Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

Blue Moon (11 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“Yeah, it’s a party isn’t it?” He says to Richard calmly, which is a little worrying.

“And you are?” Richard asks, knowing who he is.

“He’s mine.”

Everyone looks at me with a raised eyebrow as I slam my hand over my mouth. What the fuck was that? I didn’t mean to say it, the words literally jumped out my mouth.

“Thanks babe, you heard her, I’m hers.” Den says proudly, making me snort a laugh.

“Make it count Zara!” Richard whispers to me before he walks across the room and to the table we were sitting on earlier. I turn to them all once more, whilst still in Den’s arms.

, this is Theo, Theo this is Den,” I introduce them as everyone else knows each other, or should that be, hates each other.

“Sup man?” Den says as he puts his hand out to Theo. Theo looks at Den’s hand suspiciously, while putting his hand in his with a firm shake.

“Den.” Theo says as a way of greeting.

“Come on,
Angus and shit...I will be just a moment, Dallah can you help me with something?” I ask her, while she stands only an inch away from Julian. I need to get Parrise and explain to him that the Brothers’ have arrived.

“Yeah, you guys go up there. We have a new and very powerful Vampire
joins us, his name is Angus, I’m sure you will get on well.” Dallah tells them as she kisses all their cheeks as a hello. With every man and woman watching us, we need to make them think that Angus and Parrise are not our friends, but Richard's allies.


Dallah and I run out into the hallway, away from the eyes and ears of Richard and his men, and there, Parrise stands with his back to us.

“Should we have left him out here?” I ask Dallah as we run to him.

“No one can see him, I made sure of it.”

Ok, that
makes sense. I wanted to keep Parrise under the spell, but now with the Brothers’ here, I’m a little afraid that he is the least of my worries, as well as the Brothers’ will be extremely suspicious of Parrise whereabouts.

“I’m going to leave you to it Zara,” She tells me looking to Parrise and me.

“Ok, I’ll be quick. Hey, you might have to hold off Den, when the time comes for me to kiss Richard,”

“You bet,
I’m proud of you for showing Laura not to mess with you, that power is coming along nicely,” She tells me with a wink as she turns and walks back down the hallway, she twists her hand to the side, and Parrise is released.

“Never, do
, that, again!” He tells me angrily, but not in a frightening manner, thank god.

“Richard brought the
Brothers’ here just now, Theo and Sallack just fought as well. So you need to calm down, keep the Brothers’ calm, and just let me do what I have to,” I tell him with authority.

“Nice try! How can you expect me to stand and watch you kiss him?”

“I know it will be awful Parrise, trust me I know. He isn’t the man that I want to be in the arms of, kissing,”

“Who is little one?”

“You,” I tell him as I close my eyes, not wanting him to see the mix of hurt and anger.

“Show me, love?” He says, taking me in his arms.

“Parrise now is not the time. I need you to promise that you will leave me to do this!”

“Love I don’t think I c
an stand by watching! You give him what I dream of,” He tells me with his voice laced with pain.

I put my arms around his neck as he lifts my body so that I can place my lips to his, as I kiss him with everything I am, and all the love I have for him, I suddenly feel Dallah in pain, not emotional, but physical.

“We need to go, hurry!” I tell him as I pull him to run with me, and before I have time to take in what has happened, we are standing by the doors. We push the now closed doors open with might, as they smash against the wall. Looking around the room, I see Dallah at the top table. I take off running toward her, and then I see Richard standing in the middle of the floor chanting something, we lock eyes, and the bastard winks at me, he then returns his focus back to Dallah.

Dallah is sitting at the table with her head in her hands, writhing in pain, and I can feel how scared she is. Running as fast as I can up to Richard, I pull up my dress as I jump onto him and wrap my body around his. As soon as my lips take his, I feel Dallah free from Richard’s power. Pulling
Richard even closer to me, I deepen the kiss, needing him to know that I am giving it my all. He grips my butt with one hand, while the other hand holds the back of my neck pulling me close and devouring me. I hate him so much, but at this moment, but I want him to so badly, to just throw me down and thrust into me, owning me until I beg for release. Slowing the kiss down as it turns from hungry lust fuelled, into a softer more passionate kiss. Richard moans at the same time I do. I don’t love him, far from it, but on the outside, he is perfection, just as I’m meant to see him. This is the curse of being the Charmer, to feel the heightened lust of these men, the Warriors. It is shallow, but I have no say in what my heart wants, I might enjoy the kiss, but it’s all it will ever be a kiss! No love, no friendship.

The change in the kiss is
mesmerizing, the demanding kiss is now soft and smooth, sensual, our lips mash together, as our tongues caress, and I can taste the whiskey he was drinking earlier as it burns my tongue. His grip on me loosens as the feel of his soft hands glide over my body making my blood tingle. I uncontrollable run my fingers through his silky hair as my nipples tighten due to the friction of his chest pushed into mine. We break the kiss slowly, now looking at him in the eye as I catch my breath. What was that about? What have I done! Have I ruined everything?

He looks at me with his head tilted to the side; I still have my legs wrapped around him, and his arms around me, when I finally look at the people surrounding us. They stand with open mouths as they have their eyes glued on us. Slipping down his body with my eyes downcast in shame, I try to breath
, but it’s as if my airways are blocked. My gaze lands on Dallah, and we share a look of worry and upset. Never before has a kiss ever felt this way, it was lust unknown. My eyes fill with tears as my heart beats rapidly; I need to get out of here, away from him, I need to think straight.

I turn to walk out, when Richard's smooth hand catches mine and he gently tugs on it to make me turn to him.

“Zara?” He asks, wanting me to explain what just happened.

“Get off,” I tell him through teary eyes, but I will not let them fall, never will he see me weak.

