Lindsey's Wolves (15 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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Lindsey couldn’t stop this wild ride. One moment they’d been massaging her back, her feet, her legs, and the next she suddenly needed … more. With an intensity unparalleled.

Her eyes had drifted shut after one look at Ryan’s lust-filled face. His gaze had been directly on hers, serious, demanding…

It was so hot the way they quickly moved around her, as though they’d choreographed the entire thing. Such precision. She didn’t have a moment to pause and think, catch her breath. That was the idea.

Can I do this? Let two men make out with me at once? Can I not?

Will they stop at second base? Third? Or will I be unable to prevent going all the way with one of them?

What had changed? Perhaps unloading her past had loosened her a bit. After all, she’d bared her soul and neither man had seemed appalled. If anything, she’d drawn them closer instead of pushing them away as she’d subconsciously feared.

Besides her inability to wrap her mind around the idea of having a ménage, she’d also struggled with worry over sharing her intimate secrets. Who would want her, really, after hearing about her sordid crazy past and all the baggage she brought to the relationship?

Minutes ago the thought of having sex with one of them while the other was watching had made her flinch. Now … now it seemed so sexy, hot.

And she was hot. She needed less clothes, more skin.

Her mind was at war between allowing herself the pleasure of enjoying this odd arrangement and stopping the nonsense that her inner psyche was screaming about this being an abomination.

Pleasure was winning.

Ryan angled his head and deepened the kiss that had started out so gentle, soft. His tongue delved into her mouth in an effort to consume her entirely.

With her head angled back, her eyes closed in rapture, she couldn’t keep up with whose hands were where.

Ryan held her face. Fingers were dancing their way up and down her body, across her available hip, thigh, stomach.

The onslaught of sensations all firing at once sent roaring heat to her core.

She barely noticed or cared when she was pressed onto her back between them. Ryan never lost a beat, so intent on ravishing her mouth. And he tasted so good, a faint hint of cheese and fruit lingering under the taste she knew was all him.

He didn’t kiss the same as Alejandro, but just as fantastically. Where Alex was more suave and romanced her with his mouth, Ryan was more demanding, insistent.

Her arm that had been trapped above her head beneath her cheek was suddenly met with her other arm. Her eyes popped open, the intense stare of deep brown eyes roaming her face. Ryan had pulled both wrists above her head and leaned across her torso, pressing both hands into the blanket above her. His firm chest stretched across her breasts, driving her to ache under the pressure. Could he feel her nipples poking up between the layers of her bra, tank, and his T-shirt? Of course not, but it felt as though he should. Her chest expanded with each inhale, driving her further insane.

It might have been something she could have controlled, this lust she felt, if not for the other hand roaming her body simultaneously. Alex was a skilled master. She’d known that from just the few times he’d sucked her into his vortex. Every single time he’d kissed her, she’d been lost to him. Unable to use reason.

Now he roamed her stomach with his hand splayed against the skin laid bare by the tank riding up her body. The warm contact of skin on skin, coupled with the rough texture of Alex’s fingers sent a pool of moisture to her sex.

The surge of wanton need made Lindsey lift her hips in supplication.

That lasted all of one second. It hadn’t been a voluntary action, but nevertheless, Alex looped one huge leg over her closest thigh, forced her backside against the ground, and held her legs apart.

She moaned. She knew in the recesses of her brain she was acting like a slut. Only a complete slut would be aroused by this scenario, but she couldn’t stop it.

She wanted this worse than she wanted to listen to the voices in her head.

She groaned against the mouth devouring her and Ryan swallowed the sound. He didn’t let up, his tongue dancing in and around her mouth with such accuracy one would think they’d been lovers for ten years instead of ten seconds.

How did he know her body so well?

Lindsey barely noticed when Ryan repositioned to hold both hands above her head with just one of his, the one he was nearly lying on. The free hand grazed down from her fingers, her forearm, her biceps, and paused only momentarily at her armpit when she shivered, a chill shaking her entire body. The caress should have tickled, but she was way too far gone in the depths of arousal for that.

