Lindsey's Wolves (16 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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“I can’t…” She shook her head, pulled her arms down to her sides and grasped Ryan by his ears. “It’s too soon. I’m so sensitive.”

Ah, finally the two orgasms had caught up with her.

“You can,” Ryan said. He tipped his head up to gaze into her face.

“Baby,” Alejandro interrupted. “We aren’t done with you yet.” He crawled around to her head and seated himself with his legs spread around her face. His cock bobbed up and down, begging to be stroked. If he grasped his staff right now, he knew he’d shoot off in an instant and embarrass himself.

Instead he lifted Lindsey’s head, scooted under her and settled her against his thigh.

She gasped when Ryan inched forward with them and resumed his place between her legs.

Alex watched as Ryan dragged his fingertips up her thighs, grasped her right at the apex, pinned her legs to the blanket, and held her firmly wide open to his perusal.

“That’s the sweetest clit I’ve ever seen.”

When Lindsey groaned and began to shake, Alex pulled her arms to his sides around behind him and trapped them there. He leaned forward just enough to fondle both of her breasts, weighing them and then pinching her nipples. The little pink buds grew even stiffer as he alternately circled and squeezed them.

She groaned, loud. “Alex… Ryan…” Her eyes fluttered shut.

“You got her?”
Ryan asked


Ryan dipped his tongue as far as he could into her core. His nose pressed against her clit. Her eyes flew open and she writhed beneath them, trapped by two men who weren’t about to let her avoid this pleasure.

“Oh, no. You can’t…”

Alex chuckled and tweaked one nipple a little harder. The bud stood at attention, demanding he do it again.

Her shallow breaths sounded very loud against the evening background.

She let her head roll onto Alex’s thigh, his cock twitching next to her ear.

“What do you need, baby?”

“Make me come again, Ryan, please. I’m so close. I ache.”

“Would you like my cock inside you this time?”

“Oh, yes. Please. Alex?” She tipped her head back to look at him, imploring.

“You are so hot,
. So hot. Come around Ryan’s cock this time. You can come with me next time.” God she was sweet. Sex radiated off her, her need filling the air, and she was worried about him.

Ryan climbed up her body and positioned himself at her entrance. “I’m going to go as slow as I can, hon. You’re so tight. You even gripped my tongue.”

“And God don’t let me blow before she comes again.”
Alejandro watched as Ryan gritted his teeth while he pressed into her.

Alex splayed his palms against her breasts and gently fondled them while he watched the most erotic scene of his life unfold before him. He knew he would blow his load just watching and hoped he wouldn’t come all over her hair.

He shifted slightly to avoid just that.

“You okay, honey?” Ryan leaned toward Lindsey and took her mouth in a brief kiss. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’d be better if you’d thrust all the way in.” She held her breath. They all three did.

Thank God she wanted this.

“I’m working on it. You’re so tight. So tight.” Ryan glanced down between their bodies and watched as he gradually pressed in and out of her, each time gaining the slightest bit more ground.

Alex’s cock throbbed, and he had to release one hand against Lindsey to grasp the staff and squeeze. “Shit, I’m going to come. So fucking hot, baby.” He pinched the engorged mushroom and prayed he could last a little longer. Hell, he wasn’t even the one inside her. His reaction was purely from watching this erotic show in front of him.

“Ryan!” Lindsey begged. Then she arched her back and thrust upward, forcing Ryan all the way inside her.

Ryan groaned and lifted his gaze to hers and then Alex’s. “I can’t last, man. She’s too tight.” He let his head fall against her chest and sucked the available nipple into his mouth.


“Give me a sec, hon. Hold still.” Ryan grasped her waist with one hand to steady her squirming. He held his body above her with the other hand that shook under the strain.

When Ryan lifted his gaze back to hers, Alex saw the tension on his face. His teeth were gritted together, his brows furrowed in concentration.

Lin turned her head toward Alex. She might have just needed to see his face, but her nose grazed his cock, still wrapped tightly between his fingers, and she gasped. Her gaze never made it higher. Her lithe tongue reached out and licked Alex’s erection from the bottom to the top, pushing his hand out of the way.

