Conquering Alexandria (6 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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"Sorry, babe. I just want a chocolate cone, please." I paid for our ice cream, and I understood why she couldn't finish it—it was big.

"Does your mom want anything?"

"No, she doesn't like ice cream from the truck. She always tells me that we could make that at home, plus she is a fan of the strawberry shortcakes that they don't have here."

"Okay." We walked back to the front of her house and sat on the front stoop.

"So tell me, were you one of those kids that chased down the ice cream truck like they show in the movies?"

"Sometimes. It would take a long time to get my money out of my piggy bank." She took a bite of the split, making sure to get a variety of the flavors on the spoon. I have to say it looked really good. I must have been staring at it too long because she held up a spoonful for me to taste. I took the offering, savoring the flavor, then I bent in a little further and stole a kiss.

Once we finished our ice cream, we washed our hands and came back outside to relax.

It was about an hour into our conversation that her mother came out to ask if I was staying for dinner.

"I can't pass up food, ma'am, but don't you have work to do? Alexandria and I can cook if you would like."

"No, that’s okay. I am used to setting and forgetting it. I can work and cook at the same time."

"Yes, but you shouldn't have to. Come, baby, let's go and help your mom."

I watched as she gave her daughter a wink. I was getting in good with her mom. Good. I needed them on my side when I got her to agree to marry me. It seems sudden, but I had met the woman I wanted to spend forever with, so why waste time?

"I am making pot roast tonight with potatoes, carrots, and a salad. Is that good for you?"

"That is great. I haven’t had that in a while. My mother moved to Florida with my father, and I don’t get a lot of time to cook for myself. Thank you."

Alexandria and I went into full cooking mode while her mother returned to grading papers. Once she got done with the last paper, the three of us socialized about nothing and everything all at once.

Chapter 8—Alexandria

Oh my God, it had been a wonderful day with Max. I had a lot of fun just talking to him. The kisses did help a bit, but it was the way he was so attentive and interested in me. Dinner was just us three because my father was still at work. It was entertaining as Max talked about growing up with his big brother William.

When it was time for him to go, he gave me a few more kisses and told me he would be back by tomorrow morning and that he had a date with my father at eleven, so I would have to find something else to do with my time.

"What should I do?"

"I don't know. I am sure that by the time your dad and I are done, we'll be hungry so you could cook for us."

"Really nice try, handsome, but I am not your servant."

"Hey, baby, you asked. I am just being honest.”

It was then that we made out in front of the house for ten minutes before he left.

When I got in the house, my mother was waiting to grill me.

"So you and the hot shot. He is really nice looking, smart, funny, and couldn't keep his eyes off of you, but I want you to be careful."

"I will, Mom. He has been something else. We didn't get to talk about Dallas, but he wants me to go back. He is claiming that he wants to marry me."

"Does he, now? Wow, that would be good if this act he has is real. Your father will find out tomorrow. When I talked to him earlier, he told me all about Max beating Trevor’s ass. Try and get some rest because I don't think that guy is going to give up, and he probably has a timetable to convince you to come down to Dallas with him."

"I have been thinking about it. I could still keep my old job, according to Dr. Phelps. I won't have a place to stay, though. I have to see if my place is still available. Max says his cousin is staying at his place right now. She had a really bad break up too and is staying at Max’s trying to get over it. Apparently she and the guy lived together, and he cheated on her."

"Well, that is nice of Max."

"Yeah, well, he says she is really nice and that I would like her.” I was so anxious to see him that I wanted to go to bed. “Well I’m going to bed. I am sleepy."

"Okay, I love you, Alexandria." I gave my mom a hug and went up to my old room to shower and hit the bed.

Thankfully it didn’t take me long, and I was out fast. I dreamed of him all night. It was sweet and romantic, but it turned south before I woke up. I was near tears as I shook off the sleep.

I needed some coffee. I wasn’t human without it. I was barely pouring my first cup when the doorbell rang. I walked to the door, and there he was smiling brightly at me as though he slept perfectly.

"Good morning, beautiful. I missed you like crazy last night."

"Good morning to you too. Come on in. I was just pouring some coffee. It seems you are a chipper fellow early in the morning. It's only eight thirty," I practically growled. I was not a morning person.


