Lindsey's Wolves (21 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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Return to the ways of our ancestors before us. Embrace a more modest form of dress. Long skirts and long-sleeved shirts that are high enough to cover your neck. This is the dress of our forefathers before us.

Quit your frivolous attempt at equality. This is not God’s plan!

Return to your homes. Leave your jobs. Your master is your husband or your father. Bow your head in his presence and serve him as you would serve God.

Prepare meals, tend your children, clean your filthy homes, neglected from years of spending too much time out of the house.

Stop your evil gossiping.

Your body is not meant for pleasure. The devil has a place for those who masturbate. God made you for procreation, not so that you might enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Raise your skirts for none other than your husband and at his command and for his pleasure alone. Turn your faces to the side and endure what God has commanded, in his name.


A blood-curdling scream rent through the early morning as the woman beside Alejandro jerked upright, taking the covers with her.

“Lindsey? Babe?” Alex reached to caress her back, his hand bumping into Ryan’s in the process.

The faint light from the rising sun peeking through the open window allowed him to see her face.

Panic, pure and simple. Eyes wide. Sweat beading on her forehead.

“You had a
, a nightmare.”

Alex pulled her limp body back down onto the bed, settling her head on his chest.

Her heart pounded and she shook uncontrollably in his arms.

“It was awful,” she muttered, her words vibrating against him.

“Want to talk about it?” Ryan laid his cheek against her shoulder.

She shook her head forcefully.

“It’s okay,” Ryan soothed, his hand snaking around her to rest beneath her breasts and against Alex’s own chest. “We’re here.”

All they could do was hold her. Love her. Never leave her.

“What the hell was that all about?”
Ryan didn’t move an inch as he reached into Alex’s mind.

“No idea. But it wasn’t pleasant, whatever it was.”

Her breathing grew more shallow, her heart rate slowing, as she relaxed between them. “We have to get back. I’m worried about Jess.”

. We will. It’s still early. You want to sleep a while longer?”

“No. I couldn’t go back to sleep if I wanted to.” She shook, a sharp violent jerk. The memory of her nightmare hadn’t subsided.

“I’ll run you a warm bath.” Ryan twisted his arm from between their tangled bodies and rose from the bed.
“I think early morning sex is out of the question.”

Alex smiled. Apparently so.

Running water moments later called Lindsey’s attention and she sat upright next to Alex. Her gaze locked on his after she glanced down at her naked chest exposed to his perusal. Color flooded her cheeks. She was so beautiful when she felt bashful.

.” He stood and angled his head toward the open bathroom door, her hand in his grasp. “The warm water will soothe you. Wipe the terror away.”

With dainty movements, Lindsey let the sheet fall away from her glorious body and stepped from the bed.

He wanted her like never before as he followed her into the adjoining bath. The sway of her hips enticed him to squeeze the globes between his palms.

She wasn’t in a mood for that right now though. At least not with her head. There was no doubt her mind was at war with her body, judging from the goose bumps rising along her skin, but she needed a break for their constant demands on her, both mental and physical, he mused with a smile.

Ryan stepped back from the tub as they entered and bowed as though she were royalty stepping into an ancient Egyptian bath.

“We should leave her alone.”


Ryan cleared his throat as she stepped gingerly into the water, a low moan escaping her lips. “We’ll give you some time alone, okay.”

“That’d be great.” Her smile was the sweetest vision as they backed out of the room.

At least Ryan had put some jeans on at some point. Alex’s rigid length still bobbed in front of him. As he pulled the door closed, he sagged against the wall and took a deep breath before running a hand down his face. “I need a cold shower.”

Ryan laughed. “Right this way.” He pointed to the door. “There’s a perfectly good cold shower available in every room. I’ll take the one across the hall; you take the one next door.” His laughter followed him.

