Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

Blue Moon (12 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon
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I don’t feel connected, not like what I have with Dallah or Angus, but then how am I meant to know what being connected to Ruk will be like, when the only man who has the answers keeps disappearing.

“I’m sorry for this Ruk, I didn’t know that you where this protector person.” I tell him, as we still float several feet in the air.

“How would you have beautiful? You know, when I was little and my grandmother would tell me those tales, I always wanted to be the one to protect the woman from all evil. I have wanted to protect you from the first day I met you Zara. Don’t listen to Den; he was just jealous and angry. You are none of those things, and no one thinks of you in that way.”

“Ruk please don’t, don’t feel sorry for me. Let’s get down so we can talk properly.” I tell him with a weak smile, but soon laugh at the sight of us trying to touch the ground.

The fire exit door bangs open, soon followed by Ruk and I falling to the floor, with him on top of me.

“Oh shit, did I hurt you?” Ruk asks with a laugh, as I
moan, holding my head with a smile in place, I’m not hurt, he knows this, as he lifts his 6.4 frame of  pure muscle off of me.

“What are you two up to?” Dallah walk
s to us with a smile on her face.

“Dallah I’m sorry for what happen down stairs, I didn’t ...”

“Zara, there more important things to talk of, like why you and Ruk have are connected?”

“Ok, can you get Angus up here so that we can speak please?”

“Yes give me a few minutes,” She tells us as she disappears to find Angus.

I look back at Ruk where we both sit on the cold floor.

“I knew you were different Ruk, I always saw you as someone different, special.”

“Listen,” He pulls me close to him, “You and me are going to stop all of this with Richard and Dallah, ok. I have been searching for you for days; I even went to the vamps for help! I need you to tell me everything Zara, let me be this man I was born to be?”

“You want to do this?” I ask in shock, why would he want to get involved so deeply with all this, when he has the perfect life at home, he should have a choice in being a protector. He may be happy now, but what if it is more than he thought.

“More than you know, I’m so happy right now Zara, I promise I am. I can’t believe I
have waited to connect with you all this time, what powers do you think we will have,” He asks coolly, but I can see the excitement in his eyes.

“I don’t know. I have started to feel
strong, really strong actually over the last few days, but I look forward to seeing what we can do. This connection isn’t the same as the one I have with Dallah or Angus, I don’t feel your emotions, are you sure we did it right?”

Well, I think we did, by the looks of this,” He tells me pulling up his shirt and showing the big tribal like markings covering his heart. 

“Oh wow, that looks
... um.... its, it suits you.” I say whilst blushing.

I jump to my feet as panic kicks in; I hope to god that I don’t have a big tribal looking tattoo over my chest. Ruk’s looks hot! However, on me, it would look gross. Pulling my dress aside to see if I have one, I’m overwhelmed with relief when I see nothing there.

“Do you think I will have one?”

“Probably, but in a smaller version, as you’re only little.
Hey, come here anyway.” He says with a stunning smile.

I walk into his welcoming arms and breathe in his calming scent. He is
a good friend, a gorgeous one that makes me blush. Nevertheless, he is a friend.

“I’m not little, it’s just that you are so big,” I tell him with a snort.

Chapter Eight



Dallah comes back with Angus only minutes later. We all sit on the roof and talk about everything that has gone on, everything! When I tell Ruk of what happened when I first arrived with Richard, Dallah ended up freezing him over 10 times to keep him from finding Richard, with revenge as the only emotion to guide him, but he kept fighting off Dallah’s power. Dallah and I managed to keep him with us with a little emotion blackmail.


We speak for hours, and head inside when the sun threatens to rise. I feel like a weight has been lifted from me now that the four of us have no secrets. Dallah and Angus were overjoyed when we told them that Ruk is the ‘Protector to the Charmer’, and that my powers have been unlocked, and of Ruk getting his own powers, even if we have no idea to what they are.

and Angus head back to their rooms, while Ruk and I go to his room to speak further.


“You’re staying with me tonight, so get comfy,” He tells me with authority. I think that the scare of finding out what has happened to me while staying here has made him paranoid that it will happen again.

“Ok, can I borrow a t-shirt please; I need to get out of this dress?”

“Yeah beautiful, I need to get out of this site as well. Here catch!” he says throwing me one of his t-shirts.

“I’ll get changed in the bathroom to give you some privacy.”

“Cool, thanks Ruk,” I say as I catch the T-shirt he throws at me, from his duffel bag that sits on the king size bed.

He walks into the bathroom and shuts the door, so I quickly drop my dress to the floor and pull the
T-shirt over my head and jump on the bed, carefully taking my hair out and let it fall over my shoulders.

The bathroom door clicks open as Ruk walks through in a pair of boxers, that’s it!

“Are you blushing?” He asks me with a playful smirk.

“No,” He gives me a look, “Ok, yeah. Hey, sit with me. Let’s try out a few things?”

