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Authors: C.M. Steele

Conquering Alexandria

BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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Conquering Alexandria

C.M. Steele

Copyright © 2014 C. M. Steele

All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1—Max

I’m running late for my meeting, and seriously, this traffic is shit. What’s the point of a damn speed limit when you never got even near it and the cars in front of you are driving twenty below it?
Dallas traffic was a nightmare. It didn’t make a difference if it was four lanes or you were stuck in one; someone would slow that shit down. I had to get the fuck out of this traffic, or I wasn’t going to make it to my meeting on time. I called my assistant to see what could be done without me. I was really concerned about the date I had tonight; her flight left at ten. Well, it really wasn’t a date. There would be no dinner—just a hotel room and Kendall bent over and taking it hard. She was going to be my first hookup in a long dry spell.

I was getting bored with the women I was meeting and the fucks weren’t as good as they used to be, so I put the pussy on hold for the last three months. It seemed like forever since I dipped my cock in a nice warm pussy. My dick was only getting my hand action, and that was getting stale fast. I needed a piece of grade-A ass, but I would settle for just a decent screw. I was sure there were some women I’d fucked in the past that would like a recap, but I didn’t want to give them the idea that I’d actually missed their asses because I sure the hell didn’t. I just needed my dick buried in a cunt, and fuck if I was going to pay for it. I don’t do prostitutes, which is contradictory since the ones I bent over were out to get a present or spend my money, but fuck it—I have standards; they were lucky if I bought them dinner. My usual was leggy blondes with a desire to be fucked on their knees. I am the stereotypical playboy.  I don’t have a heart, and I don’t want one. If it wasn’t for my fucked-up vision, my life would be fucking perfect.

Fucking yeah!
Traffic was finally moving. I sped up until I had smacked my brand new Mercedes right into the back of a car. Damn. I was so busy with my thoughts of slamming that chick from behind that I hadn’t seen the car in front of me hit their brakes. This was not what I needed. I had a date with Kendall
and damn it, she was ready to put out. Fuck! 

This was my third accident this year. It was because of these accidents that I was finally going to get laser surgery on my eyes. I wasn’t looking forward to this shit, but I was liable to kill a motherfucker in my next accident. I was told the laser procedure was pretty safe, and I finally caved in to get it done.

Luckily they had all been fender benders, and I had a great lawyer because once they found out who I was, they faked injuries that they didn’t have. I started demanding a visit to the ER right after each incident.

I think I might be booted from my insurance company, and they might refuse to fix my latest fuck up. Well, fuck them. I would just get a new one.

Thankfully we were on the lane closest to the barrier. We both pulled to the side, and I got out of the car to make sure the person was not hurt. I walked over to the now dented, maybe previously dented piece of junk to check on the driver and the damage. Before I reached the car door, it opened, and all I saw was a pair of sexy-ass legs. I looked farther up, and it just kept getting better and better. By the time I made it past those large breasts, I was taken aback by a face that had sexy innocent written all over it.  I wish I had gotten my surgery already. Then again, I was glad I didn’t because I wouldn’t have crashed into her. I was hit with instant lust and something else that had my heart acting like a circus act.

“Hello, miss, are you all right?” I looked at the shaken-up young woman who looked like she might cry.

“I am sorry, miss. I was so anxious for traffic to move that I hadn’t been paying attention to my speed. Are you okay?” Normally a woman’s tears meant shit to me unless it was my mom or Kara, but this girl was fucking with me in ways I didn’t know possible, and I didn’t want to see her cry.

“Yes, sir.” Damn if my dick didn’t jump at that. She was not very tall. I would say five six and brunette with tiger-like hazel eyes.

“Well, let me call a tow truck to pick up the cars,” I said, as I had my phone in my hand dialing it up.

“But it’s still drivable. I will just take it to my boyfriend, who has a cousin who works on cars. We don’t need a tow truck for my car. I will give you the insurance information, but we don’t need a tow truck.” What the hell did she have against getting a tow truck? I thought about it for a moment. She was young with a beat-up ride—maybe she didn’t have money for a tow. Didn’t she realize it was my fault for the accident?

“I’ll get the insurance information and I will be right back.” She started toward her car, and I stopped her by gripping her arm and turning her to face an angry me. 

“Little girl, I said I will do it.” I was fucking ticked off because she had a boyfriend. I turned to call my guy to come and pick us up, and then I called for a tow. The whole time I was on the phone, I was thinking of ways for her to lose the boyfriend.

“Miss, the tow truck will be here shortly as well as someone to take us where we need to go.” She looked like I had lost my shit. When I gave people orders, I expected them to be followed. Normally they were followed, but this one obviously didn’t know who I was.

“Sir, I can’t go in a car with you. I don’t even know you. You could be a serial killer who fakes accidents to lure in their prey.” Damn, the girl watched too many of those crime shows. I chuckled. She was a smart cookie; she didn’t take in the wealth as meaning a good person.

“I am no serial killer. My name is Max McCain.” Nope, she seemed to have never heard of me. Good.

“Do you mind telling me your name, miss?” I wondered what the pretty girl’s name was. She was attractive from what I could tell even with my blurry vision.

“It’s Alex Davis.” She blushed like saying her name brought her discomfort. It was a cute name to match a cute girl.

“Is it Alexandra or Alexis?” I don’t know why I cared so much. I was sure I just wanted to hit it and leave. I didn’t usually give a shit what their names were.

“It’s actually Alexandria. My mother thought it was a very pretty name.” She blushed again, embarrassed by the revelation. Although I wasn’t really sure why. I liked it better than Alex.

“I think she had the right idea. It suits your beauty so well.”

