Lindsey's Wolves (19 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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“Don’t you start with me too. Boys—”

“Boys?” Ryan wandered toward her. Instead of heading for the other side of the bed and settling there to flank her as usual, he climbed right up the end of the bed, crawled up the center, straddled her legs with his, and leaned forward above her until their lips met.

The kiss was so brief and light, she wasn’t even sure their lips had actually touched. But, she felt the heat of that kiss travel down her body all the way to her core. She grew wet beneath his gaze and squirmed.

He smiled at her and repeated, “Boys? Is that what we are?”

She swallowed. “When you act all bossy like this, yes.”

“Bossy? Who’s being bossy?”

“Oh, cut the crap. I know good and well, you are aware of every detail of what Alejandro and I were discussing, Mr. Telepathy.”

Ryan settled over her body, letting the weight of himself press into her. His cock was hard, and it rubbed her in just the right spot through the layers between them.

Holding just his head up with his forearms, his face was inches from hers. “We aren’t bossy. We just want to protect what’s ours.”

. That’s what I mean. ‘Ours.’ What am I? A possession?” Why was she growing incredibly hornier while they argued?

Alex spoke from the side. “We don’t think of you that way at all. We just … care about you is all. A great deal. We don’t want anything to happen to you. It would destroy us.”

“And, hon, this situation is fishy. Doesn’t feel safe to us.”

“What do you think a bunch of Christians are going to do? Kidnap me?” She almost laughed at the idea. Almost.

No one looked amused as she gazed back and forth at their faces.

Finally, Ryan continued. “We aren’t taking any chances.”

“And what do you propose doing? Are you going to stay with me at my place indefinitely? Waiting for these guys to show up again and ask me to return to God’s path? How do you think that might go over with Jessica, having both of you there?”

Silence. Again. Is that when they discuss things “behind my back?” During the quiet moments?
The thought unnerved her.

“What?” She broke the deafening lull.

mi alma
, we … the three of us will figure out a place we can be together while we work out the logistics of the rest of our lives, but we aren’t going to stay in your apartment.” His voice trailed off.

“Kara mentioned you’d feel that way. I thought she was kidding.” Did they really expect her to just move out? Right this minute? And not return to her life as she’d known it?
That’s what Kara did

“Dead serious,” Ryan muttered as he began to kiss a trail from her ear to her neck. He would know she’d soften under his lips. In fact, her somewhat rigid body went slack almost immediately, pissing her off.

When he nudged the covers down her chest with his chin and kissed a line between her breasts, she warmed all over and couldn’t keep her mind on the anger she’d felt at his demanding method of handling her affairs.

“I can’t … just … move … out…” She moaned when his lips wrapped around a nipple and sucked, forcing her body to buck beneath his touch.

“Mmm. You’re delicious.”

“Don’t … change … the subject.” What was the subject?

“Just showing you where you belong, honey. In case you forgot the magic we have between us.”

Abruptly Ryan pulled away, leaving her trembling as the cold air of the room hit her wet nipple.

Her eyes went wide as both men jerked the covers away and stripped their jeans and T-shirts from their bodies.

Ryan lay beside her and pulled her to her side, lining their bodies up against each other. Her nipples grew harder as they brushed against his chest.

He leaned back in to claim her mouth in a demanding kiss that had lost all the gentleness of before.

Alex pressed into her back, sandwiching her between the two of them. With one huge, warm hand, he lifted her top leg and angled it over Ryan’s torso, effectively opening her up. His palm traveled the length of her thigh and butt over and over, warming her even further with his caress. His fingers brushed closer and closer to her center with each pass, until he paused entirely and ran two or three digits between her folds.

She moaned into Ryan’s mouth as Alex spread the evidence of her desire from his fingers to her clit. Ryan smoothly sucked her tongue into the recesses of his mouth.

She pulled back to catch her breath when he released the suction. How did they do this to her? Send her careening over a cliff so quickly. Hadn’t they been having a serious discussion not moments ago?

Lindsey tipped her head back and took deep breaths, leaving her neck open to Ryan’s tongue. Her nipple dragged against the slight hair on his chest and his hand crawled from her waist to her breast before deliberately molding the globe with his talented fingers and circling the tip teasingly.

