Lindsey's Wolves (20 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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“What?” Alejandro hadn’t heard that expression before.

“The name of the church. His Mighty Sword.” Ryan chuckled.

“That’s the name of a church?”

“Apparently.” Ryan flipped his phone back open and punched a few buttons.

What the hell kind of church is named His Mighty Sword?

Hell being the operative word in this case.

“Dad. Glad I caught you. We need some help… Of course… No, we’re fine… Well, if you stop asking so damn many questions, I’ll tell you…” He smiled.

Thank God, because Alex hated to think he actually spoke to his father like that in seriousness.

“It seems our lovely mate spent her childhood under the firm hands of some religious fanatics that are now stalking her in effort to bring her back into the fold of their so-call flock… Yeah, I know… Well, you won’t believe it, His Mighty Sword.” He laughed. “I’ve never heard of it either… Could you? … And would you send Michael or Charles by the apartment to check things out? …Thanks, Dad… Yes, we’ll see you in a few days, maybe sooner if it seems necessary… Love you too.”

“What’d he say?”

“He’s going to research it. Ask around. Send someone over to the apartment.” Ryan lifted his face to gaze directly at Alejandro. “We can’t let her go back there.”

“I’m clear on that.”

He exhaled. “Glad we seem to agree on more and more things.” He smiled and pushed off from where he’d leaned against the counter to call his family.

Alex turned to face the doorway, catching Ryan’s attention drifting the same way. “She’s up. And she’s probably starving.”

“I’m on it. You go.” Ryan turned and opened the fridge.

This threesome really did prove useful quite often. Alex padded down the hall to the bedroom, knowing when he returned, Ryan would have brunch ready for their famished mate.

When he rounded the doorway, she wasn’t in the bed. “Lindsey?”

“I’m in here.” Her voice wafted from behind the closed door to the bathroom. “Give me a minute.”

He never wanted to give her another minute again in his lifetime, but this was still so new to her. He held back the urge to barge straight in and hopefully catch her naked body getting into the shower.

She wouldn’t be used to such an intrusion.

Human women had modesty issues.

“Can I get you anything?” He leaned against the doorframe waiting for her to come out.

“No.” The toilet flushed. The water ran in the sink. His cock jumped to attention. Was she still naked? He needed her again.

Silence. What was she doing? What did women do for so long in the bathroom? His sisters were the same way.

“I can feel you standing right outside the door, Alejandro. I’m fine. I’m going to take a shower now.” The water came on. His dick bobbed and stretched against his jeans.

He put his hand on the doorknob, but didn’t attempt to turn it. Would it be locked? He didn’t want to find out, and released his grip as though it were a hot potato, stepping back a few feet, hands twitching at his sides. She needed her space. A moment away from the men.

Dios Mio
, it’s going to kill me.

“What’s going to kill, you?”

“She’s in the shower. Door closed.”

Ryan laughed into his head.
“Let her be. She’ll come out. Brunch is almost ready.”

Alex’s grumble was unintelligible even to himself.

He waited. Five minutes passed before the water shut off. He visualized his dripping sexy mate just on the other side of the door reaching for a towel. Her breast would rise with her arm, her nipples puckered from the cool air filling the shower stall.

He almost moaned.

Thirty seconds later the door flung open and one slightly amused woman stood two inches from his face. When had he inched closer to the door?

She was still soaking wet, a huge fluffy white towel wrapped around her body, covering way too much skin. Why did the towels in this house have to be so large?

Her wet hair was hanging down her back in ringlets, dripping on the floor.

“What?” She smiled. “See? I’m still here. Just needed a shower. I bet you take one every day too.” She was amused, not angry. Thank God.

“Sorry, I…” Did she have to be so damn sexy right now? Her cheeks were pink from the hot water. As his gaze wandered from her face to her exposed chest, she flushed, red splotches forming across her shoulders and neck. Were her breasts flushed in that glorious color also?

She turned to the mirror a grabbed a comb. He prayed the towel would somehow break loose and fall to her feet while she worked out the tangles.

He felt like a teenager watching her work. Hopefully, he wasn’t drooling. Her beautiful, dark hair hung long down her back, glistening.

