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Authors: C.M. Steele

Conquering Alexandria (3 page)

BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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“Thanks. Now, can I see her?” We walked to the front, and there was my pretty girl. Damn, she was better looking than I expected. It was like looking at an HD version of a classic. I thought she was beautiful before the surgery, but now she was a goddess. I didn’t think one night was going to be enough.

“Max, how are you feeling?” She looked up at me with those amazing hazel eyes that shined brightly, and I wanted to stare at them for hours. I was a goner.

“I feel well, and my vision has improved greatly. By the way, you are ten times more beautiful than I thought you were before the improvement to my eyesight. When you get rid of the loser boyfriend, give me a call, and Alexandria, do it soon.” I handed her my card. She already had my information; I just needed an excuse to caress her hand. Marcus met me with my glasses; I put them on and turned to her. Her jaw dropped, and all my self-consciousness kicked in and I took them off.

“Why did you take them off? You look hot with the glasses on,” she said in frustration.

I smiled at her. “You like them, baby? If you think I look hot, I’d wear them just for you.”

She blushed. “I said that out loud?” she murmured as the color ran from her face.

“Alexandria, you are welcome to tell me how you feel all the time because, gorgeous, I want to know,” I said as I reached over and caressed her face, running my index finger along her jaw. She shivered, and I knew it wouldn’t be long until she was mine.

I walked out the door without looking back. There was no way in hell I was going to leave if I looked at her again. I didn’t really know why I had to leave. I had nowhere pressing to be, but she had a boyfriend, and I still had some sense of morality. Well—barely. If she didn’t ditch him soon, all bets were off.

I called my mother when I got home and told her that I was nearly a hundred percent. The woman was ecstatic and would be over later today. My parents wanted to celebrate my vision returning back to normal. It had been ten years of blurred sight, some days worse than others.

The loss of vision had been the worst when it came to fucking. I was a teenager and just a sophomore in college when I was injured. At that time, I had been fucking like a rabbit. No real skill yet, but I was learning. I was doing this cheerleader at the time. She was hot, but a total bitch. I guessed that was how most of the hot chicks acted. After my recovery, she and I went at it in her dorm. When I couldn’t make out her face, I ended up trying to make out with her nose. It was completely embarrassing. I played it off as just wanting to bite her playfully, but she noticed something was off. She told me I was freaking her out with the way I was looking at her. She said my expression had turned her off. Needless to say, I lost my erection and had started building those walls I thought no one could break.

I went to the doctor the next day and was told that being hit in the head had damaged my sight. My parents were afraid that I would lose my sight completely. I was told that if I used my glasses that the problem may correct itself. The problem was that wearing glasses caused another problem. I looked like a dork, and the bitch had the nerve to tell me that when we sat down at our usual table at lunch with all our friends. I got up and walked away. She called me for a week, but I didn’t have time for the bitch.

When I finally got so horny that I couldn’t take it anymore, I called her up and told her to meet me. I took her behind an old abandoned barn and tried to fuck her with the glasses on, but she wasn’t having it. She took them off my face, but then I remembered what she said the last I saw her, and it killed my mood. So, I turned her ass around and fucked her up against the wall, then on her knees, and left her to find her own way home after throwing down some bills, letting her know what I thought of her.

Since then, every broad I fucked took it from behind. My modus operandi was as follows: there were no special kisses, no eating the bitch out. Nope, I fucked you hard and fast with my eleven-inch cock and pinched your clit until you exploded. Then I came, got dressed, and walked out. I was done with them.

Fuck, now glasses were in. Well, fuck that—there was only one woman I wanted, and she would be the only one I would wear them for. Strange how one incident can change your whole outlook on life, and here it was happening to me—again.

I met my parents out for dinner. Now that my eyesight was better, I was happy. I enjoyed the dinner and the conversation, until I ran into a woman I fucked several or more months back. I really couldn’t remember, to me they were all interchangeable. Now, I knew my eyesight wasn’t great, but shit, I didn’t know it was that bad. She wore too much makeup, and it didn’t help her at all.

“Max, it is so good to see you again. Since when do you wear glasses?”

Shit. I had forgotten I was still wearing them after showing them to my parents. “Angela, I am having dinner with my parents, and my glasses are temporary.”

