Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (35 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

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“Yes, thank you, Zoran. You have given us new hope. One day I will mate, and
now I feel that I can bring a child into the universe. I had resolved never to do that
because we were starving on Voss. Now, there is so much to choose from — so many
places where our kind can live in peace and with full bellies,” Renata added.

“I’m glad for you. I just wish that we would have known about your plight sooner.
Ah well, I think Zdenka is waiting for me,” he replied, a twinkle in his eye.




Chapter 17 Court Education


“What are we supposed to wear?” Zdenka asked Zoran, early the next morning. Lines of
worry creased her forehead. Today, they were going to travel to Gladno to spend a
month with his Uncle Milan and be married. She was very nervous and overly self-conscious, worried that she could not possible fit in with the Baron and Baroness, let
alone their court.

“Love, I have no idea either. All this is new to me as well. When I was growing up
around the courts, I paid it little attention. We represent the free people of Brn and the
Wild Lands. There aren’t any fancy courts here, so let’s you and I just be ourselves,
representatives of those we are protecting. They can have all their stuffy, fancy court
etiquette; we’ll be ourselves.”

“Well, that’s easy for you to say, Zoran, but you know that all eyes will be upon us,
watching our every move. You don’t want them thinking that we are nothing but a bunch
of hicks — that cannot be good,” she replied.

“I know, dear. We’ll just be as honest as we can and be ourselves. The rest will
take care of itself. I know my sisters will help you a lot — probably doting over you, if I
know Lida and Rayna. Honestly, they really do know more about court and etiquette
that I do, so I expect that they will be giving me lessons as well.” This seemed to mollify
Zdenka somewhat and the two finished their packing.

Shortly, the Zars joined them at the Circle in the basement along with Jarka, who
was accompanying them to Gladno. Zdenka had insisted that at least one other ought to
come with them, just in case of trouble. Zoran chose Jarka because of her particular
skills, leaving General Janos Lavos and Archmage Karel in charge of protecting their
Circle during their absence. As Jarka trotted into the room, Priestess Anezka noticed
that she was armed to the teeth with daggers. “Expecting trouble, Jarka?” she asked
slightly worried.

“Never can tell. I always go to strange places fully prepared for the worst. Safer
that way,” she said coyly. “After all, politics run the barons, not family ties. Okay, I’m all

Zoran took a hold of Zdenka and Jarka’s hands, while they in turn held onto Jiri
and Anezka. He stepped into his Circle, felt its power flowing through his body and
stepped into the blackness. Soon the small greenish orb of Gladno appeared, growing
steadily larger. Vast green continents became discernable. Zoran homed in on the largest
land mass. Shortly, the heavily forested region of Beroun appeared before them,
followed by the large city of Novary. Shortly thereafter, the huge stone Castle Matous
rose up like a gray spire amid the dense pine forest and city. White snow covered the
ground, contrasting with the green and browns and gray stone. As the castle grew larger,
Zoran made for the arrival patio on the outside of the second story of his Uncle’s castle.
They were standing there awaiting his arrival, he noted.

“Welcome to Castle Matous, Baron Archmage Zoran, Archmage Zdenka, Mage
Jarka, Brother Jiri and Priestess Anezka Zar. Welcome indeed,” Uncle Milan called out
officially. Rayna and Lida rushed to hug their brother, while their boyfriends, Duke Leo
and Duke Stefan, grinned and stood officially beside their fathers, Baron Milan and
Baron Viktor Pavel. Zoran sensed that the two barons wanted to hold lengthy
discussions with himself and the Zars.

“Zoran, Lida and I have it all worked out,” Rayna bubbled with excitement. At
long last all three were free from the strangle hold of their despised father. Life soared
anew within both young women. “First, we are going to take the girls shopping and get
them all a whole wardrobe, suitable for the Courts. We will be getting you outfits as well,
little brother. You can’t go around looking like this, not if you want to impress the other
barons. We are also going to get both of your wedding outfits as well. Lida and I want to
thank you for saving our lives, and this is one little thing that we can do for you. The
barons want to talk with you and Brother Jiri right away. We will all meet together for
supper. Lida and I want you to really get to know our beaus; after all, only twenty-one
more days and we will be officially married! So you can’t say no, little brother!”

Zoran chuckled, “How can I get a word in edgewise, sis? Okay, okay. Just
remember that Zdenka and Jarka will need lots of assistance picking out proper dresses
and such. Please, don’t get me any purple shirts.” The twins giggled, knowing Zoran
disliked purple.

A few minutes later, Zoran, Brother Jiri, and Priestess Anezka sat in a formal
conference room with the two barons. On the wall was a map of the Federation of
Planets. A servant brought in pastries and tea and left them to their meeting. Zoran
watched as Uncle Milan cast several protective spells on the room, making sure that
nothing that was said could be overheard. “Now, we have complete privacy,” Baron
Milan began.

“Zoran, we have much to discuss and work out. However, Viktor and I do not
wish to waste the Zars’ time on your matters, so we are going to discuss some matters
that concern them first. After that, they are free to visit my castle or return to Brn or
whatever they desire.” Zoran nodded, but he suspected what the two men were about to

“Brother Jiri, your discoveries and your successful construction of a new Circle of
Ascension is perhaps the greatest achievement in several centuries! You both will be
famous, of that there is no doubt. However — and I am now speaking on behalf of
probably every baron in the Federation — do you have any plans to construct more
Circles? Are you willing to construct more Circles?”