Alex grabbed a change of clothes and went in search of another bathroom. Although accustomed to being warmer than any human, he felt almost chilled from the absence of Lindsey’s body alongside his. Nope, cold water wasn’t going to do it. As he entered the adjacent bath, he turned the faucet to hot and stepped inside.

Allowing the steaming water to run down his head and seep into his skin, he took his aching cock in hand and moaned. He wasn’t chilled now.

His forehead dropped to the tile wall as he allowed this small release to take over. Three pumps of his palm and he was done for. He hadn’t come that fast at his own hand since puberty.

And goddamn if it didn’t even take the edge off. He wanted inside his woman and no amount of masturbating was going to cure him of that need.

Chapter 12

“How much farther?” Lindsey sat between these hunks, unable to stop the thumping of her right leg.

“Not far.” Ryan drove. He glanced her way. “Are you anxious to get away from us?” He attempted to look worried or hurt, but his wry smile gave away his amusement.

She didn’t respond, and she wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans for the hundredth time. “I think I have a fever.” She let her head fall back against the seat cushion.
Or I’m in heat.

It was absurd, of course, but that’s what she felt like.

She clenched her knees together and took deep breaths through her mouth. If she didn’t get out of this car soon and stop inhaling the scent of these pheromone producing
, she’d combust.

Her body was so warm. Her chest pounding a beat she could feel even in her clit. Her jeans were suddenly too tight and rubbed against her every time she wiggled on the seat. And wiggle she did, in an attempt to alleviate the pressure—which only made it worse.

Alex laid a hand on her forehead. “It’s the claiming,
. It raises your temperature.”

Just as she’d thought.


She flinched away from his touch and glared at him. “Could you just stop … touching me. And … breathing.”

He laughed. “I’ll try, but your body is calling to us.”

Ryan gripped her thigh with his free hand. “You should have let us put the plug back in before we left,” he teased. “We need to finish this claiming soon or you’ll

Held stiff between them, she tipped her face into her hands and moaned. What she wanted was for Ryan to pull the truck over right now along the side of the rural road and take her as they desired.

She had to stay focused. There were bigger things to worry about than where, when, how, and who to fuck.

“Jeez…” She kept her head down and held her breath as long as she could for a short reprieve. It didn’t work.

“Ugh,” she screeched in frustration. “Stop the car. No … don’t.” She squeezed her temples with both hands.
Concentrate. Just ignore them … and their damn smell

She leaned to the right slightly as the car lurched onto the gravel.
. Why couldn’t she have kept her freaking mouth shut?

She peaked to the right when Alex popped the door open and stepped out. Before she could even mutter a word, he dragged her body to the edge of the seat, popped her jeans open, yanked the zipper down, and tugged the stifling pants off her body, her panties with them.

She gasped.

Ryan pulled her shirt over her head from behind and laid her down flat on the seat. Two seconds later he’d snapped open the front clasp of her bra, and she found herself reclined naked between them on the side of the road.
Oh, holy hell
. What had she gotten herself into?

“Put your foot here.” Alex angled her left foot onto the dash, and then grasped her right ankle and braced it against the door frame, effectively exposing her entirely to his gaze. He didn’t look at her face.

She blushed, heat perfusing her entire body when Ryan reached across to knead her tight breasts with both hands, his thumbs dragging over her nipples.

She grabbed at the seat with both hands alongside her, unable to get any purchase against the leather, and groaned in defeat when Alex’s mouth covered her mound and sucked her clit into its warmth.

“We’re just going to take the edge off before you explode, hon.” Ryan’s voice soothed her from behind.

When Alex clenched both her thighs at the same time, perilously close to her center, and abruptly invaded her with both thumbs, she came, hard, calling out their names in succession. “Alejandro, Ryan … God.” As though God too were present for the entertainment.

As her breathing resumed a normal rate, and she opened her eyes to the scene, Alex leaned forward with a chaste kiss on the lips. “Better?”

“Marginally.” She twitched around his thumbs still thrust inside her.