“It’s Monica. God if you weren’t such a good fuck, I would be really pissed.” She brushed her lips against my ear and whispered, “Keep the glasses on next time. Yummy.”

Damn, the bitch was drunk. I could smell the liquor coming out of her pores. I was fucking pissed. She couldn’t have whispered the other shit in my ear? No, she had to say that shit for my parents to hear. I knew that they knew I was no saint, but I never introduced them to any of the hit-it and quit-its.

“Thank you, but no thank you. Now that you have shown my parents you have no class, please get away from my table,” I growled out.

I turned back to my parents as she huffed away. “Mother, I am sorry about that. Damn crazy broad.”

“Well, now that your vision is corrected, maybe you could choose someone who is not a total whore to be the mother of my grandchildren. I am not getting any younger here, and neither are you.” My dad rolled his eyes at me.

“I am still young. I’m only twenty-nine. Mother, they all know the score, like that broad that just walked away. When I find the one and have my hooks into her, you will know.” I took a drink of my wine and sat back against my chair.

“Harlan, do you hear your son? You sound just like they play you out to be in the tabloids. Max, I thought I taught you better than that.”

“Mother, I am not as bad as they make me out to be. In fact, most of the stuff they print about me is bull. One evening out with a friend in L.A., and suddenly I am splashed all over the headlines. I wasn’t even with anyone when I was visiting Liam.”

“I am sorry, son, but it doesn’t look very good to a good woman when you have a trail of trash following you, even by accident.” She tilted her head to Monica sitting at her table with her latest lover. Damn it, I kept most of my “holes” out of my neck of the woods. I called them that because that’s all they were to me, just a hole to stick my cock in and get off. I know that makes me sound like a piece of shit, but fuck it—they knew what they were getting. There was never any promises. Hell, I didn’t even promise they would get to come. I just fucked it out of them.  I guessed I was just good like that.

By the time I got home, I had the biggest headache. My mom talked my ear off about settling down. I didn’t want to tell her that I had potentially found the one until I had done a little background check on my beauty. I just wanted to know what I was up against, like—was she in love with that fuck? What were her favorite things to do? I didn’t want to go in unprepared. The feeling she created on the highway that day had my mind and body craving more.

It wasn’t until Wednesday morning that I got anywhere in my quest to learn about her. The report read like an open book into the life of Alexandria Davis.

Chapter 3—Max

As I read her file, I was intrigued. The more and more I learned about the pretty Miss Davis, the more I wanted to make her mine. I didn’t mean for just one night. I meant for all nights until I had no more nights left. She was going to be the one.

She was an only child and had come from a middle-class family on the South Side of Chicago. She had gone to public school, followed by college at the University of North Texas. What amazed me was that she had gotten in on a full ride. So she was a brain; I liked that. That would work just fine. She hadn’t had many boyfriends over the years. That was another plus, granted I didn’t expect her to be pure, but I didn’t want her to be a pro. The mother of my children should have some respect for herself. Just the thought of her sleeping with her boyfriend made me fucking ticked off.

What had made me madder was that I hadn’t heard from her yet. I had been waiting nearly a week since I told her to call me when she dumped the loser, but nothing. My intercom went off. “Sir, there is a Mr. Douglas here to see you.” Oh shit, I forgot about my next meeting. I had spent the last hour going through her file. “Please, Patricia, send him in.”

My meeting seemed to last forever. I had heard enough of the man’s proposal and told him I would review it. I rose from my desk, a signal of course that it was time for him to go, and like a good boy, he followed suit. I didn’t have time for anything else when I had Alexandria on my mind.

I called the mechanic shop where our cars had been taken. I didn’t want them sent to where the boyfriend worked or the prick cousin worked. I wanted my people to work on them. My guys were the best to work on our cars. Also, I wanted an excuse to get in contact with her once the cars were done. My mechanic, Lance, had left me a message when I was in the meeting with Mr. Douglas.

“Lance, are the cars ready?” I was excited. It was my chance to see her again.

“Yes, Mr. McCain, they are. I know you asked that they not be released until you had given your ‘okay,’ sir, but the owner of the vehicle stated he needed it this morning, and I couldn’t refuse him. I have already dealt with the insurance companies and it was all squared away financially, so there was nothing I could hold the car on. Sorry.” Damn it. I was going to have to make an excuse to see the eye doctor this week.

