Conquering Alexandria (9 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Conquering Alexandria
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Chapter 12—Max

I was fucking frustrated and paced back and forth through the living room. She had been attacked by the stupid broad I was going to hook up with. I wanted to cut off my dick for being so fucked in the head. I should have picked up on the signs that she was a little too eager to be with me. Kendall may have been a model with money, but it seemed she had a few screws loose. I took a seat on the sofa and pulled her in between my legs.

I knew that I was in the wrong, but I needed to show her who was in charge in this relationship. "Alexandria, who do you belong to?"

"Myself." She looked at me with contempt.

"Wrong answer. Try again,” I growled as I held her in between my legs and dragged her down onto my lap. I am sure she felt my erection, since she felt the need to rub up against it.

"No one?" She thought she was being funny now.

"You belong to me, the same way I belong to you, but I am the man in this relationship and it is my job to protect, comfort, and care for you. I am sorry that I failed to do that today. But if you ever push my love away again, there will be consequences. Do you understand?"

"What kind of consequences?"

"Let's just say that you don't want to see," I said angrily. "Sweetheart, before you, I was a total asshole, and with you I feel too happy to be a prick, but I’m not going to stop doing what I have to do to keep you safe."

"Are you going to keep lying to me? Are there any other things you 'forgot' to mention?"

"No, babe." There wasn’t anything I forgot to mention, so technically I wasn’t lying. I hoped that when she learned about her dad, she didn’t find out that I knew about it.

"Give me your mouth, Alexandria." She obeyed even though I could feel her trying to resist me.

"Mmm..." Our mouths met with a need I couldn’t explain. I had been losing it on my way to the hospital. All sorts of bad things clouded my mind. Then when she pushed me away, I thought I’d lost her. I needed to hold on to that love and own it, control it before it consumed me. She owned me, and I didn’t like the thought that she could break me. I needed the control back.

"I love you so much, Alexandria. You don't understand how frightened I had been earlier." I had to be honest.

"I love you too, Max. You make me so happy, it is hard to explain. I don't want to be mad at you, and I don't want you to be mad at me. I just need you to love me." I had forgotten that she may need my love as much as I needed hers until I heard the plea and whimper in her voice.

"I can do that, my love." I stood up and walked us to the bedroom, and instead of loving her on the bed, I took off her clothes and undid my belt buckle, then took off my tie with an idea in my mind.

"Do you trust me?"

She nodded her head.

"Say it."

"I trust you."

"I don't know if I believe that because you doubted me and our love earlier. I want you to show me your trust,” I said, determined to show her my love and regain my control. “Will you?”

She nodded, so I grabbed both her hands and tied them in front of her with my tie. I let her stand there leaning against the door as I undressed. I gave her a kiss and whispered in a tender command. “I want you to suck me.” I didn’t wait for a response. I gently pushed her to her knees and placed my cock’s head on her pretty lips. She opened up and without prompting, swallowed me in.

"I am going to trust you not to bite me, and you are going to trust me that I would never hurt you." She looked up at me as her cheeks hollowed out, and I was ready to come. The trust was in her eyes.

I pushed farther into her mouth, then I growled, "Take me in as deep as you can, baby."

I had her hands tied, limiting her movement, but she seemed to take that as a challenge. I could see my tie wrapped around her hands as she grabbed hold of my cock and took me in deeper, only to pull out a little then go again. It was turning me on too much. “Let go.” She obeyed nicely but gave me a pout, and I helped her up from her knees. “Thank you for your trust.”

I kissed her tenderly as I lifted her tied hands over and around my head. Lifting her up, I carried her to the door and bent to push my cock deep inside her.

“I’m sorry, Max.”

“I am sorry, baby. It was my fault that you were attacked. I won’t let it happen again.” I grunted as I drove into her.

“Ah,” she sighed. She continued to moan as I plunged into her over and over again. Her head dropped back and hit the door as she got closer and closer to coming on my cock, which gave me access to her neck. Like a vampire, I bit down on her racing pulse.

