Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (38 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

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“Yes, but he is also awfully boring a lot of the time, though since he has become a
Mage, he is far less so. But then, I am a sneaky thief,” she admonished herself.

“An honorable one that always does good,” Zdenka added. “Don’t be so hard on
yourself. You’ve changed a good deal too since you became a Mage.”

“I guess I will have to get used to having dogs running all over the place,” she
jested. Both women laughed.

The ceremony was a grand affair, but was soon over, much to everyone’s delight,
none more so than the three couples. Duke Leo and Lida began packing for their
honeymoon. They were headed to Gonda, where Baron Etienne would look after their
safety. Other than the couple and the barons, no one knew where they were going. They
purposely used the Circle of Ascension to travel there that night, making sure that they
could not be followed. A bit later, Duke Stefan and Rayna parted for their honeymoon on
the watery planet of Asami, where Baron Hajime would guarantee their safety.

Zdenka, having been privy to the women’s discussions of honeymoon places,
decided that she wanted to visit Asami as well. It sounded like a heavenly place to
vacation, tons of islands and beaches everywhere. However, their honeymoon would
have to wait for several months; both had too many pressing obligations back home.
Indeed, she was very intimidated by having to begin her first Picking of new magic
students in barely two months, let alone all of their training. She was now the owner of
the tower, since Archmage Nadia was retiring. The problems facing Zoran were far
larger and more pressing.

As the two crawled into their honeymoon bed that night, Zoran promised, “Dear,
as soon as we can safely get away, I will take you to Asami. It will be our special place; I
think you will like it.” She gave him a hug and they began passionately kissing.




Chapter 18 Preparations


The next day, the newlyweds returned home, laden with nearly a wagon full of packages,
dresses, suits, drawings, and other gifts. The framed pair of maps Zoran prized, as one
gave him his first real knowledge of the overall layout of the Wild Lands and their
relation to the provinces occupied by Baron Kazimir. Zdenka and Jarka prized their new
wardrobe most highly, as you might expect. After the many congratulations were
finished and their numerous boxes stowed, Zoran called for a conference. The engineers
and work force would be arriving in the afternoon.

“I’ve made some deals. The five top fortification engineers of five planets and I
have come up with this as the cheapest, most economical design for us. Five crews will
begin preparation work this afternoon. How they can in all this snow I do not know.
Gather around, let me show you what we are proposing,” Zoran explained. He spent an
hour outlining all of what he learned, plans made, and bargains struck.

“Archmage Karel, these will be your quarters here on the top floor. There is plenty
of space for you to have as many falcons as desired. Bernard, this section is for you and
Jarka and your dogs. I assume that you will want to bring as many of them here as
possible,” he explained. Both men, surprised with this special touch, slapped him
heartily on his back in appreciation.

Karel, Bernard, I would like you two to work closely with the engineers if you will.
Janos and I are going to tackle the next major hurdle: what to do about the remaining
warlords and their provinces. In two weeks, I will have to go to the first High Council
meeting, where we will be formally recognized. In the meantime, there is lots to do.” He
finished his pep talk, and he and Janos retired to stare at the map of Adapazan and the
warlord problem.

“Baron, I am very out of touch with the current status of the remaining warlords,”
General Janos confessed. “Years ago, I had some idea of them. Certainly time has altered
situations. When I left Dorum, I came to Brn because it was the best of all the remaining
provinces. Some of these rebel leaders are nearly as bad as Baron Kazimir. Ruthless,
cunning, vicious, treacherous, these men are attempting to hold on to their Wild Lands
somehow. Their forces vary widely. Some are good fighters; others, riffraff. Certainly,
each one is terrifically independent and will be very hard to control.”

“I figured that they would. Look, this is going to be the House of the Free Peoples
of Adapazan. I plan to act that way from the start. I am going to treat them as I would
like to be treated. Then, if they go against us, that’s their own undoing. I’ve worked out a
plan, but I need to know all of the leaders of Lesy, Radim, Veklov, Ves, Zovou, Valy,
Tehov, Tratky, Kin, and Orlovia Provinces. That’s at least ten Warlords, maybe more.
Your first task is to see if you can find out their names for me. I am going to write up my
first message to be sent to them.”

While General Janos left to make inquiries around Brn, Zoran began writing out
his initial contact letter. Identical copies would be sent to the Warlords. He began by
introducing himself and explaining that he was fighting against Baron Kazimir, that he
was in Brn, that he had become an Archmage, and that with the help of Mikolas and the
Zars, had actually built the first new Circle of Ascension in over two centuries.

He went on to explain what this actually meant, that now Adapazan was no longer
under the sole dominion of Kazimir. In fact, this new Circle stood for the Free People of
Adapazan. He then wrote, “I have taken it upon myself to stand solidly in the way of any
further expansion of Baron Kazimir into the Wild Lands. He shall not attack another
independent province ever again. At this time, I have begun to build a fortress and castle
here in Brn, but it will be at least a year before it is done. True, I have no armies of my
own. However, I am an Archmage and have four other Archmages with me, along with
many Mages and a small security force. In order to hold our position against attackers, I
have brought over a dozen golden dragons from their home world to Brn. You may have
heard just how deadly my two young dragon friends were in Sholov Province. Anyone
will think more than twice about attacking us as long as we have dragons to help in our
defense. I can invite more gold dragons to Adapazan as needed. I have just signed a
mutual defense pact with five other planets. If the Wild Lands are attacked as was
Sholov Province, they are pledged to send five armies to help drive the invaders back.”