“No, it’s no problem. Thanks, Lance. It’s legally his car, so I understand.” I understood, but I was frustrated anyway.

I hung up with him and called Dr. Phelps and Dr. Reeves’s office.

“Dr. Reeves and Dr. Phelps’s office. How may I help you?” She sounded sexy as fuck on the phone, all breathy and needy.

“Alexandria, I could answer that question in so many different ways,” I said suggestively.

“Mr. McCain, I hope there are no side effects from the procedure.” Good. She remembered my voice.

“Now, Alexandria, I appreciate your concern, but I was expecting to hear from you sooner. Why haven’t you called? I am assuming you haven’t dumped the boyfriend. You must really love him, marking his neck and all when he so rudely interrupted our conversation on Thursday.” I was pissed that she had given him a hickey. They were probably fucking when it happened. I haven’t had one of them since my first girlfriend in tenth grade.

“What do you mean marking his neck?” She truly sounded upset.

“Sweetheart, the man had a hickey just at the edge of his collar.”

“That wasn’t a hickey. He burned himself working in the shop the other day.” Seriously, was she that naïve, or did she love him that much to overlook the obvious?

“Oh, sweet Alexandria, that was a hickey, my dear. So I assume it was not you who left it?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. Is there something you needed?” I guessed she did have suspicions about where he really got it.

“Yes, I need to see the doctor for a follow-up, but I had been so carried away with your beauty that I had forgotten to schedule it.”

“You just missed Dr. Phelps yesterday, and he will not be in until next week. Let me see when Dr. Reeves will be available.” She put me on hold, and I was irritated. She must have not wanted to talk to me.

“Dr. Reeves will be available on Friday if that will work for you.”

“Yes, my dear, that will work, as long as I get to see you.”

“You will.”  I could hear her smile on the other end.

“Great. Schedule me, then. Perhaps I can take you to lunch afterward.”

“I don’t think that would be a great idea.”

“Why not? Because you still haven’t left him, or are you afraid I won’t be able to control my urges around you?”

“I don’t know you, and no matter my relationship status, we are very different, you and I. I don’t want a man who leaves a string of broken hearts behind him. You are scheduled for Friday at 11:30 am. Good day.”

Damn those tabloids; I could sue them all. It was all bullshit. I only had one-night stands with women who knew the deal. I couldn’t help that they wanted more than a date and a fuck. I wasn’t looking for a vulture, and my girl just gave me more motivation to win her.

Chapter 4—Alexandria

Seriously, this had to be a shit day. Since I’d met Max, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Then I had to go and google him last night. Big mistake. There were three personal articles about the cold-hearted playboy.

I looked at the sexy man in a tuxedo, with his muscular frame barely hidden and some beautiful woman on his arm. What I noticed was that in the photo, his blue eyes looked cold, completely different than when he was looking at me. I remembered the moment I got out of the car and saw the magnificent specimen. He was about six four, with dark hair and blue eyes that had that look I had seen on many men. It was the reason I was cautious of him. Those eyes said that he wanted to do naughty things with me. My problem was that I wanted to do them as well. I had never felt such a powerful and instant attraction before, but I didn’t want to like him. Hell, I didn’t need another poor excuse for a man in my life.

I didn’t know why I cared. I was dating Trevor. Although lately our relationship wasn’t going well at all. He had been making up excuses not to see me, and when he did see me, he’d been a total jerk. I was going to end things with him after work—today.

Why did he have to call? I mean, I had been trying to not end the relationship with Trevor for just this reason. I would instantly contact Max because I had an instant attraction to him, more than I had ever felt for anyone. It was insane, the way I felt. I could barely control my heart rate when I was just thinking about him. When he was around? Forget about it.

“Alex, can I see you for a moment?”

“Yes, sir.” I walked to the back. After working here for the last few days, I didn’t like it but I really couldn’t quit. Dr. Reeves had been flirting with me since I started. At first, I thought he was just being friendly, well, because so many people I had met in my time in Texas had been really friendly. Trevor said it was because I was flirtatious and that it was going to get me into trouble, particularly with him if he caught me again. He had been mad that day that Max was here. He told me later on that he was glad that I wouldn’t have to see Max again. He didn’t know that he was the guy who hit me with his car on Monday. I think he might have tried to sue if he did, so I didn’t say a thing.