I received another blush, and I was glad my vision wasn’t perfect or I would be embarrassing myself. With my poor vision, she was luminous. If my vision was corrected already
I didn’t know how I could stop from owning her body this instant.

“So what do you do, Alexandria?” What was wrong with me? What the fuck did I care what she did?
Seriously, get it together, Max
. This drought was getting to me.

“I just finished school and just got my first job, which starts tomorrow. But don’t worry, I have insurance on my car. Actually, it’s my boyfriend’s car, and he is going to be mad.” She looked nervous, and I guessed maybe he didn’t have much money either.

“Pretty girl, don’t worry. It was my fault, and I will take care of it. You don’t have to worry that he will be angry with you. I will deal with everything. Okay?” She actually seemed extra nervous. What the hell? What did that fuck do to her to make her afraid of him?

“He doesn’t hit you, does he?” I would bury him. I might be an asshole to the women I fuck, but I would never hit them.

“No, it’s just… he yells sometimes.” My pretty princess was afraid. “Ooh… I don’t know why I am telling you this.” Now I wanted to belt this fucker.

My normal driver approached. “Marcus, we will be taking Miss Davis wherever she would like to go.” He looked at me like he usually did when I got into a fender bender. I couldn’t see so well close up, and I got grief from everyone about it, even my driver. I was going Friday; maybe they would get off my back about it.

The tow truck pulled up, and my beauty’s eyes widened. It was obvious she knew the driver. He looked to be about my height, with brownish blonde hair, and built. I hoped to hell this wasn’t the boyfriend. I was trying to get to know pretty little Alexandria, and this fuck was going to get in the way.

“Alex, what happened?” He walked up to her and, in my opinion, all up in her personal space.

“I thought you were at a job interview today,” he continued, and I wondered if this was the boyfriend.

“Riley, I was on my way back from the interview, and traffic had been backed up when we ran into each other.” She looked over at me.

“Is this your boyfriend?” The tone in my voice was not a happy one, almost accusatory in tone.

“No, I’m not. My cousin Trevor is. Are you the jerk who ran into her?”

“There are plenty of tow truck companies in the area. If you have a problem with me, I will take my business elsewhere.” Tow boy here must have realized who I was
or the fact that it was a Mercedes that needed to be towed. 

“No, sir. I’m just looking out for my cousin’s girl.” This Riley character sounded not happy to say she belonged to his cousin. I wondered if he had a thing for her or if he didn’t think the boyfriend was worthy of her. Good—divide and conquer.

“That is good of you. Well, take both cars, and I will give Miss Davis a ride to her destination.” I didn’t want to let her go yet, and I sure as hell didn’t want her to leave with him.

“No, thank you, Mr. McCain. I’ll just go with Riley, but thank you for the offer.” Damn it, why did she keep refusing me? Fine—she wanted to play the game? I would too. I didn’t care if she had a boyfriend; I wanted her. I would have her, end of story. I asked for her contact and insurance information just to give myself a reason to see her again. I knew that I could have just left it up to the insurance companies, but I wanted to handle this personally. After the procedure on Friday, I was going to get more information on her.

“Miss Davis, please be safe, and I’m sorry to have ruined your day. Are you sure that I cannot take you to the hospital to make sure you’re okay?” The thought of her being hurt didn’t sit well with me. I wasn’t even concerned about her trying to claim injury later. I was just interested in making sure she would be all right, and I wanted to see her as much as I could, should Friday’s procedure not go well, and I go blind.

“Mr. McCain…”

I stopped her right there. “It’s Max.”

“Max, I am fine. Thank you for your concern. Don’t worry, I won’t sue for injury. It was a just a little tap.” She smiled, and I wanted to carry her away from here and do wicked, dirty little things to that body.

“Fine then, Miss Davis. Please let me know if there are any expenses incurred from the accident, and I will handle it.” I walked back to my waiting car as the tow truck driver had attached both cars to his rig.  I turned to get one last glance and was greeted to the lovely Miss Davis looking back at me.

I arrived to my appointment only an hour late, and it was a fast meeting. I was surprisingly out of the meeting before my date with Kendall. I got dressed in my office, and yet I had no desire to go and see her.

“Hello, Kendall, this is Max.”

“Of course it’s you. Are you going to be able to make it for our date tonight?”  She was a sexy little morsel I’d met at a party in L.A. last week. I should want to fuck her until she couldn’t walk, but all I could think about was my little fender bender cutie. She had a boyfriend that she probably lived with. I should take Kendall out and do her, but it felt wrong. What the fuck?!  Alexandria was suddenly all I had a taste for, and I would have to figure out how to get her away from her boyfriend, at least for one night. That should slake my lust. I never poached on another man’s pussy, but I wanted her, and hell if I was going to be denied.

“Kendall, I can’t make it tonight actually. I am still in my meeting and only came out to call you. When are you in town next?”

“I have no plans to come back to Dallas. You missed your opportunity. I don’t get tossed to the side for a meeting. Seriously, I have others that want me. Your loss, stud.”

“That’s fine.”

“That’s fine? I thought we had something special. Why would you throw that away?”

“There was nothing special between us. I just wanted a quick fuck, and that is what you offered. I didn’t offer anything more.”

“That’s all I am to you? I thought you wanted to marry me.” This chick was bat-shit crazy. We met a week ago. What made her think I wanted to marry her? We hadn’t even fucked yet.

“Marry you? I don’t want to marry anyone, let alone a woman I wouldn’t introduce to my parents.”

“I can’t believe this!” She was just like all those women. They always wanted more than I offered.

“Well, believe it.” I was pissed and about to hang up when she hung up the phone on me. Oh well—I had my sights set on Alexandria.


BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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