Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (41 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town
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Many ranted and raved about these, primarily the barons at Kazimir’s table. In
the end, they could not dispute the rules. Instead, Baron Bogdan tried a new approach.
“Barons, I believe that we all are aware of the official rules. Yet, rules are just that rules.
Rules are made to be broken. In this case, many of us feel that they should and must be
broken. Look, if we allow this upstart to be on the High Council, look what it does. No
longer will one planet be represented by one vote! Adapazan will now have two votes on
our most important matters!”

Many catcalls and yells of protest followed, before he could continue. “Look what
this does. While we have not yet discussed the construction of more Circles of Ascension,
we all know that everyone of us will be begging the Zars to build us more Circles. Within
just a few years, why there will be so many new Circles that we will not have room in this
hall to seat so many barons! Our tight knit High Council will be watered down by dozens
and dozens of new barons. What is to prevent say Gladno from constructing ten new
Circles? Do we then give Gladno ten more votes than the rest of us have? I say, no, no,
no! It cannot be tolerated!” The room erupted into a raucous cacophony of arguments,
pro and con. Order could not be restored for nearly a quarter of an hour!

Using a Magnify spell, Baron Viktor bellowed out over everyone, “I’ve researched
all our rules. There is no rule that says one vote per planet. It specifically says one vote
per baron!” Still the arguing raged. Zoran realized fully that these men were in the fight
of their very lives, politically that is. Indeed, as more Circles were built, more members
would join the High Council, diluting the voting process, lessening the political clout of
any one single member. Worse still, no longer could they count on one planet’s vote,
because in the case of Adapazan, certainly Zoran and Kazimir would vote the opposite of
each other! He knew that what was decided here today would have a very far reaching
impact on the entire ruling body of the Federation.

Just then, the trumpeters sounded another fanfare, announcing the dinner call.
That ended the argument. Zoran and party dined at a separate table from the barons,
though the meal was the same, absolutely exquisite, roasted pheasant. When the session
resumed an hour later, cooler heads prevailed. Baron Alvaro proclaimed, “Barons, it is
clear that we must follow our own rules in this matter. I will add another item to our
agenda so that we can work out new rules or perhaps just new policies, but we cannot
turn aside from our own rules that we swore to uphold upon taking office.” He
conducted a vote and only Kazimir and his allies voted against allowing Zoran to take his
rightful place on the High Council.

“It is my greatest pleasure in announcing to the world the newest Circle of
Ascension of the Free Peoples of Adapazan. I give you Baron Archmage Zoran Vladislov
and Baroness Archmage Zdenka Vladislov!” The room erupted into cheers and clapping.
Zoran proudly escorted Zdenka from the Visitor’s Area to their seats between Milan and
Viktor. Karel and Jarka followed behind them, leaving only the Zars remaining in the
Visitor’s Area.

“The next item of business is to hear from Brother Jiri Zar and Priestess Anezka
Zar, the great-great-great grandson of Bandar Zar himself,” Baron Alvaro proclaimed.
Again, the room erupted into a heady round of applause, causing both to blush. They
were given seats before the U-shaped table arrangement. “Please, Brother Jiri, tell us
how it was that you have been able to build a new working Circle of Ascension. Spare us
no detail!”

For an hour, Brother Jiri outlined what had happened, beginning with Warlord
Mikolas and his discovery of the hidden room beneath his fortress. Even the role played
by Zoran was related, including the dragons’ aid. He outlined how one of Baron
Kazimir’s assassins very nearly killed him and how Zoran and friends had rescued him.
Kazimir fumed, he had not known just how close he had been to obtaining these
priceless documents. Twice now, they had slipped from his grasp, though he did not
even know of their existence.

He then decided to outline his future plans. That is, he announced that he was
going to build other Circles of Ascension, one for Milan and one for Viktor. He explained
his requirements for so doing, namely his price, the buyer’s obligations, and that he
retained control over for whom he would build more Circles. He did not, however, tell
them that half of the monetary proceeds of each new Circle would be donated to Zoran.
They didn’t need to know what he did with his money.

“See, it’s just as I said,” Baron Kazimir bellowed when Brother Jiri was finished.
“Now Gladno and Valtr will also have two votes in our council, not one. This is rapidly
getting out of control. Brother Jiri will of course build another Circle for me, will he
not?” Kazimir provoked Brother Jiri, knowing full well what he was causing.

“Of course not, Baron Kazimir. I exercise my right not to build one for you. We’ve
enough tyranny on our worlds without my adding to them!” Brother Jiri spoke acidly,
playing right into the baron’s hands.

“See! It’s just as I said. Soon, many of us will become second class barons!” Baron
Kazimir fairly screamed at the others. His allies pounded their fists on the table in
support of his views.

Baron Alvaro calmly replied, “All in good time, barons. I assure you that this is on
the agenda and will be fully covered. Now then, Brother Jiri Zar, Priestess Anezka Zar,
the High Council would like to present you both with our highest medal of honor for
what you have done, the Golden Eagle Cross! There is no higher honor that we can
bestow on anyone, not even we barons. Please come forward and it will be my honor to
make the presentations! Such an award has not been handed out in over one hundred
seventy-five years!” His was the limelight shared with the Zars. History would remember
him as the baron who made this presentation; he savored every moment of it. Each
received a jewel encrusted golden amulet in the shape of an eagle on a gold neck chain.

