Blue Moon (14 page)

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Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“When am I going to meet your family?” I ask, as I have only seen Dallah’s cousins and I would have thought her mum would be here also, as I already learned that her father died when she was just a baby.

“Never, if I have anything to do with it. My mother isn’t someone you would enjoy being around Zara, I promise you that.”

“Oh ok, see you in a bit then.”

“Yeah. Work on your gifts also Zara, you will need them in a place like this,” She tells me seriously, “Make sure you’re showered and pampered for 2 hours time, I have the perfect outfit for you,” She tells me with a grin as she closes the door behind her.

Chapter Nine



dress in a stunning tight silver gown that flows down to my feet, with my hair falling down upon my breasts in perfect curls. Dallah wears a white gown with beading around the waist, and her hair is up and styled beautifully. I am feeling very nervous about seeing Parrise and Richard tonight, Parrise because I didn’t get to speak to him after the kiss I shared with Richard, and Richard because he is so hard to figure out. Richard will most likely be angry, as he always is, but a part of me is worried that he will want to hurt Dallah again to show me he can.

“I have something for you,” Dallah tells me as she leans off the bed, to the side cabinet, and pulls out a
jewelry box.

“Really?” I say excitedly, I love presents.

“Yeah, here open it,” She says as she puts it on my lap, where we sit together on her bed.

Opening the box, I study the diamond head dress in amazement.

“Here,” Dallah takes it from the box and places it on top of my head gently. I feel the small chain that has various size diamonds touch my forehead. Jumping up and looking at myself in the dressing table mirror, I’m shocked by the way it looks on me, and matches my dress perfectly, it makes me look beautiful.

“I knew that it would suit you, you look stunning Zara,” She tells me as she looks at me with a smile.

“I love it Dallah, but I can’t take this, it’s too much.” I tell her whilst trying to remove it from my head, but her hands stop me.

“Please Zara, it’s a gift, you have to take it. It will upset me if you don’t sweetie,” She tells me truthfully, with a nod of her head.

“Thank you Dallah, I love you very much,” I tell her as I take her in my arms and hug her tightly.

We both sigh, as there is a knock at the door, knowing that Richard is behind it, and waiting impatiently for Dallah.

I kiss her cheek and whisper good luck as I walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I feel like such a wimp hiding like this, but I just can’t handle seeing him now; I also want to speak with Parrise first. He should now be up and awake now that the sun has gone down, so I will find him, before he finds me. As soon as I hear Dallah leave with Richard I visualize Parrise’s handsome face, I close my eyes and relax thinking of him, and only him.


“Zara, how did you get here?” Parrise steps up to me.

“This is what I can do now, I found out last night, but this is the furthest I have got. Parrise, I’m sorry about what happened with Richard last night, but nothing has changed,” I tell him needing him to believe me.

“You came to me, that is all I care about for now, I want you Zara,” He tells me with his eyes burning a brilliant red.

“Parrise, when did you last feed?”

“A few days ago. I’m fine love lets go down.” He tells me while taking my hand and leading us to the bedroom door.

Putting my hand on the door to stop it from opening, I place myself in front of Parrise and pull my hair to the side.

“Love?” He asks with a frown.

“You need to feed Parrise.”

“I will, just not here, I’ll wait.”

“You will feed for me,” I tell him sternly.

“You would do that for me?”

I answer him by holding the back of his neck and pulling his face down to the crook of my neck. His tongue licks me as his arms come up to cradle me gently, pulling my body into his. The feel of his fangs as they pierce my smooth flesh sends a thrill of desire through my body.

I hear him inhale my scent as the sound of him sucking my blood hits my ears with a desired effect. Ever so slowly, an orgasm builds, as my lips part for the moan to slip through. Parrise bring his knee up and rubs it against my sex, feeling the added friction makes the whole experience overwhelming. My knees weaken as my eyes roll back in my head, and the strong smell of his aftershave and the natural woodsy scent fills my senses.