The moan that rent the air was his, and he didn’t care. The woman beneath him was so sexy, her innocence so pure, her need so natural.

“Oh, God. That’s it, honey. Lick him. That’s so sexy.”

The words made Lindsey moan against Alex’s thigh, the vibrations traveling up his dick and forcing come to leak from the tip. He couldn’t hold himself up any longer and reached back with the hand he’d been using to fondle her nipple to hold himself upright.

“I can’t … get … a good angle.”

Her licking and nibbling seemed like a perfectly good angle to him.

“I need to taste you. Take you in my mouth.”

Alex shook his head, even though no one could see him. If she did that, he’d blow instantly. He let go of his cock and grabbed her face with his hand.

Lindsey twisted like a contortionist trying to get him into her sweet mouth.

“Hang on.” Ryan pulled out of her on a long groan and flipped her over without missing a beat. Two seconds later, she was on all fours, her face level with Alex’s begging dick which she immediately sucked into the recesses of her mouth like a starving woman.

She was an expert. He shook to think another man had experienced this with her.

Lindsey gripped his thighs with both hands, holding her upper body above him. When she pulled back with a small pop, she muttered against his shaft. “No, I haven’t been with anyone else like this. You’re the first. Don’t think I can’t tell what you’re thinking even though I’m not completely as connected as you two are yet.” She smiled up at him serenely and then sucked him back into her warmth with the same firm grip she’d had before.

Alex glanced at Ryan and pleaded,
“I’m not going to last.”

Ryan pushed Lindsey’s legs apart and angled himself once again at her entrance from behind.
“I was waiting on you. As soon as I seat myself inside her I’m going to come.”

“Ryan…” she begged around the mouthful of cock as she sucked Alex back between her soft lips.

Ryan shoved forward, entering her to the hilt in one stroke. “God almighty. You’re going to kill us woman.” He closed his eyes, head thrown back, and Alex watched as his jaw held tight.

Lindsey sucked even harder on Alex and bucked against Ryan, her body begging him to move.

“Oh, honey…” Ryan lowered his head, seemingly in control for at least another stroke. He reached around and apparently grasped her clit, because she writhed and moaned, wiggling against Ryan and sucking the life out of Alex while she climaxed for the third time.

“God, baby.” Alex couldn’t hold on. He pressed against her head with his hand to dislodge himself. “I’m going to come, Lin. Pull back.”

The minx didn’t move. She just sucked him deeper and swallowed. That was it. Alex came so hard it almost hurt. The pulsing of his cock in rhythm with the sucking movement of her mouth. She never let loose and swallowed every drop until he was drained.

Somewhere in the middle, Ryan yelled out Lindsey’s name and held himself rigid and tight against her backside while he joined in the climax of a lifetime.

Chapter 8

Three limp bodies lay sprawled on top of each other against the cool blanket. Lindsey lifted one eye and noticed for the first time night had fallen while she’d been engaged in the best sex she could have ever imagined. Better than that actually.

They were all three still breathing as though they’d just been for a long hard run. Lindsey had landed on her side. Her face was pressed against Alejandro’s thigh, his staff still pulsing in front of her face, not completely deflated.

Ryan’s hands were splayed against her ass, caressing the globe. Her leg was trapped beneath his body where he’d collapsed beside her. His breath fanned erratically against her side.

“That was … um…” Someone had to speak.

“Yeah, it was,
mi alma
. Amazing.”

“Unbelievable.” Ryan’s lips tickled her stomach which began to twitch away from his breath. He grasped her ass and pulled her closer to nibble on her waist.

The aftermath of great sex left her ticklish and she giggled against him. “Mercy. Stop.”

“Never,” Ryan muttered and made a path up her body, dragging himself off her leg. “Never.”

“We should move inside. It’s going to get chilly out here.” Alex brushed loose strands of hair from her face, his fingertips brushing across her cheek tenderly.

“Yeah, we should.” Ryan didn’t make any movements to go with his words.

With a tremor, Lindsey was the first to lift her head. Maybe if she just pushed up with her arms she’d be able to stand. Maybe not. She slumped back down against Alex’s thigh.

His chuckle reverberated through his body and shook her cheek. “Come on, nymph. Let’s get you inside. You need a nice long, hot bath. You’re going to be sore.”

