tell her.  Watch the look in her
eyes change when she finds out just how bad of a guy you really are.  See what
she thinks of you when you tell her you were so selfish that you didn’t have a
clue how tormented your own sister was. 

My stomach clenched and I swallowed down my
urge to confess.  One – she’d had a bad day at work, I could tell even if she
wouldn’t admit it, and didn’t need to hear my fucking problems and two - it was
madness to tell her anything about my past.  She’d kick me out of her life and
I’d never see her again.  The thought sent panic through me and my arms
tightened around her until she winced.

“Riley?  Please tell me,” she said.  “I want
to know why you – “

I cut her off with a rough kiss before
sliding my hand under her shirt and squeezing one firm breast.  She had changed
into yoga pants and a t-shirt before dinner and I took advantage of the loose
waistband and slipped my other hand into her pants to cup her ass.

“Riley,” she said breathlessly.  “We can’t
always have sex to avoid – “

“I need you,” I interrupted.

She bit at her bottom lip uncertainly and
then moaned when I bent my head and sucked on her lip.  “The bedroom, Mads,
right now.”

Before she could argue, I was herding her
up the stairs and into her room.  I had her shirt and bra on the floor and her
pants around her ankles before we were barely in the room.  I cupped her
breasts, pulling firmly on her nipples and her soft moan of pleasure made my
dick press painfully against my jeans.

I pushed her toward the bed, catching her
when she stumbled, and she muttered a curse.

“My pants,” she said.

I grinned and helped untangle her pants
from her feet before raking her panties down.  She kicked them off as I
stripped out of my clothes.  I cupped her pussy, rubbing my thumb over her clit
before tracing small circles on her inner thighs.  She leaned against me, her
breath already quickening, and I kissed behind her ear.

“Look how wet you are, kitten.  You’re
ready to be fucked and I’ve barely touched you,” I whispered into her ear.

Her cheeks glowed and I gave one hard
nipple a light pinch before sliding my finger into her tight core.  She moaned
and widened her legs as her pelvis thrust back and forth.

“Please, I need more, Riley,” she begged.

I pushed a second finger into her. 
“Better, kitten?”

She shook her head and glared at me in
frustration.  “You know it isn’t.”

“Tell me what you want then.”

She bit at her bottom lip again before reaching
between our bodies and giving my dick a firm tug.  “This.  I need this.”

“Say it,” I insisted.  I didn’t know why
but hearing sweet, conservative Maddie talking dirty just about did me in.  It
was one of the hottest things I’d ever heard.

She glared at me in frustration before
squeezing my dick again.  “I need your cock, Riley.  I need you to fuck me with
your cock.”

My dick jumped in her hand and precum
coated the tips of her fingers.  She craned her neck to stare at me and a
wicked little grin crossed her face before she slipped one finger into her
mouth and sucked it clean.

“Fuck,” I snarled and yanked my fingers
from her pussy before pushing her toward the bed.  I stopped to grab a condom
from the nightstand and tore open the foil before rolling it on hurriedly. 

“On your hands and knees,” I ordered.

She lowered herself to the bed and I pushed
my way between her thighs.  I grabbed her hips and hoisted her a bit higher
before pressing the head of my cock into her wet pussy.  She moaned and shoved her
body back eagerly.  I watched her pussy take my cock inch by inch and slapped
her on the ass when she tightened around me.

She glared at me over her shoulder and I
rubbed the pink mark on her pale ass.  “Stop trying to make me come, kitten.”

“I’m not,” she said innocently before
squeezing again.

I slapped her other ass cheek, groaning
when it made her clench around me, before wrapping my hands around her upper
arms and pulling her up.  She moaned with pleasure when I pumped in and out and
I quickened my pace.  Already she was growing close, I could tell by her soft
moans of pleasure and the way her pussy squeezed rhythmically around my cock. 
I thought about stopping, about slowing down to prolong both her pleasure and
mine, but she turned her head and gave me a pleading look that I was powerless
to resist.

I tightened my grip on her arms and thrust rapidly. 
My balls were tightening and a deep aching pleasure was radiating through my
lower body.

“Fuck, Maddie, oh, fuck,” I muttered.  “You
feel so fucking good around my cock.  Your hot, little pussy drives me fucking

She made a soft cry and arched her back. 
My cock was flooded with wetness and I shouted her name before grabbing her
hips and holding her steady as I climaxed.  She trembled and collapsed on the
bed in a little heap.  I tossed the condom before lying next to her and pulling
her into my arms.  She rested her head on my chest and I kissed her forehead.

“Jesus, Maddie, you make a guy come faster
than a teenage boy getting his first feel of pussy.”

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