Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (34 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town
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“Dear, that is not a problem at all,” Rayna hastily replied. “We can get you all the
things you will need. We can teach you what you need to know. Please, let us do this
thing for you and our brother. Trust us Archmage Zdenka; you are hardly a mere forest
archer. Besides, I think Uncle Milan and Baron Viktor wants Zoran to come and spend
some serious time with them. Please say yes, Zdenka, please,” she begged.

Zoran laughed; memories of Rayna’s pleadings came back to him. She always got
her way when she tilted her head and formed this particular facial expression, like some
little angel. Who could resist? Certainly not Zdenka, who grinned. “Okay, you win,
Rayna. If Zoran is willing, so am I.”

“Good, good, that’s settled then,” Uncle Milan seemed relieved, Zoran noted.
“Now then, Zoran, we have an awful lot to discuss. It is vitally important that you come
to Gladno and spend some time with us. Bring the Zars with you, please. Can you
possibly come say next Saturday and plan to spend at least a month with us? That will
give the women time to help Zdenka learn what is expected of her. After all, Zoran, at the
next High Council meeting in March you and she will become Baron and Baroness. She
needs to know what is expected of a baroness.”

“Yes, Uncle Milan, we will come for a month. Honestly, I do need to talk with you
— all of you barons. I built this new Circle in haste, and now I find that I have walked
into more problems than I know how to solve! I am in need of some serious advice and

Baron Viktor added, “Yes, some will say that you built the Circle in haste. History
tells us that the original barons first constructed a secure castle with many fortifications
to protect a Circle of Ascension and only then built their Circles. You’ve rather done it
the other way around. It is a risky gamble, but because of the Archmages and the
dragons, son, you may well be successful. Yet, we all do need to discuss many things.
Thank you for coming.”

After the lunch, the barons took their leave, returning to their worlds and castles.
Yet, the visitors and inquires did not stop. Slowly, the other barons became aware of the
seventeenth thread now embedded within their own Circles of Ascension. Naturally
inquisitive, they also attempted to Shadow Walk to see for themselves. These barons
were mostly in the neutral category — those who chose not to take either side of the two
warring factions.

Zoran stuck to his earlier decision and allowed only the baron to visit, blocking all
attempts by the barons to bring additional security forces along with themselves. Hours
dragged on endlessly, as one by one, the other barons visited. Zoran and Zdenka played
host to Baron Hinto Yamitiwa of Isi, Baron Adolf Ebbe of Gerde, Baron Alvaro Cencion
of Alta, Baron Bran Ahern of Mauve, Baron Aryeh Makeda of Chana, and Baron Hajime
Yoko of Asami. The other three barons in league with Baron Kazimir also desired to
visit: Baron Cheng Meerog of Jing, Baron Eckhard Hadwig of Dietmar, and Baron
Carwyn Alun of Anwyn. To these latter three, Zoran also issued his stern warning about
sending assassins to Brn, threatening devastating retaliation if they did.

Night had come when the last of the barons finally left. “Well, time to eat. I’m
starved. That was the last of the barons,” Zoran announced. “Now they have all
discovered that it is possible to have new Circles of Ascension and that I am their newest
baron.” The group sat around the dining room table, along with all of the Mages and
those still in training.

General Janos added his thoughts, “Emil, Renata, I must say that your kind
certainly did a fabulous job today. Just seeing all of you flying around has done more to
safeguard this place than anything else. I know that word has spread throughout the
Federation about what happened to Baron Kazimir’s army when he took Sholov
Province. You and your folks may not have to actually fight against humans again; you
are perhaps the most powerful deterrent I have ever known. These barons will think
twice about attacking Brn. This may well be the dawn of a new found peace on
Adapazan. I certainly hope so.”

Archmage Nadia spoke quietly as usual, “General Janos, I certainly hope so, but
today’s deterrent may well become tomorrow’s combatants. On another matter,
students, I wish to take this opportunity to announce to you all that I am retiring. Yes, I
will finish those of you that are still in training, though I am going to pick up the pace.
When spring comes, I wish to retire, plant a few flowers, and enjoy the few days that
remain unto me.”

Zdenka looked stunned, as did Zoran. Neither could believe her. What would this
tower be without this powerhouse Archmage? Zdenka looked at her with pleading eyes.
She saw them and smiled. “Yes, I know that this comes as a shock to all of you, but
seventy-six years is a long time. My health has steadily deteriorated. I am barely able to
get around. It is time to pass the mantle of training others in the art of magic on to

She continued, “Even though I will be retired, you can still count on me to help
defend, if such is needed. Now then, it is customary for a retiring Archmage pass along
his or her tower and responsibilities to another. I choose to do so at this time. I have
given the matter of my successor a great deal of thought and have reached my decision.
Zdenka, I wish you to step into my shoes and become the new Archmage for Brn
Province. I give you my tower and all that goes with it, if you will accept the
responsibility of teaching others magic. Your first action will be the usual spring picking,
choose only four this time, since you are just beginning. What say you?”

Zdenka choked on her ale. “Me? You are giving this place to me? I am to teach
others magic? Oh my! Am I really qualified to do all this? Are you sure? Others are so
much better than I am at this. I mean, Zoran, he knows nearly all the spells.”

“Yes, I am sure, Zdenka. While Zoran does know more spells, he will have his
hands full with other matters. I have watched you for almost a year now. You have the
dedication, the passion, the patience, and the skills to step into my shoes, dear. You are
conservative and not prone to taking risks. Karel has not the patience, though he has the
skills. Emil and Renata are dragons and have their own lives and goals that are not
human ones. I could not ask this of them. No, Zdenka, you are perfect for the job. If you
will not accept this, I will have to look outside of Brn for another Archmage to take over

“If you are certain that I can do this, then I gladly will accept, Archmage Nadia,
but I really don’t know what all I must do,” Zdenka replied softly, a bit shocked with the
surprise news and more than a little overwhelmed by it.