“Ah. Yes, yes, yes,” Alexandria cried as she shook and came on me.

I wasn’t done with her yet. I carried her to the bed and put her on her hands and knees. I could see her juices slipping out of her wet cunt, and I was suddenly thirsty as fuck. My mouth honed in on her pink, swollen flesh, and she flinched at the shock then pushed her ass in my face. I licked and bit her little clit, wringing another orgasm out of her before rising up and shoving my needy and hungry cock into her.

Never had this position been so sexy. It was fucking making me crazed. I pulled her close to me to steal a kiss. My hand wrapped around her hair. “Who owns this pussy?”


“Good girl.” I took her mouth again, driving us both crazy. “Who owns this cock?”

“Me?” She didn’t sound sure, and that would not do.

“Was that a question?” I slammed into her hard.

“Argh!” She groaned.

“Who owns this cock?”

“Me,” she purred.

“Good, baby. We are in this together.  I love you so damn much. Never doubt it. Never.” I bent down and latched onto her neck as I continued pummeling her pussy. Our sweat mixing, my onslaught was unrelenting. I could feel her walls getting ready to constrict the shit out of my meat. Thank God, as I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this up. She was too fucking sexy with her ass bouncing on me. I looked down at where I was buried in her and watched as my cock was devoured by her pussy. I needed her to come now. I gripped her hair again and started massaging one of her fat breasts and whispered, “Mine.”

She shattered and I shook as we both came. I rested my head on her back while I caught my breath. After I was able to move, I took us into the shower and washed us both with tender loving care.

“Tell me, babe, how are feeling?” I asked as we dried off.

“Sleepy,” she whispered.

“Good. Let’s go to bed.” She looked at me all suspect about it. “To sleep,” I said indulgently, and she smiled sleepily.

The rest of the week home went by smoothly. I didn’t know how to do romance, so my proposal was pretty lackluster in my opinion, but she loved it. I truthfully got it from one of those diamond commercials. I woke up early and made her coffee and breakfast and was planning to bring her breakfast in bed, but the coffee queen smelled her brew and was up and in the kitchen, so I improvised. She was wearing one of my shirts and had messy hair, and I wanted to take her back to bed and spend the day there.

“Good morning, princess,” I said as I was finishing the eggs.

“There must have been a pea in the mattress because I somehow could not sleep,” she grouched.

“Sweetheart, it wasn’t a pea, but it does start with a ‘P’. Hmm… maybe we can rewrite the fairytale to the Princess and the Penis?”

“Sounds like a porn title,” she said as she poured her coffee into the vat she called a coffee cup. When she looked up, she added, “Before you get any ideas, it ain’t happening.”

“Damn. Well, at least I tried.” I pulled out the chair and scooted her in, stealing a kiss in the process. I wouldn’t do that shit anyway; there is no way I would risk anyone finding it.

“Thank you for the coffee and the breakfast. Did you run this morning? You seem energetic.”

“Yes I did. I am sorry I didn’t wake you to join me,” I said, feigning contrition. If I woke her up before the sun for anything other than giving her an orgasm, I would be in serious trouble.

“It’s okay. I probably would have bit you if you had,” she said truthfully.

“Well, I would still love you.”

“I love you, my handsome, sexy, delicious chef. Come and eat with me.”

“I will, but I have something to do first.” I turned her chair to face me, and I got down on one knee.

“Alexandria, I love you even when you haven’t had your coffee. Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” she said with tears brimming to the surface.

“Yes?” I slid the four-carat diamond on her hand.

“Yes, Max. I love you!” She pulled me up by my face and kissed me hard. I was supposed to be on my way to the office right now. I guess I didn’t plan it out too well. I was supposed to wait until Saturday. Oh well!             