"What does that mean?" I said with a snotty attitude.

"I was just making sure to note that you are definitely not a morning person. But I do have to say you look hot when you wake up, and I am sad that I missed it. Soon, though—I don't plan on missing that ever again."

I got all giddy when he mentioned the future, but I hid that reaction from him. He did not have a track record of staying power.

"So what do you want to do today, after you make me lunch, of course?"

I nearly kicked him in his shins, but he moved to the side and laughed. "I told you your expectations are set too high."

"I don't need you to cook for me, Alexandria, but I noticed the light in your eyes when you do. Do you really enjoy cooking, or is it just because I am here?"

"Settle your ego down. I really do like cooking. It’s something I cannot get enough of.  I guess it’s because I like food so much."

"So why did you not become a chef?"

"It was not the career that pays right away. I needed to make something of myself. I don't have time to let fantasies invade."

"Seriously, babe, I have learned that if you want something, you should go for it, especially if it is going to make you really happy."

"I will tell you that you are having dinner with me, alone in my hotel room, tonight," he said before brushing his lips lightly against mine.

"Oh really."

"Yes, really. I want some alone time with the woman who has captivated me, completely."

I was melting where I stood. I was glad I was on a shaving mission last night. I wanted not only dinner tonight, but dessert as well, and I was sure he did too.

We spoke for a while longer before my mom walked into the room.

"Good morning, Mrs. Davis."

"You are here quite early. What did you do, sleep on our front steps?"

"No. I’m sure your husband would have kicked me off the porch when he got home. But you won’t be seeing me tonight, or Alexandria for that matter. I am stealing her away for a night out."

"Fantastic! She deserves to have a good time."

It was an hour later after watching the rest of the WGN morning news that my dad came in from his sleep.

"Ah, my wife said you invaded our house at the crack of dawn. I am going to get some breakfast, then we can have a nice long talk."

"Yes, sir," Max said with the respect my father was due. It was funny for a powerful and domineering man as Max, he was respectful and kind to both of my parents
and I truly appreciated it because they meant the world to me. I was nervous that things wouldn't work out and that my dad and Max wouldn't get along. I don't know how many boyfriends my father sent packing over the years, but there had been a lot, and that was what my dream was about. My father did his usual, and Max went running in the opposite direction. I certainly hoped not. I wanted him to want me enough to stay.

“Baby, calm down. You seem really nervous. Is this his protocol? Did he scare away your other boyfriends?”

I barely nodded.

“You have nothing to be concerned about. I am a man, not some little boy. I am not going back to Texas without you.” He did his usual and took my mouth with his, and I was in my little world of Max. My body ached as our mouths met. It was like I was in a state of perpetual heat around this man.

“Enough, young lady. Lover boy, come on. It’s time,” my dad said gruffly when he walked in to the room. I flushed in embarrassment, and all Max did was shrug his shoulders.

Chapter 9—Max

I walked down to the basement after her father, and I immediately knew that this was his tactic with the other boys, but like I told Alexandria—I was a man, and I was intimidated by no man. I was the one who did the intimidating.

"Mr. McCain, have a seat."

I sat only because I wasn't going to be confrontational yet. I was going to have Alexandria as my wife, and there was no doubt about that. Detective Davis here wasn't going to stop me. He stopped for a moment, and then he excused himself. He was gone for about five minutes. I thought he was using his time away as a tactic. When he finally returned, he looked different. His coloring had paled, and he was sweating.

"Are you all right?" He blatantly ignored my question and started his line of questioning.

"So what are your intentions with my little girl?" He wasn't as stern as I thought he was going to be. I wondered if it was because he was not feeling well.

"I intend to marry her." I stated my case right away.

"That's moving fast, if you ask me. She just broke up with that bastard." His words were not as strong as they should have been, and I was starting to worry.

"I don't care. I am not working on his schedule. I have already told Alexandria what I want from this relationship, and she said the same thing to me too. I am a business man, and I am not used to waiting for something I know I have to have." I was sure of my course and wanted to get a move on already.

"Are you sure that as soon as you had your fill of my daughter, you aren't going to ditch her?" he added, full of accusation.

"I am not going anywhere. I want your daughter for the rest of my life, so the only way I plan on ditching her is when I die."

