Blue Moon (8 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“We will find a way out of this Dallah I promise.”

“Yeah, I know.” She says unconvincingly.

“Do you want to me to take you to Julian? Cos I’m going to the beach with my man Den.” I ask, wanting to make her smile again.

“Oh, nothing would make me happier.” She tells me, with a sparkle back in her eye.

“I know. Come
on, let’s get dreaming.” I playful wink at her as I jump up and shut off the lights, then dive into bed.


“Hey dream lover.” I call to get Den’s attention from where he lays on the sand with his hands held behind his head.

“Hey babe, come here?”

I walk over the hot sand and lay down beside him.

I took Dallah to Julian before coming to Den, and when we got there, my heart swelled for the two of them, they are clearly meant to be. There is a certain glow to them when they are together; it’s just a shame that they can only be together in a dream.

“What did you do today?” I ask him leaning up on my elbows to look at him. He is wearing boxers, that’s it, and boy does he wear them well.

“Work, then had a few drinks with Mickey at the bar. What about you babe? No, actually
, tell me what happened last night?”

“I’m sorry, It’s just we didn’t to hang around too long in a dream as we were altogether, you can never tell who is keeping an eye on you in the Dark Coven. On a better note, me and Dallah got drunk, I sang to her and embarrassed myself in front of hundreds of people, and here I am.” I tell him with a laugh.

“You sang to Dallah? You never sing to me.” He says as he rolls on his side to face me.

, because you look at me funny.”

No, I do not! So you and Dallah got drunk, I would have paid to have seen that.” He tells me with a playful nudge, “I miss you Zara.” He tells me, looking serious.

Yeah, I miss you Den, but it won’t be for long.”

Den and I were b
rought up together by adoptive parents. We spent every day together, we have done everything together, and up until this point, we still did.

“How are Parrise and Angus?”

“They’re good, I didn’t get to see them for very long tonight, which is a blessing really, as I just want to talk to them how I would normally, without all the pretense.”

“Yeah must be weird. S and Parrise?” He asks, then lies on his back and closes his eyes.

“I love Parrise, but I can’t give him what he wants right now, I need to get my head sorted first. You and Candy?”

Even saying that woman’s name makes me cringe.

Um, sort of, I guess.”

“Are you guys getting serious?” I ask him, while silently praying he says no.

“I don’t know. Come here.” He pulls me on top of him and pushes my head onto his chest.

“I love you babe.”



The following day I sit alone on the bed, trying hard to think of a way to get Dallah away from Richard. Dallah has gone to meet her cousins that have just arrived, and will be staying here until her and Richard’s bonding is complete. They are three women, which Dallah seems to think I won’t like one bit, as she told me that she can’t stand them, but I will give them a chance.


There is a gust of wind, as I feel a calming presence flutter around me. I jump off the bed looking around the room, when out of thin air walks a man. He is almost transparent, but with every step he takes, his body forms and becomes almost bright, as if he is an Angel. Oh, shit! An Angel? Oh no, not an Angel, It is the man from the woods that helped me realize where I needed to be, with Dallah.

“Child, how are you?” He asks gently, with a beautiful smile in place. He holds out his hands for me, which I willing take.

“I’m fine, thank you. Thank you for the message from Dorothy. What are you doing here?” I say looking at him deeply. He is such a beautiful looking man, with his blond hair and stunning big brown eyes, he looks to be around 35 maybe 40, he is well over 6 feet and has a huge build.

“I wanted to check on you, Dorothy told me you were badly hurt.”

“Uh yeah, I’m ok, thank you for sending her to me. What is your name?” I ask with a soft frown.

“My name is Eric. Sit with me child.” He tells me as he leads me to the edge of the bed where we sit, still hand in hand.

“Tell me, what would make you happy, right now?”

“To get Dallah away from Richard,” I tell him the truth, as I can feel him looking at me so deeply that he must already know.

“If I could help you, you would be happy?” He asks with a nod of his head.

“I would be more than happy, but why do you keep trying to help me?”

“I care for you child, you should not be in pain, you do not deserve what has happened to you, but this will all lead you to your destiny, do you understand?” He asks while caressing my cheek with the back of his fingers lovingly.

“Yes, I do. I’m trying to be strong.” I tell him, for some reason I want him to know that.

“I know that child. I will help you, but again, I can’t stress enough how important it is you find your chosen when this ends.”

“Ok.” I tell him, but I
could not care less about finding him.

“There is a book, ‘The Book of Kartam’ it is a book that has survived thousands of years, it is in the possession of the Prince. He does not know the words it holds, as only an ancestor of the person who wrote the book could read from it. In this book is a spell that will weaken the Power of the Dark Prince for one minute, and one minute only.
At this minute he will be powerless, meaning he can be killed, if he is not, he will take the power of the one he is to bond with. The spell has to be spoken on the blue moon, and by the ancestor, this is the only way out of the bonding.”

“Who is the ancestor?” I ask, as I hold his hand tightly so he doesn’t disappear.

“It is you child, you are the ancestor, that is all I can tell you on the matter. You will be the only one to read the words the page holds, they will be whispered on a blue moon.”

“You’re shitting me!
Ok, I will freak out later. How do I get the book, what if I can’t read it, when is the blue moon?”

“I shit you not,” He says with a wonderful grin, “The blue moon is the night of the bonding, you will have to read the words as he stands with his Princess. You will read it perfectly; when the words leave your lips you will see the blue light form around his heart, this is where he shall be stabbed.”

Oh, shit! I have to stab him as well? Uh, how will I ever get away with this, it sounds simple, but I’m guessing it won’t be.

“Ok, is there a special blade?” I ask, making him smile widely.