The combination of Ryan circling her nipple and Alex circling her clit, drove her to frantic heights. “Please… Oh, ohh.” Lindsey reached first for Ryan’s hand and then Alex’s, squeezing each wrist in turn. She couldn’t wrap her mind around any other coherent words, but groaned loud enough to startle herself. Her eyes flew open as if she were awakening from a deep sleep. She pushed her hips forward and jutted her chest out, begging with her body for them to more precisely alleviate her of the building need.

Both men nuzzled her neck for a moment and then simultaneously pinched her nipple and her clit. That was the best benefit she could possibly think of for this telepathy thing between them. She knew it was always a choreographed action.

And it was effectual.

Her orgasm came fast and hard, shaking her body. The quivering inside her didn’t get a chance to subside before Ryan plunged into her to the hilt.

Trapped between both men, she couldn’t budge. Alex once again pressed against her thigh, holding her firmly against Ryan’s demanding staff.

She gasped for air when Ryan pulled out and thrust back in.

The presence of another cock behind her, pressed firmly against her back, drove her to wish for one second she was brave enough to throw in the towel and take both men at once—but only for a second. She couldn’t do that, and hoped they wouldn’t force the issue.

Ryan began a steady rhythm as he pressed in and out of her, his groin coming into contact with her sensitive clit on each pass.

Relentlessly he nibbled around her neck and chest while his hand molded and squeezed her breast.

Lindsey gasped and froze when Alex’s pinky landed on the space between her sex and her ass. Apparently the perineum could be a very erogenous zone.

Why did it have to feel so damn good? She was so close. Hadn’t she just come about two minutes ago? Not to mention several times in the last twelve hours?

Both men suddenly froze and Alejandro removed his hand abruptly from her back side. His warmth disappeared just as fast, leaving her bereft of his touch. “What’s the matter? Please, don’t stop…” Was that breathy sound her voice?

Both men chuckled lightly through deep inhales.

What the hell are they stopping for?

Moments, that seemed like eons, later, Alex returned and sat behind her once again. He didn’t lie down this time. The same popping noise she remembered from earlier made her eyes open wide. The lube.

mi amor
. I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. I just want to prepare you. Your ass is so tight, baby. We need to work on that so later…” His voice was barely audible, strained.

This was hard for him. He wanted her. They both wanted to consummate this relationship, so to speak, and she was preventing them from it.

Ryan pulled out until just the tip of his cock remained within her and then he pressed back in while Alex once again held her firmly in this fully seated position. The force from behind was exquisite and she wanted more.

More is what she got. A generous cool glob of lube landed at her rear entrance. With both hands free as Alex sat behind her, he was able to use one to spread her cheeks apart and one to spread the warming oil against her forbidden hole, circling exquisitely around the entrance and reminding her of what they’d accomplished earlier, each spiraling around her nipple and her clit.

“Relax, baby.” Alex rubbed her thigh with one hand, holding her against Ryan.

First one finger, and then immediately two, breached her ass and scissored inside her. The pressure was so … wrong. And yet so … perfect.

Once, twice, Ryan slowly pulled in and out of her. He was panting into her ear, his gasps a telling sign he was holding on by a thread.

The fingers disappeared and Alex laughed softly when she moaned. “I’m going to put a small plug in you now,
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What? What the hell is a plug?
It didn’t sound good.

“Push out, baby, while I push it in. It’ll be easier on you.” Alex laid a hand on her brow and she glanced up in his direction, but only got the side of Ryan’s head.

Push out? Was he kidding?

“Just relax.”

“You can’t…”

“It’s just a plug. It’ll make you feel exquisite when you come around Ryan’s cock. Trust me. You won’t believe the difference.”

“I…” She bit her lip and tried to relax. How could it hurt? It was just a plug, an object, like a dildo, although she sincerely hoped it was smaller than any vibrator she currently owned.

“Trust me?” Alejandro’s words reached her soul. He wanted this so bad and she couldn’t say no to him, ever.