“Excellent. We can talk later tonight. Your duties will not begin until the first
Saturday in April. We have several months to get you prepared. Besides, I will be staying
nearby in Brn, so I can help you with anything that you need.”

Jarka rose, holding her mug, she called out, “Hail one and all. I give you your new
Archmage of Brn Province, Archmage Zdenka Lavos!” Everyone followed her lead, rising
and toasting her, much to her embarrassment. Then, the celebration began in earnest.

Later, while Zdenka met privately with Archmage Nadia, Zoran took the
opportunity to chat with Brother Jiri and Priestess Anezka. “Say what’s up with my eyes
changing colors anyway?” He began with the obvious physical change.

“Well,” Anezka explained in a non-committal manner, “I think that when a Circle
becomes tied to its originator, this is part of the process. It identifies you as its owner.”

“Yes, but Baron Kazimir’s eyes are not red and his Circle’s color is red,” Zoran

“I believe that this color change only happens when it is first created and
activated. None of the current barons’ eye color matches their Circle’s color. Just be glad
that you didn’t choose purple,” she teased him.

“Yeh, right. Another thing, every time someone has tried to Shadow Walk to the
Circle, I have felt their coming in my mind. It is almost like I have control over whether
they can materialize on my Circle or not. Do you know anything about this
phenomenon?” Zoran asked what had been puzzling him since his uncle’s arrival.

“Hum, well yes, Zoran. We don’t know much about just what all the effects are on
new owners. You see, there hasn’t been a new one for ages and, well, I need to study
Bandar’s documents further. I suspect that there are going to be a number of very
unique things between you and your Circle that are not present with today’s barons and
their Circles,” she backed off from giving him a direct answer. “Do let me know of
anything else that seems to be going on between it and you, though,” she added

Brother Jiri added, “Zoran, we should go over the routine protections that every
baron places on and around their Circle.” The three spent an hour setting all of them up.
Brother Jiri made doubly sure that Zoran knew what to do, giving him a crash course in
being a baron with a Circle of Ascension.

The next day, Zoran handled his promise to the twin dragons. “Okay, there are
sixteen planets in the Federation, we are on Adapazan now. I will take you to visit the
other fifteen now, but we ought to go there invisible. We don’t want to attract undo
attention. I mostly just know the locations of the various ruling baron’s castles so we’ll
arrive around them. As you know, Adapazan is mostly a hilly and mountainous planet.
First, stop is Rehor, which is very like Adapazan in many ways, hilly and mountainous.
Hold my hands and I will Shadow Walk us there.” Emil and Renata took hold of his
hands, and Zoran stepped into the blackness of the spatial void between the worlds. He
focused on a grey-white dot, which slowly grew into the world of Rehor. They arrived
outside the capital city and Baron Bogdan Clav’s castle.

Next, they visited the plains planet of Isi, Baron Hinto Yamitiwa’s realm. Here,
the twins saw vast grassland plains and many four legged creatures roaming the lands,
perfect for dragons. The agrarian planet of Terra was next, home of Baron Tom
Witherspoon. As far as their eyes could see, neat crop rows spread out, small stone walls
demarcated each field. From there, Zoran took the twins to the swamp planet of Jing,
where Baron Cheng Meerong ruled. The castle rose from the many bogs. A low fog hung
over the surface of the watery landscape as far as they could see.

Baron Viktor Pavel’s world of Valtr was next, a world of vast grass covered rolling
hills with horses in abundance. This was a land of superb horsemen. Planet Gladno,
home of Baron Milan Matous, was next on the tour. Gladno was a heavily forested world
with both extensive pine and deciduous forests covering the landscape. Forest fires were
the biggest worry on this world. From there, Zoran took the twins to the icy and snowy
world of Dietmar, home of Baron Eckhard Hadwig. Neither twin wanted to spend any
time here, for it was far too cold and barren.

Zoran chuckled as he then took them to the opposite type of world, Anwyn, a
desert world. Here, much of the world was vast arid regions; deserts abounded, home of
Baron Carwyn Alun. Indeed, the twins laughed, realizing that Zoran purposely went to
the desert world after the icy world. Now they arrived on Cosma, another agrarian
world. Once more, vast cultivated fields stretched out before them from their vantage
point near Baron Aldo Monda’s castle. The vast grassy plains of Gonda, home of the
horseman Baron Etienne Gervaise was their next stop. Again, horses predominated the

The mountainous world of Gerde, home of Baron Adolf Ebbe, was their next stop.
Emil speculated that many fine gems might be found on this world. Baron Alvaro
Cencion’s world of Alta was next. Here was a hilly world, filled with many hoofers, as
Renata put it — a fine place to dine. Zoran grinned. The heavily forested world of Maeve,
home of Baron Bran Ahern, was their next stop. The desert world of Chana and Baron
Aryeh Makeda came next, but they spent little time here as well. Neither twin liked
deserts — no hoofers. Finally, Zoran took them to see the water world of Asami and
Baron Hajime Yoko. This strange world consisted of vast waters dotted with millions of
islands. There w no substantially large continents anywhere on Asami. The twins were
not impressed with this world either. Then, he returned to Adapazan, showing the twins
how to find Brn Province.

“Thank you Baron Archmage Zoran,” Emil said formally when they had returned
to their tower. “We are now unique among our kind. We know of more worlds than
anyone else. Thank you very much.” Zoran wondered if this was such a good idea,
showing them all sixteen worlds, but it could not be helped; he had promised them this

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