Thank goodness he had the energy to lift and pull her to standing.

The wetness of their lovemaking drew her attention to the space between her legs. Shit, they hadn’t even used a condom. What the hell was wrong with her? She was on the pill, but still. She didn’t make a habit of sleeping around without using protection. With a quiver, she yanked her mind from those thoughts. Did wolves even carry human diseases?

Ryan stood next to them. While he collected a pile of discarded clothing, Alex picked up the blanket, shook off the leaves, and wrapped it around Lindsey’s shoulders.

So endearing. Flanked by two naked men who didn’t have a care in the world, she ambled toward the house. It was definitely after dusk and night sounds filled the air, the rustling of the leaves, birds, even an owl could be heard.

Alex held her arm as they climbed the front stairs while Ryan pushed through the door with his butt and propped it open.

She squeezed past him, his perfect naked body completely on display. She had to turn sideways not to brush against his once-again stiff shaft.

Geez, how many rounds can these guys go?
Of course they’d only come once to her three.

Her cheeks flamed. Now wasn’t the time to get all prissy.
You are not a slut.

“Honey,” Ryan dropped the clothes, kicked the door shut, and wrapped her in his embrace. She let her head fall against his shoulder while Alex pressed against her back and snaked an arm around her middle.

Ryan continued, “We aren’t completely privy to your thoughts, but reading your face is easy.” He tilted her head back and gazed into her eyes, a stern look on his face. “You are beautiful and sexy and strong. We both adore you and worship you. Whatever doubts you are having, toss them out the window.”

She tried a wry smile. “Point me toward a tub.” She needed warm water. And a glass of wine.

“I’ll grab the wine and meet you guys upstairs,” Alejandro stated.

They might not be inside her head yet, but man they were in tune with her thoughts already.

Ryan followed her up the stairs, holding the length of the blanket up so she wouldn’t trip. At the top, he aimed her down a hall and into a huge bedroom.

She sucked in a breath. It was enormous. “Is this your room normally?”

“Yep. Do you like it?”

“Love it.” The walls were painted a deep navy, the curtains matching. Her bare feet were in luxury as she padded across the thick beige carpet with flecks of jewel tones. Who needed a bed with a floor this soft and inviting?

She turned to face the bed though—king-sized and covered with the same color navy sheets and duvet as the walls and window coverings.

“Come on.” Ryan interrupted her thoughts and pulled on her hand. A few steps to the left and she was in the largest bathroom she’d ever seen. The dark brown tile floor was covered with plush navy rugs that matched the bedroom décor. The centerpiece in the middle of the room was a deep whirlpool tub that made Lindsey practically moan imagining the luxurious bath she was going to have.

Ryan left her in the doorway and scurried around. She couldn’t take her eyes off his tanned muscular frame. He flipped on the water, grabbed towels, arranged soaps, and then turned to smile at her, all while wearing not a stitch of clothing. “Are you coming?”

Suddenly timid, Lindsey padded forward with small, trepid steps. She was naked, only the blanket wrapped around her. Of course Ryan was naked too and it didn’t seem to faze him.

Is he going to stay? Watch me bathe?

“Come on in.” He tested the water with one hand. “Water’s perfect.”

Steam wafted up from the bath to fill the room. The fog created wasn’t nearly enough to give her the confidence needed to drop the quilt, however.

Sure, they’d just had wild sex outside. But that had been different. She’d been … not in her right mind apparently. And it was dusk. Now?

She bit her bottom lip and peered into the filling tub.

Ryan reached across her and grabbed a bottle of something with a pink lid. Seemed crazy that this manly man beside her kept anything so girly looking in his bathroom.

Moments later, as he poured a stream of the contents into the swirling water, she realized what he held. Bubbles.

“Now?” He held an arm out to the tub and raised his eyebrows, a tight smile across his face as she stared up at him.

“Are you going to … um, stay?”

“Honey, I’m going to do more than stay. I’m going to get in with you.”

Until he tugged on the blanket, an attempt to get her motivated, she hadn’t realized the iron grip she had on the corners.

Why the hell are you being so modest? Get in

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