“Oh yeah, I like the sound of that!” He says crawling on the bed.

“Ruk, come on, stop it!” I scold him playfully.

“Ok, what we gunna try first?”

... how about transporting?” I ask with a grin.

He laughs
aloud before he closes his eyes and looks constipated.

“What the hell are you doing?” I ask with a raised brow, already knowing he is trying to transport somewhere.

He nudges my side, making me laugh.

Ok, my turn!” I shut my eyes and picture the chair in the corner of the room, while imagining sitting in it.

“Fuck!” Ruk says excitedly.

Opening my eyes cautiously, I screech as I stand up and jump up and down in excitement.

“Oh shit, that is so cool. You try again.” I tell him as I jump back on the bed.

“K,” He says in a calm tone as he closes his eyes, I watch him closely for any signs. An hour later, we conclude that transporting will need a little work.

“Nope! Let’s try something else?”

“Oh levitating!”

I jump
off the bed and stand there waiting for him to join me, He gets up slowly and rolls his eyes at me.

“You know this is such a girly thing to do.” He says with a sigh.

“Oh, don’t be a grump, come on.” I smile at him as he holds out his hands to the side and looks me in the eye. Then just like that, his feet lift off the floor as he floats a foot off the ground, he then comes back down, landing elegantly on his feet.

“Oh wow!” I gaze at him with wonderment.

I hold out my hands just as he did, but nothing happens.

Ruk holds his hands out to me with a smile playing on his handsome face. I take his hands in mine, almost shyly.

We levitate around the room laughing for about half an hour before I
flop on the bed out of exhaustion as its nearly 7 in the morning, and we have been trying out our new powers for hours now.

“I need to sleep.” I tell him as I close my eyes.

“Ok, beautiful, move over.” He tells me as I roll on my side to give him half the bed. He pulls me close to him as he lets out a sigh.

“What’s wrong?”

“Lights.” He says, because we left the light on.

“Ok, I’ll get it.” I say as I sit up.

Then the light bulb explodes, making me jump out of my skin, and Ruk laugh hard.

“That was you?”

“Yeah, now that is cool!”

Yeah, it is.” I say smiling as I lay back onto the pillow and Ruk’s arm comes around me to snuggle closer.

We fall to sleep almost instantly, but it isn’t a peaceful sleep, it’s full of the hate I saw in Den’s eyes as he spoke so nastily to me, he is right about a few things but the other things he said about me were just so spiteful. Dall
ah, Angus and Ruk, made me realize that Den was angry when he said those things, so tomorrow I will go and explain why I kissed Richard and what really happened with Ruk and Parrise. The kiss with Richard and my reaction to him leaves me a little confused, but I won’t let it worry me any longer, because that’s all it was, a kiss.


Waking up to banging, I crack open an eye and look straight at Ruk’s handsome face.

“Get up Ruk you lazy bastard!” Julian shouts while banging on his door and walking away.

I give Ruk a gentle shake to wake him, but he jumps out of bed ready for a fight.

I burst out laughing at the sight of him in his boxers and
a serious case of morning glory, and wow, it’s serious!

“It’s ok, Julian was shouting for you to wake up,” I tell him trying not to look at him.

“Ok,” He says as he jumps back into the bed.

“What are you doing today?” I ask him, as I lay back down and
face him.

“We are going to find this book, and get learning those words. You have to stay clear of Richard; don’t be alone with him beautiful.”

“Ok, sounds good. I don’t want Richard, I don’t trust him. It’s just that I was so worried for Dallah; I gave that kiss my all. I know it was stupid, but I don’t want him Ruk, I hate him!” I tell him truthfully.

“I believe you Zara, come
on, let’s get up and dressed, we must have slept most of the day away.”

We both get up from the bed, when I look at Ruk with a sigh.

“I only have that dress,” I say pointing to the crumpled up dress on the floor,

“Yeah?” He says not seeing the problem with putting it back on.

“I can’t wear last night’s dress. That’s asking for trouble,” I say bending over to pick up the dress from the floor.

“Zara, bend over again.” Ruk tells me.

“Nice try!” I laugh, and then stop when my t-shirt disappears from my body.

“Ruk!” I screech, while my hands fly to my breasts.

“Look Zara,” He tells me, as he moves closer and runs his hand over my butt cheek than up to my waist, making a shiver of excitement run through me.

Looking down, I have marks that match Ruk’s, but mine are very feminine, utterly stunning. It starts on my bum cheek and comes up to my waist in wonderful swirls and strange patterns’.

“Oh wow, it’s just like yours,” I say to him, where he moves so close that our bodies touch. I only have on a thong with my hands covering my breasts, as Ruk touches the markings on my waist, going completely quiet, almost in a hypnotic state.

“Ruk?” I question him from over my shoulder.

“They suit you beautifully. I’m so happy Zara, to be joining you in this journey. You’re my family now Zara, I feel complete for the first time in my life.”