“Okay.” She gritted her teeth as the object circled her rear and pressed against her opening.

She wished she could see it first.
No, you don’t

“Slight pressure, baby. Bear down.”

She did. Alex didn’t give her time to think about it or build up a tolerance to the foreign object. He swiftly pushed it in until it was fully seated.

She held her breath. It wasn’t too bad. In fact, it felt kinda good. With Ryan’s cock inside her and now this plug that was surely much smaller than it felt.

“You okay, babe?” Alex lay down behind her, rubbed her ass cheek.

“Mmm, hmm. I think so.”

“I’m not going to last.” Ryan spoke through gritted teeth and started to move, slowly at first, and then picked up speed.

Oh, my
. Nothing she’d ever experienced compared to the intense pressure she now felt. Each pass of Ryan’s stiff cock rubbed against the plug. She thought she’d faint.

“Go ahead and come,
mi amor
. Ryan’s trying to hold off for you.”

Alex stroked her seemingly everywhere at once. His own cock was rubbing between her butt cheeks and he was breathing heavier.

She couldn’t stave off the impending orgasm another second, unable to even concentrate on any one sensation for more than a moment at a time. The assault on her senses was so thorough.

Lindsey let go and came harder than she’d ever come before, the muscles inside her contracting around both Ryan and the plug. Heaven couldn’t be this fine.

Before she even finished her spasms, both men called out her name at once. Ryan held rigid deep inside her, his orgasm pulsing beneath the final grips of her vaginal walls.

At the same time, Alex came against her backside, warm semen bathing her ass with his release.

As Lindsey gradually relaxed, so did the men sandwiching her, a tangle of their arms and legs hugging her between them.

She was so sated, her eyes sagged shut. “That was nice…”

“Nice?” They both chuckled against her at once, their voices vibrating through her entire body from the proximately of their lips to her skin, everywhere.

“Hmm.” She smiled and let sleep take her under.

Chapter 10

“So what do you think about these religious freaks?” Alejandro paced the kitchen, his mind swirling with possibilities.

When Ryan didn’t answer, he spun on one foot and glared at him.

“You are concerned, aren’t you?”

“Hell, yes.” Ryan stood from his spot at the table where he’d been sitting like a statue leaning his eye sockets over his palms. “I’m trying not to go ballistic here. I’m concentrating. It’s hard, though, with you wearing a hole in the hardwood floor over there.” His fake smile made Alex’s shoulders relax.

He did care. He wasn’t being passive like Alejandro assumed.

“Do you think we need to leave? Head home I mean?”

“I don’t know.” Ryan stood and ran his hands through his hair. “Could be nothing. Maybe we’re overreacting.”

“And if it’s not?”

“Then we won’t have a problem as long as we don’t let her out of our sight … ever.”

“Yep, that’ll go over well. She’s so on board with the idea.” Alejandro hoped his attempt at sarcasm was as apparent as he intended.

“You’re right, of course.” Ryan’s shoulders slumped. “I’ll call my dad. See what he thinks. Maybe one of my brothers can go over to the apartment, check it out.”

“Maybe we should go directly to the source. Scout out the church. See what seems to be going on there for them to be hounding a young woman after four years of absence. Do we know the name of the denomination?”

“Ha. I doubt it’s a ‘denomination’ per se. Probably just a single congregation of zealots. I don’t know the name. Don’t think Lindsey mentioned it. Kara will know.” Ryan pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “I’ll try her first and then call my dad.”

Alejandro waited, knowing he had a permanent scowl etched across his face while he watched Ryan engage in the two quick calls. He’d need to change his attitude before Lindsey woke up. Pretend he wasn’t worried.

Thank God she was still peacefully sleeping after their mid-morning romp in the bed.

Ryan held the phone to his ear. “Kara, hey… Yeah, we heard… I know. Do you know the name of this so-called church she attended?” A long pause ensued. Alex could hear only bits and pieces of Kara’s voice as it rose and fell with her anxiety.

“Thanks, Kara… Yeah, we’re going to get someone to check it out. Is Jessica at your place now? …good … yes … we’ll keep in touch.” He hung up.

“His Mighty Sword.”

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