“There will be a spell in the book for the dagger you choose. You cannot be the one to pierce the heart child, it must another.”

“Right, and when he is dead, she will be freed?”

“From the Dark one, yes. I have to leave now, find the book, enchant the dagger, learn the words of the spell to perfection, and speak them from your heart and child, use the power you have, stop holding back, a broken heart won’t kill you, it will make you stronger.”


“WHHOOOFUKASHITFUK!” I scream as the door fly’s open and Dallah stands with a confused look on her face, as do the three girls that are looking around the room then back to me.

He is
gone! I wanted him to stay; I wanted him to explain everything to me again so I don’t fuck this up. Whom am I going to ask to stab Richard, to kill him? Where am I going to get a dagger? That’s if I can even find the goddamn book. Richard will never give it to me. Then there is the whole 'use your power', if I had it I would use it! Moreover, I owe Eric my life. One day I will find a way to repay him for all he has done for me.

“Zara what’s wrong?” Dallah asks, looking at with concern.

“Oh, I was just daydreaming, and got a little jumpy. Hey, you must be Dallah’s cousins, It’s a lovely to meet you, I’m Zara” I say jumping off the bed, politely smiling at her cousins.

“Hey Zara, I’m Laura, this is Hydie and she is Sarah,” She says pointing to her sisters. She is a beautiful girl, they all are, but I suppose that as triplets they wo
uld all be as beautiful as each other. They all have long chestnut colored hair, Laura, who spoke, has on a green dress, the same shade as her eyes. Hydie has her hair styled with curls, which is the only way I will tell her apart from her sisters. Sarah is definitely the bitchy one out of them all, as she looks at me up and down in distaste.

“Ok, well now we have all met, I’ll show you to your room to get settled and we will meet up in an hour?”

“Ok cool. Where is that gorgeous Prince of yours Dallah, I can’t wait to see his fine ass,” Laura asks with a mischievous smirk.

Oh jeez, is this girl for real! How can she speak of Richard in that way, knowing that he is putting Dallah through hell?

“I don’t know, but you will see him this evening anyway, Laura.” Dallah tells her in a sigh.

“Lighten up Dallah, you
’re about to bond with the most eligible supernatural being on earth,” Laura says believing herself. I laugh aloud, getting frowns from them all, but not Dallah she gives me a grateful look.


Dallah leaves with her cousins in tow, while I jump back on the bed and let the last 15 minutes catch up with me. More than anything I need to find this book ASAP. I have the biggest grin on my face right now; I cannot believe there is a way out of this. I don’t want to kill Richard, but if it means saving Dallah from a life of heartache, pain, and misery, then it shall be done.


An hour later, sat at the secret bar that Dallah and I got drunk at last night is, Sarah, Hydie, Laura, Dallah, and me. We decided to get the girls alone and speak with them so that we can be a little more acquainted. We have a jug of cocktail that Dallah and I mixed together with a bit of everything from the bar.

“So are you looking forward to the bonding?” Laura asks Dallah.

“You know that I’m not!” Dallah tells her sharply with an eye roll.

“Cool, so you won’t mind if I make a pass at him then?”

“Please be my guest.” Dallah tells her honestly.

“So Zara, how do you know Dallah?” Sarah asks.

“A friend of a friend.” I tell her with a smile.

“Right, well that’s bullshit; Dallah doesn’t associate with anyone but Witch’s and Warlock’s.” She tells me rudely, while looking at me with a raised brow.

“Well, you don’t know her as well as you think then, do you?” I tell her with a smile still in place, which noticeably pisses her off.

“Ok, let’s finish these, get ready, and find us some sexy men,” Laura
says, clapping her hands and getting up from the table, soon followed by Sara as they down their drinks.

“Hydie, come on!” Sarah tells her as if she is a child.

“No, I’m going to hang here for a while, I’ll see you guys later.” Hydie tells them. They leave the room, slamming the door behind them, clearly annoyed with their sister’s choice to stay.

“I’m sorry about them.” She tells us both.

“You don’t need to apologies, I know what their like.” Dallah tells her with a smile.

“So Zara are you with anyone?” She asks me with a sweet smile.

“No, not any more, how about you?”

“Oh, cheating boyfriend, sorry about that.
No, I haven’t found the right man yet.”

“How did you know?” I ask in disbelief.

“Well, it’s my power, I ask a question and I see a flash of images of what you were thinking of. I wasn’t doing it on purpose, I can’t help it, you will see that’s why I don’t talk a great deal.” She tells us in a sad tone.

no, that’s ok. I think it’s a brilliant power.” I tell her with a reassuring smile.

“It really is Hydie, stop hiding behind those sisters of yours, this is the first time I have ever seen you away from them. It will do you good, people will get to see the real you.” Dallah tells her as she squeezes her hand in reassurance.

“I know. I wanted to apologize for all the times I stood there and let them be mean to you, but I want you to know that I have changed.”

“Oh sweetie, don’t you worry about that, I never lost any sleep,” Dallah tells her with a laugh and lightening the mood.

“I can see you’re dreading the bonding, but maybe Laura will get her claws into Richard this time round, and save you from it.” Hydie says before taking a sip of her cocktail.

Yeah, that would be great wouldn’t it, but she has been flirting outrageously with him for years, and unfortunately not got even close, I just don’t think it’s going to work.” Dallah tells her with a sigh.

Everyone in the Light Coven knows that Dallah is dreading the day of the bonding; they are sad to see her go and love her for her selfless sacrifice. Because without it
, Richard would rage war upon them to gain more power, but with the Bonding to their powerful Princess he will become the most powerful Warlock to ever live, thus preventing needless bloodshed of her people. This is what Dallah has explained to me.

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