“I’d be happy to strip and really rock your world if you want.” His look melted her on the spot and she glanced around.
. They were outside, on the side of the road. She hadn’t been such a hussy a few days ago.

A car whooshed by them and Lindsey nearly jumped out of her skin. “Oh, no.” She scrambled away from the edge on her back, dislodging Alex’s intrusion with a small pop. Could anybody see her well-fucked naked self as they drove by?

“No one can see you,
mi amor
. Except us.”

“Jeez. Gimme my clothes, you apes.” She jerked her arms through the air, grasping at the material in front and behind her. All thoughts of continuing this insanity flew out the open door.

Ryan continued plucking at her nipples, expertly reinstating her need to get laid … hard, fast, and now. She batted at his hands and yanked her bra into place with a glare in his direction.

“Stop it. You’re torturing me. Both of you. And you know it.” She lifted her ass off the damp leather and shimmied her panties and then her jeans up her legs. “Damn horny bastards,” she mumbled through gritted teeth.

Chuckles filled the air as she wrenched her T-shirt back over her head.

“Hornier than you,
mi amor
. You just came all over my hand. And it was
.” He grasped her chin with one hand as he climbed back into the car, invading the tight confines once again. When she met his gaze, he took her mouth in a demanding kiss that curled her toes and melted her soul.

“Sorry, I’m just…”

“We know.” Alex let her go and sat back, this time pulling her legs across his lap and angling her body so she could lie down between them.

Her head landed on Ryan’s lap as his fingers brushed stray hairs from her face. “Relax for a while. We’ll be there soon.”

* * * *

Ryan pulled the truck to a stop outside Justin’s sprawling ranch and marveled for a moment on all his brother had right here at his fingertips. He and Alex needed to bump heads, and soon, about finding a place of their own before they wore out their welcome at other people’s houses.

Of course they could stay here with his brother, at his parent’s, or even with Alejandro’s relatives, but how long did newly mated couples, or ménages in this case, want to do that?

“Not very long, my friend. Not very long…”
Alex voice was a clear grumble in Ryan’s head as he opened the car door and stepped out.

“We’re here, hon.” Ryan brushed his fingers over Lindsey’s peaceful face. The short nap would do her good.

“Hmm.” She looked so sexy as she stretched out on the seat and let her legs occupy the space where Alex had been moments before.

Gradually, she lifted her body and fumbled around on the floor for her flip flops. “I needed that. Thanks. Oh.” She covered her mouth, her eyes wide, nearly bumping her head on the rearview mirror as she realized what she’d said. “The nap, I mean.”

Ryan kissed her squarely on the forehead. “Come on. Let’s see what’s going on with these Bible-thumping friends of yours.”

“They are
my friends,” she muttered as she let Alex lift her out of the cab.

“We know,
mi alma
. He’s just trying to get a rise out of you.”

“Oh, she’s got a rise out of me all right.”
With a smirk, Ryan rounded the car to find Lindsey’s narrow gaze focused on him.

“Again, let me remind you that although I’m not quite inside your head as you are with each other, I’m a smart girl.”

“Never doubted it.” Ryan sobered, at least outwardly.

The front door bounded open, and he turned to see Kara and Jessica dashing down the steps.

“Lin, hon. You’re back.” Kara flung herself around Lindsey and manhandled her up the stairs to the porch, Jess on the other side.

“You’d think she just returned from a long illness in the hospital.”

Alex laughed.

Justin and Trevor ambled out, skirting the trio of women as though they were infected with the plague, hands in the air to avoid touching them as they went in the house.

“Hey.” Justin spoke first, glancing at Ryan. “When two or more gather, it’s best to steer clear.”

Trevor reached out to shake first Alex’s hand and then Ryan’s. “Trust what he says. It’s the truth. There must be a reason we only know of ménages with two men and one woman. No way in the world could one man, wolf or otherwise, handle two such creatures.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” Ryan let his gaze land on the door to the house. “What’s Jessica’s story? Does she—?”

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