“Don’t stop!” I say with
a sigh as Parrise removes his fangs from my neck carefully, and licks over the incisions to heal them.

“Little one, come back with me tonight, let me be the one to love you, show me that you love me?” He asks running the back of his fingers down my cheek.

“Parrise, I can’t, not tonight, not here. I don’t feel ready for this, I want you, believe me, I want you. I just need time; I’m not ready for this.” I tell him gazing into his ocean blue eyes.

Holding onto his wide shoulders, I lean up to him and place a kiss to his cool lips.

              “Alright love, I respect that.”

“You look handsome tonight Parrise,” I tell him with a sweet smile, wanting to change the subject.

“As do you love, where did you get this?” He asks, lightly touching the diamond’s that lay on my forehead.

“Dallah gifted it to me.” I tell him with pride.

“Stay close to me tonight. With you looking like a goddess, I will have every man in the room wanting to take you from me.”

“Don’t worry It won’t be difficult staying at your side Parrise.” I say flirting with him.


Walking into the ballroom hand in hand, a few heads turn in our direction, more to look at me after my performance with their Prince last night. Probably wondering what
I will do next. Parrise squeezes my hand in comfort, getting me to look at him.

“I love you Zara.” He tells me with raw emotion.

“I love you,” I whisper back sincerely.

He releases my hand and pulls me by the waist so that the sides of our

body’s are touching and knowing him, to show everyone that I am with him. As we draw close to the table where everyone is sitting, I see Richard’s lip turn up in disgust as he gazes at Parrise’s arm around my waist. Parrise looks at me with a wink before we take our seats at the table where Dallah, Richard, Angus, The Brothers’, Theo and the triplets sit, looking at us with open mouths.

“You look amazing Zara,” Ruk tells me
with a hungry look, which I can’t help but return as he looks mouth watering in his gray suit, with his hair brushed back, and his soft hazel eyes that linger on me.

“You are a luc
ky man Parrise,” Sallack says while staring at me, and then looks at Parrise with hate clouding his vision.

“Thank y
ou,” I tell them smiling, until I catch the look of loathing from Den, I want to cry, but at the same time I want to kick him in the butt like he deserves. I cannot believe he is acting this way toward me; I have done nothing to deserve this treatment from him. Getting myself angry at the thought of Den sitting like a king on his throne, I look up with my head held high; I lock eyes with him as we stare at each other down, up until Dallah breaks the silence,

“Den, do you want to dance with me?” She asks looking between us both.

“Yeah, Princess, I do,” He tells her with a stunning smile.

He gets up from his seat and offers Dallah his hand; this is when I get to see him properly. Den has on a fitted suit, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen him in such formal attire, with his raven hair brushed perfectly and his green eyes blazing, he is truly breathtaking, the jerk.

I look away from them as I can feel someone’s eyes boring into me, Richard! When I look at him, he casts his eyes down to the drink in his hand quickly, not wanting me to see he was watching me.


I dance with Mickey, then with Dom, as they tell me what they have been up to back home while I was away, and how today went with Richard, which they have no leads on.

While I’m dancing with Dom, Sallack cuts in and asks me to dance, which I accept with a smile.

“Are you his now?” Sallack asks me in a strained tone, as he nods in Parrise’s direction.

“No,” I tell him honestly, while breathing a sigh.

Parrise wants me to stay the night with him, but this is not the time or the place, I can’t give myself to him while we are here, my head and heart are too full of hurt still, and I’m still coping with the pain that Sallack left me in.

“You deserve to be happy,” He tells me lifting my chin to look  him in the eye, which is hard for me to do without feeling my heart
break a little and my chest tighten, not that I will show him.

“Please Sallack, not now,” I ask in a sigh.

“I will regret what I did to you all my life, but don’t let it ruin yours Zara. Could you ever forgive me and take me back,” He asks in a whisper.

Sallack, the Alpha is the biggest and strongest Werewolf I have ever seen, and most of the time, damn right scary, but with me, even Dallah, he is a different man, he has a huge heart and he is careful who he lets see it.