“Please dine with us barons this evening. I am sure that each of us wishes to
personally thank you for what you have done,” he wrapped up the presentation. Of
course, everyone also knew that the other barons would be contacting him this evening
about constructing more Circles for themselves! After the Zars left, the topic became
what most impacted these men: what to do about the foreseen proliferation of new
Circles of Ascension and the balance of power.

Baron Milan offered the first view. “Barons, no matter what we do about this
situation, we must follow our three century old tradition. If a new Circle comes into
existence and if it has a Duska, he must be proclaimed a baron and given a voting seat on
this High Council. To do otherwise is to discard the very foundation on which the
Federation of Planets is based! To do otherwise is tantamount to our own destruction!”

“Point well taken,” Baron Bran Ahern of the forested world of Maeve and a
Neutral agreed. “I agree, the rules on which our Federation was founded must be held
sacred and adhered to or we will surely fall into a civil war amongst ourselves.

“But what about the disparity of votes?” put in Baron Aryeh Makeda of the desert
world of Chana. “This is a very, very serious problem that we face!”

“And what about the number of Circles that are allowed to be built on each
planet?” added Baron Hajime Yoko of the water world of Asami. “Ought we not assign
some limits to the number allowed per planet?”

Thus, the political maneuvering began in earnest. Zoran was pleased that they all
decided that the ancient rules ought to be followed regarding new Circles and barons. At
least that much was still sacred. However, the rest was totally up in the air. By
dinnertime, nothing had been decided, though many opinions had been tossed onto the

That evening, Zoran and Zdenka dined with the other barons for the first time as
their equals. Interestingly enough, the barons chose to sit together, leaving their wives to
chat among themselves. With the exception of Kazimir and his allies, the other barons
were quite friendly to Zoran, offering him advice, suggestions, and even their help,
should he desire it. Many attempted to point out their various unspoken policies of court

Zdenka, on the other hand, found herself fitting in well with nearly all of the
baronesses. They were most impressed with her achievement of Archmage, a topic that
nearly everyone mentioned to her during the evening. Many asked if Zoran really had
achieved that status, Archmage. She dutifully pointed out his use of the Archmage-only
spell that he had cast at the funeral ceremony for his mother. That satisfied all
challenges. She received numerous requests for her and Zoran to come and visit the
other planets in the Federation, all except their enemies, that is.

Still the enemy baronesses were not unfriendly towards her, as their husbands
were to Zoran. Many offered fashion tips. The young Baroness Liu Meerong of Jing,
whose husband was allied with Baron Kazimir, flashed her five inch long fingernails
deftly. “My dear, it is the height of fashion to have really long beautiful nails. Look at
mine, I’ve painted them bright red, such an elegant color. You should let yours grow
long as well. Mine are the longest of us baronesses.”

Baroness Anita Cencion of Alta took a liking to her. She was only a few years older
than Zdenka. “My dear, your dress is lovely. I can see the tastes of Marjeta and Ivana in
it. Some of us prefer styles like mine. See how much it flairs out, nearly eight feet. And
oh, do go for brighter colors, Zdenka. You will look so much more vibrant and radiant in
bright colors. Now, your shoes — they are much too conservative! Here, look at my
pumps. See the height of my heels? Six inches indeed. They make you taller and far more
dainty and graceful. Half of us baronesses are now wearing them. Now we do have to
take smaller steps, but we like to think that we are making our spouses slow down and
appreciate us all the more.” She rattled on and Zdenka found that she could not refuse
accepting a pair from her to try out tomorrow. Indeed, before she knew what she was
agreeing too, Baroness Anita had her trying on a whole new wardrobe for tomorrow!

At last, a large band of musicians entered and the formal dance began. The others
in their party now joined them as the tables were cleared and the dance began. Both
Zoran and Zdenka became so in love with the dancing that they vowed to acquire their
own band as soon as possible. Even Jarka and Karel got into the dancing, though Karel
was definitely not a dancer. He put on a brave face for Jarka’s sake. Soon, others began
interrupting them, insisting on a dance with either Zoran or Zdenka. By the end of the
evening, Zoran had danced with all of the baronesses. He got an earful of suggestions.
Why doesn’t he allow her to grow her nails really long which is the latest in fashion?
Why doesn’t he get her the latest in dresses and high heels? Would he bring her and
come for a visit? On it went.

On her side, the barons pumped her for information. Where does Zoran stand on
this issue and that one? Cleverly she sidestepped these by saying, “He’s only just gotten
his Circle and is still working to get his own house in order. I’m sure you can explain
your position to him far better than I can.” On it went, a delightful evening of dance with
strong political overtones.

Early the next morning, Baroness Anita confiscated Zdenka, “I’m going to dress
your beautiful wife up properly. She ought to be wearing the very latest in fashions!”
Poor Zdenka was swept away by Anita, though she looked longingly back at Zoran as she
was whisked away, Anita chatting all the way. Zoran chuckled.

Just in time to head down to the morning Council session, Anita returned with
Zdenka dolled up in the latest fashions. Her outfit now resembled that of over half of the
women in attendance. Her dress did indeed billow out eight feet, reds, yellows, and
blues alternated in a colorful pattern that did make her look even more attractive. “It’s
these shoes,” she complained. The heels are so high that I can barely walk in them.
Please hold on to me! I don’t want to fall down! That would be the height of
embarrassment! Go slower. I can only take tiny steps. Supposedly these are the very
latest in fashion,” she explained.

“We are invited to their ballet tonight. It is some kind of music and dance
performance, she said. Anita said that the dancers walk and dance on their toes! I don’t
see how that is possible, but we are invited. I couldn’t say no. Is that okay?”

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