“Is she out yet?”

Ryan’s voice made him startle.
“Yes, she’s primping.”

“Tell him I’m coming.” Lindsey gazed at his reflection in the mirror and bit her lip. “I can smell the coffee and bacon. What time is it anyway?”

“Almost noon. How do you do that?” He looked at her, narrowing his eyes.

“Do what? Know what you’re thinking?” She put the comb down and stepped closer to him.

He reached to adjust his cock, hopefully subtly.

“I can see on your face when you’re communicating. Your eyes do this thing.” She waved her hand in the air as if that explained everything. “Your pupils dilate and you glance slightly up to the right as if there’s something interesting on the ceiling.” She grinned smugly and put her hands on his chest.

He sucked in a breath as her lips reached up to lightly land on his for a quick kiss. The mint of her toothpaste wafted from her mouth, and he wanted to devour her entirely right then.

He lifted his arms on a moan to wrap around her, but she was gone as fast as she’d arrived. Pressed past him, ducked under his arm, and headed for the door. “Coming?” she tossed over her shoulder. “I’m starving.”

She walked out of the room, and Alejandro laid his head against the bathroom doorframe, the cool wood doing nothing to soothe his heightened libido.


“Hey, tease. Did you sleep well?”

“Tease? Me?” She smiled and sat primly at the table where he’d placed a steaming plate of food. Now he could see what Alex’s problem was. The nymph was still wrapped in the towel, her dainty bare feet wrapped around the legs of the chair she sat in.

Lord, her parted legs. Her sex was wide open under the towel.

He nearly dropped the pan he was carrying to the sink.

No wonder Alex had been so clearly flustered muttering into Ryan’s mind for the last few minutes.

He set the pot down, cleared his throat and returned his gaze to her. “Wasn’t sure if you’d want breakfast or lunch, so I kinda did a combo.”

“Mmm, it’s fantastic. I could have eaten anything.” She mumbled the words around a mouthful. “I was starving. You didn’t feed me enough last night.”

“Sorry. I think we got preoccupied.” He sat across from her. “Where’s Alex?” He knew, of course. The man was probably right where she’d left him, trying to gather his wits and pick his lower lip off the ground.

“In the bathroom doorway I presume. Though I don’t know what you boys find so alluring about a woman wrapped in a huge towel.” She glanced up at him with her coy look.

“It’s not the towel that’s so tempting, it’s what’s under the towel.”

Alex finally sauntered in and took a seat next to Lindsey.

“Did you guys talk to Kara?”

“Yes,” Ryan looked her in the eye. “We called her, got the name of the church, and then called my dad to check it out. Jess is with Kara, so you don’t have to worry about her.”

“What the hell kind of church is called His Mighty Sword?”

Lindsey turned to Alejandro. “A very strict one that rules with a sharp object.” She chuckled and then turned serious. “Kidding. No one ever came at me with a knife.”

She resumed eating ravenously.

“We really should feed her more often.”


“We should go home,” she announced.

“I could see that coming.”
Alex faced her. “You’re safe here,
mi alma

“I know
am, but what about Jess? She can’t be happy about being forced to leave her apartment. This is my fault.”

“This is definitely not your fault. You didn’t ask for any of this.” Ryan reached across the table and took her hand. “We haven’t had enough time together yet. Alone.”

“I know, but I can’t just leave Jess sleeping over at Kara’s. She could go home if I was there with her.”

Alex sucked in a breath. “You can’t go back there,
. I mean even if there weren’t crazy people waiting outside your apartment, we … want you with us.”

Ryan watched Alex’s face as he selected his words. No way in hell were they ever letting her out of their sight, but she needed to believe it was her choice. She’d never agree to stay with them if they commanded it.

He smiled. As big of a pain in the ass as it was to skirt around the truth, he was secretly glad his mate was a woman with a spine. He liked that she had strong opinions and could stick up for herself.

Lindsey shook her head. “I admit there’s something between us. Something powerful, overwhelming even… But I’m not prepared to give up my life and just flit off with you two simply because you command it. I have obligations. Hell, I’m starting a job in a week and a half. I need to finish getting ready for twenty-seven first graders.” She laughed, but then sobered.