I really needed this job. I was already living on ramen noodles and cereal right now, and this job paid really well. It was the end of the day, and I hoped that he didn’t try anything with me.

“You needed me?” Poor choice of words. I didn’t like the lecherous look he gave me.

“Yes. Can you please tell me if are you taking personal calls in the office?” He was really pissed.

“No, sir, of course not.”

“Don’t lie to me. I overheard part of your conversation earlier. It sounded personal to me.” He reached for my face and touched it a little too roughly, so I backed away.

“It was one of the patients scheduling a follow-up. Mr. McCain.”

“Oh, well, that man is a flirt. You are very pretty. It is normal for a man to find you sexy with those large breasts and tiny waist. Any man would love to take you against a wall and pound into you.”

“Sir!” I said in complete outrage and disgust.

“Yes, please call me sir anytime.” He rubbed at his crotch. Infuriated, I turned to exit and said, “Dr. Reeves, let us forget this conversation ever happened.”

I hurried to my desk just as I saw Trevor pull up front, and I grabbed my belongings to go. Then, out walked the doctor, adjusting his pants while looking directly at Trevor and giving him a suggestive wink. I didn’t want Trevor to get the wrong idea because he got very angry when any man flirted with me. I left without saying goodnight and tried to hurry out the door. Before I got to the door, the doctor reached me, caressed my cheek, and walked to the back.

I ran out the door and into the truck where I thought I would be safe, but I was wrong. “What the fuck was that, you dirty little slut!? I can see why you won’t open your fucking thighs to me. What? You needed a doctor to open your tight pussy? Wait until we get to your place.”

Before I could explain what happened, he struck me across the face. Shocked, I tried to get out of the car, but he wouldn’t let me. My only saving grace had been a couple that walked past. The guy pounded on the window, and the girl called the police. I was able to get out of the truck with my purse and into the woman’s arms before Trevor sped off.

“Miss, are you okay? You need a doctor.”

The big man with muscles had said the police were on their way. I had never been so mortified and scared in my whole life.

The police arrived and filed a report, and I was taken to the local ER for treatment.

I called my parents. “Mom, Dad… I was wondering… do you have any room back home for me for a little while?”

“Of course, sweetheart, what’s the matter?”

“I just need to come home. I will fly out tomorrow, first thing in the morning.” I would end up using my savings, but I needed to leave. What if Trevor came to the apartment looking for me? The police had arrested him, but I was sure he would be out on bond within twenty-four hours.

I was taken home and asked if there was anything that they could do for me. I just packed my bag with my things. My rent was paid for the upcoming month, and thankfully it was only month to month. I would look for a job in Chicago. God, I felt terrible leaving Dr. Phelps in a lurch like this, but I couldn’t care about Dr. Reeves; it was his fault this mess started tonight.  I was going to miss Max, but I knew it was for the best.

In the morning with my things packed as best I could, I called Dr. Phelps but got his voicemail instead. “Dr. Phelps, this is Alex. Something has come up and I am sorry, but I have to quit. I am on my way back home. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

I took one last look around to see if I'd missed anything, but I really didn’t have a lot here. I didn’t have money to buy new things, so what I didn’t get to pick up within the month would probably be tossed.

When I got to the airport, I received all kinds of stares. I guess it was normal when you looked like you were used as a punching bag. My dad was going to flip and would want to find Trevor. This wouldn’t be good, I wish I could forget it all and start over.

I let my dad know when my flight was to land so he could pick me up. Once I exited the three-and-half-hour flight, I powered up my phone just in case Dr. Phelps called. I had four messages and two texts.

The first text was from Trevor:

Baby, I am sorry please call me.

The second text was from a Texas number I didn’t know:

Damn it, Alexandria, didn’t I tell you to call me? What came up that you had to leave without saying goodbye?

That had to be from Max. Who else called me by my full name besides him?

I lifted my head from my phone and spotted my dad. I had forgotten how bad my face looked, but I could tell from the look on his that it must be awful.

“Who the fuck is going to die, Alex? Who did this to you?” My dad hugged me tightly, and I broke down.  I cried until some older woman interrupted us and handed me some tissues.

“Come, sweetheart. Please tell me you have seen a doctor.”

“Yes. The police had me taken to the hospital. I was released the same night.”