“I love you too.” I pulled away far enough just to move her coffee and her plate from the table before slamming her on it. I ripped off her panties, pulled down my dress pants, and slid into her warm, wet heat. Our fucking was fast and hard. She was panting hard as she tore my dress shirt, sending buttons everywhere. We didn’t even care that we were destroying the kitchen. She was rubbing and clawing at me as I pumped hard into her, nearly breaking my heavy and sturdy dining table. I couldn’t hold on any longer and started shooting out my release—hard.

“Fuck! Alexandria, come for me!” I bit her breast through her shirt as she squeezed my cock, coating it with her come.

I was nearly an hour late to the office, but it was fucking worth it. Tonight, I was taking her and Kara out to celebrate and get the ball rolling on the wedding shit. Patricia was already on top of it by midafternoon.

“Slow down. You may want to talk to my bride about it first.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You might want to look in the mirror when you say that,” she said with attitude. Some days I wanted to toss her ass on the street.

“One of these days, one of these days,” I said as I walked back to my office.

“Okay, sure. One of these days. You have a meeting in ten minutes. You have everything you need for it on your desk. I am taking a long lunch. See you later.” She got up from her desk and left. I shook my head as I closed the door.

We went out that night, and it was filled with drama galore. Apparently Ben Elliot was on a rampage because he thought I was hooking Kara up with some guy. He drove to my condo and claimed Kara as his. It was a night I would never forget since some crazy fuck was after my cousin.

The next morning we met with Patricia, and the girls hit it off. I almost fired her when she purposefully started flirting with Alexandria. They both laughed at my expense when they could tell I was getting jealous. Since that day, Patricia and Alexandria had been getting together to plan the wedding. It was scheduled for three months from now. I wanted it sooner, but with her dad going through chemo, I knew I would have to wait for the eight-week treatment to be up. 

Chapter 13—Max

Alexandria had called her parents daily, and they still hadn’t told her about her father’s condition. I was getting antsy. It has been a month since I asked her to marry me. I gave him a call asking him what was up with the wait, but he said since we were coming down next week, they would tell her then. Fine. That was all the time he was getting. I was sure she would figure out what was up after she saw him, but I wanted her to know before she got a visible shock.

We landed in Chicago, and Detective Baldwin picked us up. He played it cool and didn’t give away anything to her. I still didn’t like the way he looked at her. It was a little too friendly to me, but it was just because I was a jealous ass.

“Hey, Dean!” she said as she gave him a big hug. I growled at him, and she looked directly at me with disapproval. I didn’t give a fuck. She was my woman, and she wasn’t going to be hanging on any guy that wasn’t blood related.

“Detective, let’s go. Come, Alexandria.” I pulled her to me and said, “Do me a favor and don’t get me arrested for kicking this fuck’s ass. I know you aren’t flirting, but I don’t like anyone to feel your breasts against them. Understood?” She nodded and acted as though she was sorry, but I noticed she cracked a smile. I was starting to get that my girl liked me to be controlling and rough with her.

We jumped in the detective’s car and headed to her parents’ house. I was not looking forward to this shit. I knew that it was not going to be good for my woman. Even Dean was looking nervous about this. Alexandria had always been a daddy’s girl.

“Come on, babe, let’s go in.” I helped her out of the car, and Dean started taking the suitcases. I tried to help, but he shook his head and whispered, “She’s going to need you.”

I backed away and told her that, “This ass wants to prove how strong he is.” I held her hand as we walked up the stairs. Her mother opened the door and took her baby into her arms.

“You look so beautiful. I guess Dallas is treating you well. Or is it this handsome devil here?”

“Mom, I thought you were teaching summer school still?”

“I have the day off.” I knew she was lying. I got her released so she could be with Jack.

“Where is my baby girl?” We walked into the living room, and that was when Alexandria’s knees nearly buckled.

“Daddy!” She ran to her dad, who had been sitting in his chair, the chemo having taken the color from his skin and the nice silky black hair from his head.

“What is going on?” My heart broke as I heard her voice crack as she asked.

“Sweetheart, I am getting better. I have stage two lung cancer.” He hugged his little girl who crumbled in a ball of tears. Unable to handle this, he nodded to me to take her.

