Conquering Alexandria (10 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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Chapter 14—Alexandria

This week had been hard to handle. I didn’t know that when I came home so full of joy, that it would be shattered in a moment. I knew that he was getting better and there was hope that they could get my dad cancer free, but it still was scary. Max had been incredible throughout this whole time. I loved him so much. He had been so supportive even though I knew he had to go back to work and had been delaying it because of me. I wanted to surprise him. I left my mom to look after Dad while I went looking for my man who had been working in the basement.

What I hadn’t expected was to hear that he knew all about my dad being sick. I couldn’t believe he lied to me again. He asked me to trust him, and he broke that. I didn’t mean to push him away again, but I didn’t know how to handle the pain at his deception.

When I finally went upstairs, I expected him to be there, but my mom said he walked out the door and drove off in the rental. At the time I thought it good a thing, but as the day wore on and he didn’t call, I wanted to cry and it made me angrier at him.

My dad came out of his room after my mom told him that Max and I had a fight.

“Alex, come and sit down. What happened between you two?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Lexi, dear, tell me.”

“He knew the whole time, and you covered for him. He told me he wouldn’t keep anything from me.” I was in tears.

“I didn’t cover for him. He covered for me. Sweetheart. He didn’t know right away. When I met with him, he knew I was feeling sick, and I told him not to say a thing, that I just had a stomach bug. He actually found out by himself and contacted me about it. He was angry that I refused to tell you. He told me that if I didn’t tell you, he would. It wasn’t his choice not to tell you.”

“What? He tried to tell me?” I was feeling like such a bitch. He had done what my father asked and had demanded that he tell me. He has been nothing but supportive.

I excused myself and went back to our bed and laid down, suddenly so tired. I was so sleepy lately and passed out with ease. I woke up the next morning at 3 am and saw that I missed his call again.  There was no voicemail. Then I saw my phone has a text; it was Patricia.

What did I tell you about hurting him? You are lucky the man is in love with you or he would be taking a woman to his bed tonight. If you get some sense, your man is at the Fairmont room 403.

It hadn’t dawned on me that he would find someone else. I rushed out of the house without even getting my coffee. If he had some bitch with him, I would kill him.

I got to the Fairmont, and I snuck up to his room and started pounding on the door like a crazy person. I was hurting, afraid that I pushed him away, and he had said I wouldn’t like the consequences. It took him a long time to open the door, but when he did, I ran in looking for a bitch who wanted to die. I noticed the messed-up bed. So, I went searching, and there was no one in the room.

“Alexandria, what are you doing?”

“Looking for the bitch you picked up last night.”

“I sent her packing.” I ran up and struck him across the face.

“How could you!? Was that my consequences?” My tears were pouring down my face. I started pounding on his chest, and he stopped me.

“Woman, please calm down. I didn’t have a woman up here.” He pushed away from me and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I was confused. I sat there stewing in my own thoughts while he took a shower. It seemed like forever before he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“What are you doing here, Alexandria?” He sounded pissed that I came.

“I came to see if you were cheating on me.”

“Well, I wasn’t. There was a bitch that approached me at the bar last night after I tried calling my fiancée who refused to answer or return my calls, but I told her to move along. Right now, I am not sure that was the right move. Now that you know I am not cheating, you can go.”

I stood up and felt my world crumble. He was making me leave. I reached for the ring on my finger and started to slide it off. Before I knew it, he was on me.

“Don’t you fucking dare take that ring off, unless you plan on making it permanent,” he growled and stepped back to see what I would do.

“I don’t understand. You are telling me to leave, and yet you don’t want me to take off the ring.”

“Good. Now you understand some of the shit you put me through, yesterday. You sent me packing without letting me explain, made me feel like an asshole, refused to take my calls, and then have the nerve to come here thinking I would betray you. You said you only came here because you thought I would fuck another woman, like what we have means nothing to me. I have done nothing but treat you like a fucking princess, giving you more of me than I could have ever given anyone else. I told you I loved you, and I meant it. Yet, you keep pushing me away.”

“I am sorry,” I cried. “Please don’t leave me.”

“Go take a shower.” Okay, I would do whatever he asked if he could forgive me for losing it completely. I turned and started walking to the front door.

“Where the fuck are you going?” he said gruffly.

“I am going home to take a shower.”

“Get in that fucking shower over there right now,” he roared, and I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I was fucking turned on like a cat in heat right now.

I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I washed up and hoped that we could get past this. Once I finished, I walked out in my towel, and he was standing there like a solid wall of delicious muscle wearing only his boxers.

“Stand right there.” I stopped in place and waited.

“We are going to get some shit straight, and then I am going to teach you a lesson. Okay?” I nodded, and he continued.

“I didn’t want to keep it from you, but as your father, I respected him enough to honor his wishes.”

“I know. I am sorry. I should have not pushed you away.”