Touched by his words, I look up at him with a sweet smile,

“Me too Ruk, I really do feel it, I couldn’t think or want anyone to be my protector more than I do you.”

He leans his head forward and rest’s it in the crook of my neck, bringing back memories of the time we shared the kiss, in my house back at home. We knew that the kiss meant nothing in
the long term, but at the moment, it was perfect, I wanted to die in his arms and I would have died happy.

The bedroom door flies open and standing there is Den loo
king angry as hell, and about ready to kill both Ruk and me. Ruk instantly stands in front of me protectively.

“You’re joking!” Den asks, letting out a cynical laugh.

“Oh no, this isn’t...” I try to explain, but he cuts me short.

“You are something else you know that? You used to be my nice girl! Now look at you giving it away to everyone. I went to Dallah’s room to say sorry to you both, and she told me you were with Ruk, but I thought ‘no she wouldn’t, he wouldn’t’ then I see this! Fucking stay away from me Zara, I mean it. I will help get you out of this mess then you can do one!” He shouts at me making me flinch. I have never felt scared of Den in my life, but right now, the power and anger coming from him is terrifying.

“I don’t need your help; I have made it this far,
!” I shout back at him.

“DEN, GET OUT NOW!” Ruk roars at him, as he takes a step forward.

“I thought we were meant to be brother’s Ruk, and you go and fuck me over, AGAIN!” He says, as he looks at us in disgust and leaves.

“Zara, what’s wrong...
oh shit! Den saw you like this?” Dallah says as she appears before us.

“Yeah. We weren’t doing anything, it’s just we have these marks...”

“Shit, the markings of a Charmer! Ruk you have these too?” She asks in disbelief, she then looks at him in shock, gazing at the markings over his heart.

“Yeah, last night I felt strange warmth
in my chest and then...” He finishes by stepping up to her to show her the marks over his heart.

“Wow, they are stunning, Zara let me see yours,” She says as she turns me around to see my butt. She gasps as she trails her fingers over the marks, making me laugh at how Ruk is dealing with this.

She stands up straight and pulls her dress over her head, then gently lays it on the bed.

“Dallah what are you doing?” Ruk asks while he holds his
crotch, not knowing where to look.

“If you two have
them, then so should I, Zara, have a look at my back?”

“Oh wow, Ruk, l
ook she has. Dallah you have them running along your waistline, just above your butt, and, stunning,” I tell her and laugh at her trying to look over her shoulder with excitement.

“I need to see, is there a mirror in here?”

“Oh shit, now this is a party!!!” Mickey shouts as he barges into Ruk’s bedroom and rips his shirt clean off his back, “I’m not doing anything with Ruk though!” He says looking at Ruk in a sickening manner.

key go away,” Ruk laughs. Then Dallah and I start to laugh as Mickey falls to the floor while tripping in his haste to remove his jeans.

Dallah waves her hand, and the three of us are dressed, watching Mickey with amusement as he struggles out of his jeans. Then he jumps up ready for action, but sighs when he sees us all in our clothes.

“Dallah, what the hell?” He says to her, making us laugh again.

“I have missed you so much Mickey,” I tell him with a smile as I walk up to him and kiss his cheek.

“Never change Mickey.” Dallah tells him as she walks up to him also, and kisses his cheek.

“Shall we go get something to eat?” I ask looking at all of them.

“The first idea was better, but I’m easy,” Mickey tells me, while Dallah and Ruk nod their heads in agreement, still laughing.



The four of us walk into one of the m
any kitchens in the palace. As we sit together eating brunch we are soon joined by Sallack, Julian, Dom and a very pissed off Den. Den doesn’t look at me or speak to me, which upsets me to no end, I just want him to tell me he didn’t mean the things he said. I can’t bring myself to speak to him either, not after his outburst earlier. He wouldn’t give me a chance to explain earlier, just like last night with Richard. He obviously has jumped to his own conclusion, and has lost all respect for me, so I will leave him to deal with it. I need to concentrate on finding this book, and keeping out of Richard’s way.

“So what’s everyone doing today?” Dallah asks.

“I’m staying with you Princess,” Julian tells her with a wink and kisses her cheek.

, Dom, and Den are going to check out what Richard is up to, we know we weren’t invited here just for the bonding.” Sallack tells us.

, and Mickey will stay with Zara, while you are keeping an eye on him.” Ruk tells Sallack, and gets a nod in reply.

“Oh, Mickey gets some too, how
kind!” Den says sarcastically. Rising angrily to my feet, I look him in the eye,

“Fuck you Den; I’m sick of this shit, you have no fucking idea what I have been through. You think I had sex with Ruk last night, good! Cos it wouldn’t be far off!” I tell him harshly. It’s a massive lie, but I want him to hurt as bad as I am right now.

BOOK: Blue Moon
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