“Alexandria, come, dearest.” I dragged her away and wrapped her up in my arms. There was not a soul in that house who didn’t have tears in their eyes. “Shush, baby, shh… It’s going to be okay.” I held her for the next twenty minutes as he explained his treatment. By the time he finished, she was angry and yelled at her parents, “How could you not tell me?”

She jumped off my lap and ran from the room. I was going to go after her, but her mother said to let her talk to Alexandria.

“So what’s the timetable for the wedding?”

“It depends. She has been going back and forth on the day, but it is supposed to be two months from now.”

“I should be done with the treatment by then and hopefully be making some sort or recovery.”

We dropped the heavy topic to discuss some sports. It was nearly an hour since she had went upstairs, and I was itching to go up and check on her. I was just about to excuse myself when her mother came down and said she wanted me to go up there.

I entered her bedroom, and there she was lying on the bed. “I’m sorry. I must look like a mess,” she said as she tried to wipe the tears from her face.

“No, sweetie, I am sorry. I know you are hurting.” I sat down on the bed and took her into my arms. “It’s okay that you are upset. If you need to cry, I am here, baby. I am not going anywhere.”

We spent the next few days looking at baby photos and school pictures. When he was at chemo, Vanessa went with him so Alexandria and I were alone in the house, and I made good on her joke about fucking on the couch. She had moments where she broke down and cried, but most of the time she was sunny. We even had a date to a White Sox game. Dean brought a date with him, and it had been a good drunk and fun time.

It was the next day that I got into deep shit with my girl. Will and I were on the phone, and he was telling me about the neighbor’s daughter he had the hots for and how she hated his guts. He was asking me how things were going here, and I thought Alexandria had been out with her mother running errands so I didn’t hear her come in while I was talking.

“Everything is getting better. Her dad has his moments.”

“Damn, bro, it’s got to be rough.”

“Yeah it is. She is handling it well. I just want to go home already. I have a lot of shit to do at the office. I have been able to get some stuff done here, but it is not the same.”

“So when are you coming back?”

“We are supposed to be leaving in two days. I have been trying to convince her he is on the mend, but she doesn’t believe it. I know it’s her dad, and if it was our dad, I would be freaking out too.”

“Hell, yeah. Thankfully it’s not.”

“She was mad at them for not saying anything before we left for Dallas last time.”

“Well, let’s be glad she doesn’t know you knew about it.”

“That’s for sure. If she knew I knew about her dad being sick all this time, I would be in some big trouble.”

“Too fucking late!”

I turned to see her staring at me, pissed as fuck. “I gotta let you go.” I hung up the phone and said, “Baby, it’s not like that.”

“It’s not like what? You lied to me. Every day could have been his last, and you kept it from me. What if I never got to see him again? How could you?”

I tried to comfort her, and she pushed me away. “Get away from me! You sat there and knew I was in pain, and you had been a part of the big charade!”

“I am going to give you some time to calm down, but I will be back and we will talk about this.” I knew it was going to be a while until she was ready to listen and I had some shit I had to get done, so I walked out.

I called my brother back. “Hey, bro, she knows now, doesn’t she?”

“Yes, and she is beyond furious with me. I think I might even need to spend the night at a hotel.”

“Yeah, maybe that will work.”

“I don’t like being away from her, though.” I sounded like a pussy. Well, I was going to give her some time. I packed my bag and left. I checked into the Fairmont and spent the whole day working hard. I wanted to go back, but she made it clear she didn’t want me around, after I called and she didn’t answer. I tried her again and she still didn’t answer, so I went to the hotel bar. Some beautiful woman walked up to me as I sat there and started a conversation. I made it clear I wasn’t interested, so she moved along. All my thoughts had been on Alexandria and how she hated me. What if she didn’t want to marry me anymore? I was done drinking after my sixth shot and headed back to my room. The next thing I knew, it was morning and there was a pounding in my head and at the door.

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