"Are you in love with her?" he asked, and I answered truthfully and with ease.

"Yes." I was sure that the insanity that was engulfing me and the happiness that consumed me had to be love.

"Good." I could hear the relief in his voice.

"Just so you know, I plan on marrying her soon. I am not planning to wait a year when I am absolutely sure of what I want."

"How soon are you talking about? You have only known her what

a week or two." As much as his words said he was against it, there was no conviction behind them.

"Almost two, and I will give her another week of dating back in Dallas before I propose."

"If you ever make her unhappy, I will destroy you. You do understand that, right?"

"I understand that you are her father and are looking out for her best interest, and so am I. I will always make her happy."

That was the end of our battle of the wills, if you could call it that. Then he asked me about the ex. I didn’t tell him everything because he was a cop, but I did let him know that I whooped the pussy's ass.

Now it was time claim my woman. I was going to look into this matter. I wondered if Alexandria knew her father was sick. When we walked out of the room, he stopped me and said, "Don’t tell them that I am unwell. I think I am coming down with a stomach bug, and I don’t want my family to be concerned.”

If he thought I bought that shit, he was mistaken. I would play along, but I was going to get to the truth.

I loved his daughter, and I wanted to make it work with her. I didn't want to keep it a secret, but if it was bad, I didn’t want Alexandria to be upset. "Hey, baby, how are you doing?"

"I’m fine, Max. What happened?"

"Nothing much, except we came to an understanding." I pulled her into my arms and added, "So do you want to go for walk in the city? Maybe we could go downtown and you could take me sightseeing."

"I want to go to the zoo. I haven't been in a long time, if that is okay with you?"

"Of course, woman. Whatever you want."

We left the house and headed out to the Brookfield Zoo. We had a good time because she lit up with every animal we saw, and every small child in a stroller made her coo. Good, because I had every intention of putting my baby in her belly when we got married. If she wasn’t on birth control, she would be getting bred tonight.

Before we left the zoo, she had to use the restroom, and it was perfect because I had to make a call to my brother's neighbor. I tried Ryan Elliot's company number because I didn't have his new number. Jake, his main man, answered the phone, and I gave him a quick rundown of what I needed.

"Hey, man, I need you to look into the medical records of Detective Jack Davis with the Chicago PD. He is keeping a secret about his health from his family. I want to know that he is going to be around to walk his daughter down the aisle."

"Will do. I will get back to you in two days or less."


I hung up the phone after giving him all the details I had, including their address. It was perfect timing because Alexandria walked out the moment I hung up the phone.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Yes. My assistant just had a question."

It was time to take her to the hotel. Somehow, that didn't seem right. She was going to be my wife, and fucking her in a hotel was not a good thing. I had a change of plans.

"Hey, babe, I was thinking that we should head out to Dallas tomorrow."

"Why so soon?"

"Well, because I have work
and I want you to feel comfortable again down there. How about we go to dinner, and then we go back to your house and you get ready?"

"Am I getting a choice, or is this where you suggest, but it is really an order disguised as a question."

"Oh, sweetheart, you are learning."

"So we are going to eat in your hotel room?"

"No, I changed my mind. I want to take you to a nice place in the city. Let me know which place you would prefer."

"I have a taste for tacos, so how about a trip to Pilsen and have dinner there? I don't think you will like the neighborhood, but then again, that is why you got that behemoth of a driver up front."

"Yes, that is true. Is it that bad?"

"No, it's not. It’s just crowded, but there are several restaurants there that I like."

Fine. I was going to stop wherever she wanted, but I was going to make sure I took some Tums before I went to bed tonight.

"That will work." I told my guy, and he put it in his GPS. We were there in about twenty minutes, and she wasn't kidding—it was packed as hell. But she was right. The food was fantastic. We ate until we could not eat any more. I put her into the back of the car, and we headed to her parents’. I stole touches and kisses as we drove on and spoke about the plans for tomorrow. While we had waited for our food, I arranged for the jet to be ready to go. We were leaving first thing in the morning because I wanted her in my bed that night.

We walked into her parents’ house, and it was clear her mother had been crying.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, sweetie. We were just talking about the past, and I got emotional," her mother said, but I could tell she was lying.

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