“Sallack, don’t do this again, it’s too hard for me. I would have died the happiest woman in the world in your arms, you were everything I ever wanted, needed, but we don’t belong together,” I tell him sadly.

“I’m sorry Zara. I have taken enough from you, but I wanted to tell you this, my life was empty until I met you, my heart was dead. You changed me Zara, and for that I will always love and cherish you. I want and need you back in my life, I will be the friend you need,”

“It would mean a lot?” I say, smiling up at him.


We walk back to the table relieved we’ve cleared the air, when we see Parrise and Den being held back from each other by the Brothers’, Theo, and Angus, while Richard stands watching them, grinning with pleasure.

“Den, get your shit together!” Sallack shouts at him, as he moves to stand in-between them both.

“No! I’m sick of this shit!” He shouts back looking at me.

“What the fuck Den!” I ask him with my eyebrows pulled together.

“I can’t watch you whoring yourself out like this, fucking Ruk this morning and then coming here with Parrise! You let him feed from you; I can smell you all over him. You’ll make a wicked pet!” He spits viciously.

That is
all I can take from him now. Walking to him and Pushing Sallack out of my way, I lift my hand and connect with his face. Den’s head whips to the side, then back to look at me with raw anger.

“Who do you think you are?” I rage at him. “I have been there for you always! I watched you sleep with hundreds of girls, while you didn’t even know their names.
You are the whore Den, not me! You are a fucking prick! I can’t believe I ever...” I stop at the sound of clapping coming from Richard, who is laughing and enjoying our display.

As we all turn looking at him, he just raises a brow smirking, and walks away still laughing. What a Nob!

Parrise takes me by the arms and pulls me to his chest, but I push out from his arms to stand alone, I don’t need his comfort, I can and will deal with Den.

“Den, go cool off,” Parrise tells him with annoyance.

“Fuck you!” He shouts at him, and he breaks free from Dom and Angus’s grip, heading straight towards Parrise, that is until a whizzing fireball hits him in the torso and knocks him to the floor.

“Dallah, what the fuck?” He shouts, looking for Dallah, who is standing behind him. He then looks to me, where Parrise, and Ruk, stand at my side, breathing heavily and noticeably angry.

“What prick did that?” He shouts enraged, now standing, readying himself for a battle.

Dallah steps forward and places her hand on his shoulder, disappearing with him.

Thank god she did that before Den started questioning us all. No one can know that Ruk has powers; he would have every man in the Coven wanting to get to him.

I turn to Ruk with a worried expression as Parrise pulls on my arm for me to face him.

“You were with him last night?” He asks sounding hurt.

“I was, but not in the way Den is making o
ut,” I tell him with a frown. The last thing I need is Parrise doubting me.

“Sorry love, I shouldn’t have even asked,”

“It’s fine. I think we have other things to worry about,” I tell him looking at everyone in turn.

“I’ll find Richard, he is up to something,” Theo tells us, getting nods from the other men.

“Julian, go to Dallah. Mickey, Dom, go mingle. Ruk and Parrise stay with Zara. Angus and I will go with Theo,” He orders like a true Alpha, and everyone jumps into their roles, respecting his decisions.


Ruk and I head to the gardens to speak in private, lead by a very pissed off Parrise.

“I want to know everything!” He shouts, turning fast to face us baring his fangs, making me jump and Ruk come to my side protectively.

“Damn it Parrise, calm down, and stop moving so quickly! Look into my head and see, it will take less time,” I tell him as I take his hand in mine.

After a minute, Parrise open his eyes and looks to me and Ruk, with his eyebrows pulled together.

“You saw her naked?”

“Parrise!” I scream in frustration, bloody men!

“It’s not like I haven’t seen it before,” Ruk tells Parrise in a cocky tone.

“Are you being serious right now?” I turn to Ruk and ask which I get a wide grin as my answer.

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