Brother Jiri, having long known this day of reckoning was coming, cleared his
throat. “Such knowledge should not be kept from others. The answer to both is yes. Yet,
my wife and I wish to retain control over for whom we create new Circles of Ascension.
We would rather die than build a new one for Baron Kazimir and several others — those
barons whom you oppose.”

The sparkle of delight in both barons’ eyes told Zoran everything. “Excellent,
excellent, Brother Jiri,” Baron Milan replied. “Baron Viktor and I both would like a new
Circle of Ascension on our worlds. It is my fondest wish that you accept our joint
proposal to construct ours as soon as possible. Undoubtedly at the March High Council
meeting, you will be besieged with requests from many other barons. We would like to
be the next to receive your precious gift of new Circles.”

Priestess Anezka chuckled, “We have already guessed that you would be asking
this of us. Yes, we will build each of you a new Circle of Ascension as the next two that
we create.”

“Superb! Thank you!” Baron Viktor exclaimed, unable to restrain his enthusiasm
and relief.

Brother Jiri nodded and added, “Of course, there is going to be a charge for our
services. The raw materials run about fifty thousand gold coins.”

“Yes, of course, we must discuss your remuneration,” Baron Milan replied. “Let
me add, that while in our services, you will have as much protection as I give to myself
and my immediate family. Your safety will be our prime consideration.”

“Thank you. I was abducted and nearly beaten to death by one of Baron Kazimir’s
assassins, while I was building Zoran’s. We both appreciate and need top quality
protection. War Lord Mikolas donated five hundred thousand gold to get Zoran’s Circle
built. We feel that it is only fair to his memory that we charge that amount for additional
Circles. Will this be acceptable? You see, we owe everything to Baron Zoran and will be
giving him half of our proceeds as our humble way of thanking him and his

“What?” Zoran exclaimed, shocked and surprised by this turn. “Brother Jiri, that
is an enormous sum! You and your wife are doing all of the work. Surely, a lesser sum is
more appropriate.”

“Not at all, my dear friend. Without you and your friends’ timely assistance on
two occasions, I and my wife would not be here. We owe you more than we can ever
repay. Besides, we both know that you are desperate for funds to support your new
Circle. You have a castle and fortifications to build. This is the very least that we can do
for you. Please.” Zoran nodded and gave him a hug.

Baron Viktor spoke up, “It is a fair price, Brother Jiri. We were anticipating that
you would be asking far, far more than this amount. Frankly, we were ready to pay
nearly any price that you would ask! Speaking for Milan and myself, we wholeheartedly
support your generous offer to Baron Zoran. Indeed, we have spent many hours working
out how he can best defend his new Circle. He’s gone about it completely backwards, you
see. First, you build the castle and fortifications that will house the precious Circle of
Ascension. Then, you build the Circle within this mighty protection. I must say, his
Circle is going to be tough to defend. It is merely a simple mage tower. No offense to
Archmage Oldrich, but her tower is just that, a simple tower, easily breached and
difficult to defend.”

“Right. With your donations of this magnitude,” Baron Milan added, “we can rest
easier knowing that Zoran will be better able to defend his new tower. Well done,
Brother Jiri. How soon would you like to start? Viktor and I tossed a coin and I won.
Unless you object, you may build a new Circle for me first and when it is done, build
Viktor’s. I will have your payment for you later this afternoon.”

“My, Anezka, they seem awfully anxious to have new Circles, now don’t they?”
Brother Jiri teased. She smiled, but Zoran expected that they would be asked to build
more just as soon as possible. “Yes, honestly, barons, when we came here today, we fully
expected that you would be asking us to build you some Circles. We are prepared to
begin at once.”

“Fabulous, fabulous. Say, how long does it take to build one of these Circles?”
Baron Milan asked.

“Well, overall, not counting the time wasted dismantling the half finished one at
Mikolas’ fortification and moving it, I spent nearly a year making it. However, now that I
know what I am doing, I expect that I can have one built in four to six months, maybe
less. A lot depends on how fast I can acquire the raw materials needed and so forth.”

“Excellent! I will have my engineering staff at your disposal. Let them know what
you need, and they will obtain it immediately. If we work together, perhaps the time
requirements will be lessened. If I am not too presumptuous, I have an engineer and
security detail that are ready to take you to the site. I am having my new Circle built on
the opposite side of this continent, where my son and his family reside. There, you will
find everything in readiness for your work. I will join you there this evening.” After some
additional chat, the Zars left to go see the new location and begin their preparations.

“Now then, Zoran, we have much to discuss,” Baron Milan began. It was just the
three barons sitting at the table. “Viktor and I have given this considerable thought.
Your Circle has just upset the balance of power, tipping it over to our side from the evil
barons’ side. You can expect that your father and his allies will attempt everything in
their power to undo what you have done. After all, if your Circle stands and Lida lives,
Baron Kazimir’s reign of tyranny over Adapazan is ended. Not in well over a century has
a baron lost his dominion as Kazimir appears to have done. Believe me; they will stop at
nothing to regain it.”

“As far as his heir is concerned, he’s locked into his proclamation. That cannot be
undone, except if Lida dies before he does. We five — you have our word that we will
spare nothing to protect Lida and Rayna from assassins. Both of your sisters must
remain alive until Kazimir’s death.”

Zoran visibly relaxed. “Thank you, thank you. That is my greatest fear — that my
sisters would suffer because of what I have done. I know that you will do your best. Not
because they are becoming your daughters-in-law, but politically.”

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