He lets me go, and again I walk away with my head down, feeling ashamed and totally confused at my feelings for that monster. Soon, I’ve been stopped in my tracks by Den appearing before me with a cruel look in his eyes.

“YOU FUCKING WHORE!” He growls at me as he takes me by the arm rough
ly and spins me to look at the Brothers’ and Parrise, who all wear shocked faces; Sallack cannot even look at me.

“You fuck Sallack, and Parrise at the same time, you then fuck Ruk! In my house! Then we get here and
you are all over Theo, THEN back out with Parrise, kissing him in the fucking corridor! THEN! You kiss the man that’s fucking your best friend over, like you can’t wait to be fucked by him!!!” He roars in my face.

“That’s not true!” I shout in anger.

“Yeah, it is babe; you’re just a little slag! Fuck you Zara. No, actually, you carry on fucking everyone with power. You best pick yourself one, you’ll run out soon!”

“You spiteful little prick!” I hiss at him with rage building.

“DEN CARTER! How dare you speak to her like that, you have no idea what you’re speaking of!” Dallah screams at him as she walks up to him and slaps him hard across the face.

Everyone starts shouting and fighting as I leave the ballroom in a rush. Lifting my dress, I run up the mountain of stairs
, needing to get away from everything. I am so ashamed, Den is right, he is always right; I look like a fucking whore!

When I get outside Dallah's room, I lose the will to stand, and slip down to the floor. One thing after another! Is the way my life will be from now on? If so, I don’t want it, how much can I take!

“Zara, come with me child.” Eric’s soft voice hits my ears. Looking up at him through clouded eyes, he leans down and picks me up to stand on my feet. He pushes me into his chest, soon followed by the feeling of the cold breeze against my bare arms. Pulling away from him, I conclude that we are on the palace roof, as I look out at the gardens below, which are covered elegantly with delicate white lights, illuminating everything.

“Can you take this all away, you
’re strong right? I’ll do anything, please just help me?” I ask, holding my chest, as my heart throbs as if it is going to explode with mixed emotions.

“Destiny is a strange thing child. But you are needed, those men down there need you, the Princess needs you.”

“I’m a fuck up, I can’t help anyone. As much as I try, I can’t do this!”

“Yes you can, the boy over reacted, that’s all it was, he will regret his words, and you have to forgive them. You need to look for the book Zara, find the book!”

“What, don’t go. Who are you? Why do you keep helping me?” I ask him, desperate for answers.

He looks over his back, and then at me with a satisfied smile just as Ruk walks through the fire exit door.

“Ruk, how did you know I was here?”

“Eric told me where to find you.”

“You know Eric?” I ask surprised, while looking at both men.

“Not really, he came to me this morning and told me to look out for you, and something about a connection. Who are you anyway?” He finishes looking to Eric for answers.

“Ruk is your protector; you need to connect with him, for him to gain his powers.”

Ruk closes the space between us, and wraps me in his arms protectively, making Eric smile.

“Who are you? What do you want? Zara has been through enough, she doesn’t need some weirdo speaking shit to her!” Ruk tells Eric.

“Who has his memories?” Eric asks me with a frown.

“Parrise,” I tell him regrettably, as Ruk turns me in his arms.

“What’s going on, what memories did Parrise take?”

“I’m sorry Ruk.” I tell him with a sigh.

There was me thinking I
could not be any more ashamed of myself.

Eric walks forward to us and tilts his head to the side as he watches Ruk closely
, then places a hand on his head.

,” He almost sings the word to Ruk.

I look up at Ruk, and see him trying to work out
what's going on in his mind, then, just like that, he throws me behind him and growls at Eric, not liking his closeness.

“Hush Wolf, you can trust me, the child does, so you will now, Ruk the protector of the chosen Charmer.”

Wow, that’s some title! Ruk the protector, I have a feeling that one day we will laugh at that one.

“You trust him beautiful?” He asks me with doubt.

“I do Ruk.” I tell him sincerely as I step to his side.

“Ok, what’s this protector shit? Are you telling me that I’m Zara’s chosen one?” He asks, with hope laced in his rough voice.

“No, not the one Ruk, you have your own chosen one out there to find. Do not let your lust for each other get in the way, you are not meant to be,” He tells us strongly, looking to and from Ruk and me, “Do you remember the story your grandmother told you as a child? Of the beautiful woman that needed a strong warrior to protect her?”

“How do you know that?” Ruk asks

“There is no time for this, you two need to connect. When you are, only let the connected share the secret, do you understand?” He
asks, waiting for our reply, which we both nod our heads wanting to hear what he has to say.

“Good. When you are connected, Ruk will unlock your powers child, as you will have your sister and you protector at your side, and in return, he will take on some of these powers as his own. Now, both hold your right hands on one another’s heart, and... Ah yes here we are.”

As soon as the last words leave his lips, there is thunder and lightning above our heads, we lock eyes with each other, sharing a confused look, then ever so slowly, his eyes glow a bright purple color. I stare at him in shock as the feeling of weightlessness tingles through me, as it would if you are levitating off the ground!

“What’s happening?” I ask Eric, but he has gone!

“Did it work? I feel normal.” Ruk tells me with his eyes burning brightly, looking unbelievably stunning.

“Your eyes, they are glowing a purple
color,” I tell him, whilst putting my head to the side, taking him in. There was me thinking he couldn’t get any better looking, and Bam!

“Really? Yours are as well, but I didn’t want to freak you out,” He
says now looking at me in awe.

“Ruk how do we get down?”

“I don’t know.” He says whilst shaking his arms, hoping to make his feet touch solid ground.

“I don’t think that’s going to work.” I tell him with a laugh.

BOOK: Blue Moon
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