“You had a right to be angry, but since you heard my conversation, you knew that I didn’t want you upset, yet you didn’t even wait to see why I would keep something like that from you. Your father has known for four months. I have known six weeks and only because I stuck my nose in his business. I told you I would do all I had to do to protect you, and this was it. I am not only protecting you from physical, but also from emotional harm which includes being unfaithful. You need to trust in that.”

“Can you do that? Because I cannot go through this again.”

“Yes. I am sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am.”

“Well, you are going to prove it,” he said as he walked up to me.

Chapter 15—Max

“I had been through hell and back in the last day. I don’t expect that to happen again.”

“I won’t do that again. I promise.” I really didn’t want to punish her. She was somewhat justified in her anger, and hell if I wouldn’t have knocked down the hotel door well before now and murdered a motherfucker if I thought she was with someone else.

My cock was getting harder and harder by the moment as she begged for my forgiveness. I reached behind her to the bathroom door where the hotel robe was hanging. I pulled the belt from it and came up behind her and pushed her hair to the side. “You belong to me. I am taking what is mine. I told you there were consequences.” I bit down on her neck and sucked hard, instantly leaving my mark. She moaned with pleasure and pain.

“See, this is what is going to happen. I am going to fuck you every different way, and you are not to come until I tell you to.” She gasped, upset. “You don’t like that, do you? See, I need to see if I can trust you. If you try to come before I tell you, I will spank you hard. Understand?” I pulled the towel off her body, reached around, and slipped my finger in her wet pussy, testing her readiness for me. She did not let me down; she was drenched.

I tied her hands behind her back with the robe belt and walked her to the edge of the bed. After taking off my boxers, I sat down and pushed her onto her knees.

“Suck.” I pulled her hair lightly as she took my cock into her hot mouth. “Look at me.” She obliged as she moved up and down my cock. “Good girl.” She continued to suck on me until I came hard down her throat. I didn’t give her any warning either because she needed to know that I was close on her own. She licked her lips to get the last of my seed. She was liking this punishment too much. We would see in a little while when I actually deny her pleasure.

She liked getting punished for being a bad girl. I think I created a monster that day after Kendall’s attack. We added spanking to her punishments, but only after I offloaded in her mouth. I don’t know how many times this month that we fucked; it was a hell of a lot more than we made love. It was raunchy and hard all the time. She had bought outfits to wear for me and they never made it five minutes.

I lifted her up and onto her knees on the edge of the bed as I lay back, placing her pussy right above me, and told her to sit on my face. I ate the fuck out of her honeyed pink lips and sucked on her clit. I could feel her walls stiffening, so I lifted her up and off of me and climbed behind her. I waited until she calmed down before I rubbed my always-hard cock against her clit and slid my cock in. I used the belted hands as my leverage as I pounded into her. She started to moan hard and shake with pleasure, so I pulled out again. I did this for the next half hour; every time she was close, I pulled out. She was damn near tears at my teasing, and I couldn’t be too cruel on her ass anymore. I undid the belt and rubbed her arms before lying her on her back and kissing her lips that had been neglected the whole time she had been there.

“Now, babe, it’s time to make you come hard.” I pushed into her walls, and she had been so ready to release that she came in moments. I had not come since the first time, so I followed my woman down.

“Max, I am really sorry. Tell me you are not going to leave me,” she said with tears in her throat.

“Baby, enough with the sorry. We both had reasons to be sorry, but this little punishment was to teach you that I mean what I say. I don’t want to fight about this again.”

I helped her into the bathroom, and we made love as we showered. Finally we checked out of the hotel and headed back to her parents.  Over the next two days, it was clear her father was doing better, and when we left, our relationship grew.

We had been home for a few days when Alexandria started feeling sick. I was worried and wanted her to see a doctor, but she talked me out of it. It was another three days of her feeling awful before I took her to the doctor who was dually boarded in Family medicine and OB/GYN.

“Hello, Alex, how are you today?” I wanted to smack the fuck out of him. She was sick—what the fuck does he think she is going to say?

“I am feeling nauseous all the time. I am super sleepy, my body aches, and I have been getting dizzy.” She looked guiltily at me because she’d failed to tell me all of that.

“Could you give me a urine sample?” the doctor asked as he handed her a little cup. She and the doctor left the room, and she came back after giving the nurse the sample.

The doctor came back two minutes later. “It is as I expected. It seems you are pregnant.” I was fucking shocked. Elated, but shocked.

“You look confused, Alex. If you are using birth control, it is not always effective, especially if you forget to take it even one time.”

“Thank you, doc,” I said with a smile. He left us for a moment to talk, and I turned her to look at me.

“Are you mad at me?” she said apprehensively.

“Only if you don’t want our baby,” I grunted.

“Of course I want our baby,” she said like she thought I was crazy. Then she smiled and rubbed her flat belly. I had to touch it too.