His letter continued, “Enough of me. I am terrifically interested in meeting with
you and representatives of your Free Province. Why? I am certain that you might have
some really good ideas that can help us all out, and I obviously need some help. I have
no idea what is needed in your province, which I am sworn to protect with my life. I have
made trading arrangements with other planets in the Federation, but I just don’t know
what your province needs. Please, contact me as soon as possible. I need your help and
ideas. If possible, please come to Brn on the 5
of March so that I can show you the new
Circle of Ascension and my dragon friends. Take whatever security precautions you
deem appropriate.”

Zoran reread his letter and made a few corrections. Then, he cast a magical spell
and watched as ten copies of the letter were made by ten ink quills. All that remained
was for him to put each Warlord’s name on it and find a way to send the letters. Late
afternoon, General Janos returned with some names. He was unable to ascertain many
last names; most were just called Warlord. His list included: Lesy Province: Warlord
Adolf, Radim Province: Warlord Antonín, Veklov Province: Warlord Boris, Orlovia
Province: Warlord Gustav, Kin Province: Warlord Eduard, Tehov Province: Warlord
Ivan, Valy Province: Warlord Jolana, Tratky Province: Warlord Osvald, Ves Province:
Warlord Sabina, and Zovou Province: Warlord Petr.

He was surprised to find two female Warlords, Jolana and Sabina. They ruled two
of the three adjoining provinces to Brn. Archmage Karel volunteered to visit each
province and post the letters for him. Why? Unknown to his new friends, Karel had
traveled widely during his late teens and was familiar with the surrounding provinces.
That he could now easily teleport from place to place made the job quite easy for him,
and he returned in time for supper.

“Now we wait,” Zoran announced to everyone, after thanking Archmage Karel for
delivering his messages. Everyone had opinions on what their responses might be, but
Zoran mostly ignored them. He’d asked for their ideas and help, something any free
person would respond favorably to, he wagered. He certainly would, if he was in their

Two days later, messages began arriving via warlord Mages. One by one, Zoran
received word that the warlord would come on the 5
. Naturally, Archmage Zdenka
began making preparations to feed a rather large crowd of people, though it would strain
the dining facilities of the tower to its limit. Zoran suggested that any overflow could be
sent to the Stodgy Inn right nearby and made arrangements with the innkeeper. It was a
wise move on his part, it turned out to be definitely needed!

On the day of reckoning, parties of warlords began arriving, beginning around
nine in the morning. All came with their Mage, who teleported their leader and security
forces. Most warlords came with five or six security fighters, all armed to the teeth, ready
for treachery and combat. Zoran cordially greeted each of the warlords, introduced the
other Archmages and Mages to them, and gave them a personal tour of the new Circle of
Ascension. Around noon, after the last group arrived and the introductions finished,
Zoran had everyone bundle up and step outside into the snow covered street. Before
their eyes, Archmages Renata and Emil transformed into their dragon shapes, and
Aldrick and his large group appeared, right on cue. The twins took off and joined the
others — thirteen golden dragons circling the tower. Just for effect, Aldrick and several
others let lose a blast of fire, melting a bit of snow on the granite mountainside behind
the tower. Yes, the warlords were visibly impressed. Zoran’s first move was to make sure
that each warlord really did believe what he had said about the Circle and the dragons.

Because of limited seating in the tower, each warlord was allowed only one
companion to dine with them. The others were sent to the Stodgy Inn, where Zoran
arranged a feast for them as well. After taking off their heavy parkas and taking seats,
not without a lot of grumbling and angry shouts about not sitting by so-and-so, Zoran at
last got a good look at his peers. What a dramatic difference from dining with Baron
Milan! Uniformly, their clothing was relatively poor quality, but functional. Many of the
men were heavily bearded, and some even had a noxious odor about themselves. Zdenka
thought that many were long overdue for a bath! She, however, made no mention of this.

After a hearty meal, though by his Uncle’s standards, a frugal meal, Zoran at last
rose to speak first. “Thank you all for coming today. You’ve seen that we now have a
Circle of Ascension, that I am a Duska, that soon I will be recognized as a Baron of
Adapazan, at least the Free People’s portion of Adapazan, that I do indeed have golden
dragons as my friends, and that they do breathe fire. If you wish to see the mutual
defense treaties that I have signed with five allied planets of the Federation, I will make
those documents available after our meeting. My aim is to prevent any further loss of
your provinces to Baron Kazimir.”

“However, I do have problems that I need your help in solving. I most desperately
need to know what you need assistance with and what ideas you might have. Truly, a
new day has dawned for we free people of Adapazan. First, my problems. It will be over a
year before we have a strong fortification built here in Brn to protect the Circle more
fully. I have no army as you can see. Brn never has had an army, as most of you know.
Yet, I must help you defend your provinces from the ravages of Baron Kazimir and his
allies. Most critical are Lesy and Kin Provinces, since any overland assault on Brn must
come through those provinces first. I have no contacts in any other province and have no
way of knowing if and when any enemy army might assault your provinces. Yet, once I
know, I guarantee you that I will bring five armies from our allied planets and the
dragons to drive Kazimir’s army back, if not destroy them utterly!”

“Further, as your Duska, I can bring trade goods to your province from other
planets in the Federation. Yet, I do not know what it might be that you need. So I throw
the table open to you ten warlords. Look the situation over and see what ideas you have
that can help us all. Let me know what your people need and what can be traded. Ideas,
please.” Zoran sat down. Jarka, Karel, Bernard, and Zdenka readied their pens, writing
down what was suggested.

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