“How are we going to handle this?”
Ryan implored.

“No idea.”

“Listen. We don’t want you to give up your life. We just need to be a part of it … from now on. A large part.”

“When you two are around, I can’t think. This isn’t me.”

“It’s still you,
mi alma
. Just a new you. We don’t want to change you, just make your life better.” Alex laid a hand on her shoulder and she flinched.

It dug into Ryan’s chest. A pain that grew as she pulled away from them, at least mentally.

“You don’t get it.” She jumped up. “I can’t concentrate. All I think about is sex, sex, sex. I’m flustered.” She grabbed the front of her towel to keep it from falling from her slender frame as she ranted.

Ryan swallowed, thanking God that was the effect they had on her. At least it was something. Sure, he could smell her arousal, but he needed her mind to engage also.

“It’s natural. Desired in fact. I’d be disappointed if you weren’t eager and desirous of us physically. It’s not going to go away just because you leave the room, or the house.”

“He’s right,
mi amor
. And we can’t simply drop you off at your old place and drive away. We’d sooner die.”

“You don’t have a choice. I’m a grown woman,” she shouted. Her hands shook, knuckles white from their grip on the towel.

Ryan almost wished she’d throw her hands up in exasperation and let the damn terrycloth fall to the floor. Her body would be all pink underneath from adrenaline.

Alex looked at Ryan, eyes wide, questioning.
“Your turn, Einstein.”

Ryan lowered his voice. “Clearly you’re upset about your friend, and I get that. It’s understandable. I’m worried too. If heading back to Kara’s is what you need, then we will. We never want you to feel like your freewill has been stripped. You
have the right to make your own choices where this relationship is concerned.

“Please just do us the favor of agreeing to stay with us, wherever that might be, until we can sort this out. Please.” He’d beg, cheat, steal, and grovel. Anything to keep her safe and at his side. Or at Alex’s.

He had no choice but to hope and pray that by the time they figured out what to do about the religious zealots, she’d be theirs completely and less autonomous.

“Okay,” she conceded. “But only for a few days. These guys have been knocking on my door for four years. I don’t think you’ll be able to talk them into giving up on me and my poor soul in one conversation. And that’s if you even get a chance.”

Ryan stood and had her in his arms in two steps. “No worries. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” He palmed her head and leaned down to kiss her firmly on the lips. She didn’t pull back.

When he nibbled a path toward her ear, her breath hitched. “You do such wicked things to me, both of you.” Her words were almost incoherent. “Do you realize you left me sleeping all morning with that … that thing in my ass?” She leaned back to look Ryan in the eye in accusation.

Alex’s chuckle grew louder as he approached them and circled Lindsey to press up against her back. His lips landed a millimeter from her earlobe. “We do. Did it feel good when you pulled it out?” His grin dared her to deny it.

She flushed, her mouth dropping open, but said nothing.

“Did you think of me inserting it? Twisting it in to stretch and prepare you for our cocks later?” Alex continued to mutter against her cheek as he breathed along her skin and angled for her neck.
“God, it’s fun to watch her reaction when I talk so dirty. She’s so aroused. So needy. My dick can’t take this.”

She melted in their arms.

Me vas a matar, cariña
. You’re killing me.”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stay one day. Can we go back to real life tomorrow?” Lindsey’s head lulled back against Alex’s chest, her eyes half open.

“Anything you want.” Ryan’s cock had its own little party in his pants, literally straining against the seam of his zipper.

Chapter 11

Repent! I tell you repent. All ye sinners, repent.

Listen closely while I tell you how to escape the wrath of Hell.

Stop your sinning ways, all of you. All you fornicators, masturbators, sodomizers, drinkers, smokers are going to Hell.

Beware. The devil will take you.

Women, especially, beware. You are calling on the devil to take you. You must stop your evil ways. If you want a place in heaven, listen to my words.

Reclaim your modesty. Toss out those shorts and pants and revealing tops you wear. Women must be demure. Cover yourselves from wandering eyes. You have strayed far from God’s righteous path with your whorish ways.

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