When the doctor came back in, he did an examination on her and told us that she was somewhere between eight to ten weeks. He was able to verify it by listening to the baby’s rapid heartbeat on some sort of listening device. I wondered if it was from our first time. It didn’t matter either way—I was about to be a father. As soon as we left the doctor’s office, we called our parents. Both families were thrilled.

It was her dad that told me that we needed to speed up the wedding. Good. I was all for it. I called my brother, and with his and Patricia’s help, we had the wedding put together in a week. We called up Kara and Ben and asked them to join us for dinner so she could ask Kara to be her maid of honor and maybe to get Ben’s sisters as the other bridesmaids. What my girl failed to mention to me was that her friends back in Chicago were all male. I knew why she didn’t tell me because I would have gotten completely pissed. I nipped that shit in the bud anyway because unless they preferred the dick, she was done with them. 

We flew her family down and all gathered at our rushed, but beautiful wedding. The wonderful thing was that Jack was able to walk his daughter down the aisle to me. As we got ready that morning in the hotel we had all our guests at, Jack and I had a private discussion.

“Max, I want to have a word with you,” he said to me solemnly.

“Sure. Let us go in here.” We walked into the other bedroom in the suite. 

“What’s up, Jack?” I had a feeling he was going to chew me out for knocking up his little girl, but I was wrong.

“I wanted to thank you. Not only for loving my little girl, but for giving me more time with both of my girls. If it had not been for the special treatment program, the cancer would have progressed. I know you think you are not a good man, but you are to me.”

“Your daughter made me that way. It’s because of her that I haven’t been so angry and unforgiving anymore.” We shared a manly hug, and then there was a knock at the door telling us it was time.

I stood at the altar waiting for my Alexandria, and I was sweating. I wasn’t afraid of marrying her, I was afraid she would change her mind. It was stupid to think that way, but I would feel better once she says I do.

The music started to play, and the doors opened. My Alexandria was stunning on her father’s arm. She was clearly happy as she met my eyes.

When they reached the altar, the priest asked, “Who gives away this bride?”

“I do,” Jack said, full of pride.

I shook his hand and pulled him into a hug, whispering in his ear, “Thank you for her.” He smiled at me and took his seat. She whispered, “I love you,” as we turned to the priest.

The ceremony was really fast, and before I knew it, I was told to kiss the bride. I looked down at her and smiled, and before kissing my wife, I whispered, “I love you, Mrs. McCain.”

When it was time for the reception, all I could think about was getting her out of that tight dress and playing with her belly before burying myself in her. It was time for our first dance, and I took her in my arms. “Oh, Max, I feel like a princess.” She was glowing with happiness.

“That is because you are. You are my princess. Alexandria, you look so amazing and hot. I can’t wait to take you to our room and do dirty things to you.”

She giggled, but added saucily, “I know. Those eyes are a dead giveaway. Hunger is written all over them.”  I had to kiss her. She had told me since we met how hot she thought I was and how sexy my eyes were. Sometimes I found it hard to believe, but then she told me what she had thought of my eyes when we first met, and she was dead right.

It was time for her dad to steal her from me; I guessed it was fair because I stole her from him for forever. The least I could give him was one dance. I took my mother in my arms and twirled her around the floor for our dance.

“You did good, son. She is a doll.” She looked over at my woman who was talking to Evelyn, Ben’s little sister.

“I know, Mom. I love her so much.”

“I can’t wait to meet my little grandbaby. Now your brother needs to find a good girl to marry.” Uh-oh. I was going to have to warn him that he was going to be bombarded. I looked for my brother, and there he was dancing with Ben’s lovely sister, Christine.

After I warned my brother, I looked for my bride. Once I found her, I didn’t let her out of my sight the rest of the night. We only danced to the slow songs because she was still nauseous, which was good because I got to hold her close and rub my erection on her almost the whole night.

We didn’t get to take a honeymoon right away because I had already been away from the office for so long that I was backed up. Since she was suffering from morning sickness, we waited until she was over it and took a trip to Greece for a week, then stopped to visit her family. It was sexy as hell to watch her walk around on our own private beach in a bikini. Her little baby bump was showing, and I would just sit on the veranda and watch her walk along the beach. We had a great time, and I promised I would take her there again one day.

The moment we got to her parents’ house, it was pandemonium. Her mother was all over her, rubbing her belly every chance she got. Her dad was thrilled too, but he wasn’t all gushy like the women. I didn’t see her most of the time we were visiting. She was out with her mother visiting her mother’s friends, and I swear this baby was going to have more clothes than it could wear. They shopped every day for the little one. That left me with Jack and Dean. I started to like him better as time went on, especially since he found his own girl.

By the time we got back to Dallas, we were both beat. I went back to work, and she started making room for the baby. Time flew as we waited for the baby to come. We made love as often as possible even when we were both tired. I couldn’t help it. I got more and more turned on as her belly grew. As she grew rounder, we grew as a couple, and so did our love. I didn’t think I could love life more than I did now, yet, I knew the best was still to come.

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