Ryan chuckled briefly against her mouth and kept kissing her senseless.

That free hand moved to encompass a breast with no preamble. Not a soft barely-there grazing of his fingers. No. He grabbed her completely and firmly with his hand and molded the tight swollen breast as though measuring it, weighing it.

. It occurred to her the men had ganged up on her. They had the advantage of communicating through their connection she wasn’t privy to yet. She was certain of this fact when Alex moved a palm to cup her sex at the same moment as the assault on her breast. Just as firm. Just as precise. Just as perfectly timed.

The simultaneous assault on her system caused her to jerk in their grasps. She pulled her mouth from Ryan’s and gasped for a breath to the side.

No one stopped. In fact, Ryan continued kissing her cheek in a line toward her ear.

Deep breaths in and out did nothing to lessen her arousal. A firm pinch to her nipple was accompanied by Alex’s thumb pressing into her clit. “Oh, ahh,” she moaned. “I need…” What did she need? Holy cow, they were going to make her come. She could feel the pressure building. Her stomach was clenching and releasing. No one had ever done this to her. Could they?

She stiffened. They were going to be so deflated to find out she wasn’t capable of orgasm at their hands. The thought froze her in fear. Performance anxiety at its worst.

She wanted to scramble back from them, stop the madness. She wanted them to strip her naked and finish her off.

She groaned her discouragement into the evening air, noticing briefly the sun was slipping away.

“Let us make you feel good, baby,” Alejandro’s voice wafted up from between her legs. When had he wiggled his way into that position? When had her legs spread farther apart, indecently exposing her to his view?

Well, there were the jeans in the way, but still…

Did I say that?

It was received as consent to proceed because moments later Lindsey was staring over Ryan’s head at Alex as he rose up on his knees and popped the button on her jeans. A pressure she hadn’t realized existed was released with the lowering of her zipper. She gasped as he managed to divest her of those pants in no time at all. The cool evening air rushed across the exposed skin of her thighs and brought goose bumps up and down her legs.

Lindsey couldn’t stop her head from lulling back and forth and she no longer cared that the noises she heard around her were probably coming from her own mouth.

The only thing between her and Alex was the lace panties she been forced to wear today. Kara hadn’t brought her anything to wear that wasn’t small, silky, lacy, and sexy. She didn’t know whether to curse her friend or thank her.

While Ryan managed to push her tank up to her armpits and pop the front clasp on the lacy bra, a matched set to the panties, Alex pressed her thighs wider and held them firmly in his grasp.

“Oh. Oh… I’m going to…”

“Come for us. Yes. Very soon.” The words were muttered against her neck as Ryan licked and nibbled and sucked his way over the bunched-up tank top and began to deliberately circle her breast with his wicked tongue. Her nipple grew harder with each passing moment, the breeze only a small culprit in the endeavor.

And then the damn man switched breasts, never quite touching her where she needed him most.

She was being tag-teamed. It wasn’t fair. It was gloriously wonderful though.

She couldn’t be sure how, but time froze, the clock stopping instantly when the dual assault of one tongue flicking a nipple accompanied another tongue flicking her suddenly exposed clit. Alex must have freed a hand and now held her panties to the side, exposing her entirely to his mouth.

Lindsey began to pant. Her squirming was in vain. She battled between needing to stop this sensation of being on the precipice of a cliff about to free fall, and wishing someone would just push her over the edge.

And push won out by default when Ryan sucked her nipple and half her breast into his mouth while Alex sucked her clit into his. The orgasm was all-consuming and instantaneous. Neither man stopped the intense dragging of her flesh between their lips as wave after wave of pure pleasure flowed through Lindsey’s body, the walls of her sex contracting more violently than she’d ever experienced at her own hand and lasting far longer than she’d thought humanly possible.

Just when the spasms seemed to slow, Alex pressed at least two fingers into her and angled them up toward her G-spot. She hadn’t had sex in a long time. The fingers alone filled her so tight and the invasion so sudden and unexpected she moved from one orgasm into another with no fine line separating the two. The second was even more powerful than the first and she shook as Ryan smoothly switched nipples, sucking the neglected tip deep and hard while Alex continued to feast on her overly sensitive clit, nipping it with his teeth.