We got into my dad’s truck after he loaded my things into the back.

“Baby, please tell me he is in jail.”

“He is, though I don’t know how long it will be until he is released. It was my ex-boyfriend. He was picking me up last night from work, and he saw my boss flirting with me and got really angry. Then he started hitting me. If it wasn’t for two strangers who were passing by, I don’t know what would have happened.”

“I want to knock the fucker out. What the hell was your boss doing flirting with you anyway? I thought you told me both guys were married.”

“They are, and Dr. Phelps seems to really love his wife and family, but Dr. Reeves... Well, I think that’s the reason the other girl quit. I was so anxious to get a job that I ignored the signs he gave me during the interview.  I am such an idiot.”

“No, you are not, Alex. Some men aren’t good, and you know that.  Now, I don’t want you to worry. We are doing well at home, so you can just recover and decide what you are going to do when you are ready.” I could see the anger my dad was trying to hide when he gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles whitened.

“Are you going to have to go down there to testify?”

“I don’t know yet. The police took pictures and the statements from the couple and me, so not unless he pleads not guilty.” I drooped in my seat. I was tired, hurt, and sad.

“It will be okay, Alex.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

I looked at my phone and the little voicemail box at the top, and my dad must have noticed my forlorn look because he said, “Just check them. If it is that prick, you will have evidence that he did something to you. Do you still care for him? Is that it? Because, baby, he isn’t worth it.”

“No, Dad. I am not worried about Trevor. We dated, but I was just about to break up with him. I was told by another person that he was cheating on me, and I felt it was true. It’s probably the doctor’s office calling about why I quit.”

“Put it on speakerphone so I can hear what the prick has to say.”

Alex, this is Dr. Phelps. I hope everything is fine. I am sorry you needed to leave. Should you come back, you are more than welcome to do so. Beep.

I listened to the next one. It was from Max.

Alexandria, am I the reason you left? I don’t understand. Dr. Phelps called me this morning to see if I knew why you left. I was shocked that you would leave. Alexandria, call me, or I will be on the first flight out there. Beep.

Alex, babe, I am so sorry I lost it yesterday. You mean so much to me. I had just found out that you and that patient at the doctor’s office had met before, when he crashed into my car. Then he’s flirting with you. Then that doctor has his hands on you. I lost it. I am sorry. I would never do that again. Baby, please call me. Beep.

Alexandria, he is a dead man. The couple from last night came into the doc’s office to see how you were doing, and were still there when I came in. They told me what happened. I am on my way. Why didn’t you call me? I would have made sure you were okay. I need to see you. I need to know you are all right. Please call me. Beep.

“So I get that was the prick and the one doctor, but who is the other guy calling you, sounding worried?”

I smiled hearing from him. I missed him more than I should, but there was something there even if we couldn’t be together.

“That was Max McCain. He was the guy that rear-ended me the other day like Trevor had said. It was by coincidence that he had an appointment two days later where I was just hired. We hardly spoke to each other, but I like him.”

“And it is obvious he likes you. What does he do?”

“It doesn’t matter. We are not going to be a couple anyway. He is way out of my league. His family comes from old money down in Texas.”

“So he is just some rich boy with nothing to do but flirt with young girls.”

“No. Actually, he runs a billion-dollar corporation according to the information I read on Google, and he just turned twenty-nine. Like I said, it doesn’t matter anyway—we don’t have a relationship.”

He thankfully dropped the subject. My eyes were near tears at the thought of never seeing him again in person because I knew that I would probably be in line at the grocery store and see him wrapped around a beautiful woman.

When we got to the house, no one was home. My mom was a teacher, while my dad was a detective with the CPD. Today was his day off, but my mom had class.

“Sweetie, your mother prepared your old room. Go upstairs and get some rest. Your mother should be home soon, and I will tell her before she sees you. Okay?”

I hugged my dad and whispered, “Thank you, Daddy.”

“I love you, pumpkin. Now get some rest. I am sure you could use it.”

I went up to my old room and sure enough, my sheets smelled like they were just out of the dryer. My mom had always been like a supermom. She’d cooked dinner after work, graded papers, helped me with my homework, and still managed to clean the house.

As soon as I put my head down on my pillow, my exhaustion hit me full force. I was out before I knew it.

BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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