How could she avoid the earth-moving orgasm that shattered her resolve and captured her soul?

Gradually the pulsing of her vaginal walls lessoned, as did the amount of suction each man had placed on her most private parts.

Lindsey was flooded with a sense of peace. Her limp body sated beyond her wildest aspirations.

“Baby, you’re so tight,” Alex murmured against her sex. His breath fanned across the wet skin and made her tremble. Her clit jumped to attention as though it hadn’t just endured not one, but two orgasms. It was no wonder since his fingers were still buried deep inside her, gently stroking her inner walls.

Ryan nibbled his way up her body and gently kissed her lips. “Don’t think you have a problem with orgasms anymore.” He grinned. “Check that one off your list.”

She could hardly concentrate on Ryan’s gaze, let alone his words. Alex was still stroking inside her. Instead of needing to pull away as she’d have thought, her body was tightening up again. Warm air still caressed her damp sex. “Oh, Alejandro…”

It was so erotic the way he still massaged her. Shouldn’t she be over sensitized? Pulling away?

Instead she pressed into him, her hips lifting off the ground in attempt to get a better angle.

“I know, baby. I know.”

“I need…”
What do I need?
Two men were pleasuring her. And it felt so wonderful. Right. But … someone needed to get inside her right now before she self-combusted.

Ryan feathered light kisses over her heated face. He stroked a breast with one hand, barely grazing over the tip, to make her nipple stand at attention once again.

“Why am I the only one naked here?” Lindsey moaned around the words. Her head lulled to one side.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Ryan spoke into her ear, his breath adding an erotic touch to the Spanish god down below.

“Please.” She didn’t think she could spell it out.

On cue, both men pulled back, leaving her wanting, nearly panting for breath. She wiggled her shirt up over her head and let her hands fall back where they’d been tangled in her hair. Now all she had between her and these sex gods was a soaking scrap of lace panties. She was too wired to take them off. Her legs still lay splayed wide open against the blanket where Alejandro had just been.

Her core ached to have someone inside her. She didn’t even care which one. Both. She needed them both like she needed her next breath. Who would take her first? What would the other one do?

Alex and Ryan quickly divested themselves of their jeans and T-shirts. Ryan was left in briefs. Alex had been commando.

Her chest heaved under deep breaths. This was it. Could her heart survive this challenge?


Alejandro gazed down at the object of his good fortune—Lindsey. Splayed out before them, sated but wanting more. She was panting and her pheromones were making him drunk with need.

Her eyes pleaded with him when their gazes met. He wished he could stare at her forever in this pose, hair fanned around her head, arms above her, knees angled and resting spread wide against the blanket.

But nope. His cock was rock-hard and he needed to be inside almost as much as he needed his next breath. Never had he wanted a woman like he wanted this one.

His hands almost shook thinking about taking her in a way she would cherish for the rest of her life. He wanted this to be the most unforgettable experience she’d ever have. It made him nervous.

Trying to control his fingers, he commanded them to grasp the sides of her panties and reluctantly pulled her knees together to get them off.

“You’re so beautiful, Lin.” He pressed her knees back into their splayed position, opening her up to his perusal. “Like a goddess.”

He wasn’t unaware of Ryan beside him, also naked now.

“I need a taste of her.” Ryan grasped Alex by the bicep.

“Of course.” He realized he was in the way and moved to allow Ryan to climb between her legs. It was so erotic watching as Lindsey’s gaze transferred from Alex to her other mate. Jealousy didn’t even make a brief appearance. He just wanted her to be satisfied, over-satisfied. Forever.

Ryan took a deep breath as he lowered his face over her mound. “Your scent is intoxicating. Does she taste as good as she smells?”

He didn’t need an answer. At that instant he lapped his tongue from her opening to her clit. Lindsey moaned and writhed, wiggling away from the intense sensation after the short lack of contact. Other than Ryan’s mouth, nothing else was touching her.

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